Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1866: Kill at the door

Feeling the strong murderous intent, Eugene's expression changed and his heart beat hard.

It was hard for him to imagine that Xiao Chen, who had been discussing cooperation with him indifferently just now, suddenly seemed like a different person.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of Xiao Chen's appearance when he first arrived, full of murderous intent.

He didn't doubt Xiao Chen's words. If he didn't take this Shiwu Duangchang Powder, Xiao Chen would really kill him.

"If you kill me, Herman and the others won't let you leave."

Eugene took a deep breath, tried to be as calm as possible, and wanted to fight for himself again.

"Then you can try, but I have to remind you, let alone whether they can stop us, at least you can't see them."

Xiao Chen looked at Eugene and said coldly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Eugene's expression changed again. Yes, even if Herman and the others kill Xiao Chen, what will happen?

he died!

If he dies, who benefits the most?

That's Francis!

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and took the Shiwu Duangchang Powder: "Okay, I can eat it, but can you guarantee that you will give me the antidote?"

"As long as the matter on Naga's side is over, I will give you the antidote, and I will do what I say."

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Don't say you can't trust me. Your life is in my hands now and you have no right to negotiate terms with me."


When Eugene thought about it, it was true. He raised his head and swallowed the fifteen broken intestines.

Then, he looked at Xiao Chen: "Is it okay now?"


When Xiao Chen saw that Eugene had eaten Shifuchang Powder, his murderous intent subsided and he smiled.

He stretched out his right hand and looked at Eugene: "Mr. President, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."


Eugene was a little confused;

It was really hard for him to imagine how Xiao Chen could change his face so quickly!

He's full of murderous energy one second, and full of smiles the next, happy to work together?

However, he still shook hands with Xiao Chen: "I hope you can keep your word, otherwise"

"I hate being threatened. Whatever I say, I will do."

Xiao Chen said lightly before Eugene finished speaking.


Eugene held back the second half of his sentence and did not say it again.

Just like Xiao Chen said just now, he is not qualified to negotiate terms now.

"Tell me Francis's movements as soon as possible and I will deal with him."

Xiao Chen said to Eugene.


Eugene nodded.

Just as Xiao Chen and Eugene were talking, five or six cars also arrived outside the manor with their lights black.

After the car slowly stopped, the door opened.

"Mr. Mulla, they are hiding here."

A man got out of the car in front and said respectfully.

"Very good, let's arrest them and try to survive as much as possible!"

Maura looked at the illuminated manor and nodded.


The man nodded and gave the order, and a large number of people got out of the car with guns in hand.

"Go in first and open the door, trying not to disturb them as much as possible!"


Two people nodded and climbed over the wall.

Just as the two of them were about to open the door, a white light suddenly flashed by the wall.

The two of them were stunned, what is this?

Before they could take a closer look, they saw the white thing shaking.

Then, their eyes widened. Are these snow-white teeth?


The next second, a black shadow jumped out, and two huge heads rolled to the ground.


The grounder looked at the two heads on the ground and grinned, his white teeth even more revealing.

Then, he dragged the long knife and walked quickly into the manor.

"There are enemies outside. I just killed two of them."


The grounder said as soon as he entered the door.

Hearing what the grounder said, Feng Manlou and JK were shocked. They actually found this place?

"Whose? An exile?"

jk asked hurriedly.

"I didn't know, I just knew there were a lot of people coming."

The grounder rolled his eyes and said.

"No matter who it is, we have to leave JK. You and Lao Hei stop them first. I will inform Miss Nangong and protect the Zhuge brothers and sisters."

Feng Manlou made a prompt decision.


JK nodded, shook his hands, and had two more guns in his hands.

And the people outside also noticed something was wrong. Why haven't their people opened the door yet?

Two more people climbed up the wall. When they saw the two heads on the ground, they trembled with fear and fell from the wall.

"They're dead!"

"Fight in!"

Mu La frowned, did the people inside find out?

Bang bang bang!

Several gunmen raised their guns, pointed them at the manor gate, and pulled the triggers.

After a burst of gunfire, the door of the manor was knocked open and a large number of people rushed in.

"I should have known I had a machine gun."

JK looked at the dark crowd, murmured, raised his hands, and kept pulling the trigger.

Bang bang bang.

He fired so fast that even if it was just one person, it seemed like there were several people shooting at the same time.

The grounder also disappeared in front of JK and killed him from another direction under the cover of darkness.

Because it was night, the visibility was not very good, so no one noticed the grounder.

Especially when he pursed his lips and couldn't see his teeth, he blended in with the night.

When he came closer and swung the long knife, someone finally noticed and screamed.

But now, it's too late.


Two more heads rolled to the ground.


The grounder screamed. Compared to his distinctive appearance and features during the day, he prefers to fight at night!

At night, it's his home court!

In JK's words, Grounder's body shape and skin color can make him "invisible" at night.

As long as you don't look carefully, you won't be able to spot it at all.

As the grounders entered, the crowd became confused.

JK also took the opportunity to harvest human lives, and people kept falling in a pool of blood.

Mulla looked solemn, these people are really strong!

"No matter life or death!"

Mulla uttered four words coldly. Just now he was thinking of catching him alive, but now it seems that it is impossible to catch him alive!

Hearing the gunshots outside, Zhuge Qingyang and Zhuge Qingxi were also shocked. Are there enemies? Could it be that the exiles came to kill him?

"Xixi, if they come to kill you later, you go first, do you understand?"

Zhuge Qingyang looked at his sister and said in a deep voice.

"No, brother, if you want to leave, let's go together."

Zhuge Qingxi shook his head.

Just as they were talking, Feng Manlou came in from outside.

"Brother Feng, what's going on?"

Zhuge Qingxi looked at Feng Manlou and asked quickly.

"Someone is coming to kill me. I don't know who it is yet. Don't worry, as long as we are here, nothing will happen."

Feng Manlou said to the two of them.

"Thank you, Brother Feng."

Zhuge Qingxi nodded gratefully.

"Is it an exile? Or that Hubert?"

Zhuge Qingyang asked.

"Probably Hubert."

Feng Manlou thought for a while and said.

"If it's Hubert, I don't know what's going on with brother Xiao. You stay here for now. I'll make a call and ask."



Zhuge Qingyang nodded.

Afterwards, Feng Manlou left and saw Nangong Ling as soon as he came out.

"You protect them, and I'll kill them."

Nangong Ling saw Feng Manlou, said something to him, then walked towards the yard with his long sword in hand.

Although her steps were not big, her speed was very fast. She was a few meters away in a flash.

Feng Manlou looked at Nangong Ling's back and murmured in his heart that only Brother Xiao could conquer her.

Then, he quickly walked to the house to get his cell phone to call Xiao Chen.

In the yard, with the cooperation of JK and the grounder, Hubert's men were stopped.

Especially the rolling knife. A large knife was swung like a human meat grinder, and blood dripped wherever it passed.

Just as the ground knife was killing him, Nangong Ling turned into a white shadow and also came in to kill.

The rolling knife was in full swing, but without seeing it clearly, a large knife was swung in a round shape and then slashed at him.


A crisp sound came out, and the grounder's hands went numb, showing a look of surprise, master?

When he looked carefully, he saw Nangong Ling's cold face and said coldly: "Do you want to die?"

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding"

The grounder shrank his neck, why is it her?

At the same time, he was shocked. He was a long sword, and Nangong Ling was holding a sword. She could block his sword. How powerful must she be!

If you can't afford to offend, get away quickly!

Thinking of this, the ground knife went elsewhere, no longer approaching Nangong Ling.

Nangong Ling didn't pay attention to the ground knife. A long sword turned into a sword shadow all over the sky. Anyone who was knocked down by the sword shadow would spurt out blood!

Seal the throat with one sword!

"This little girl is so awesome."

JK was also shocked, killing people faster than a grounder.

"Kill them!"

Mulla, who was standing at the door, saw his eyelids twitching. How could he be so strong!

Da da da!

Someone pulled the trigger on JK, and the gun muzzle spit out flames, covering him.

"Damn it!"

JK cursed and had to find cover.

In a room, Algernon, who had woken up, couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard the gunshots outside.

Is this to save him?

"People from the Exiles? Or Hubert? I wonder if Carol is coming!"

Algernon struggled a few times, trying to stand up, but failed.

After Feng Manlou got the mobile phone, he called Xiao Chen.

"Hey, Brother Feng."

The phone was connected, and Xiao Chen's voice came from the receiver.

Feng Manlou felt relieved and said quickly: "Brother Xiao, something happened here at the manor. A group of people came to kill them. They seem to be Hubert's people."


After hearing Feng Manlou's words, Xiao Chen, who was sitting on a chair smoking, suddenly stood up.

Eugene opposite and Bai Ye next to him were startled. What's going on?

"Brother Feng, how is the situation over there?"

"I'll go out and take a look. It shouldn't be a big problem for the time being. Have you got it done over there?"

"Call Mulla right away. Did he take someone to the manor?"

Xiao Chen didn't say anything like Feng Manlou, but said to Eugene.


Eugene was stunned.

"Our hiding place! Fight quickly!"

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"oh oh."

Eugene reacted, nodded quickly, picked up the phone on the table, and called Mulla.

"Brother Feng, first make sure whether he is Hubert's person. If not, evacuate immediately!"

Xiao Chen saw Eugene calling and said to Feng Manlou.


Feng Manlou agreed. (The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier..6969373)--(The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier)

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