"Understand a little."

Xiao Chen nodded and looked at the black suit.

"What, if you know how to gamble, you can't play on your gambling boat?"

"Of course not, but sir doesn't seem to follow the rules."

The smile on the black suit's face slowly faded.

"If you come here to cause trouble, you can't just win the money and leave."

"Why, you have to lose money before you can leave?"

Xiao Chen showed a mocking look.

"I wanted to leave just now, but there was a guy who was very angry with me and refused to let me go. He wanted to play another game... As a result, he lost! Just now, he jumped into the sea! What makes you think that you are betting on the people on the boat? As a master, can you win back this money?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the black suit's face darkened: "In other words, you are going to break the rules?"

"Why, the Gabil family can't even afford to lose this little money?"

Xiao Chen's mocking look became even stronger.

"Now that you know we are the Gabil family, how dare you come to cause trouble? I suspect that you are people sent by the Ye family... So, I'm afraid you can't just leave like this."

The black suit said coldly.

Originally, if Xiao Chen and the others had all drank coffee, there would be no need for such trouble and they could just handle it quietly.

But Xiao Chen and the others didn't drink coffee, so they had to find an excuse to deal with it.

"Fuck, are you still planning to rob me openly?"

Bai Ye was angry, slapped the table and stood up.

But when he stood up, his vision went dark, his feet went soft, and he fell down on the chair again.

He felt dizzy, as if he was seasick, but... more serious.

"Are you seasick?"

Bai Ye was startled, but then realized that it had something to do with coffee.


Madman Chu gave Bai Ye a hand.

He looked coldly at the three men in black suits.

At this time, the two people driving the boat also stopped the boat and walked out of the cockpit.

They all had guns in their hands.

Obviously, they were all prepared.

Two beautiful waiters stood nearby, and they were not surprised by the scene before them.

Obviously, this was not the first time they had seen this kind of scene.

"Spit out the money you won and jump into the sea...you are lucky, you can swim back."

The man in the black suit who spoke slowly pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Xiao Chen.

"It seems that Kresna Island is more vicious than Las Vegas and Macau. The casinos in those two places don't dare to do this."

Kuangren Chu looked at the gun in the black suit's hand and sneered.

"Who told you to come at the wrong time? Cresna Island is in chaos at this time."

The black suit said slowly.

"It's very chaotic? Well, in other words, it's normal for a few people to disappear, right?"

Xiao Chen nodded and stood up slowly.

"That's right."

The black suit nodded.

"Spit out all the money you just won."

"got windy."

Feng Manlou, who was still sitting there, looked around and suddenly said something.

Then, in the distance, I saw a wave rolling.

The sea breeze is strong.

Boom boom boom.

The waves hit the yacht hard, causing the yacht to shake slightly.

Invisible to the naked eye, wind blades were also taking shape in mid-air, circling rapidly and making a whistling sound.

However, because the waves were too loud, Black Suit and the others did not hear it.

"Stop the ink, hand over all the money immediately!"

The black suit became impatient, and his finger on the trigger slowly moved.



Before the black suit finished speaking, Feng Manlou said another word softly.

The next second, I saw a flash of blood, and the right hand of the man in the black suit holding the gun was cut off at the wrist.


Blood spurted out, and the black suit let out a shrill scream.

His right hand holding the gun also fell to the ground.

The black suit's facial features were distorted with pain, and looking at his broken hand, there was a deep fear filling the air.

what happened?

How is this going!

How could his hand be broken!

He only felt a gust of wind, and then a pain in his wrist!

Looking at Xiao Chen and others, there was no movement at all.

"The wind is getting stronger."

Feng Manlou said again, and the two wind blades flew towards the two people driving the boat.

Their gun-holding hands were instantly disconnected, and blood spurted out.

"no no……"

The two men pressed their broken wrists and screamed in horror.

This scene is really too weird!

Inexplicably, it felt as if someone had cut off his hand with a sharp weapon. Anyone else would be frightened.


The two beautiful waiters even let out sharp screams, covering their mouths in fear and retreating repeatedly.

"Ghosts...there are devils..."

One of them, a man in a black suit, was also frightened, his face turned pale, and he shouted loudly.

"Don't draw your gun, or your hand will be broken."

Feng Manlou looked at the other man in a black suit and said slowly.

Hearing Feng Manlou's words, the black suit was stunned, but he still pulled out the gun.

It seems that only a gun can give him a sense of security!

But before he could make the next move, he saw a sharp pain in his wrist, and his severed hand and gun fell to the ground.


He widened his eyes and looked at the severed hand that was bleeding profusely. This was...

Thinking of something, he suddenly looked at Feng Manlou, his eyes full of fear.

Just now, he said that his hand would be broken, but was it really broken?

"I said I would stop, why didn't you listen?"

Feng Manlou saw him looking at him and shook his head.

"you you……"

Everyone in black suits looked at Feng Manlou in horror, is it him?

"Xiao Bai, how are you? I make you want to drink."

Xiao Chen came to Bai Ye and grabbed his wrist.

Although he had smelled it just now and knew that there was no poison in the coffee, he could still be more sure by diagnosing the pulse.

"Brother Chen, will I die? If I die, I must kill them all and throw them into the sea to feed the sharks to avenge me."

Bai Yeqiang cheered up and joked.

"If you die, I will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

Xiao Chen was not angry, so he took out a silver needle and quickly inserted it into Bai Ye's acupuncture point.

"Don't worry, you won't die as long as I'm here."


Bai Ye wasn't worried at all. If it was really poison, how could Xiao Chen talk so much nonsense to them.

Soon, he felt that he had regained his strength and could hold his hands.

"Okay, just take a rest."

Xiao Chen pulled out the silver needle and said to Bai Ye.


Bai Ye nodded, and then looked at the two beautiful waiters with pale faces. They were so stupid, they dared to drug me...

"Now, do you want more money?"

Xiao Chen looked at the leader in black suit and asked calmly.

"No, no more."

The black suit already understood that their broken hands were not caused by the devil, but... that man.

Moreover, as members of the Gabil family, they have also heard of the existence of superpowers.

The most important thing is that in the Western world, there are many more people with superpowers than in the East, so they are more accepting of the existence of superpowers than the Chinese.

Therefore, in his opinion, Feng Manlou should be a terrifying superpower!

People with superpowers are not something they can afford to offend.

"You just asked us to jump into the sea, right? And you said it doesn't matter if a few people disappear?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and asked coldly.

"no no……"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the black suit showed fear.

What does this mean?

Do you want them to disappear?

The remaining man in the black suit wanted to pull out his gun and shoot at Xiao Chen.

But when he looked at Feng Manlou, he didn't dare.

"No? If I say no, will you let us go?"

Xiao Chen looked cold.


Several men in black suits knelt down, looking frightened, and loudly begging for mercy.

Even the two beautiful waiters knelt down and trembled.

"Let's sail the boat."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and gave up the urge to throw them into the sea.

"Send us to the dock. Whether you live or die is up to you."

"Yes Yes Yes."

A few men in black suits nodded and simply bandaged the wound to barely stop the bleeding.

Soon, the yacht restarted and headed towards the dock.

"Boy, this doesn't look like you."

Kuangren Chu looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"As people get older, they tend to become soft-hearted."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Chu Kuangren was speechless. When these words were said in front of him, he almost wanted to jump into the sea.

Ten minutes later, the yacht stopped at the pier.

Xiao Chen and others got off the boat, but the black suits and the others did not return to the sea. Instead, under the horrified eyes of many people, they hurriedly got into a car with their severed hands.

One of them had lost a lot of blood and was already semi-conscious.

However, these have nothing to do with Xiao Chen and the others.

It turned out that there were many beauties waiting on the pier, wanting to date gamblers who had won money.

But now, seeing the people in black suits and others covered in blood leaving in a hurry, how could they dare to come forward any further.

"Damn, you ruined my good deeds."

Bai Ye originally wanted to experience it, but now it was all ruined.

"You can take those two away, they will never refuse."

Xiao Chen pointed at the two beautiful waiters and said with a smile.

"Hmm...it seems pretty good. I'll go ask. You guys should go back first."

Bai Ye thought about them drugging him and nodded.

"Don't use force, you know?"

Xiao Chen reminded him that this was his bottom line.

"Brother Chen, are you kidding? When have I ever used force on a woman? Look, what is this?"

Bai Ye said, grabbing a large handful of chips from his pocket.

"I used this thing to smash all their clothes...well, although it wasn't much in the first place."

"Didn't you change everything?"

Xiao Chen was a little dumbfounded, why he still had chips.

"There are hundreds of thousands left, ready to be used to pick up girls...hehe."

Bai Ye grinned.

"Yes, wear a condom, be careful of getting sick."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and walked out.

"Xiaobai, don't embarrass us Chinese men."

Kuangren Chu shouted to Bai Ye.

"Don't worry, it's only 1.8 meters tall!"

Bai Ye nodded.


Feng Manlou originally wanted to say something, but when he heard Bai Ye's "one meter eight", he held back the words when they came to his lips.

After Xiao Chen and the others left the pier, they returned to the hotel.

"Mr. Xiao."

Tian Kun came over.

"Well, let's talk in the room."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Has it been found out?"


Tian Kun nodded and handed the folder to Xiao Chen.

"It's all inside."

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