Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1835 Breaking out of the siege

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The girl stood beside the young man and felt relieved when she saw that his breathing was steady and his pale face had turned a little red.

She covered her mouth and cried with joy. When her brother passed out just now, she thought she was finished.

I didn’t expect that I could be rescued!

Thinking of Xiao Chen's acupuncture technique just now, the girl understood that he was a master of medicine. If it were anyone else, her brother would definitely be dead!

It was he who saved his brother's life with his medical skills of bringing the dead back to life!

Thinking of this, she turned to look at Xiao Chen who was smoking next to her, wiped her tears, and said with gratitude: "Mr. Xiao, thank you."

"Haha, it's fate that we met. You're welcome."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"By the way, I haven't asked you what to call me yet."

"My name is Zhuge Qingxi, and he is my brother Zhuge Qingyang."

The girl was busy introducing herself.

"We are brothers and sisters, Chinese."

"The compound surname is Zhuge? It's quite rare."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Zhuge Qingxi, haha, what a good name."

"Thank you Mr. Xiao..."

"No need to call me Mr. Xiao, my name is Xiao Chen, he is Bai Ye..."

Xiao Chen gave a brief introduction.

Zhuge Qingxi nodded to Bai Ye and the others, and after saying hello, he looked at Xiao Chen: "Then I'll call you Brother Chen."

"haha okay."

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded, this girl is so good!

Just as he was about to ask how their brother and sister could be hunted down by the exiles, Feng Manlou and He came back.

"Brother Xiao, we have to go.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to leave. "

Feng Manlou looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"There are still some exiles on the island, and Algernon has already brought people to chase us... In addition, I also heard that Algernon made a call and should have sent people here again."

Hearing Feng Manlou's words, a cold light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, an exile?

He really wanted to stay and take this opportunity to wipe out all the exiles.

But looking at the young man on the ground, he gave up the idea.

Now that we have met him and saved him, we have to let him live just because of his tenacious vitality!

If it is delayed any longer, no matter how stubborn the vitality is, it will die!

Zhuge Qingxi's face turned pale. Are the exiles chasing after him?

She was a little worried, Xiao Chen wouldn't abandon them, right?

"Let's go first and talk about it when we get back!"

Xiao Chen threw away the cigarette and made a decision.

"There's probably someone guarding the pier over there. We have to find another place to leave."

Said to Xiao Chen.

"Keep going forward, bypassing the forest in front, and you'll find the shoal... there should be people there as well."

DeVoe is still a little trembling in his heart.

"It's easy to find a deserted place to talk, but we need a speedboat to leave Gata Island. We can't swim back."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Come on, let's go take a look first. It's best to have a speedboat. If not, we'll think of a way."


Everyone in Fengmanlou nodded, and it was Dewo who carried Zhuge Qingyang on his back and walked forward.

"Brother Xiao, what I'm worried about is whether the Holy See of Light will join the exiles in hunting us down."

Feng Manlou whispered.

"I don't know, but even if they add up, there are only a few dozen people, right? It's impossible to blockade the entire Gata Island. It's not difficult for us to break through."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"Yes, let's go."

Feng Manlou nodded, and the group quickened their pace.

Just three or four minutes after they left, Algernon and others appeared near where they had just rested.

"There are traces here!"

Someone discovered the traces and shouted loudly.

Algernon walked over quickly and looked at the blood on the ground with a cold expression.

"Some of them are injured. They won't be able to go far. Chase them!"


Then, several of them took guns and chased forward.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Chen and others bypassed the forest and came to a shallow beach.

"There's a speedboat!"

To their relief, there were a dozen speedboats in the shallow water.

Obviously, although this is not a dock, many people land here.

When they were walking around the woods just now, they met two or three groups of people.

They just met each other and did not communicate.

Xiao Chen and others, on the other hand, were wary. If they were exiles or people from the Holy See of Light, there would definitely be a bloody battle.

Fortunately, no.

"let's go!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he went straight to the largest speedboat.

"How can I drive away without the key?"

Bai Ye asked, thinking of something.

"I'll drive it, do you need a key?"

Xiao Chen smiled, and after a few fiddles, the speedboat started.


Several people were stunned, including Feng Manlou, who had already seen Xiao Chen steal a car. He was also surprised. In addition to stealing cars, he could also steal speedboats?


Zhuge Qingxi's eyes were a little strange. In her eyes, Xiao Chen seemed a little mysterious.

Her medical skills are so high, but she still has such a 'method', which is really confusing to her.

Especially when she thought of Xiao Chen's violent murder and forcefully tore off the man's arm, her face turned pale.

"Miss Zhuge, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Chen noticed Zhuge Qingxi's pale face and asked.

"Don't be afraid, we can leave soon."

"I'm not afraid."

Zhuge Qingxi shook her head. She didn't know why, but looking at Xiao Chen, she felt very safe.

"Brother Chen, don't call me Miss Zhuge. Just call me Xixi."

"Oh Well."

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded, then looked at Devo.

"You drive the boat."


Devo nodded and drove the speedboat towards Naga Island.


Just as they drove a few dozen meters away, a burst of gunfire rang out.

Xiao Chen was startled and subconsciously pressed Zhuge Qingxi's head with his hand to protect her in his arms.

Feng Manlou turned around and looked, his expression slightly changed, it was Algernon, they were chasing after him.

"Devo, speed up!"

Xiao Chen also saw Algernon, his expression turned cold, and he wanted to go back and kill him.

But he still didn't go back, saving people first.

Anyway, the exiles can't run away, and they know where they are hiding. After Zhuge Qingyang is rescued, they can be destroyed.


Needless to say, Xiao Chen said that Devo was also frightened and increased his horsepower.

"They didn't come after me. Ha, Brother Chen, they don't have the means you have. Even if they have a speedboat, they can't drive away."

Bai Ye grinned.

Xiao Chen and others also relaxed a little. Fighting on the sea is still very dangerous.

"Damn it!"

On the shoal, Algernon looked at Xiao Chen and others who were getting further and further away, his expression extremely ugly.

He thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Devo, is there a secluded landing place over Naga? Don't go to those docks!"

Xiao Chen thought of something and said.


DeVoe nodded.

"There are several islands nearby. They don't know we are going to Naga Island, so they probably won't be waiting for us at the pier."

Feng Manlou said.

"It's better to be careful, he can't stand the trouble."

Xiao Chen pointed at Zhuge Qingyang, bent down and grabbed his wrist.

Zhuge Qingxi sat next to him and watched nervously.

After Xiao Chen let go, she hurriedly asked: "Brother Chen, how is my brother?"

"It's pretty stable."

Xiao Chen smiled and said.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, he will be fine."


Zhuge Qingxi nodded.

"Mr. Xiao, a speedboat is coming!"

Suddenly, Devo, who was driving the speedboat, shouted.

After hearing Devo's words, Xiao Chen and others looked intently and saw two speedboats coming straight towards them from the side.

"Where's your gun?"

Xiao Chen frowned, this should be directed at them.

After thinking about it again, yes, it should be someone transferred by Algernon, but he hasn't arrived at Gata Island yet.

Then Algernon saw that they had run away and he could not chase them, so he gave them an order to come and intercept them!


His hands shook, and there were two more guns in his hands.

Zhuge Qingxi next to him was a little dumbfounded. Where did this gun come from? Is this man a magician?

Just now, she didn't even see clearly, but she saw two guns appearing in her hands.

He gave one to Xiao Chen and another to Bai Ye.

Then, he shook his hands again, and two more guns appeared.


Zhuge Qingxi was completely confused. She still didn't see clearly where the gun came from.


He also gave Feng Manlou a gun. As for the rolling knife, he was not good at using guns, so it was of no use to him.

"Mr. Xiao, what should we do? Run away?"

DeVoe looked at the speedboat getting closer and closer and wanted to run away.

"Escape and kill them at sea."

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Don't be afraid, just open it how you want."


DeVoe nodded and lowered his body as much as possible to avoid becoming a target in a fight later.

"Take care of your brother."

Xiao Chen said to Zhuge Qingxi again.


Zhuge Qingxi nodded.


The gun rang out, and the people on one of the speedboats pulled the trigger in this direction.


The bullet hit the side of the speedboat, startling Xiao Chen and others.

"Fuck, a highly destructive firearm!"

Xiao Chen cursed, the other party actually had an assault rifle or something like that, otherwise, they wouldn't have such a long range.

And all they have in their hands are pistols, and now they can't even fight back.

"It's a good thing we don't have a sniper rifle, otherwise we would just jump into the sea and commit suicide."

Bai Ye muttered.

"Devo, rush over!"

Xiao Chen looked at the two speedboats and said loudly.

"Ah? Rush, rush over?"

DeVoe was stunned.

"Well, otherwise we have to be targets and rush over!"

Xiao Chen nodded.


DeVoe gritted his teeth, controlled the speedboat, and rushed towards the two speedboats.

Bang bang!

The people on the two speedboats kept shooting, and Xiao Chen and others kept their bodies as low as possible.

"about there!"

Xiao Chen visually measured the distance, shouted low, and raised his body suddenly.

At the same time, he held the gun with both hands and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

The two of them were in no particular order, one person and one speedboat, and kept shooting.

In an instant, the people on the two speedboats were suppressed.

Bai Ye and Feng Manlou also took the opportunity to get up and aim at the speedboat.

"Speed ​​up and hit the speedboat on the left!"

Xiao Chen shouted coldly.

DeVoe gritted his teeth and said, Damn it, I'll give it a go!

He turned the power to maximum and hit the speedboat on the left.

Bang bang.

The one who was shooting also turned his gun and aimed it at the speedboat on the left.


When the speedboat on the left saw Xiao Chen and others approaching, they were startled and wanted to dodge.

This dodge exposed the side fuel tank.

I don't know who Xiao Chen was, but he shot the fuel tank, and a ball of fire broke out, and the speedboat was instantly engulfed in flames. (The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier..6969373)--(The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier)

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