Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,722: A primary school student

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Mr. Yue looked attentively and frowned.

It wasn't that he was angry, but he felt that Xiao Chen could say the word "nonsense", which obviously had a big problem...

What he couldn't figure out was, why was he acting up?

"If I said that if I use the Lieyang Lotus, he will die, will you think I'm being alarmist?"

Xiao Chen saw Mr. Yue looking at him, pointed at Yue Tianming, and said slowly.


Hearing this word, Mr. Yue trembled, and Yue Tianming's expression also changed.

Although every full moon night, Yue Tianming would suffer a lot of pain, and even thought about dying a few times.

However, he still wants to live!

As long as the full moon night passes, he has no thought of 'death', he doesn't want to die!

He hasn't lived enough yet, he hasn't realized his ambitions yet, he's still young...

"Fire Yang Lotus is hot and strong, and can be ranked in the top ten... Mr. Yue, even if he doesn't die, what's next? After Lie Yang Lotus, what will you use to suppress the cold poison in his body?"

Xiao Chen looked at Mr. Yue and asked slowly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Mr. Yue opened his mouth, then shook his head bitterly.

In fact, he came here for a purpose today, and that was to ask these old guys who still had Zhiyang Zhilie medicine... because he couldn't think of what to do after using Lieyang Lotus to survive this month. What about months? What about next month?

"Xiao Chen, Lao Yue also asked me when he was treating Tianming... After discussion, we decided to use warm things to suppress the coldness in his body..."

Yao Qihuang slowly spoke.

"Because at that time, we were really helpless. If we didn't do this, Tianming might not be alive now."

After hearing Yao Qihuang's words, Xiao Chen thought for a moment and nodded. This was indeed the truth.

"I know, but if you do this, you still can't save him. On the contrary... it will increase the coldness in his body! As the saying goes, fire and water are in conflict with each other. As for who can defeat whom, it depends on who is stronger... What you did is right. , but when you were initially treated,

Just use strong medicine to eliminate the cold poison in his body! "

"You mean...all the warming medicines we used for Tianming were absorbed by the cold poison and then became stronger?"

Yao Qihuang's face changed slightly.

"That's right."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"The cold poison is getting stronger and stronger. Now it is impossible to control it with just warm things."

"so what should I do now?"

Elder Yue asked impatiently.

"Peel off the cocoon and expel the cold poison from his body..."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said slowly.

"This is impossible."

Suddenly, an old man spoke. It was Zhou Lei's grandfather, Thousand-Handed Needle King Zhou Peng.

"When I gave Tianming acupuncture, I wanted to remove the cold poison from his body, but I couldn't do it at all... The cold poison in his body was like taking root and couldn't be discharged at all. If it's like what you said, there was no way to remove it at the beginning. The cold poison has been discharged, and now that the cold poison is even stronger, it is even more impossible."


Xiao Chen shook his head. If he used the Nine Flames Xuan Needle and used special techniques, it would still be possible.

However, even if he wants to save Yue Tianming, it will not be easy!

"Yes? How to arrange it?"

Zhou Peng frowned and looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled and said nothing more.

Zhou Peng was startled and then felt a little embarrassed. Yes, even if Xiao Chen was really capable, how could he say it in public?

But Zhou Lei was a little unhappy. What was this kid pretending to do? Can he do what even grandpa couldn't do?

How can it be!

However, this kid is really capable, he can actually tell that Brother Yue is sick!

"I checked brother-in-law's pulse just now, and his pulse was hanging and weak..."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and spoke slowly.

Listening to Xiao Chen's words, Yao Qihuang and several other old men listened carefully and analyzed, sometimes stunned, sometimes frowning, as if they couldn't understand.

Several young people couldn't understand what Xiao Chen was saying at all, because some of what he said completely went against the common sense of traditional Chinese medicine... To describe it as "bullshit" is not an exaggeration.

However, their grandfather, master, etc., listened attentively, and they did not dare to interrupt even if they wanted to.

"Little friend Xiao, this triple burner is hot and cold from top to bottom... I can't understand it!"

After five or six minutes, Mr. Yue couldn't help interrupting Xiao Chen's words.

Not only him, but Yao Qihuang and others also nodded, obviously they couldn't understand.

"Three burners are hot, and cold comes from top to bottom..."

Xiao Chen smiled and began to explain.

"Actually, this is something from the Taichu Sutra."

"What? "The Taichu Sutra"?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, all the old men's eyes widened.

Originally, several young people had no reaction to the "Taichu Sutra", but when they saw the reaction of some old people, they were stunned.

"Taichu Sutra"?

Why does it sound familiar?

Then, they thought of something and their expressions changed.

Hasn’t this Taichu Sutra been lost for hundreds of years? !

It is said that this "Taichu Jing" can be compared with the "Huangdi Neijing", which may be a bit exaggerated, but...since it can be said that, it must be extraordinary! Even if it is not as good as the "Huangdi Neijing", it should not be much worse!

They looked at Xiao Chen with shock on their faces. How could he know about this thing that had been lost for hundreds of years?

Especially when they heard Xiao Chen talking eloquently, they became even more uneasy.

Yao Qihuang stared at Xiao Chen, his old eyes shining with brilliance!

Maybe others have doubts about the Taichu Sutra mentioned by Xiao Chen, but he does not!

Because he knew that Xiao Chen had definitely read "The Taichu Sutra", otherwise, he wouldn't have said it now!

"Actually, Brother Yue's illness is also dialectical in the Taichu Sutra. It says this..."

Xiao Chen talked eloquently.

These old men are all capable. Maybe they didn't believe it just now and thought Xiao Chen was bragging.

How could the Taichu Sutra, which had been lost for hundreds of years, appear?

But listening to Xiao Chen's words, they gradually became moved!

Because they can hear that everything Xiao Chen said makes sense!

Even if they didn't understand it for a moment, they understood it after thinking about it carefully.

There are even a few one or two people who have encountered the problems Xiao Chen mentioned.

They seemed to have reached a dead end, which was impossible to explain.

But after hearing Xiao Chen's words, it was like an enlightenment, and I didn't understand it all of a sudden.

This made them excited. This young man must have read the Taichu Sutra!

Thinking of the Taichu Sutra, which had been lost for hundreds of years, appearing in front of them like this, the old men all sat up straight and pricked up their ears, for fear of missing a word!

Look at that, each one looks like a primary school student.

It is estimated that when they were in school, they had never listened to the teacher's lectures so carefully.

Even Mr. Yue temporarily put aside his grandson's illness and listened carefully.

Xiao Chen looked at them, and then at the way a few young people stared with confused expressions on their faces, and smiled secretly in his heart.

Don't you want to fight with him?

Are you still worried now?

Not to mention the young ones, even the old ones looked 'taught' in front of him.

Thinking about the identities of these old men, Xiao Chen felt a little proud. This feeling was really good!

"This is what the Taichu Sutra talks about about heat and cold."

It took almost ten minutes for Xiao Chen to finish speaking. After a slight pause, his throat started to smoke.

"The Taichu Sutra? Huh, Xiao Chen, you are too good at talking nonsense, right? Who doesn't know that the Taichu Sutra has been lost for hundreds of years, how could you possibly see it!"

Seeing that Xiao Chen had finished speaking, Wang Shuo couldn't help but say something.

In his opinion, let alone Xiao Chen's inability to see the Taichu Sutra, even if he could really see the Taichu Sutra, he would not be able to say it in front of so many people!

Compared with the "Huangdi Neijing" that has been widely circulated today, the "Taichu Jing" is the treasure among treasures!

Whoever gets it will have to laugh secretly, and there is no point in explaining it to others!

"Nonsense? Are you doubting the intelligence of your grandfather and others?"

Xiao Chen looked at Wang Shuo and smiled mockingly.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Wang Shuo's expression changed. These words were a bit vicious!

"I originally wanted to continue talking about things in the Taichu Sutra, but since you say I'm talking nonsense, let's forget it."

Before Wang Shuo could say anything, Xiao Chen said again.

If Xiao Chen's sentence just now was a bit vicious, then this sentence... is just bloody!

Not to mention others, Wang Shuo's grandfather, Old Man Wang, just slapped the table and glared: "Get out of here, you shameful thing!"

"Grandpa, I..."

Wang Shuo was stunned.

"Get out!"

Old Wang shouted coldly again, then looked at Xiao Chen and forced a smile.

"Little friend Xiao, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. You continue to talk... talk about the Taichu Sutra."

Xiao Chen looked at Wang Shuo, boy, you are still far behind in fighting with me!

However, he also knew how tempting the Taichu Sutra was to these old men.

He can guarantee that even if ten beauties were to take off their clothes and stand in front of them, they would not be as tempting as the Taichu Sutra!

"Okay, since you old gentlemen believe that what I am talking about is the Taichu Sutra, then I will talk about it again..."

Xiao Chen nodded and said some more.

Next to her, Hua Yixuan looked at Xiao Chen with a sparkle in her eyes.

I'm afraid it's only Xiao Chen who can make her grandfather and other famous doctors behave like a primary school student!

Several young people also reacted at this moment and estimated that what Xiao Chen was talking about was really the "Tai Chu Jing". Otherwise, how could the old men react like this.

They also raised their ears one by one. Even Yue Tianming, who was worried about his own health, calmed down and listened carefully.

Xiao Chen talked for more than half an hour, and finally the topic fell on Yue Tianming.

"Now there is no other way besides slowly draining the cold poison from his body... Just now I also talked about the dialectics in the Taichu Sutra. This is a long-term treatment, not just once or twice."


Mr. Yue nodded, feeling convinced by Xiao Chen.

Not only him, but all the old men were like this.

At first, when Yao Qihuang called Xiao Chen ‘Xiao Xiaoyou’ and praised him, they all felt that it was too much.

A young man, no matter how powerful he is, what can he do?

Now they understand that Xiao Chen's medical skills are not inferior to them, but even...above them!

As for Zhou Lei and others, they no longer wanted to compare with Xiao Chen.

How to compare?

The two sides are not the same weight at all!

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