Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1991: Die together

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Two figures, one behind the other, fled and chased each other quickly on Archie Island.


When they entered the jungle, Amos's huge body was a little in the way.

But he didn't care. When he encountered smaller trees, he would break them directly. If he grabbed a slightly larger tree with a steel claw, the bark would burst.

And he used this power to swing forward, not much slower than Xiao Chen's running.

"Xiao Chen, don't you want to fight me? Is this the 'battle' you're talking about?"

Amos looked at Xiao Chen in front of him and roared angrily.

"What the hell, you can heal yourself, but I can't. This is not fair at all!"

Xiao Chen turned around and cursed, and ran faster.

"Then when do you plan to escape?"

Amos was angrier.

"Either you give yourself a knife and let yourself bleed some more, or you wait until my injury stops bleeding and we can continue fighting!"

When Xiao Chen said this, he looked down and saw that the wound on his chest was no longer bleeding.

However, it is not suitable for another fierce battle or running for a while!


Amos roared, he was not an idiot, how could he stab himself!

In anger, he moved faster, and after breaking a small tree, he closed the distance with Xiao Chen.

"Then let's run first. Running can be regarded as a kind of competition. We compete for endurance, internal strength, and... we won't compete with dad anyway!"

Xiao Chen turned around and glanced at Amos, holding the Xuanyuan knife tightly, wondering when to stop, and stabbing Amos with his backhand.

"you wanna die!"

Amos continued to chase fiercely, and the distance between the two became closer again.

Xiao Chen also pretended to be exhausted.

After taking a few deep breaths, he took out the porcelain bottle and poured a lot of powder on the wound on his chest.

He even took out two Nine Flame Mysterious Needles and stuck them on both sides of the wound to speed up the recovery of the wound.

Amos couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Xiao Chen's speed slowing down. He once again formed a special pressure and went faster.

Especially when he saw a light, he was about to rush out of the jungle, with a ferocious smile on his face.

As soon as he leaves the jungle, he will burst out with another wave of speed, and he will definitely be able to catch up with Xiao Chen.

He swore that if he caught up with this escaping guy, he would tear him alive!

In just a few breaths, the two of them rushed out of the jungle.

Xiao Chen's speed became even slower, but Amos's speed increased.

The distance between the two kept shrinking, more than ten meters, ten meters, eight meters...

Listening to the whistling behind him, Xiao Chen sneered, come on, get closer...

But when he turned around, he showed a bit of shock, with an expression like 'Why are you running so fast?'

Five meters, four meters, three meters...

Just when Amos got two meters closer and was about to launch a critical attack, Xiao Chen, who was fleeing in front, suddenly stopped, turned around and struck out with a knife.

"Kill me!"

As Xiao Chen shouted, a dark golden sword light erupted from the Xuanyuan knife, and then split into two in the air, and the two parts split into four... Almost instantly, it divided into dozens of sword lights, all of which struck Amo. Sri Lanka.

Amos was startled, and then he secretly screamed, "I've been fooled!"


Amos didn't have time to think too much. He let out a wolf howl and swung out his hands violently, tearing apart the slashed sword light.

Although he tore through most of the sword light, there were still three or four dark golden sword lights that struck him.

The body-protecting Qi he had previously had been cut away by Xiao Chen!

Even if he completely transformed into a werewolf, it would be impossible for him to re-concentrate his body-protecting energy in such a short period of time!

Therefore, these three or four sword lights were like knives, cutting wounds on his body and causing blood to splash.

In just a few steps, he turned into a bloody man.

"Amos, let's keep fighting!"

Seeing that the sword was effective, Xiao Chen pulled out the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle, quickly put it into the bone ring space, and then rushed towards Amos.

He didn't dare to fight with the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle. If he lost it, it would be a pain in the ass!

After the treatment just now, the wound on his chest has closed a lot and no longer spurts blood.

This is enough!


Amos roared angrily and was beaten back by Xiao Chen.

"What's so despicable? This is called war, you know?"

Xiao Chen grinned and struck with another knife.

"Amos, if you want to be the wolf king, you can't be brave and resourceful, right? You see, I am brave and resourceful. I am really a man who can bring order to the world with his pen and a horse with military skills. I will be the leader of your werewolf clan. A wolf king is definitely more than enough! Now you and I give up, I can ignore you and let you become the number one wolf god under my command, inferior to one person, ten thousand people, no, superior to ten thousand wolves, how about that?"


Listening to Xiao Chen's mess, Amos became even more angry. The pressure that had been formed before suddenly enveloped Xiao Chen and exploded instantly.

Xiao Chen's breath was stagnant, showing a bit of horror. What kind of power is this?

However, with the operation of the 'Chaos Art', this sense of depression disappeared again.

"Amos, it's God's will that I get the Wolf King Order... Otherwise, what kind of wolf king do you think I want to be? I'm full of food? This is the situation of your werewolf clan, being beaten everywhere by the vampires. Suppress! I estimate that it won’t take long before the blood clan will rule your werewolf clan and accept you as blood servants..."

Xiao Chen continued to talk nonsense, trying to disturb Amos' mind.

There's no way, Amos is too strong.

Although Xiao Chen has never fought directly with Sword God Xue Chunqiu and the others, he feels that Amos, who is now completely transformed into a werewolf, is definitely not weaker than Xue Chunqiu and the others!

"You fart, the werewolves will never be slaves!"

Sure enough, Amos was furious. Even if he knew Xiao Chen's thoughts, he couldn't suppress his anger.

Especially... Xiao Chen's words almost touched his heart!

In recent years, the werewolf clan has indeed been suppressed by the vampire clan everywhere!

Of course, they won't be ruled by the vampires, but they are still losing ground!

Therefore, at this time, the werewolf clan needs the Wolf King's Order, and even more so, an outstanding 'Wolf King' to lead the werewolf clan back to the top and regain its former glory!

"Never be a slave? Okay, don't keep saying this all day long... If the werewolf clan is really crippled by the vampire clan, are you so sure that the werewolf clan will fight to the last man?"

Xiao Chen mocked.

"God... Well, you don't believe in God, do you? Anyway, the god you believe in has sent such an excellent wolf king as me to you, and you don't know how to cherish it... just because I'm not a werewolf? Oh, you still Do you really think of yourself as a wolf? Werewolves and werewolves, after all, you are more of a human being, you know that!"

"Not only are you not a werewolf, you are also Chinese!"

Amos stared at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"What the hell, what's wrong with the Chinese people? Are you still practicing racial discrimination? Or do you think werewolves are of nobler blood than Westerners, and Westerners are nobler than us Easterners?"

Xiao Chen became angry and struck with his knife.

After Amos dodged the knife, green light flashed in his cold eyes.

Xiao Chen touched the green light in Amos's eyes, was startled, and then retreated.

The next second, Amos's body expanded again, and at a faster speed than before, he hit Xiao Chen's head with a claw.


Xiao Chen was stunned. Is this guy made of balloons? Just get bigger if you say get bigger?

Just when he was about to fight Amos again, he suddenly stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

This shocked Xiao Chen, his face changed wildly, the effect of the powerful potion was about to expire!

In a master duel, especially this kind of life and death duel, a flaw may cost your life!

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, it's over, even if he doesn't die this time, he will be seriously injured!

But what he didn't expect was that Amos watched him stagger. Instead of attacking, he took two steps back and looked at Xiao Chen with extremely vigilant eyes.

Xiao Chen looked at Amos's actions and was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

He doesn't care why Amos is like this, at least...give him a chance!

He waved his right hand, and two more bottles of powerful potion appeared in his hand. Regardless of the side effects of taking too much, let's get over this first!


He didn't even have time to open the bottle with his hands, so he bit the mouth of the bottle, sucked hard, and swallowed the red potion inside.

Amos was stunned when he saw Xiao Chen taking drugs, and his face became extremely ugly.

Just now... wasn't Xiao Chen deliberately exposing his flaws?

Xiao Chen had played a trick before, so Xiao Chen stumbled. His first reaction was...this guy was going to play a trick again, maybe there was some big move waiting for him!

Therefore, without thinking, he took two steps back, guarding against Xiao Chen's ultimate move.

But what he never expected was that Xiao Chen really had a flaw, and he... missed the opportunity!


Amos roared and rushed towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen also finished two bottles of powerful potion. As he retreated violently, his expression became strange... He didn't think he had any big moves, so he backed away in fear, right?

Thinking of this, he almost laughed out loud.

As the drug took effect again, Xiao Chen no longer retreated, but continued to fight wildly with Amos!

The two started a fierce battle again, causing mountains to break apart and dust to fly.


Another critical blow, and the two of them flew backwards, each vomiting blood.

However, the two quickly rushed back and continued the fight.

Both Xiao Chen and Amos want to end the battle in this round!

One is worried about the over-effectiveness and side effects of the powerful potion, and the other is also worried about the sequelae of complete werewolf transformation!

Victory, defeat, life and death, it all depends on this battle!

Boom boom boom!

The two vomited blood and still persisted.


Almost at the same time, the two shouted loudly and launched another final attack.

The endless claw shadows and the sky-wide sword lights collided fiercely in mid-air... With the collision, the space seemed to be slightly distorted, but it returned to normal immediately.

Xiao Chen no longer suppressed the killing intent of the Xuanyuan Sword, but completely exploded!

The cold murderous intent enveloped Amos, causing his body to tremble and reveal horror. How could there be such a strong murderous intent!

But then he roared and used a violent attack to disperse the murderous intent and blasted towards Xiao Chen.


The two were separated at the first touch, fell to both sides, and hit the ground hard.

This time, neither of them got up again, and the island returned to peace... (The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier..6969373)--(The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier)

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