Ten minutes later, Bai Ye and Feng Manlou arrived at the place where they used to live. As soon as they arrived, they noticed something strange and a suspicious person was wandering around. "That should be Hubert's person, right?" Bai Ye sat in the car and lit a cigarette. "Yeah." Feng Manlou nodded. "Don't worry about them, just keep an eye on them here." "I don't know what Brother Chen's situation is now, but I believe he will be fine." Bai Ye was also worried, but he was more confident in Xiao Chen. "Yeah." Feng Manlou also lit up a cigarette. "He will definitely come back." "Three days. If it exceeds three days, we will find a way to sneak into the space and go around... If they find Brother Chen, then there will definitely be movement from the werewolf clan! Now the werewolf clan is looking for Us, it means they haven't found Brother Chen yet, so they can only find us." Bai Ye blew out a smoke ring. "Nowadays, the space is completely controlled by the werewolf clan. It is very difficult to enter without being discovered by them... I will ask Zhuge when I get back and see if he can do anything! I think there should be more than one entrance and exit like Yixiantian." Feng Manlou After thinking for a while, he said. "Yeah." Bai Ye nodded. The two talked and kept an eye on the area. Once someone notices this, they will start the car and leave, waiting for another car to come back. In a blink of an eye, it's night. "Let's go find Eugene." Bai Ye looked at the time and said to Feng Manlou. "Yes." Feng Manlou nodded, and the two drove back to the Presidential Palace. Compared to before, the security around the Presidential Palace is even tighter! The two of them walked around in a circle, but neither found any gaps. They almost walked every three steps to a post, and every five steps to a post. "Damn, how cowardly is this Eugene!" Bai Ye cursed and took out his cell phone. "Brother Feng, let's call Mu La directly and ask him to take us in!" "Yes." Feng Manlou nodded. Since we can't sneak in, it's best to go in openly. What they were most worried about was not being discovered by Eugene's people, but being discovered by the werewolf clan! In addition, Satan escaped and no one knew where he was. If Satan discovers them, he will definitely not let them go! The exiles suffered heavy losses and were almost completely wiped out! There is no way Satan will not settle accounts with them! "Mr. Bai?" After receiving Bai Ye's call, Mu La was a little surprised. He actually dared to call her? "Mr. Mulla, I want to see Eugene, please make arrangements." Bai Ye said directly without any nonsense. "You want to see the president? Could it be that...Mr. Xiao is back?" Mulla was surprised and asked. "Don't talk nonsense. I'm outside the Presidential Palace now. You can make arrangements. If you have any questions, we can wait until we see Eugene." Bai Ye said coldly. "Okay, I'll call Mr. President right away." After Mulla finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Bai Ye put away her cell phone and lit a cigarette: "Let's wait, Mulla called Eugene." Within a few minutes, Herman appeared. "Mr. Bai." Herman is no stranger to Bai Ye. When Xiao Chen and Bai Ye sneaked into the Presidential Palace, they even had a conflict! However, Bai Ye had the upper hand and controlled Herman at that time! "Mr. President, please." "Yes." Bai Ye nodded and entered the presidential palace with Feng Manlou. In the reception room, the two met Eugene. "Mr. Bai, Mr. Feng." Eugene looked at the two of them, his eyes flashed, and he smiled. "Nice to see you again." "Really? Mr. Eugene, are you really happy?" Bai Ye sat down. "Of course, but I heard that Mr. Xiao... he is missing? I wonder if he has appeared?" Eugene was also worried about whether Xiao Chen appeared, so he asked directly without any nonsense. "I came here this time just to ask for help from Mr. Eugene to find Brother Chen." Bai Ye and the others also discussed this time. After all, this is Eugene's territory. It would be best if Hubert's people can help. . Although Xiao Chen jumped off the cliff in space, no one knew the specific situation. Didn't they just enter the teleportation array and be teleported out? What if there is a teleportation array or something at the bottom of the cliff? That's why they came to find Eugene, even if it was dangerous. "Mr. Xiao...hasn't been found yet?" Upon hearing Bai Ye's words, Eugene's heart sank. To be honest, although he also had great opinions on Xiao Chen,

But I hope Xiao Chen is alive! As long as Xiao Chen lives, then he can live! Even if he prepares for the worst, if he can live, who wants to die? But now... Bai Ye and the others have no news about Xiao Chen, so is he already dead? Thinking of this, Eugene's eyes flashed. "No, but Brother Chen will definitely be fine." Bai Ye shook his head. "Mr. Bai, why did you leave the place I arranged?" Eugene looked at Bai Ye and asked slowly. "The werewolf clan and the exiles are looking for us. It's time for us to change places." Bai Ye said lightly. "Oh, that's it. I thought something happened to you over there... Since you're fine, I'll ask Mulla to evacuate the people over there." Eugene smiled. Although Bai Ye and Feng Manlou didn't believe what Eugene said, since he said so, he naturally wouldn't refute or expose it. "Mr. Bai, don't worry, I will arrange people here to look for Mr. Xiao... His life is my life." Eugene looked at Bai Ye and said. "Yeah." Bai Ye was satisfied. It would be best if Eugene thought so. He could tell, and Brother Chen also said that Eugene was a coward who cherished his life. This kind of person can be easily controlled as long as he controls his life! That’s why he took the risk to come this time! Even if he knew that Eugene might have other ideas, Brother Chen was not sure what would happen one day, so Eugene's ideas could only be ideas! Afterwards, Eugene asked Bai Ye a few more questions, such as where they lived now, whether it was safe, whether they wanted him to provide a more private place, etc. All these were dealt with by Bai Ye and Feng Manlou. Not only do they have to guard against the werewolves and Satan, they also have to guard against Eugene! What if Xiao Chen never shows up and the desperate Eugene thinks of dying together? Although Eugene is very weak, he is the president of a country after all! The Naga army can be considered a violent machine and should not be underestimated. If tanks and armored vehicles really start to open up, and armed helicopters surround us, even if Feng Manlou and Vulcan use their strength, they may not be able to hold on! This is also the reason why the country has more and more say now. A technological power is not only reflected externally, but also internally. For example, in China, the imperial court now has the upper hand. Even the sects and aristocratic families in the ancient martial arts world do not dare to go too far, but follow the rules set by the imperial court! After chatting for a while, Bai Ye and Feng Manlou planned to leave. "Mr. Bai, I'll see you off." Eugene stood up and said to Bai Ye and Feng Manlou. "Okay." Bai Ye and Feng Manlou looked at Eugene's actions and felt more reassured. With him by their side, nothing would happen. The three of them left the reception room and walked outside. "Mr. President." Just when he was about to leave the presidential palace, Mulla appeared, walking quickly, as if something was wrong. "What's wrong?" Eugene stopped and asked. "There's something..." Mu La hesitated and glanced at Bai Ye and Feng Manlou. Bai Ye and Feng Manlou noticed Mu La's gaze and knew that it might not be convenient in front of them. "Haha, Mr. Eugene, please do your work first, so there is no need to send him off. Let's go." Bai Ye said to Eugene. "That's... okay, then you walk slowly. If there is any news, I will notify you in time." Eugene nodded. "Yeah." Bai Ye and Feng Manlou walked out, intending to go back to their previous residence and take a stroll. "Are you all ready?" Eugene asked softly, looking at the backs of Bai Ye and Feng Manlou. "You're ready, Mr. President, do you really want to do this?" Mulla whispered. "I...have no choice!" Eugene looked at Eugene and said. "Let's take action." "Yes." Mulla nodded, raised the watch, and pressed the button on it. As Mu La pressed the button, Feng Manlou, who was walking out, suddenly stopped. "What's wrong, Brother Feng?" Bai Ye was startled when Feng Manlou stopped. "Murderous!" Feng Manlou's eyes flashed, and he turned around and rushed towards Eugene. Bai Ye's reaction was also very quick. He believed in Feng Manlou's intuition! "Fuck!" After Bai Ye cursed, he pulled out two guns from his waist and rushed towards Eugene. Bang bang bang! Just when the two men made a move, a burst of intense gunfire came out. Immediately afterwards, a large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed out with guns in hand. Eugene and Mulla also ran back quickly, and a large group of people blocked them. Buzz! Immediately afterwards, the sound of propellers was heard, and two armed helicopters roared over, hovering above the presidential palace. "Let's go!" Upon seeing this, Feng Manlou no longer rushed towards Eugene, but shouted to Bai Ye, preparing to fight out. Bai Ye nodded and rushed out following Feng Manlou. Da da da! The dense bullets blocked Feng Manlou and Bai Ye's retreat. Not to mention Bai Ye, even Feng Manlou had to dodge, the bullets could kill him as well. "Damn it, Eugene!" Bai Ye hid behind a bunker, with anger flashing in his eyes. Neither he nor Feng Manlou expected that Eugene would be ambushed! It's really... Eugene's performance just now was so similar that there was nothing unusual about it at all! In order to reassure them, he even offered to send them out! Just when they were relaxing, an ambush was launched! "Mr. Bai, Mr. Feng, don't resist... I know you are strong, but I have arranged hundreds of soldiers here, with various weapons of mass destruction..." Eugene's voice came from afar. "As long as you surrender, I promise not to kill you!" "Fuck you!" Bai Ye yelled, and only after he finished cursing did he realize that Eugene couldn't understand Chinese. "Eugene, how dare you attack us? Aren't you afraid of being poisoned and dying?" "Afraid, of course I'm afraid. Just because of fear, I have to keep you!" Eugene said solemnly.

try{content1;}catch(ex){}(Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier..6969373)--(Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier)

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