Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2010 Everyone is drunk

"Yes, the werewolves are no longer a threat."

Xiao Chen nodded, thinking of something.

"Is it back to normal at the airport?"

"Well, it's back to normal."

Eugene took a deep breath and tried his best to adjust his mentality.

It's already like this anyway, and it's useless if he doesn't adjust, so why bother himself.

"That's fine. If the werewolf can't leave, you might still be in trouble."

Xiao Chen looked at Eugene and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Eugene felt a little aggrieved. It was obviously you who asked me to suspend all routes and close the airport, okay? What does it have to do with me!

"I plan to leave Naga tomorrow..."

Xiao Chen said to Eugene.

Eugene wanted to cry, but he was gone... He wanted to celebrate, and the whole country celebrated it!

However, he didn't show any signs of it on his face, and even made a reservation: "Mr. Xiao, you are done with your work, it's time to relax, why don't you stay and relax? Naga is still a very suitable place for vacation."

"Since you said so, let's stay a few more days."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and nodded.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Eugene's eyes widened and he wished he could give himself a big mouth.

"Why, Mr. Eugene is not welcome? You were trying to keep me here just now."

Xiao Chen asked with amusement in his heart.

"No, no, you are very welcome... Mr. Xiao now owns Gata Island and Archie Island, so he can stay there for as long as he wants."

Eugene forced a smile, but he hated himself in his heart. This scourge was finally gone, so why bother to keep it here?

"Haha, I'm kidding you, I'll leave tomorrow... Just like you said, I own Gata Island and Archie Island, and I will definitely come here often in the future... Otherwise, if I buy these two islands, what's the point? It’s not useless anymore.”

Xiao Chen smiled.

Eugene breathed a sigh of relief, but he also had a headache thinking that Xiao Chen might come here often in the future.

"The United States has no objection to the ownership of these two islands, right?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.


Eugene shook his head.

"Although they are very dissatisfied, this matter is not something they can decide. I have given an explanation... After all, President Naga is me, not an American!"

"Is Mr. Eugene reminding me?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"No, no, I don't mean that. Mr. Xiao and Mi Guoguo are naturally different... I cherish the friendship with Mr. Xiao, and I think our friendship will last forever."

Eugene said hurriedly.


Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Mr. Eugene,

In fact, I am really easy to talk to. You should have known me before... As long as you do what you should do, I am easy to get along with. "

Eugene nodded, feeling a little regretful.

He shouldn't have arrested Bai Ye in the first place...otherwise, he wouldn't be so passive now.


Xiao Chen turned around.


Bai Ye nodded and put the box in his hand on the table.

"This is the antidote to Shiwu Duangchang Powder, enough for three months..."

Xiao Chen said to Eugene.

"In three months, I should come to Naga again...even if I don't come, I will mail you the antidote again."


Eugene hurriedly took it, this was the life of his whole family!

"I will hide Gata Island and Archie Island... If I guessed correctly, there should be many people coming to explore Gata Island in the recent period... You don't need to worry about these people, and they won't Gata Island will be found!”

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Mr. Xiao, don't you need me to send someone to patrol?"

Eugene asked hurriedly.

"No need... any ship that enters that area will be lost in it! So, for safety's sake, it's better not to let the ship get close! After a long time, not many people will pay attention to it."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I see."

Eugene nodded. He had no idea about Gata Island now, so...he just wanted to leave when it was time to leave, and he would be his president.

Xiao Chen stayed with Eugene for a while and chatted with him about some things.

An hour later, he and Bai Ye left.

"Go back and take Zhuge with you, and we will blockade Gata Island and Archie Island."

Xiao Chen said to Bai Ye.


Bai Ye nodded.

The two returned to their residence and called Zhuge Qingyang... Zhuge Qingxi had to follow, so they joined together.

The four people took a speedboat and arrived at Gata Island again.

For some formations, they have lost their effect because they have been used for too long.

However, with the presence of the Wolf King's Order, Xiao Chen could easily find these formations.

Zhuge Qingyang and Zhuge Qingxi tried their best to repair some formations. As for those that couldn't be repaired, there was nothing they could do.

Towards evening, the four people left in a speedboat.

As soon as they left, fog began to form on the sea, covering Gata Island and Archie Island... Soon, the two islands disappeared into it.

As for the fog... it never dissipated.

This is also part of the formation. In Zhuge Qingyang's words, as long as the ship enters it, it will get lost... and the chance of coming out again is slim.

"Are some mysterious places that cannot be explained by science also because of formations? For example, the Bermuda Triangle..."

On the way back, Bai Ye asked curiously.

"I have never been there, but there are indeed several places that cannot be explained by science... I found traces of the formation."

Zhuge Qingyang nodded and said seriously.

"Oh? Can you set up such a large formation? That's awesome."

Bai Ye clicked his tongue.

"It can't be a divine formation, right? It's beyond human power."

"Speaking of which, Gata Island is also beyond human control... People must have a sense of awe. There really are existences in this world that we can't imagine... Or, if they don't exist now, they must have existed before!"

Zhuge Qingyang looked back at the area covered by thick fog and said slowly.

"Like the Egyptian pyramids... aren't there legends about aliens? Are there really aliens?"

Bai Ye was quite curious about this.

"Aliens? Haha, I don't know if there are aliens, but there must be magical powers that we can't understand... Xixi and I are traveling around, just to find something and to witness something."

Zhuge Qingyang smiled.

"Lots of fun."

Zhuge Qingxi also smiled.

"Then what are your plans? Will you continue traveling?"

Xiao Chen looked at their brother and sister and asked.

"No, we have to go back and rest for a while... we almost died in Naga, and our family also issued a death order for us to go back."

Zhuge Qingyang smiled bitterly.

"However, I will definitely still have to walk around in the future."

"Brother Chen, I want to go back and study the formations and the books you gave me... When I understand them, I can help you."

Zhuge Qingxi said to Xiao Chen.

"Do you a favor for me? What favor?"

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Is this the case for Gata Island? If you come here in the future, you will definitely build another house, right? At that time, I can help you arrange many formations to protect Gata Island."

Zhuge Qingxi said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled: "Okay, then work harder and strive to become a formation master as soon as possible, and then come and help me build the island protection formation!"

"Yeah, I'll try my best."

Zhuge Qingxi pursed his lips and said.

The four people chatted and returned to Naga.

When getting off the boat, Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at Gata Island and Archie Island... In the past, he could see those two islands from here.

And now...it's no longer visible.

"It would be nice if I could take it away, but it's a pity..."

Xiao Chen shook his head, and after the matter in China was settled, he would hurry up and start construction here... From now on, it would be good to come here often for vacation.

When they returned to their residence, DeVoe had prepared a very sumptuous dinner.

"Devo, do you really plan to come with us tomorrow?"

Xiao Chen looked at Devo and asked.

"Hmm...Brother Chen, you won't want me anymore, will you?"

DeVoe was worried.

"Haha, of course not. I just want to ask you, have you really made this decision?"

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, I should go to China to see... Anyway, I can come back at any time."

Devoe smiled too.

"As long as Brother Chen protects me, Naga will live well."

"That is."

Xiao Chen nodded.

Half an hour later, everyone was sitting around the table.

Vulcan roasted chicken, duck, and fish as usual, and what he roasted was still the most popular.

"Come on, don't say anything else, let's have a drink."

Xiao Chen picked up the cup and said loudly.


Bai Ye and others also raised their glasses and raised their heads to kill him.

Xiao Chen drank the wine, poured it again, and looked at everyone in turn.

When he glanced at jk, he thought of the grounder, and his expression darkened slightly.

This time, someone died.

In fact, not only did the grounder die, they also encountered many crises...especially him, who put himself in a desperate situation!

Fortunately, he still managed to survive in a desperate situation!

What he didn't expect was that after death, there would be a bigger opportunity... At the bottom of the cliff, he got the inheritance of Feng Feiyang!

Compared to the gains, what made him happier was that the exiles were destroyed and Lao Su's revenge was avenged.

The huge boulder weighing on his heart was finally lifted.

When he goes back to see Su Xiaomeng, he can explain to her.

Otherwise, he would be really embarrassed to see Su Xiaomeng.

"Lao Huo, what are your plans?"

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Xiao Chen looked at Vulcan.

"I still have things to do. I will leave when my flight changes..."

When Vulcan said this, he looked at Feng Manlou.

"Do not forget our agreement."

"Will not."

Feng Manlou nodded.

Xiao Chen also looked at Feng Manlou and made an agreement? These two superpowers didn't know what they had agreed upon.

"If you need me anywhere, feel free to ask."

Xiao Chen didn't ask much. Everyone has something to do... All he can do is to be there when he is needed.


Kagami smiled and nodded.

"What about you? Come back to China with me?"

Xiao Chen looked at jk again.

"No, I have something to do... I plan to go take a look at the grounder early tomorrow morning."

jk shook his head.

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Come, let's drink...tonight, we'll really be drunk all the time!"

“Never stop until you’re drunk!”

Everyone raised their glasses and everyone was drunk.

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