Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2113 Underground Secret Room


Xiao Chen smashed a big stone in front of him with one punch, looked up, and continued walking forward.

This passage is very long and goes downwards.

The further you go, the deeper it gets and the less damaged it is.

This discovery made Xiao Chen squint his eyes, what's inside?

This place is obviously lower than the entire underground facility, below the underground facility.

Could it be that...will there be any discoveries?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen perked up and quickened his pace.

Soon, the passage also changed and turned into a metal passage... Although it was slightly deformed, it was almost unaffected.

Xiao Chen slowed down, there was someone inside!

He thought for a while and took out the three-edged military thorn from the bone ring. This thing is better for killing people than bricks.

The next second, he swayed and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

At the corner, four people were guarding there.

They only felt their eyes blur, and then they were shocked, someone broke in!

However, by the time they reacted, the sharp edge of the triangular thorn had already slit the throats of three people...and finally stabbed into the heart of the last person!

Blood spurted out along the bleeding trough.

Xiao Chen let go of his hand and avoided the gushing blood, confirming his guess that this was definitely the core of the underground facility!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for even the people guarding the passage to be masters of the late Anjin stage!

In the world of ancient martial arts, at the late stage of An Jin, that would be a true master!

If it weren't for Xiao Chen's strong strength now and the fact that they were caught off guard, it would be almost impossible to kill them instantly!

The four people fell in a pool of blood. Xiao Chen pulled out the three-sided military thorn and continued to walk forward.

He felt that it was almost the end.

Sure enough, after turning a corner again, we reached the end and there was no way to go.

At the end, is a metal wall.

Xiao Chen stepped forward slowly and took a few glances. This was not a metal wall, but... a metal door.

However, because the metal door is closed, it is very inconspicuous and looks like a metal wall.

What is behind this metal wall?

Xiao Chen looked around and found a screen on the right side, which should be a door opening device.

"I don't know what permissions are needed."

Xiao Chen didn't touch the screen. He didn't have any permission anyway, not even the simplest fingerprint or password.

He hesitated for a moment and went up to ask those two Hua Jin?

However, he thought about it and still did not go up. Instead, he took out the Xuanyuan knife from the bone ring.

Carrying the Xuanyuan knife, he came to the metal door, compared it, and struck it with one strike.

He was indeed a magic weapon. With one strike, the metal door was cut open like tofu.

But at the same time...a piercing alarm sounded.

Xiao Chen didn't care, the Beihai branch had been blown up by him, so he was still afraid of this little alarm sound?


When the cutting was almost done, Xiao Chen kicked it and a metal plate flew away, leaving a hole.

Beep beep beep!

A more piercing siren sounded.

Listening to the siren, Xiao Chen felt a sense of danger in his heart.

His eyelids twitched. Could it be... a self-destruct device?

If it's a self-destruct device, it's really dangerous.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to go in and take a look.

If you have a self-destruct device, you still have time to prepare it!

He took out his walkie-talkie and said: "Everyone evacuate the resort and wait for me on the hill!"

"Brother Chen, what is this sound?"

Xiao Dao asked.

"Alarm sound, there may be a self-destruct device, get out immediately!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he stepped in.

The moment he stepped in, he suddenly felt a crisis in his heart. Without thinking, he swung the Xuanyuan knife in his hand with all his strength.


A piece of it fell to the ground. Xiao Chen took a step back and looked at it intently.

He saw a man dressed as a ninja standing a few steps away from him.

Only half of it was left in his hand.


Looking at this ninja, Xiao Chen was a little surprised, and then narrowed his eyes.

Ninjas are good at hiding. He was outside just now without even noticing...

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, this knife would have been enough to kill him!

The ninja looked at the broken knife in his hand and was stunned for a few seconds. He didn't seem to think that... not only did this blow not kill Xiao Chen, the knife also broke!

"I didn't expect that there are Tiannins in the Beihai branch... Haha, I don't have a good impression of you Tiannins. Now that I have met you, then die!"

Xiao Chen sneered a few times and tightened his grip on the Xuanyuan knife.

At the same time, he was looking forward to this place even more. There was actually a Tian Nin guarding here... There must be something important!

But when he thought about the self-destruction device, he stopped grinding and killed Tian Nin with a knife.

We must deal with this Tian Nin quickly and leave!


The Tennin disappeared in place.

Xiao Chen stopped and narrowed his eyes. The ninja's escape and concealment skills were really annoying!


Streams of cold light erupted from the rear left, shooting towards Xiao Chen.

"I've been waiting for you!"

Xiao Chen drank softly, turned around suddenly, and struck out with the Xuanyuan knife.

The sword light collided with the cold light, a tinkling sound was heard, and silver needles fell to the ground one by one.

At the same time, the sword's glow continued unabated and headed straight for the Tennin.

Tian Nin was surprised and wanted to hide again, but he was shocked to find... He felt as if he was controlled by an invisible force and could not hide at all.

"The cage of heaven and earth."

Xiao Chen frantically ran the 'Chaos Technique', absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, shouted loudly, and struck out with a fierce knife.

He had used this trick before when he dealt with Gu Buqun!

The Sky Ninja roared and tried to break away, but was shocked to find that his power was nothing compared to this mysterious power.

He felt that his movements had become sluggish.

However, he still raised the broken sword and withstood the knife.

"The third."

Xiao Chen's body swayed and he came to Tianren's side, with his fighting power at full strength!

Although the strength of this Tian Nin may not even be considered in the late stage of Huajin, which is around the mid-term and mid-term peak, the lethality and difficulty of Tian Nin definitely exceed that in the late stage of Huajin!

So, either it will kill in one hit, or... it will be too slow!

Once Tian Nin uses his escape technique, it will not be that easy to find him.

Tian Ren could not help but be shocked when he felt the majestic killing intent. He didn't even have time to think about what Xiao Chen meant by the 'third', when he felt a sharp pain all over his body.

The Xuanyuan Sword turned into thousands of blades, covering Tian Nin... Most of them were blocked by Tian Nin, but a small part was torn on his body, instantly turning him into a bloody man.


Xiao Chen didn't dodge, he got close to Tian Ren, and the Xuanyuan knife pierced his abdomen!

"You are the third Tennin I have killed!"

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Ren and said coldly.

Hearing this, Tian Nin trembled, and he finally understood... what the third one meant.

His face was full of pain and fear, he staggered back and fell into a pool of blood.

Xiao Chen pulled out the Xuanyuan Knife without looking at Tian Nin who fell to the ground... This knife was enough to kill him.

The piercing alarm sounded even sharper... This meant that the self-destruction device was about to be activated.

Xiao Chen stopped inking and walked quickly inside.

There were signs of burning on the ground, as if some files or something had been burned.

Xiao Chen frowned, was it a step too late?

Just when he was a little disappointed, his eyes fell on the computer... There was a hard drive plugged into it!

At this time, a progress bar was also displayed on the computer screen, ninety-six percent!

Xiao Chen looked at the progress bar, then at the hard drive, and felt refreshed... At this juncture, the things he was copying must be very important.

It seemed that the Tennin burned some and then copied the important information and left with it, so he didn't rush out.

"Ninety-six percent, ninety-seven percent...and there are still three percent."

Listening to the piercing siren, Xiao Chen frowned. It seemed that the progress was not too fast!

If you unplug it now and interrupt the transmission, the things you copied before will probably not be saved.

In other words, he must wait for the progress to be completed before he can take away the hard drive.

Normally, of course he could wait, but now... time is life!

Who knows when this damn self-destruct device will work, and no one knows if it will be poisonous gas, an explosion, or something else.

"Ninety-eight percent...damn it, why is it so slow."

The sense of crisis in Xiao Chen's heart is getting stronger and stronger, which shows that... the next crisis will definitely threaten his life.

He looked at the progress bar on the screen and wanted to ignore it and withdraw first!

As for the secret, maybe we will know it after the Asuka organization is destroyed!

But think about it, even though I have come, I would be a little reluctant if I didn’t take it with me.

"Xiao Dao, have you evacuated the resort?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and contacted Xiaodao through the intercom.

"We have withdrawn, Brother Chen, when will you come out?"

Xiao Dao asked.

"I'll be there right away...you guys stay on the hill, avoid the direction of the resort as much as possible, and pay attention to safety."

Xiao Chen told Xiaodao while continuing to search, wanting to see if he would find anything else.


Xiao Dao agreed.

Xiao Chen put away the walkie-talkie and looked at the progress bar on the screen. It was still 98%...

This made him frown, damn, why are there such ink stains!

The alarm sounded even louder, and he wanted to move the computer away directly... But the computer was not an ordinary computer. It was mounted on the wall, and even the host could not be seen... Therefore, the possibility of moving it away was almost impossible. Zero, even if he has the bone ring space. "Damn, what should I do..."

Xiao Chen turned around a few more times, then suddenly stopped and sniffed. Is this... the smell of oil?

Then, he looked around the wall and saw liquid spreading in.

"The self-destruct device is... oil? Fire?"

Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched fiercely. Damn it, this thing is dangerous if bombed!

If so, find a place to hide, and you might still be alive.

But once the flames are ignited and a sea of ​​​​fire is formed, it will mean death and no life!

"Damn it, no more!"

Xiao Chen made a decision, no matter what it was, no matter how important it was, his own life was not as important!

But when he looked at the screen, he was numb... ninety-nine percent. He was even more unwilling to leave now.

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