Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1909 Wrong entry...

As night fell, Devo came back from shopping. In addition to the necessary live chickens, he also bought a lot of food.

In addition, there are several boxes of Maotai, which he bought after traveling all over Naga.

"This is your Chinese Moutai. I heard it's very famous."

Devo said as he took the Maotai wine out of the car.

"Maotai? You can actually buy Maotai here?"

Bai Ye was a little surprised and took a bottle.

"Yes, it's hard to buy. This is owned by Naga."

DeVoe nodded.

"I knew you would like it, and I want to try it too. After all, when I go to China, I will drink this every day."

Hearing Dewo's words, Xiao Chen looked strange: "Drink Maotai every day?"

"Yes, it's quite expensive here, but it should be very cheap in China, right?"

DeVoe nodded and asked.

"It's not cheap. A bottle of wine is almost half a month's salary for ordinary people... Those that are older are more expensive."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Huh? Is it that expensive?"

Devo winced, he was spending Xiao Chen's money now, so he didn't feel bad...if he spent his own money, he would definitely feel bad.

"Don't worry about the price, let's get drunk tonight..."

Xiao Chen looked at Moutai and was in a good mood. It was great to be able to drink Moutai in a foreign country.

Afterwards, everyone started to get busy, and Vulcan also started roasting chicken.

An hour later, a table was set up in the courtyard.

This time, even Zhuge Qingyang was dragged out by Zhuge Qingxi and sat at the table.

"Brother Zhuge, you don't look good. You have to pay attention to your health."

Xiao Chen looked at Zhuge Qingyang and said.

"It's okay, I know my body well."

Zhuge Qingyang shook his head, with a somewhat excited expression on his face.

"I can't wait. I'm looking forward to the activation of the formation..."


Xiao Chen smiled, it was just his luck that he could meet the Zhuge brothers and sisters, otherwise... it would be really troublesome.

It seems that good deeds are rewarded.

If he doesn't save people, he won't get help from them.

Food and wine were placed on the table, and the last few roast chickens were also served.

Xiao Chen opened Maotai and poured wine.

"Come, let's drink some first... drink more tonight, and then have a good rest."



Devo shouted, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.


Xiao Chen and others all looked at him, and they actually...did it?


DeVoe choked with tears, coughed non-stop, and spit it out.

Fortunately, he didn't spray at the dinner table.

Otherwise he will probably get beaten.


Xiao Chen and others all laughed, this guy... is really fierce.

"Why is it so spicy? It's stronger than whiskey!"

Devoe took several more sips of water before he felt better.

"Of course, this kind of liquor is delicious enough... When you go to China, I will treat you to Erguotou and Shao Daozi. It will feel better."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Yeah, okay, I was reading online recently and found a Chinese saying that says, 'Men should drink the strongest wine and sleep with the most beautiful women', right?"

DeVoe nodded and asked.

"Haha, yes, but whether you can sleep or not depends on your level."

Xiao Chen laughed. In fact, Devo was quite interesting.

After putting down their wine glasses, everyone started eating.

The most popular ones are Vulcan’s roast chicken and duck.

Yes, Vulcan added another dish, roast duck.

"Seriously, Lao Huo, let me take you to open a roast duck restaurant in the capital. I'll buy some stocks... I believe that with your skills, you can definitely sweep all the roast duck restaurants in the capital. No century-old restaurant can compare with your roast duck." , they are all scum!"

Bai Ye looked at Vulcan and started to tease him again.

"Not going."

The God of Fire would not be fooled. How could he, the God of Fire, sell roast duck?

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere became even better.

Even Nangong Ling rarely smiled and started joking with Zhuge Qingxi and Black Widow.

It is worth mentioning that Black Widow usually loves everyone, but she gets along well with Nangong Ling and Zhuge Qingxi.

Even better than the relationship between Nangong Ling and Zhuge Qingxi.

With her in the middle at this time, Nangong Ling and Zhuge Qingxi no longer faced each other tit for tat.

"Woman, it's so scary."

Bai Ye looked at Nangong Ling and Zhuge Qingxi who were chatting and laughing, and murmured.

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Xiao Chen was stunned and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Chen, can you see how they compete with each other on weekdays? Women are natural actors."

Bai Ye said seriously.

Xiao Chen looked at it for a few times and nodded.

After some small talk, tomorrow was mentioned.

"What deployment do you want to make?"

Feng Manlou looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"To avoid having too big a target tomorrow, we will be divided into two parts... I, Vulcan, Brother Zhuge, and Nangong Ling will be in the light! Everyone else will be in the dark.

! Brother Feng, please protect Xixi! "

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Brother Chen, I don't need protection, I will protect myself."

When Zhuge Qingxi heard this, he became a little anxious and said quickly.

"You protect yourself?"

Xiao Chen looked at her and smiled.

"Don't be afraid, Brother Feng is here, your safety is no problem."

"It's true. My formation talisman has been carved. It will be ready in a moment..."

Zhuge Qingxi said seriously.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry about Xi Xi, this girl isn't that weak... Now that she has carved the formation talisman, even if she encounters a master of energy transformation, she won't be able to tolerate her for a while."

Zhuge Qingyang spoke.


Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard Zhuge Qingyang's words.

"Well, our formation family naturally has its own way of fighting. Otherwise... how could we become a century-old family?"

Zhuge Qingyang smiled.


Xiao Chen nodded when he saw Zhuge Qingyang saying this.

Zhuge Qingxi was a little unhappy. Why didn't Brother Chen believe in him? Wait until tomorrow to let him know that he is also very powerful!

"Lao Huo, Scorpion, your two subordinates, also ask them to disperse...wait for orders at any time!"

Xiao Chen looked at Vulcan and Scorpion again and said.


Vulcan and Scorpion nodded.

"After the formation is activated, the Exiles and the Holy See of Light will respond immediately, and we must go straight to the sky! We must use the shortest possible time to break into the formation and seize the opportunity!"

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"I'm not too worried about this. As long as we can get in, I will set up another formation at the entrance to block other people from entering and give us time to search inside!"

Zhuge Qingyang looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"That's good."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Remember, when you see a master and you are not your opponent, don't fight forcefully, retreat immediately...Tomorrow is not the time to show off your strength, leaving alive is the most important thing."


Everyone nodded, even Nangong Ling nodded.

"Brother Chen, where are Anthony's people? Do you need them?"

Bai Ye asked.

"No, they won't have much effect tomorrow... What needs to be noted is that there are two time periods, one is when the formation is activated, when we enter the formation, and the other is when we leave!

Xiao Chen looked at everyone.

"When you leave, you should retreat first. Lao Huo and I will stay behind...Brother Feng, Nangong Ling, and the safety of the others will be left to you."


Feng Manlou and Nangong Ling nodded and agreed.

"I won't make any other specific arrangements. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one knows what will happen... By the way, has Mulla sent us what we need?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

"Yes, it has been delivered."

DeVoe nodded.


Feng Manlou asked.

"Wireless earphones, use them for contact tomorrow... Whatever happens, we communicate through wireless earphones!"

Xiao Chen said.

"Come on, stop talking, let's drink!"

"Okay, drink!"

Everyone raised their glasses and the atmosphere became relaxed again.

A few boxes of Maotai were quickly drank, and Devo moved out a few more boxes of whiskey.

Mixing foreign wine with Moutai will soon make you drunk.

Even Xiao Chen's head was slightly dizzy.

After drinking the whiskey, everyone was a little drunk.

"Okay, I can't drink anymore. Let's go back and rest quickly."

Xiao Chen was also a little drunk, but he remained sober.

If anything happens and you are drunk and unconscious, it would be too dangerous.


Kagami and others nodded and went back to their rooms.

"Brother Chen, I'm going back too."

Bai Ye said hello and staggered away.

The most sober person in the audience was Zhuge Qingyang, so he drank a glass of Moutai.

He said that he wanted to go back and continue studying the formation. Drinking too much affected his thinking.

Everything tomorrow will fall on Zhuge Qingyang, so no one persuades him to drink.

After everyone returned to the room, Xiao Chen also stood up and looked up at the moon in the night sky.

Although it is not completely round, it is already quite round.

"Full moon night..."

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and walked towards the room.

When he reached the corridor, he glanced to the left and saw that the door was ajar.

This is Nangong Ling's room, they live opposite.

"Did this little girl drink too much? Or did she do it on purpose? She couldn't do it on purpose. She wanted to hook up with me, right?"

Xiao Chen, who had drank a lot, had other thoughts.

However, he did not dare to go in in the end, Nangong Ling was not easy to mess with.

If you go in and get poked through several transparent holes, it will be so painful!

So, after taking a few glances, he returned to his room.

After taking a shower, he lay on the bed, tossing and turning and feeling a little sleepy.


When he closed his eyes, either Nangong Ling's face appeared, or the black widow's long legs appeared... and even Zhuge Qingxi appeared.

This made him helpless. He seemed... a little horny recently!

After a long time, he fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but the ajar door opposite opened, and a dazed Nangong Ling came out.

Her sword was forgotten in the yard.

After she went to the yard to get the sword, she came back in a daze... without distinguishing between them, she opened the door and walked in.

The moment she entered, a thought flashed through her mind, as if she hadn't closed the door just now, right?

But this thought disappeared in a flash. I drank too much and may have remembered it wrongly.

She took the sword and walked towards the bed without turning on the light.


Happy National Day, friends~

It’s a short holiday, everyone should have fun...

If you don’t go out to play, spend more time with your family...

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