Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1993 You Can’t Be the Wolf King

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Listening to Amos's words, Xiao Chen was quite shocked.

Born for a mission?

To be honest, he doesn't know much about this kind of people, and he doesn't quite understand the thoughts of such people, but he still feels that people who exist because of their mission are pitiful!

They are born for their mission and live for their mission, but they live without self!

Such a life is undoubtedly miserable!

But when he looked at Amos, he didn't look like a pitiful man.

Maybe he was immersed in it and felt that his life was meaningful.

"Xiao Chen, what do you think? The Wolf King ordered me to exchange my life, please think about it!"

Amos looked at Xiao Chen and said seriously.

"not so good."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I never expected that Amos, the wolf god who is famous in the Western world, would trade his own life for a dead thing."

"The Wolf King's Order is more important than my life. As long as we have the Wolf King's Order, the werewolf clan can return to its peak and regain its former glory!"

Amos repeated.

"Haha, I found that all of you werewolves are a bit useless."

Xiao Chen laughed mockingly.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Amos was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

"Why do you say that?"

"You always talk about letting the werewolf clan regain its peak and regain its past glory... Oh, why can't you surpass the past and create your own glory? Don't you have the confidence to surpass the former? Or is it your ambition? , just to let the werewolf clan remain the same as before?”

Xiao Chen's tone was even more mocking.

"If this is the case, then this werewolf clan,

There is indeed no future... There is no point in being such a wolf king. "


Amos frowned deeper, the werewolf clan was hopeless?

This is the first time that someone has commented on the werewolves like this!

No matter he or the ambitious people of the werewolf clan, they all regard "let the werewolf clan return to the top and regain its past glory" as their lifelong goal. No one has ever said that the werewolf clan can surpass what it once was!

Maybe some people have thought about it, but have not said it out loud because it is too unrealistic!

Over the years, the situation of the werewolf clan has become worse and worse, and they are suppressed by the vampire clan in every aspect... Therefore, let alone surpassing the past, even restoring the past glory is already a luxury hope!

"It sounds simple, but it's not that easy!"

Amos stared at Xiao Chen, seemingly irritated.

"Oh, one of our Chinese people said that people still have to have dreams. What if they come true? Others said that people without dreams are different from salted fish... So, you werewolves still have to have dreams. ,do you know?"

Xiao Chen was not afraid of Amos at all. This guy was a loser and there was no way he would jump up and do anything to him.

"Huh, as long as I can remember, my father has told me that my mission is to re-rise the werewolf clan... I will fight for this mission my whole life, this is my honor!"

Amos shouted.

"Your glory? Haha, do you think you are great? In fact, I think you are quite stupid... Why do people live? For themselves!"

Xiao Chen laughed mockingly.

"Of course, maybe I am a layman, and you... are willing to devote your life to the werewolf clan, but are the werewolf clan grateful to you? Probably not? If I were really grateful to you, maybe you wouldn't come to challenge me!"

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, Amos's expression changed and he didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing that Amos was silent, Xiao Chen took the opportunity to ask: "I want to know why you don't agree with me to be the wolf king... just because I am not a werewolf? Do you have anything else that is not of my race? Strange thoughts?"

"I told you, it's because you are Chinese!"

Amos looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"Huh? Because I am Chinese, why?"

Xiao Chen was stunned. Amos had said this before. Why?

"If you become the wolf king of our werewolf clan, then our werewolf clan will become the enemy of the dark world of the west... At this time, the werewolf clan does not have the strength to be the enemy of the entire dark world of the west!"

Amos said slowly.

"Huh? Why?"

Xiao Chen was stunned again. If he became the Wolf King, would he be able to make the werewolves the enemy of the dark world in the West? Is he so awesome?

"That's not something you should know."

Amos shook his head, not ready to say more.

"Damn it, I can't know?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

Before Amos could say anything else, the sound of a speedboat motor suddenly came from afar.

Hearing the sound of the motor, Xiao Chen and Amos' expressions changed at the same time, and they turned to look at the sea.

I saw three speedboats roaring towards me at extremely fast speeds, arriving at the coast in the blink of an eye.

"Amos, have you arranged someone?"

Xiao Chen looked at the three speedboats and his expression changed again.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Amos' expression changed and he said angrily: "You are obviously the one who arranged it..."


Xiao Chen was stunned. Looking at Amos's expression, it didn't look like he was faking... Could it be that he wasn't from the werewolf clan?

But if it’s not a werewolf, then who is it?

"Is he really not yours?"

Amos also noticed Xiao Chen's expression and frowned.

"Nonsense, if you are mine, do I need to act with you here?"

Xiao Chen was not angry.

Amos believed Xiao Chen's words, he really didn't need to act here.

Xiao Chen and Amos stared at the three speedboats getting closer and closer, their eyes serious. If they weren't from both sides, who could they be?

Is it a friend?

Or an enemy?

A few seconds later, the expressions of Xiao Chen and Amos changed wildly, and even the former jumped off the rock in shock.

I saw a person suddenly flying up from one of the speedboats, spreading two blood-red wings, and flew towards the beach.

"Old vampire!"

Looking at this flying man, Xiao Chen and Amos exclaimed almost at the same time, how could he appear here?



Before they could react to what was going on, they heard a faint explosion in the distance.

Xiao Chen and Amos followed the sound and looked in the direction of Gata Island.

Immediately afterwards, I saw billowing smoke rising from Gata Island in the distance...

"problem occurs!"

Amos growled and struggled to stand up.

But he still fell to the ground and couldn't stand up at all.

Xiao Chen also shrank his eyes. On Gata Island...how could there be thick smoke? What happened there?

However, he still suppressed his shock. For the time being, he was not thinking about Gata Island, but...how to pass the test in front of him?

At this time, he and Amos were no match for Prince Charlie!

What's more, six or seven foreigners disembarked from the three speedboats. They were all exuding strong blood energy. They looked like masters at first sight!

"The vampire army...has attacked Gata Island?"

Amos thought of something and clenched his fists, veins jumping on his forehead.

"What? An army of vampires?"

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"I knew that after the old vampire escaped, he would definitely send an army of vampires over... I was careless, I was still careless!"

Amos gritted his teeth. If he hadn't come to challenge Xiao Chen today and fight with both sides injured, then even if the vampire army came, he would have killed him three times in three times!

But now...he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself!

"try to find!"

On the beach, Prince Charles flicked his blood-red cloak and gave the order.


The people who came with him spread to both sides.

"Prince, there are signs of fighting here!"

Someone discovered something and shouted.

Upon hearing this, Prince Charlie strode over, then a gleam flashed in his one eye, and he looked up and forward.

"Let's go, in front!"

"They're coming!"

Xiao Chen's face changed as he watched Prince Charlie and the others disappear into the jungle. It won't be long before they follow the traces of the battle.

"I'll fight that old vampire!"

Amos roared, struggling to stand.

"I can't even stand up even if I try so hard, but I still try..."

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Don't you also... huh?"

Amos was about to say, "Aren't you also unable to stand up?"

But when he turned around, he saw Xiao Chen already standing by the reef, even picking up the Xuanyuan knife.

This made him surprised. Xiao Chen had regained his fighting strength?


Before Amos could finish his thoughts, the dark gold sword flashed, and Xuanyuan Saber was placed on his neck.

"Tell me, who wins now?"

Xiao Chen looked at Amos with some pride.


Amos stared at Xiao Chen and wanted to deny it, but... now it seems that Xiao Chen did win.

"What am I? Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Okay, then you kill me!"

Amos said in a deep voice without fear.

"Oh, remember, you owe me a life..."

Xiao Chen looked deeply at Amos, suddenly smiled, and instead of killing him, he put away the knife.

Looking at Xiao Chen's actions, Amos was stunned for a moment. Wouldn't he kill him?

"We are facing a formidable enemy, so we shouldn't kill each other... What's more, I am the Wolf King, and you are the number one wolf god under me!"

Xiao Chen said seriously.


Amos was even more confused. Are you the Wolf King? Who the hell agreed?

Before he could say anything, Xiao Chen lifted him up: "Let's go, I'll take you to Gata Island... When we all recover our fighting strength, we'll come back to kill this old vampire!"

"Going to Gata Island? Can you go to Gata Island?"

Amos was startled.


As Xiao Chen said, he heard some movement, took out two bottles of powerful potion from the bone ring space, raised his head and drank it.

After recovering just now, not only did he regain some physical strength, but his mental strength was also relieved.

So, he can take things from inside again.

As the powerful potion was poured down, warm power traveled through his limbs and bones, making his breath continue to rise.

Amos noticed the change in Xiao Chen's aura, and his expression changed. He...how did he do this?

"Out front, I smell delicious blood!"

At the same time, Prince Charlie's eye lit up, his red cloak unfolded, and it hung in the air.

At a glance, he saw Xiao Chen and Amos beside the reef.

"There they are, chase them!"

Prince Charlie looked at the two people and was stunned for a moment. How could they be together? Why did Xiao Chen carry Amos?

But when he saw the two men covered in blood, he immediately understood that they were injured!

This is an opportunity, a great opportunity!

As soon as he ordered, he rushed towards the two of them first. (The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier..6969373)--(The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier)

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