Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1977 The Captured God of War

As the light disappeared, there was no one on the teleportation array! Not to mention Xiao Chen, even Leon's figure has disappeared! Swish, swish, swish! Amos and other werewolf masters arrived. When they looked at the empty teleportation array, their expressions changed drastically! They saw it from a distance just now. It could be said that Leon disappeared under their noses! "Where is Leon?" Someone who had just arrived here and had not seen the teleportation array asked in confusion. How could a good person, no, two people, disappear out of thin air? "Damn it!" Amos looked ugly. Xiao Chen actually captured Leon? Carol's eyelids also twitched a few times. If Amos hadn't come to him temporarily for something, would it be him who was kidnapped by Xiao Chen now? Thinking of this, he was a little lucky. What would happen if he fell into Xiao Chen's hands? "He captured Leon, and I destroyed this thing!" Someone said, about to destroy the jade platform. "Don't move, do you want to kill Leon?" Amos stopped him coldly. No one knows now where the other side of the jade platform is, whether it is another dimension! If this jade platform is really destroyed, although Xiao Chen can be prevented from appearing again, what about Leon? I'm afraid he won't be able to come back either! "When will the great astrologer arrive?" Amos turned around and asked. "Arrived today!" the man replied. "At that time, please ask the great astrologers to find out what this jade platform is... Those astrologers said that it is most likely a teleportation device." Amos narrowed his eyes. "Tell me to go down and look for Xiao Chen and Leon!" "Yes!" Many people around nodded and left quickly. At the same time, on Alqi Island, the teleportation array flashed with light. "Brother Chen is back!" Bai Ye looked at the light on the teleportation array and couldn't help but feel happy. "I don't know why Brother Chen has been there for so long..." "Stay back!" Before Bai Ye could finish speaking, Xiao Chen's voice came out from the teleportation array. Immediately afterwards, two figures appeared in the light. "Huh? How come there are two people?" Bai Ye and others were stunned, but they still obeyed Xiao Chen's words and quickly took a few steps back. After the first teleportation, Leon, who was a little uncomfortable, shook his head. What happened? He felt a sense of weightlessness just now, and then his consciousness became slightly blurred. After the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, the surrounding environment seemed to change. "I told you, you can't run away!" Xiao Chen had already adapted to it after being teleported several times, so he was the first to react. He was afraid that Leon would destroy the teleportation array, so he grabbed his wrist with his right hand and violently threw it outward. Leon, who had just stood still, was thrown away again. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough and stabilized the person in the air, he would have been thrown to pieces! boom! After he landed, he staggered back a few steps and finally thought of what had just happened. He fought fiercely with Xiao Chen, and the jade platform emitted light, and then he was dragged into the jade platform by Xiao Chen... When he saw his surroundings clearly, his eyes widened. Where is this place? They are no longer at the top, and the werewolves around them are also gone! "This is... what the hell, Leon?" Bai Ye looked carefully, recognized Leon, and his eyes widened. He was surprised. What was Brother Chen doing right now? Why did he come back with Leon? Vulcan and others were equally surprised. What happened? "Why are you standing there in a daze? Catch him!" After Xiao Chen said that, he took the Xuanyuan knife, jumped out of the teleportation array, and headed straight for Lyon. "I heard that there are four war gods in the werewolf clan, and you are the Eastern God of War, right? Today, I will beat you, the Eastern God of War!" "Ah!" Leon also saw the situation in front of him clearly, and let out a wolf roar, the burly The body has grown bigger again! Although he is still a little confused now. He was clearly on the top of the mountain just now, but how could he arrive in this strange place in the blink of an eye? But if he doesn't fight hard in front of him, he will definitely die! He just glanced at Vulcan and Feng Manlou. He had seen them before. They were all masters of energy transformation! Xiao Chen alone is already very strong, and with two transformation powers, he is in danger! The next second, his nails that were cut off by Xiao Chen swelled out again. Even his red beard has grown a lot, and combined with the gray hair on his body, he really looks like a wolf-shaped monster! Uh-huh! Nangong Ling reacted the fastest, her long sword flashed with cold light,

One strike! Just as Leon was about to block the long sword, the Xuanyuan Saber had already arrived. He had no choice but to block the Xuanyuan Sword, and Red Beard was instantly cut off by the long sword. "Roar!" Watching the red beard fall to the ground, Leon roared, as if he was irritated. "The Eastern God of War... sounds very awesome. If you kill him, you can brag about it everywhere!" Bai Ye looked at Leon, his eyes bright. However, he hesitated and still did not step forward. Obviously, Leon at his peak is more powerful than the injured Satan and Prince Charles! If he rushes forward, not only will he not be able to help, he may even be doing a disservice. "Leon, as long as you surrender, I promise not to kill you!" Xiao Chen didn't want to kill Leon. The four war gods looked like the top combat power of the werewolf clan! If Leon is really killed, the top combat power of the werewolf clan will be weakened a lot. This is not what he wants to see! "The werewolf clan never surrenders!" Leon roared, avoiding Nangong Ling's sword and killing Xiao Chen. "Wind blade!" Feng Manlou shouted softly, and a series of wind blades enveloped Lyon. However, his strength was not as good as Lyon's, and he could not break through his defense at all! But the wind blades made Leon a little confused! Although it can't be hurt, it will still hurt when the wind blade hits your body! Especially Leon, who was injured by the Xuanyuan Dao's blade before and was covered in blood. "I've roasted chickens, ducks, fish and geese, but I haven't roasted wolves yet. Let's try this time." Vulcan muttered, and the two fire dragons found an opening and flew towards Lyon, trying to envelope him. boom! Leon jumped up and tore the fire dragon apart with one claw, allowing it to transform into the fire element again and disappear into the air. "Everyone, stand back!" Xiao Chen saw several people surrounding him. Because he didn't cooperate much before, he restrained himself and gave Leon a chance! It would be bad if one of Leon was seriously injured! Therefore, it is better for him to fight Lyon alone! "Hurry up, everyone, stand back, Brother Chen is going to beat the wolf cub!" Bai Ye yelled, he couldn't go up to fight, this was one of the ways to participate. Nangong Ling and others also saw it, sheathed their swords and retreated. If Leon wanted to run away, it would not be too late for them to take action! Huoshen and Feng Manlou cooperated well, but with Xiao Chen and Nangong Ling, it was a bit messy, so they retreated. "Leon, let's challenge each other, one on one, how dare you!" Xiao Chen did not take action directly, but said to Leon. "With you?" A sarcastic look flashed in Leon's eyes. Although he was also surprised by Xiao Chen's power, he didn't feel that he was incapable of fighting! He is the Eastern God of War of the werewolf clan! "Yes, just me... Leon, do you dare to bet against me?" Xiao Chen looked at Leon and said loudly. "Betting?" Leon frowned when he heard Xiao Chen's words. "How to bet?" "If I win, how about you tell me the secret of the Wolf King's Order? I know that the Wolf King's Order has secrets. It's not that simple to lead your werewolf clan!" Xiao Chen 'captured' Leon I came here just for the secret of the Wolf King's Order. It would be great if I could learn it through gambling. The most important thing is... he thinks Leon is easier to deal with than Amos. The word "easy to deal with" here does not mean that Leon's combat power is lower than Amos's, but that he feels... Leon's IQ seems to be lower than Amos's, so it is easier to deceive him! As for the God of War, he prefers to be a ‘Warrior’, not like Amos! However, even if you are a martial artist, it does not mean you are brainless! Leon's expression changed and he glared at Xiao Chen: "Xiao Chen, the werewolf clan will never be slaves!" "Who made you slaves? Don't say 'never slaves' every day. I don't intend to treat you as slaves." Slave!" Xiao Chen was not angry. "We can make friends, right? There's no need to fight." "Make friends? Yes, as long as you hand over the Wolf King's Order, you will be a friend of our werewolf clan." Leon's face softened slightly and he looked serious. road. Hearing Leon's words, Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched. Damn it, uncle, what good things are you thinking about? Let alone the formations used by the Wolf King Token to control Gata Island, just talking about the Wolf King Token itself, there is no way he would just hand it over! When he learned about the Wolf King's order, he was concerned about it! Being able to lead a clan of werewolves, this temptation... no one can resist, not even him! The most important thing is that he has no friendship with the werewolf clan, so just to gain such a little bit of 'friendship', he handed over the Wolf King's Order? What are you thinking! Whoever pays you is a fool! Xiao Chen can be sure that if he says now that he sells the Wolf King Order for 10 billion US dollars, he will definitely grab the top spot! The phrase ‘Become a friend of the werewolf clan’ is worth ten billion dollars? joke! It is impossible to hand over, it is simply impossible! "Leon, you should be very clear about what the Wolf King Token represents... With just such a word from you, you want me to hand over the Wolf King Token? Oh, it's impossible." Xiao Chen shook his head. "Keep talking, I won. You tell me the secret of the Wolf King's Order. If you win, I will send you back!" "Where is this place?" Leon looked around and saw trees, rocks, and faintly... Sound of the waves. "In another dimension, without me, you will always be trapped here!" Xiao Chen said nonsense seriously. "How about it? Think about it." Next to them, Bai Ye and others wanted to laugh. They were really talking nonsense! However, Leon seemed to believe it! "Another space?" Leon's expression changed again, and he pointed at the jade platform. "What is this?" "Teleportation array, connecting multiple spaces... Well, you can understand it as a 'transportation'." Xiao Chen thought for a while and said. "Transportation?" Leon frowned and looked at Xiao Chen. "Yes, only I can use it, so without me, you will never be able to go back." Xiao Chen nodded. "How about it, do you want to gamble?" "You can gamble, but if I win, you will not only send me back, but also give me the Wolf King's Order!" Leon looked at Xiao Chen and said in a deep voice.

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