Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1943: Bottom of the Cliff

Naga, there are seven islands in total, arranged according to the orientation of the Big Dipper.

The last island, which is located in the direction of 'Pojun', is called 'Archie Island' by the Naga people.

Alchi Island is not big and is in an undeveloped state, with grass and strange rocks everywhere.

To the northwest of Alchi Island, a group of light suddenly appeared and grew bigger and bigger.

This group of light lasted for about ten seconds, and then the light disappeared.

After the light disappeared, figures appeared out of thin air.

"This is……"

The figure who appeared looked around with surprise.

Then, they thought of something, and their expressions changed.

"No, what should I do, Brother Chen? Zhuge, hurry up, activate the teleportation array, let's go back and save Brother Chen!"

One of the young men shouted to the young man next to him.


The young man nodded, looked around, and his expression changed.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

A beautiful girl next to her looked at the young man's reaction and asked anxiously.

"This should be a... one-way teleportation array, which means it can only be teleported over, not back."

The young man said in a deep voice.


After hearing the young man's words, the faces of the people around him changed again. Can't they be teleported back?

They all trembled slightly as they thought about the scene they saw before leaving.

Can Xiao Chen escape alone in the face of Amos and many other masters?

Even Bai Ye, who had always had the most confidence in Xiao Chen, was now desperate. It was impossible!


Bai Ye clenched his fists.

"We must go back to save Brother Chen!"

"What is this place?"

Nangong Ling spoke, her voice cold but trembling slightly.

It can be seen that her heart is not peaceful either.

"This is... let me see."

Zhuge Qingyang took out the compass, measured the direction, and then looked up at the moon and stars in the sky.

"This should be the last island among the seven islands, Archie Island."

"Then let's go back to Gata Island quickly, and then enter that space again..."

Bai Ye urged.

"No matter what, we can't leave Brother Chen there alone."


Everyone else nodded and prepared to leave.

"Wait... everyone, we don't have a boat, how do we get out of here?"

Devo, who had never had a chance to speak, said tremblingly.

He was also scared.

He was still poisoned. If Xiao Chen died, he wouldn't survive.

Hearing Devo's words, Bai Ye and others were startled, then frowned.

"Looking, everyone spread out and search. What if there is a boat? Once you find the boat, notify others immediately!"

Feng Manlou finished his words and headed in one direction.

Although the line of sight is blocked at night, most people are not weak, so the impact is not too great.

Soon, everyone else spread out and headed in all directions, trying to find the ship.

"Brother, will we rescue Brother Chen? He will be fine, right?"

Zhuge Qingxi's face was pale and filled with tears.

"Well, no, Brother Xiao is a man of great fortune and destiny, and he is a destined person. Nothing will happen to him."

Zhuge Qingyang nodded, comforting his sister and himself.

However, when he said these words, he felt that he couldn't even comfort himself.

They have all seen how strong Amos and others are.

Xiao Chen alone can't stop him!

"Nothing will happen to you. If anything happens to you, I will kill them all... I can't do it alone, so I will call the master and ask him to bring experts over!"

Under the night, Nangong Ling turned into a white shadow and galloped on Archie Island.

"No, it won't, Brother Chen, you won't die!"

Bai Ye was also running, his eyes red, like a wounded beast.

Pictures kept appearing in his mind, starting from when he and Xiao Chen met again in Longhai, scene after scene...

He thought of a big explosion in Macau... At that time, he also thought that something had happened to Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen was fine.

"Brother Chen, you are so lucky, how can you die... No way!"

Bai Ye's voice trembled.

He also thought that after coming to Gata Island, Xiao Chen was also a bit superstitious. In order to be afraid of something happening to him and to stop everything being a coincidence, the two of them changed rooms.


On the coast, the God of Fire was wrapped in flames, like a running fire man.

At the same time, he condensed several fire dragons, flying around and reflecting the redness of the sea.

In this way, he can see at a glance whether there are speedboats or the like on the sea.

Xiao Chen had saved his life, and they were friends. He didn't want anything to happen to Xiao Chen!

On Archie Island, everyone is going crazy.

"Do you think he will die?"

Scorpion asked the black widow beside him.

"Will not."

Black Widow's voice was a little cold.

"I don't think there will be a miracle..."

After Scorpion finished speaking, he quickened his pace.

Just when Bai Ye and others were trying to find a boat to leave Archie Island, a killing was also going on in the space of Gata Island.

The werewolf clan drives out outsiders, and those who don't leave will be killed without mercy!

At the same time, they are still searching for Prince Charlie, Satan and others who escaped.

Obviously, Amos is not going to let them go, especially Prince Charles!

He wants to kill this old vampire!

Most people quickly exited the space after being warned by the werewolf clan.

Some people think that this space is ownerless and want to stay and search it to see if there are other treasures.

For those with this idea, the werewolf clan stopped talking nonsense and started killing without mercy!

The smell of blood permeates the space. It must be said that the strength of the werewolves and ordinary mercenaries is too great!

It's almost a one-sided crushing, even ordinary werewolves can kill top-notch mercenaries!

Werewolves, born warriors!

There is no one on the highest peak of the space now.

Those big stones are still there, and the words and pictures carved on them have been taken away.

The cliff is still filled with clouds and mist.

I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Chen, who was lying on the ground at the bottom of the cliff, suddenly trembled.


After another full minute, Xiao Chen made a painful sound and slowly raised his head.

His vision was a little blurry and he could only roughly see the surrounding trees.


Xiao Chen coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest hurt as if it was being torn apart, but at the same time he felt a lot more relaxed.

His vision became clearer and he saw his surroundings clearly.

"Still alive?"

Xiao Chen twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile.

However, as he moved a little bit, there was sharp pain everywhere in his body, which made him grin again.

"Haha, I'm still alive."

Although it hurt, the smile on Xiao Chen's face became stronger and stronger.

No matter how injured you are, as long as you can survive.

"I got it right, it seems... Lady Luck is still on my side."

Xiao Chen grinned and struggled to sit up.

But the severe pain and powerlessness finally made him give up and just lie on the ground, unable to move.

"What time is it? It should still be dark outside, right? It's quite nice inside, it's always bright..."

Xiao Chen lay on the ground, a little bored and at the same time a little worried about Bai Ye and the others.

"I don't know if that teleportation array is reliable. It shouldn't be dangerous, right? However, even if it is unreliable, it should be better than me. I can't move even if I lie on the ground..."

"And on the top of the mountain, I don't know what's happening...Are Amos and the others gone? Where are Satan and the others? There should be another war, right?"

Then, Xiao Chen thought of him splitting Zeus in half with one knife, and felt much relieved.

Odin is dead, Zeus is dead, and now among the three leaders of the exiles, only one Satan is left!

Lao Su's death seemed to have put a shackles on his heart, but now that revenge was over, the shackles were lifted, and he felt much more relaxed.

However, Xiao Chen felt a little sad when he thought of the woman who was brave enough to avenge Zeus.

"Don't blame me. I have no choice but to take a hostile stance."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself.

After a long time, he felt as if he had gained a little strength. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and finally turned over, lying face up on the ground.

"Damn it, did you hit the ground on your face just now? Why does it hurt so much? Is it going to be disfigured?"

Xiao Chen shook his face, a little worried.

Then, he used the ancient martial arts method and began to restore his state.

He felt that his ribs and sternum were broken, and his organs were bleeding to varying degrees... He could no longer lift his left arm, and it was also broken.

It can be said that this time he has rarely been seriously injured since his debut, and he was almost dying!

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to survive!

"As long as I don't die, I can wait until I come back to trouble you!"

Xiao Chen muttered, adjusting his breath while continuing to think wildly.

He was thinking about the inheritance on the top of the mountain.

Are those really the inheritance of that powerful person?

It doesn't look like the kind of thing that an old fortune teller would say is a 'great opportunity'!

And the Wolf King's Order, is it still in this space?

After another hour or so, Xiao Chen felt that his condition was better. At least the bleeding organs had been stopped by him, and he gradually gained strength.

Unable to move his left hand, he raised his right hand and felt a tearing pain.

This was not only caused by the fall, but also caused by stabbing the rock wall with a Xuanyuan knife when falling.

Even the shoulder was pulled and dislocated.



Xiao Chen groaned and put his dislocated arm back on.

He moved a little, put his hands on the ground, and slowly sat up.

"The Xuanyuan Saber...is out of hand, it should be nearby."

Xiao Chen looked around and finally saw Xuanyuan Dao, ten meters away, half submerged in the ground, standing, shining with a dark golden light.


Seeing that the Xuanyuan knife was not lost, Xiao Chen smiled and took out the Nine Flames Xuan Needle.

He quickly inserted the Nine Flame Xuan Needle into the large acupuncture point on his chest, and a warmth arose, making him feel slightly refreshed.

The Nine Flames Mysterious Needle, combined with the Ancient Martial Mind Technique, continued to repair his injuries, and the pain was reduced a lot.

At least, life was saved.

When he woke up just now, his organs were ruptured and bleeding, and there was no guarantee that he would survive.

Now, he finally felt relieved.

However, he did not relax and worked hard to treat himself.

An unfamiliar environment always gives people a sense of insecurity.

He wasn't sure what was at the bottom of the cliff. If there were any ferocious beasts, it would be the end of the world.

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