After a casual chat, Mr. Bai first expressed his opinion that the Bai family would also establish a similar law enforcement hall to supervise and punish the members of the Bai family.

Immediately afterwards, the Tang family, the Xu family... one after another, all the six major families wanted to establish such law enforcement halls.

Only the Xiao family doesn't.

Because so far, the Xiao family only has one person, Xiao Chen, and only one commander, so there is no need for a law enforcement hall at all.

Xiao Chen is quite satisfied with this result. Only if everyone does a good job can the seven major families go further.

In case a guy comes out of someone's family and does something outrageous, it may bring disaster to the family.

At that time, the seven major families will not have to wait five years to be in turmoil again.

This is not something he wants to see.

After talking about this matter, it was time to chat, such as giving Xiao Chen suggestions on how to form the Xiao family and how to expand it.

This made Xiao Chen regret a little, not calling Qin Lan to come with him.

In his opinion, these are more suitable for Qin Lan to listen to.

While eating, Xiao Chen inevitably drank a few more drinks.

Of course, this amount of wine is nothing to him.

After drinking, this private gathering of the seven major families was over.

All the old men were in high spirits.

There is no other way, Xiao Chen borrows five more years from heaven for them, which means they can live for five more years. Anyone else would probably be extremely happy.

They were still on the way, so they called and ordered them to go down and prepare Chinese medicine and start conditioning their bodies tomorrow.

After the show, Xiao Chen also drove back to the villa.

When he returned to the villa, the light in the living room was still on.

Perhaps hearing the noise, Su Qing came down from upstairs.

"Is the party over?"

"Hmm, the party is over. Haha, why didn't you go today? Are you so busy?"

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing,

asked with a smile.

"It's okay, and I don't really like that kind of party, so I didn't go... Didn't you go? You can just tell me what you did."

Su Qing chuckled lightly.

"Okay, so that's what you were thinking."

Xiao Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still briefly talked about what happened tonight.

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, Su Qing's eyes widened: "Are you going to let them live for five more years as a whole?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Their survival will play a big role in the stability of Longhai."

"Well...will that have any impact on you?"

Su Qing hesitated and asked.

"To me? How does it affect me?"

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"There are rumors that borrowing your life from others will affect you..."

Su Qing didn't finish speaking, but Xiao Chen understood what she meant.

"Haha, who did you hear this from? However, there is indeed such a saying, but it is changing fate against the will of heaven, which is different from mine... I just use medical skills to make their bodies stronger, not So evil! If you let others prolong your life, you will have to die early. Then the doctor will probably die early, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at Amelia Su and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Su Qing thought about it, and it did make sense.

"You...just be fine."

Although these words were very simple, Xiao Chen still heard concern from them.

"Haha, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Xiao Chen smiled and said.

"Yeah, that's good."

Su Qing nodded.

"As for the establishment of a law enforcement hall, it is a good thing. No matter what, those who should be restrained must still be restrained."

"Well, how are you doing there? Did you encounter any obstacles?"

"There must be obstacles, and the most difficult thing for the family law enforcement hall is to select people. You must choose people who are highly respected and will not show favoritism. Such people are very difficult to find."

"Haha, take your time."

"Privately, some people are already discussing, saying that I am messing around... Others say that I don't understand family management, and I am managing the Su family the same way I manage a company..."

Su Qing was a little helpless.

"All right."

Xiao Chen nodded, and after chatting with Su Qing for a few more words, they went back to their rooms.

After Xiao Chen returned to the room, he took a shower first. When he was about to practice, his cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and looked at it, and was startled to see Uncle Qi's call.

Then, he thought of something and smiled.

It seems that the Xiao family has received the news, and Uncle Qi can't sit still.

"Hey, Uncle Qi."

Xiao Chen pressed the answer button.

"Haha, kid, I knew you weren't sleeping!"

The phone was answered, and Xiao Lin's voice came from the receiver.

"Well, it's still early. I just finished taking a shower."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Oh? Just finished taking a shower? Boy, are you alone? If you are not alone, then I will hang up first so as not to disturb you. I will call you again tomorrow."

Xiao Lin smiled evilly.


Xiao Chen was a little speechless. Uncle Qi was still like this. Sometimes he didn't act like an elder. He and he were... more like good friends.

"No, I'm alone. Uncle Qi, what's going on?"

"I got the news, you defeated the Flying Lion King Xie Feitian?"

Xiao Lin thought about this and said excitedly.

"Well, he came to challenge me. I thought about it and defeated him."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Haha, the matter has spread?"

"Yes, it has spread. It is estimated that the entire ancient martial arts world knows... Boy, you are suddenly so high-profile, what are your plans?"

Xiao Lin asked curiously.

"I don't have any plans. I'm just tired of being challenged by them...and I'm going abroad soon and don't have time to play with them. I might as well shock them."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"Is that so?"

Xiao Lin asked slowly.

"Otherwise? Haha, Uncle Qi, what state are you in now? Late stage of energy transformation?"

"Well, the late stage of Huajin... Boy, how is your strength? Don't tell me, you can even beat the late stage of Huajin now. In that case, I, an elder, would be a bit embarrassed."

Xiao Lin said.

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated, but I still have the strength to fight against Hua Jin in the later stage... Uncle Qi, you have been surpassed by me. There is nothing to be ashamed of. At worst, I will protect you from now on! Just like when I was a child, I was If you are bullied, you vent your anger on me... In the future, if you are bullied, I will help you vent your anger."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Xiao Lin over there was a little speechless. It would be too embarrassing if he really got to that point.

However, he was still very happy for Xiao Chen's growth.

"The ancient martial arts community has always said that I am the Qilin son of the Xiao family and can support the Xiao family for decades... This seems to be problematic now. You are the real Qilin son of the Xiao family."

"Uncle Qi, I have nothing to do with the Xiao family."

After hearing Xiao Lin's words, Xiao Chen's smile faded a bit and he spoke slowly.

"Well... okay, let's not mention this matter."

Xiao Lin mentioned this because he wanted to test Xiao Chen's tone.

Now that I see him reacting like this, I almost know what he is thinking, and he is still hostile to the Xiao family.

He doesn’t admit at all that he is from the Xiao family!

After the two chatted for a few more words, they hung up the phone.

Xiao Chen put down his phone and slowly narrowed his eyes.

As he expected, the news of his defeat of Xie Feitian had spread throughout the ancient martial arts world, and the Xiao family also knew about it.

"I wonder how those guys from the Xiao family reacted when they got the news? Their expressions at that time must have been wonderful, right?"

Xiao Chen sneered.

"Just wait, when I become stronger, I will go back to find you one by one... By then, no one will be able to escape! I will make all of you regret it!"

After a long time, he calmed down and started practicing.

Soon, he entered a state of cultivation and was immersed in it.

He could clearly feel the bottleneck of An Jin's late stage, which was constantly impacting.

But what disappointed him was that every time he hit, he felt a little bit worse, as if something was missing.

However, even so, he continued to impact.

A night of practice passed by in a flash.

After dawn, he got up, washed and made breakfast.

After finishing the meal, he and Su Qing left the villa and headed to the company.

After he stayed in the company for a while, he went to Longmen Group.

When he has nothing to do, he still has to come over often to see what he can do within his power.

"Mr. Xiao."

People in the company greeted Xiao Chen one after another.


Xiao Chen nodded in response without any airs.

"Xiaoyi, what are you doing?"

Xiao Chen saw Yi Ling holding a stack of documents and hurried past, calling her out.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xie Yiling stopped and was a little surprised.

"Brother Chen? Why are you here?"

"Haha, come here and take a look, what are you doing here?"

"I'm going to see Mr. Qin to talk about today's recruitment."


Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Yes, after screening, we selected a hundred people and will interview them today..."

Xie Yiling nodded and explained.

"Okay, let's go and see Sister Lan together."

Xiao Chen nodded and said to her.


The two came to Qin Lan's office and knocked on the door.

"Xiaoyi...little man? You are here."

When Qin Lan saw Xiao Chen, he smiled.

"Xiao Yi, let's get down to business first."

Xiao Chen said to Xie Yiling.


Xie Yiling nodded and talked about the recruitment.

After listening, Qin Lan nodded: "Okay, let the HR department hurry up."

"Mr. Qin, I have a problem. Room No. 3 is short of an interviewer. The HR department really can't find anyone."

Xie Yiling also serves as Qin Lan's assistant, so she also reports on these matters.

"Is there an interviewer missing? Xiaoyi, why don't you go?"

Qin Lan thought for a while and said.

"Ah? Shall I go? Mr. Qin, what can I do?"

Xie Yiling was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

"I'm not familiar with any of this."

"Well, then..."

Qin Lan frowned slightly, who should he let go? We can't let her, the boss, go to the interview in person, right? There is still a serious shortage of people in the group now!

Just when she was in trouble, her eyes flashed and she noticed Xiao Chen, her eyes brightened slightly.

"Little man, how about you become an interviewer."

"Ah I?"

Xiao Chen pointed at himself.

"Yes, I know you can."

Qin Lan nodded.

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