Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1832: Murderous Intent

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Hearing the explosion, Xiao Chen and others all looked over.

I saw two figures, a man and a woman, staggering and running towards this side from a distance.

There were more than a dozen pursuers behind them, and they were very fast.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.


The young man running in front stopped slightly, turned around and threw a gun.

The pursuers behind saw the gun flying towards them, and they all evaded. One of them couldn't dodge and was blown away by the gun!


Just as he was blasted open, another explosion sounded from his position, and the originally torn body turned into a pile of minced meat.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed and he exploded twice in a row?

Is this person carrying a gun?

Otherwise, how could it explode again?

"Xixi, I'm stopping them, you run away!"

The young man who threw the gun yelled at the girl.

"No, brother, let's go together!"

The girl shook her head, with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, let's go together!"

The young man caught up with the girl, took her hand, and ran forward.

Someone looked at the minced meat on the ground, murderous intent flashed across his face, he raised his gun and was about to shoot.

"Don't kill them, catch them alive, they are still useful!"

One of them stopped his companion.


A group of people carrying guns quickly chased after him.

Xiao Chen looked at the two sides chasing and escaping, and the scene of him and Su Yunfei escaping appeared in his mind.

The same is true, there are pursuers behind.


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and the young man threw the girl to the ground, with blood splattering on his thighs.


The young man screamed in pain, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, then threw back another gun.

This is also his only one!


*Explosion, another person was blown away.


As the man was blown away, another ball of fire burst out from his body, exploding into a shower of blood.

"Holy shit, what's going on? Double cannon?"

Looking at this scene from a distance, Bai Ye screamed in surprise.

But Xiao Chen next to him, his eyes turned cold.

"Xixi, run!"

The young man pushed the girl away and shouted loudly.

"No, brother, let's go together."

The girl held the young man's hand and wanted to pull him up.


The young man screamed in pain as soon as he moved a little, and his face turned pale in pain.

"Xixi, listen to me, leave quickly! I can't leave. If I don't leave, we will both die!"

The young man looked at the girl and shouted.

"no no……"

The girl burst into tears all of a sudden.

"You will have the chance to avenge me if you leave alive... Let's go quickly!"

The young man yelled, stood up despite the pain, and pushed the girl out.

"hurry up!"

"elder brother……"

The girl staggered a few steps and burst into tears.

"Run quickly, Xixi, do you want me to die with my eyes closed?"

The young man yelled, pulled out a gun from his waist, and kept pulling the trigger.

"elder brother……"

The girl gritted her teeth, turned around and ran forward.

The young man looked at the girl's back and smiled. Then he gritted his teeth and the smile on his face turned into determination.

No matter what, we must hold off the enemy and let my sister escape!

Bang bang bang!

The young man held up his gun and kept pulling the trigger, suppressing the pursuers.

Two or three people failed to dodge and fell to the ground.


The gunfire rang out, and the young man shuddered and was shot in the stomach.

But he gritted his teeth and didn't let himself cry out, lest his sister hear him.

The girl who ran forward looked back at the young man's back and shed more tears.

The young man's body was trembling, but he managed to hold on without falling: "Xixi, run!"

"elder brother……"

The girl cried, clenched her fists, and ran forward.

Bang bang bang!

The young man covered the wound on his stomach with one hand and fired with the other, but his legs gradually became weak and his eyesight became a little dark.

He staggered a few steps and fell against a big rock, breathing heavily.

He looked back at his sister, who had already run hundreds of meters, and forced a smile.

"No, we have to stop them, otherwise Xixi won't be able to escape..."

The young man bit his lip hard to regain his consciousness.

He leaned on the big rock, using the big rock as a cover, and pulled the trigger twice more.


The firing pin missed and the gun was empty.

The young man's expression changed, and then he smiled bitterly, couldn't he stop them?

Bang bang bang!

The bullets kept hitting the big rocks, and the flying debris cut his face and arms.

"We must stop them..."

The young man gritted his teeth, threw away the gun, picked up the stones on the ground, and threw them aside.

However, he was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. The stone, which was not heavy at first, seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds in his hand.


When he threw down the three stones, he coughed and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't hold on any longer, his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

And this scene happened to be seen by the girl who ran out.

"elder brother!"

When the girl saw her brother falling to the ground, she screamed. She turned around and rushed back without even thinking about running away.


The young man vomited blood and shouted loudly.

"elder brother……"

The girl ran so fast that she fell to the ground and scratched the skin on her arm.

However, she quickly got up again and ran towards the young man.

At this time, the remaining pursuers also approached with guns, pointing their guns at the young man and the girl who ran back.


Just as the pursuers were surrounding them, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

The next second, a foreigner's head was splattered with blood and he fell to the ground.

There was a bloody hole between his eyebrows!

"There are enemies!"

The pursuers were startled and quickly looked around.


Another gunshot rang out and another person fell to the ground.


Someone yelled, quickly took cover, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of gunfire!

The girl was shocked, who is this?

But looking at her brother a few steps away, she didn't have time to think about it, ran over and threw herself on him.

"Brother, how are you?"

The girl held the young man's shoulders and her eyes fell on the wound on his abdomen.

"Ahem, Xixi, you... why are you back again? Run!"

The young man was coughing blood and could no longer see the girl's face clearly.

"elder brother……"

The girl was crying hard. How could she not see that her brother was seriously injured.

"No, don't cry, I'm fine..."

The young man tried his best to raise his hand and touched the girl's face.

"Quick, my formation... hasn't been completed yet. If you... finish it, you can stop them for a while and run away."

"No, no, I won't leave!"

The girl cried and shook her head.

"Even if I die, I won't leave!"

Bang bang bang!

The gunfire became more intense.

When the young man heard the gunfire, his spirits perked up slightly. Is someone coming?

Maybe, my sister can be saved!

"Kill them, all of them!"

Xiao Chen was holding a gun, his eyes were cold, exuding overwhelming murderous intent.

Bai Ye next to him was shocked. Even he had rarely seen Xiao Chen like this!

He looked at Xiao Chen, what's going on?

Feng Manlou's body swayed and disappeared.

He controlled the wind at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, the invisible wind blade condensed and flew forward.


The wind blade slashed across the wrist of a man holding a gun, blood spurted out, and it broke at the wrist.


The man screamed, showing a look of horror.

How could his wrist be broken?

Swish, swish, swish!

After promotion, Feng Manlou became even more terrifying. With a flick of his hands, two invisible wind dragons roared out.


Before the two men with guns could react, they were entangled by the wind dragon, with wounds opening on their bodies, and they instantly turned into bloody men.

This scene shocked everyone around him.

what is going on?

The man who still looked like the leader, his eyes focused: "Superpowers! Wind power users, everyone, be careful!"

However, his reminder was still too late!


Feng Manlou shouted loudly, and a tornado as thick as a bucket formed in mid-air, circling and roaring.

The sand and gravel on the ground were swept up in an instant, and the tornado became thicker and bigger...

Under the control of Feng Manlou, the tornado roared and headed straight for the opponent's camp.


The face of the man who looked like the leader changed drastically.

He roared, swayed, and rushed towards Feng Manlou.

Others had to hide in the wind and sand, and some even closed their eyes.

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Chen took the opportunity to keep pulling the trigger, while He and Grounder beside him were a little dumbfounded when they saw the tornado in mid-air.

Although they knew about the existence of superpowers and had seen superpowers, this was the first time they saw such a big movement!

As for Devo, he was even more stunned, staring at Feng Manlou, with only one thought in his mind - he was not a human being!

The girl also raised her head and looked at the tornado in mid-air with a look of shock. What is going on?

"Why are you standing there, kill them!"

Xiao Chen shouted coldly and woke up the grounder.

After reacting, he shook his hands and found two more guns in his hands.

Bang bang bang!

With his joining, the opponent was even more suppressed, and people kept falling to the ground.

"Wind superpower, who are you!"

At this time, the leader had already rushed in front of Feng Manlou and punched out.


Feng Manlou did not take a hard hit, but a wind blade struck him, and he took a few steps back at the same time.

"They leave it to you!"

Xiao Chen glanced at him, dropped a word, and pounced on the leader.

For example, Feng Manlou at this time is like a mage in the game, suppressing the opponent with full power... Letting him fight alone will not have such a big effect!

Therefore, Xiao Chen stopped the leader and let Feng Manlou continue to open up.


Xiao Chen stepped forward and blocked the leader's attack, and said coldly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the leader was startled and looked at him: "Who are you!"

Not far away, Bai Ye and others, as well as Feng Manlou, realized why Xiao Chen had such murderous intent!

They are the people of exile!

"All of you must die!"

Although the leader did not admit it, from his reaction, Xiao Chen was sure that they were the exiles!


The leader shouted loudly and rushed towards Xiao Chen.

"Leave no one behind!"

Xiao Chen said coldly and punched him. (The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier..6969373)--(The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier)

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