Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 215: Entering the Casino Again

\u003c\u003eXiao Chen drove a Hummer and left the company with Tong Yan.

He rushed away according to the address given by Huang Xing, and arrived at the place in about half an hour.

This is a casino, but its scale is much smaller than that of Night Entertainment City, and it’s not as formal!

Although many casinos are only open at night, this small casino cannot even be called a casino, it can only be called a 'gambling stall'.

In this kind of place, there is not so much emphasis on how to make money!

Therefore, this place is open all day long, and gamblers who want to win money or make money can do so regardless of day or night!

"Just the two of us?"

Tong Yan is a little worried, the other party is a gangster!

"Haha, don't worry, the two of us are enough."

Xiao Chen smiled, took out his cigarette, lit one, and walked inside with his childlike face.

"First time coming to play?"

At the door, two boys stood, looking at Xiao Chen and Tong Yan.

It’s really rare to come to a casino and bring a girl with you!

"Why, you can't come and play for the first time?"

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Of course not, please come in!"

"let's go."

Xiao Chen held Tong Yan's hand and walked into the casino.

Tong Yan was held by Xiao Chen's hand, her pretty face turned red, she lowered her head slightly, her little heart was beating fast, and she was very panicked.

"Don't be afraid."

Xiao Chen thought Tong Yan was scared, so he squeezed her hand gently and comforted her.

Little did they know, Xiao Chen's actions made Tong Yan's face turn redder and her heart beat faster.

Coming inside, a burst of noisy sounds came out.

The gamblers all had red eyes, shouting loudly, and a strong smell of smoke came to their nostrils!

Tong Yan smelled the strong smell of smoke and frowned slightly. She was not used to this kind of situation!

"You two, what do you want to play?"

A waiter came over, his eyes drifted over the child's face, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. This kind of top-notch girl is very rare, especially in this kind of gambling stall, it is even rarer!

"I'm here to find A Diao."

"Are you looking for Brother Diao?" When the waiter heard this, he moved his eyes to Xiao Chen and frowned: "Who are you? What do you want from Brother Diao?"

"Stop talking nonsense and call him out!"

Xiao Chen was a little impatient, mainly because the boy's eyes on the childish face made him a little unhappy. Didn't he see that I was holding this girl's hand? !

"Brother Diao is not here, and Brother Diao is not available to everyone... If you are here to have fun, we welcome you. If you are here to cause trouble, then you have come to the wrong place."

The waiter's attitude also cooled down.

He was also feeling unhappy. He was from Male Gobi. He thought that I was also a beautiful girl, so why didn’t I fall in love with such a top-notch girl?


Isn't he here? Then I will let him take the initiative to come out to me! "

Xiao Chen gave some instructions to the waiter and took Tong Yan to change the chips.

"Sir, how much do you want to change?"

Xiao Chen took out his wallet without looking at it. He took out a pile of money and threw it over: "Exchange them all for chips!"

"Okay, please wait. Yawen."

Soon, a pile of chips was placed in front of Xiao Chen. He picked it up, played with it a few times, and sneered.

Tong Yan felt strange, didn't she say she came to see her mother? Why are you playing again?

Could it be that Brother Chen also likes gambling?

Thinking of the loan sharks her mother owed due to gambling, Tong Yan was a little worried and reminded in a low voice: "Brother Chen, gambling is bad..."

Xiao Chen was stunned. He looked at Tong Yan's worried expression and felt a little funny in his heart. Without thinking, he raised his hand and scratched her nose: "Wait, Brother Chen, let you see what the God of Gamblers is!"

Tong Yan's nose was shaved, and his face had just returned to normal, but suddenly, it turned red again.

Xiao Chen noticed Tong Yan's expression and was stunned for a moment, then realized that this action seemed a bit ambiguous, like a couple!

However, after everything has been done, there is no point in being pretentious!

"Ahem, what about that? Let's go have some fun!"

Xiao Chen coughed, covered it up, and then walked towards a gambling table with golden flowers.

Although he is not as good at playing poker as he is at playing dice, but that is relative!

"Move over."

Xiao Chen stepped forward and placed the chips in his hand on the gambling table.

The dealer deals the cards, three cards per person!

"five hundred!"

The first player picked up the cards, looked at them, grinned, and threw down a 500 chip.

"I'll give you five hundred!"

The second house also looked at the cards and it seemed to be quite big, so they also threw in a chip.

"No more!"

The third player folded and cursed.

"I'll hide five hundred!"

The fourth player did not touch the cards and threw in a 500 chip.

The fifth player was Xiao Chen. He also did not touch the cards and directly threw in two thousand chips.

When the purple chips rolled in, they attracted a lot of people's attention. As soon as they came up, they were worth two thousand, and the chips they dropped were already quite big!

"I'll follow!"

The first brand seems to be really big, so keep up.

The second player hesitated and folded.

The third house looked at the first house, then at Xiao Chen, and hesitated for a while. Finally, he took a look at it, shook his head, and discarded his cards.

"Forget it, there's no point in playing with you... Let's play cards."

Xiao Chen suddenly thought that playing with these gamblers would have no impact on the casino, and no matter how much he won, it would not cause the casino any pain!

Unless, among these gamblers, there is a master of casino arrangements!

However, after such a master loses a few games in a row, he won't play again!

When the cards are drawn, the first one is a straight of different suits, seven**!

Xiao Chen's was a pair of eights, and he lost!

"Hahaha, I knew I had the best cards!"

The first family was so happy that they took back all the chips on the table. They made a lot of money this time!

Xiao Chen smiled and put away the chips on the table. He planned to play dice again.

"Brother, are you leaving now? How many more games do you want to play?"

The first family shouted to Xiao Chen.

"I won't play any more. I'm out of luck. Let's go play dice."

Xiao Chen waved his hand, took Tong Yan's hand, and walked towards the dice area.

Originally, the waiter was still watching, thinking that Xiao Chen would cause trouble. Seeing that he lost the first game of fried golden flowers, he sneered a few times and stopped paying attention to him.

"Brother Chen, you lost a lot just now..."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you lose a little, you can make it back right away... Don't forget, Brother Chen is the God of Gamblers!"

Xiao Chen said with a smile.


Tong Yan remained silent, but his expression was clear that he didn't believe it. He only lost two of the chips he exchanged. How could he be a God of Gamblers?

When he came to the dice area, Xiao Chen sat down, no nonsense, listened carefully to the numbers, and then threw the remaining two chips on the 'small'.

After the dice clock opened, Xiao Chen's two chips turned into four.

"Did you see? I won... I said I was the God of Gamblers, but you still don't believe me." Xiao Chen played with four chips and said to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan forced a smile. Although she didn't understand gambling, she knew it was a question of probability. Three dice, either big or small...

The people next to him also smiled when they heard Xiao Chen's words. People who like gambling often say that they are the God of Gamblers, but in fact, they will lose in the end without even leaving their pants!

In the second round, Xiao Chen threw four chips on the 'big' one. When the dice clock was opened again, four chips turned into eight!

In the third hand, Xiao Chen did not bet on the big or small bet because the odds of betting on the big or small were too low. He listened carefully and threw it on the points.

When the dice clock was turned on, many people looked at it sideways because Xiao Chen made the bet and paid eight for one!

This kid's luck is too good, right?

This is what almost everyone thinks, including Tong Yan.

Xiao Chen noticed Tong Yan's expression, smiled, and without saying much, continued to bet, and bet all the chips!

After a few more hands, Xiao Chen's face was already filled with chips, and the expressions of the surrounding gamblers and dealers changed!

If you win one, you can say you are lucky!

Winning five games can be said to be full of luck!

But if you have to bet on all of the ten numbers in a row, and the winning number is not the size, but the number of points, then it is not a matter of luck!

Could it be that what this kid said is true?

Is he really a god of gambling?

Now, everyone’s minds have changed!

Even Tong Yan was a little surprised. Brother Chen is so powerful? Then why did he lose just now?

“All in!”

Another one, Xiao Chen pushed up all the chips, and the dealer's face was sweating. If he won again, he would lose money to Dafa!

"I'll follow too!"

"I'll follow too!"

The surrounding gamblers followed suit. Although they didn't dare to bet that much, they couldn't stand the crowd, so they added tens of thousands more!

When the dealer opened the dice clock and looked at the numbers of the three dice, he almost fainted and fell to the ground. He really was hit!

"It's hit, it's hit!"

"Damn it, I really hit it. If I had known it, I would have bet more!"

"Damn, you are really the God of Gamblers, you must keep up with the next move!"

The surrounding gamblers had different reactions.

The croupier took out the chips with trembling hands, and then left in a hurry.

Soon, another dealer came, and he was a master of this casino!

However, compared with Xiao Chen, he is also a rookie!

After losing hundreds of thousands of chips, he couldn't stand it anymore and his head was sweating!

He knew he had met a master!

If he had known that just two days ago, the young man in front of him had just won the Ghost Gambling King, his mood would have been more complicated and his expression more exciting...

The chips in front of Xiao Chen already numbered several million, like a mountain!

The gamblers around him all looked at him with friendly eyes!

There is no way, this is the God of Wealth!

How many times in a row, as long as you follow him, you will definitely win money!

It’s easier than bending down to pick up money on the ground!

The expression of the previous waiter changed when he looked at the chips in front of Xiao Chen. Is this guy here to ruin the place?

"Go tell Brother Diao that this person is here to find him!"

The waiter found a companion and said to him.


The waiter stepped forward and forced a smile: "Sir, aren't you here to see Brother Diao? Brother Diao will be down soon... How about you take a break first and go over there to drink tea?"

"Isn't A Diao not here?"

Xiao Chen didn't move, wasn't it just a loan shark of 350,000 yuan?

Tonight, even if we don’t use any other means, we can settle this matter just with the money we won!

"Brother Diao just came back."

"Okay, I'll play a few more games and ask him to come see me!"

"Sir, you'd better go over there and wait for Brother Diao..."

"What? Come to the casino and you won't let anyone play?"

Xiao Chen slammed the table and said loudly.

"That's right, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you let the God of Gamblers play?"

"Can't you afford to lose at your casino? Isn't it exciting when you win our money?"

Xiao Chen didn't need to say anything, the gamblers around him started to curse!

What a joke, if you don’t let the God of Gamblers gamble, then who will they follow to win money?

Doesn’t this cut off their financial path?

As the saying goes, cutting off someone's wealth is like killing their parents. It's strange that they are happy with it!


Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 will be later today. Although it is late, it will definitely be more...calm...

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