Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,786 The New King

Under the eyes of everyone, the king and Xiao Chen put down their pens almost at the same time.

The two looked at each other and chuckled.

"Please invite people from the Gabil family and Ye family to come and see some statistics."

The king said, placing the paper in front of him in the middle of the gambling table.

Xiao Chen also let it go, his eyes glanced at the points written by the king, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

"Anas, you go."

The elder of the Gabil family said slowly.


Anas nodded, stepped forward, and picked up the points written by Xiao Chen.

"Tian Kun, go ahead."

Ye Ziyi said lightly.


Tian Kun nodded, stood next to Anas, and picked up the points written by the king.

"Mr. Anas, you go ahead."


Anas looked at it for a few times, looking a little strange.

"The points are...one, two, three, four, five, five, four, three, two, one."

Everyone present was stunned when they heard the points read by Anas.

One, two, three, four, five?

five four three two one?

Ten dice, is this the number?

"The ten dice rolled by Senior King, except for six, the other five dots, each dot has two dice."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"That's two one-points, two two-points...two five-points!"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, a strange light flashed in the king's eyes, and the smile on his face became even thicker.

"The points that Senior King heard are... all six points.

Ten six points. "

Later, Tian Kun also read the points identified by the king.

"Ten sixes?"

The people around were secretly surprised.

Let's not talk about how good Xiao Chen is at identifying points. Just being able to shake out ten six-point stars makes him a master among masters.

The number of rolling points is the same as the number of points. Each additional dice will increase the difficulty.

It is very difficult to roll out the same number with ten dice!

There are very few people present who can achieve this level.

After Tian Kun and Anas finished reading the points, the most exciting moment came.

They have to open the dice clock to see what the number is.

The dice clock in front of Xiao Chen opened first, and it read six o'clock!

In other words, the king heard everything.


There was an uproar on the scene, could you hear all the ten dice? Is this still a human being? It’s also amazing.

"He is truly the number one player in the world of gambling."

"Well, the well-deserved gambling king of the world."

"That kid is also very powerful. He can actually hit ten sixes."

"It's really awesome."

Just when the scene was buzzing with discussion, Xiao Chen also looked at the king and admired him very much: "Senior Wang is awesome, he deserves to be the world's gambling king!"

"You're awesome too."

The king chuckled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the dice clock in front of the king was opened, revealing the dice inside.

One, two, three, four, five, five, four, three, two, one. Ten dice. Except for six points, each point has two dice.

"Haha, I also think... I'm very powerful."

Xiao Chen looked at the ten dice and grinned.

The uproar grew louder.

"He actually heard everything?"

"How can this be!"

Everyone at the scene couldn't believe it.

The king can hear ten six o'clock, and they can sigh with emotion, he is worthy of being the world's gambling king.

After all, given his status, it's still acceptable.

But Xiao Chen actually identified the points, which made them unable to believe it.

The faces of the people in the Gabil family also changed.

"Fuck, Brother Chen, you're awesome!"

Bai Ye shouted.


Andre touched his chin and looked at Xiao Chen. How could his brother be even with the king?

"As expected of my brother!"

The Ye family is even more excited.

Even Ye Ziyi showed a smile.

Xiao Chen could hear the numbers of ten dice, which was also beyond her expectation.

"It's a tie... With just this one round, Xiaoyou Xiao will be famous in the world of gambling!"

Chen Jiuzhi looked at Xiao Chen and whispered.

"Yes, that's the king, the world's top gambling player, the world's gambling king!"

Gao Yi nodded, feeling very excited.

"Let's continue."

There was still a faint smile on the king's face, and he seemed not surprised that Xiao Chen recognized his points.


Xiao Chen nodded.

Then, the two of them rolled the dice again, and wrote the numbers on the paper as before.

When the dice clock was turned on, it was a draw again!

This time, there were more shocks.

Before this, no one thought that a strange oriental face could actually gamble with the king, and the two games ended in a draw!

Now that they think of what Xiao Chen said before, they no longer think there is anything wrong with that.



If you have strength, you are no longer a fool or a clown!

The members of the Gabil family were a little uneasy. It turned out that the two games were a draw?

They didn't doubt that the king would deliberately release water or something.

After all, losing will have a great impact on the king.

For many years, he has been the world's gambling king without a single defeat... If he loses, he may fall off the altar!

The smile on Ye Ziyi's face became even stronger, he really gave her a surprise!

"It seems that we have to watch the third game."

Xiao Chen looked at the king and said with a smile.

"Well, the third game."

The king nodded.

"I just said, if it's a draw, you win."

Hearing this, the faces of the Gabil family members changed.

The king did say this before.

However, who would have thought at that time that Xiao Chen could really draw with the king!

They all felt at the time that it was definitely a one-sided instant kill.



But now, two games have been tied, so the chance of a draw in the third game is also very high.

"Haha, Senior King, didn't I take advantage?"

Xiao Chen grinned. In fact, he was able to draw a tie with the king, which was already a huge advantage.

If it weren't for playing dice, he would never be the king's opponent.

"Young people should be given a chance, right?"

The king chuckled lightly.

"bring it on."


Xiao Chen nodded, picked up the dice and threw it into the dice clock.

"Why do I have the feeling...that the world's gambling world is about to change?"

"I have it too."

"He won't really fight to become a god, right?"

"His senior brother destroyed Clay and became a god in one battle...but this junior brother is even more awesome and directly won the world's gambling world? This is no longer a battle to become a god, but a battle to become a king!"

"If the king loses, then he is no longer the king."

People around him were holding their breath and a little nervous.

This may be a moment to witness history.

Especially Chen Jiuzhi and others could not hide their excitement.

The king has occupied the throne of the world's gambling world for a long, long time.

It can be said that their generation is living under the shadow of the king!

Today, are we going to witness the birth of a new king?

Over the years, the top spots in the world's gambling scene have long been dominated by foreigners.

For Chen Jiuzhi and others, it is also something that is very unpleasant but cannot be changed.

If Xiao Chen were crowned king in a battle today, the Chinese gambling world would definitely be in a frenzy!

Blah, blah, blah.

Xiao Chen started to roll the dice clock, and the scene became quiet.

Everyone was staring at the dice clock in Xiao Chen's hand, a little nervous and looking forward to it.

The king also stared, his eyes slightly squinting, flashing light from time to time.

The dice clock was shaking, but suddenly there was no movement.

Clay next to him felt his heart skip a beat, did he do this again?

That night, he was stunned by this move.

The dice is in the dice clock, how could it be silent?

Anas's face also changed, and there was no sound. How could he tell the points?

It can be said that Xiao Chen is already in an invincible position.

But...if this game ends in a draw, then their Gabil family will lose!

Those who were present that night were fine, but those who were not present were a little confused now.

Where are the dice?

Why is there no movement?

The king stared at the dice clock in Xiao Chen's hand, showing a somewhat dignified expression.

He had heard Clay talk about this before, but when he met him, he was still surprised.


The dice clock landed on the gambling table.

"Senior King, it's your turn."

Xiao Chen looked at the king and said with a smile.


The king nodded, looked away, and picked up the dice clock.


The sound of the dice colliding has changed somewhat. It is no longer a clattering sound, but a buzzing sound.

Obviously, the king also used special techniques.

"It's impossible to tell..."

Chen Jiuzhi and others all frowned.

"I can't hear a single point."

Xiao Chen also frowned, and he couldn't hear clearly either.

However, he wasn't too worried. Anyway, if he had ten dice, he wouldn't be able to understand.

It's okay if he can't hear clearly, he can cheat!

Of course, it's not considered cheating, it's just a form of gambling. It's all his skill.

"I think both of them used their ultimate moves."

"Yeah, I'm serious."

"One has no voice, and the other has changed his voice. This game... is a real fight between dragons and tigers."

"Who do you think will win?"

"I don't know, I'm thinking, it should be the king, right? If he loses, then he will fall off the altar."

While the people around were discussing in low voices, the dice clock in the king's hand was placed on the table.

"Let's write some numbers."

The king looked at Xiao Chen and said.


Xiao Chen nodded, picked up the pen, and started writing.

The king has been paying attention to Xiao Chen's movements, and a strange light flashed deep in his eyes.

After Xiao Chen finished writing, the king also picked up the pen, glanced at the dice clock on the table, and started writing.

After finishing writing, Tian Kun and Anas stepped forward.

Both of them were a little nervous. This round was a crucial one.

Anas was even more nervous than Tian Kun.

"show me."

Suddenly, the king spoke and said to Anas.

Anas was startled and hurriedly handed the number written by Xiao Chen to the king.

The king took it over, looked at it for a few times, looked up at Xiao Chen deeply, and said slowly: "Young man, you win."

After hearing the king's words, the scene suddenly became silent.

Young man, have you won?

With this...is he admitting that he lost?

In other words, a new king is born in the world of gambling?

Immediately afterwards, the scene was in an uproar.

Everyone couldn't believe that the world's top gambling player would admit that he lost!

Everyone couldn't believe that a little-known young man became the king in one battle and became the new world gambling king!

It was updated last night and was locked. A friend came to me and said that he couldn’t read Chapter 1784... It has been unlocked and you can’t read it. You can clear the cache and it should be fine.

This is an update at 8pm, earlier than expected.

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