Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1956 Leaving the bottom of the cliff

Xiao Chen felt it carefully, and felt in his heart that even a rifle should not be able to break through his defense! But soon he shook his head, damn, how could you have such an idea? Too dangerous! When he fought against Hua Jin before, he thought those Hua Jin masters were idiots. They could hide, but they didn't because of the protective aura! This time is often his opportunity! Several masters of energy transformation fell into his hands like this! Unexpectedly, after truly possessing the body-protecting Qi, he would also feel that no one could break his defense...even if he stood still, he would still be undefeated! Fortunately, he reacted in time. He must not be like those idiots! Although it is said that he has met too few monsters like him, there are many talented people in the country, and no one knows if there are any monsters who can compare to him! However, he didn't think anyone could hurt him. He himself is a monster. If someone could hurt him, how evil he would be! "Hua Jin... Amos, Satan, High Priest, hey, you are all waiting for me!" Xiao Chen clenched his fists, a cold light flashed in his eyes. But when he glanced at the empty spiritual pool next to him, he felt a little distressed. Such a large pool of spiritual liquid was just gone! If you take it out, it will definitely be priceless and detonate the ancient martial arts world! "Forget it, don't be greedy. Uncover the secret of the bone ring, get the 'Chaos Realm', and the Fuxi inheritance. The harvest is too great... The old fortune teller really didn't lie to me. This is a great opportunity!" Xiao Chen muttered to himself, and then thought of Su Yunfei. No matter how big the opportunity is, if he is given a choice, he will not hesitate to choose to bring Su Yunfei back to life, even if... he doesn't want these opportunities! But Lao Su is already dead, and there is no way to resurrect the dead... Therefore, all he can do is to take good care of Amelia Su and Su Xiaomeng! Then, he put away some messy thoughts and picked up the Wolf King Token next to him. "To lead the werewolf clan...how to do it? Fortunately, even if you meet Amos now, you don't have to be afraid of him. Otherwise, he will be another trouble!" Xiao Chen looked at the Wolf King Ling and narrowed his eyes. eyes. After a long time, he looked at Feng Feiyang again and stepped forward slowly. "Master, let me tell you something. You may be a descendant of Fuxi. The 'Yantian Jue' you learned is a simplified version of the 'Chaos Jue'..." Xiao Chen followed Feng Feiyang and talked for a while. No matter what, this This opportunity was given to him by Feng Feiyang, so he had to tell him everything he should know. "By the way, Master, you just said that the Wolf King's Order can control this space and Gata Island, but you didn't say, how do I get up there? It's so high, you can't let me climb up little by little, right?" Xiao Chen said, Suddenly something occurred to me and I picked up the box on the table. Feng Feiyang said before that he had a treasure, and he could get it as long as he got the Wolf King Token. If he hadn't suddenly thought of it, he would have almost forgotten about it! He picked up the Wolf King Token, and after establishing some kind of connection with it using his spiritual power, his eyes flashed. "This thing... is too advanced, it's like a remote control." Xiao Chen muttered and looked in one direction, only to hear a 'click' sound coming out, and the wall slowly opened. "It turns out that mental power is still used in this way... I have learned a lot." Xiao Chen looked at the Wolf King Ling, thoughtfully. But thinking of Feng Feiyang's 'treasure', he immediately suppressed other thoughts and walked over quickly. It’s better to take a look at the collection first, and think about other things slowly. In his opinion, Feng Feiyang’s lifelong treasure is absolutely extraordinary! Just look at the lighting in his cave and you will know how luxurious it is to use the luminous pearls as light bulbs! There may be some good treasures inside! But when he saw clearly what was inside, his eyes widened. "This...is a lifetime treasure?" Xiao Chen looked at the two shelves of books and was dumbfounded. He originally thought that this treasure was not only priceless, but also rare in the world! But...they are all books, what the hell! Besides, it’s been hundreds of years, can I still read this book? He walked in slowly, picked up a book, and was surprised to find that it didn't turn into ashes. "Special paper?" Xiao Chen opened it. It was a book about cultivation, like an encyclopedia, with many introductions.

Just after flipping through a few pages, Xiao Chen's eyes lit up, as if the door to a new world had opened for him. "This is much more valuable than gold, silver and jewelry!" Xiao Chen shouted excitedly, not even a little bit disappointed. There was still so much he didn't understand about cultivation, and he was even...completely confused! He originally thought that when he went back, he would ask the old fortune teller to see what advice he had. However, because the inheritance of cultivation is almost cut off now, he is worried that the old fortune teller may not understand it very well... Now it's better, these books by Feng Feiyang have helped him a lot! Xiao Chen browsed around and found that in addition to books on cultivation, there were also many other books, such as books about formations, medicine, etc. "The collection of books here is not inferior to the old fortune teller's collection, right?" Xiao Chen felt like he had found a treasure. If he took out any book, it would cause a sensation! "Take them away, take them all away...these are real treasures!" Xiao Chen said, looking around, trying to find a sack, box or something to put all these books in. However, there are no sacks or boxes in this book storage place. "Oops, why did I forget... I have the bone ring space, do I still need a sack?" Xiao Chen thought of something and slapped his forehead. Then, he picked up a book, and with a flash of thought, the book disappeared from his hands. Immediately afterwards, his consciousness entered the bone ring space, and there was a book on the ground. "It really works!" Xiao Chen was extremely excited. He really had the legendary thing! In excitement, he began to collect books into the bone ring space... After collecting more than a dozen books, the excitement was gone. "It's a bit troublesome... I'm stupid, can't I just put this shelf in?" Xiao Chen looked at the shelf with books, held it with his right hand, and with a flash of thought, the shelf and the books on it all disappeared. in front of me. However, as the shelf disappeared, his vision went dark, as if a small star appeared. "Damn... It seems that with my current mental strength, I can't control too many things." Xiao Chen shook his dizzy head, and after taking a short rest, he felt better. "I will practice the 'Earth' chapter more in the future and strengthen my mental strength..." It took almost an hour for Xiao Chen to collect all the books in the bone ring space. While collecting the books, he also discovered a lot of ancient martial arts techniques... and they were all top-notch. In comparison, those ancient martial arts and sword skills on the big rock at the top are nothing! Although it is also top-notch, it is still incomparable with the collection of books here... As for comparing with "Yantian Jue", it is not on the same level! After emptying all the books, Xiao Chen communicated with the Wolf King Ling again and made sure that nothing was wrong before returning to the cave outside. "Master, please tell me how to get off this cliff..." Xiao Chen looked at Feng Feiyang and asked. Feng Feiyang, who had turned into a skeleton, naturally would not answer Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen had no choice but to shake his head and could only find a way by himself. However, before thinking of a way out, Feng Feiyang must be buried first. In China, it is important to rest in peace! And Feng Feiyang also said, just bury him in the bamboo forest outside! Xiao Chen went out first and came to the bamboo forest. He looked around but couldn't find anything suitable. Finally, he simply took the Xuanyuan knife and started digging a hole in the ground. The Xuanyuan knife shone with a dark golden light, seeming to be a little resistant to such hard work. "I am Hua Jin now, just do whatever I ask you to do!" Xiao Chen glared. Since becoming Hua Jin, he felt that his confidence was overwhelming! "..." Xuanyuan Sword could not answer Xiao Chen, but the dark golden sword light continued to flicker. Soon, Xiao Chen dug a hole. "Master, I'm offended." Xiao Chen bowed again before picking up the skeleton. Just when he picked up the skeleton, his eyes flashed and he suddenly noticed a line of words below. "There is a teleportation array to the west of the jungle. You can climb to the top of the cliff!" Xiao Chen couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this line of small words, and then he was ecstatic. Is there a teleportation array at the bottom of the cliff? Can we go directly to the top of the cliff? Very good! Then, he looked at the skeleton and seemed to understand something. This should be Feng Feiyang's final test. He had already said that he would be buried in a bamboo forest. If the visitor only accepts the inheritance and does not bury him, he will be trapped here forever... Although Xiao Chen does not think that this cliff can trap people for a lifetime, but since Feng Feiyang did this, it is definitely not as simple as it seems. Maybe Feng Feiyang has imposed some restrictions that can really trap people here for a lifetime. Although he wanted to leave immediately, he buried Fengfeiyang first, then found a stone, cut it flat with a Xuanyuan knife, and stood it in front of the tomb. "Master, this is the Xuanyuan Sword, handed down from Emperor Xuanyuan... I'll use it for you to dig in the soil and carve words. It shouldn't be an insult to you, right?" Xiao Chen said, and carved another line of words on the stone - "Teacher Feng Feiyang" His tomb, disciple Xiao Chenli! Originally, he was thinking of getting another tablet for Feng Feiyang to engrave his life on. But after thinking about it, he realized that there were a lot of words about his life, so he gave up. Besides, not many people come to the bottom of this cliff. There was no wine or food, so Xiao Chen could only simply worship. "Master, when I come back next time, I will bring you wine and food, and have a drink with you!" After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he stayed for a while and returned to the cave. His eyes swept across the Lingtan, and he suddenly showed a look of surprise. He discovered... that there was an extra drop of spiritual liquid at the bottom of the spiritual pool! This made him very excited. Could it be that the spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool would reappear again? Yes! There is a huge spirit gathering array here. The spiritual energy in the space will be gathered and turned into spiritual mist...and the spiritual mist will gradually turn into spiritual liquid, but it will take a long, long time! Although it takes a long time, at least I have something to think about! "When we have the spiritual liquid again, we can't use it for bathing. It's too luxurious..." Xiao Chen muttered, looked at the cave, held the Xuanyuan knife, turned around and walked out. He is leaving!

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