Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2189: Deception

"Su Feng?"

The Chinese warrior repeated, this name is very unfamiliar, it must be the first time he heard it.

"Mr. Su, thank you for saving us."

"Yes, Mr. Su, thank you for saving our lives!"


"Haha, you're welcome. We are all Chinese warriors. Now that we have encountered someone, we should come to the rescue... I believe that if I were caught by the little devil, you would also save me."

With a smile on his face, Xiao Chen cupped his hands and said.

"Well, that's natural. At this time, we, the Chinese warriors, cannot ignore death and do nothing to save us, and we must unite as one!"

The middle-aged man who just talked to Xiao Chen nodded.

"What do you call your friends?"

Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"My name is Cheng Zhou, just call me Lao Cheng."

The middle-aged man replied.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Let's go, let's find a hidden place first before we talk... If the little devils find out, they will definitely chase us."

"That's right!"

The Chinese warriors nodded one after another and followed Xiao Chen in circles until they came to an alley.

After arriving here, everyone felt safe and either leaned against the wall or sat on the ground.

Seeing them like this, Xiao Chen secretly shook his head. No wonder he was caught by Senshan Dao!

He had just observed carefully that among these people, the strongest was An Jin Dzogchen...the weakest was even only the early peak of An Jin!

This left him speechless. With his strength, wouldn't it be better to just stay in China? What's the point of traveling to an island country?

The peak strength of An Jin in the early stage,

Still want to come to the island country to get a sword?

A pie falling from the sky and hitting them on the forehead is more likely than a Xuanyuan knife falling in front of them!

Xiao Chen, who was still somewhat interested in them, suddenly lost interest after seeing their strength.

If it weren't for the current blockade of the island country, it would be almost impossible to leave... Xiao Chen was ready to send them away, don't stay and cause "chaos"... In other words, don't stay and court death!

He really didn't know what this guy was thinking about coming to the island country to seize the sword at the peak of An Jin's early stage!

What a shame to the Chinese ancient martial arts world!

"How did Mr. Su know that we were arrested?"

The middle-aged man named Cheng Zhou looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Well, I didn't know you were arrested, and I didn't keep an eye on you. I was keeping an eye on the best people in the world, and then I discovered that you were arrested, so I rescued you."

Xiao Chen said to Cheng Zhou.

"The best in the world?"

The tough-boned young man frowned.

"Yes, those little devils are the best in the world... They are a hidden sect, just like our hidden sect in China. They don't come out in the world on weekdays!"

Xiao Chen nodded, his impression of this boy was pretty good.

"Have you talked to the leader? He's the most handsome one...even though he's young, he has the perfect combat power of Transformation. He's very powerful. Looking at the whole world, he's the most evil genius!"

Xiao Chen didn't blush at all when he praised himself... Mainly because he felt that what he said was the truth and there was no need to blush.

"That guy is very handsome...but no matter how handsome he is, he is still a brat!"

The young man nodded first, then thought of something and said coldly.

Hearing his words, Xiao Chen felt funny in his heart. This guy...has a good eye.

"You said he has the power to transform into Dzogchen? How is that possible!"

Cheng Zhou's focus was on another thing.

"How old is that guy? He should be thirty years old, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at him with a somewhat unkind look. Are you so blind? How did you know that I am thirty years old?

"No, no, I'm not doubting Mr. Su's words, I'm just too surprised."

Cheng Zhou noticed Xiao Chen's unkind eyes, mistakenly thought that his suspicion made him unhappy, and hurriedly explained.

"He really turned his strength into perfection... You should know about the martial arts genius battle, right? Moriyama Dao held it, and all the geniuses around him went... The first place was won by the big man who is the best in the world! And Tianhuang Tuoyi , and even killed a master in the late stage of Huajin in public, killing him with one move..."

Xiao Chen was afraid that they would hear it, so he deliberately changed the pronunciation of his name slightly.

This way, it doesn’t sound like ‘the emperor’s father’.

"Kill with one move, turn into the late stage of strength?"

Hearing this, the Chinese warrior's face changed wildly, so strong?

"Mr. Su went to participate in the martial arts genius battle?"

The young man thought of something and asked.

"Yes, because I keep an eye on the best people in the world, I bought the ticket... After watching the whole process, Tianhuan Tuoyi is very strong, the best person in the world... very strong!"

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Mr. Su...you are so brave, you dare to enter the tiger's den alone!"

The young man was filled with admiration and raised his hand.

"Haha, actually, as long as you pay some attention, there's not much danger."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"By the way, I haven't asked you what to call me yet."

"My name is Xiang Nan."

replied the young man.

"Well, Brother Xiang's strength in the late stage of An Jin? At such an age, with the late stage of An Jin, he is already very powerful."

Xiao Chen looked at the young man and said.

"Can you tell?"

Xiang Nan was a little surprised.

"I wonder what Mr. Su's strength is...?"

"Dark Perfection."

Xiao Chen originally wanted to say "Transforming Energy", but after thinking about it, he decided to keep a low profile and talk about the "Great Perfection of Dark Energy".

"Dzogchen? I think Mr. Su is about the same age as me...you are the one who is really powerful. Even if you are on the domestic genius list, Mr. Su must be at the top, right?"

Xiang Nan was even more surprised.

Not only Xiang Nan was surprised, but Cheng Zhou and others were also surprised. Su Feng turned out to be the Dark Perfection?

"Mr. Su has the perfect strength of Anjin, so he should be on the list of domestic geniuses... But why haven't I heard of him?"

Someone looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

Hearing this, everyone else looked at Su Feng. Yes, if he was An Jin Dzogchen, he should be on the list of geniuses, but this was the first time they heard the name 'Su Feng'.

This made them a little bit murmuring, and even... they became suspicious of Su Feng.

"Haha, the domestic genius list does not cover all geniuses... Do you know Xiao Chen?"

Xiao Chen chuckled and was not panicked.

"I know, he is my idol."

The young man nodded hurriedly.

"You said that Tianhuang Tuoyi is the strongest monster, I don't accept this... If my idol comes, I will definitely beat him up!"


Xiao Chen looked at the young man with a bigger smile on his face. This boy has a future!

"Xiao Chen was also very strong in the past, but he was not on the list of geniuses... It was like he appeared out of nowhere. When he appeared on the list, he was at the top! Some of the disciples of the hidden sect are also not on the list!"


Everyone nodded and reassured themselves that this was indeed the case.

"I wonder where Mr. Su... is from?"

Cheng Zhou looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

He felt that it was better to be careful. The little devil was too minded. What if he played some tricks? It is not impossible to let them go deliberately!

Maybe, there is some hidden secret!

"Longhai people."

Xiao Chen replied.

"I am also from Longhai..."

A Chinese warrior spoke.

"Haha, then you must know the seven major families? Xiao Chen is also in Longhai, and he is a brother to Bai Ye, the eldest son of the Bai family..."

Before the Chinese warrior could say anything else, Xiao Chen started talking on his own.

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, the Chinese warrior's doubts disappeared and he nodded.

If Su Feng was not from Longhai, he would not be so clear at all.

"Haha, forgive me, Mr. Su, in the island country... we have to be careful."

Cheng Zhou looked at Xiao Chen and said apologetically.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Mr. Su, you know my idol very well."

Xiang Nan said to Xiao Chen.

"Your idol? Oh, Xiao Chen, yes, I know him very well, very well...because he and I are good brothers!"

Su Feng smiled.

"You and Xiao Chen are good brothers? Is it true?"

Xiang Nan became excited.

"Of course... let me tell you something. I don't know when he was caught. Maybe he didn't get the news... Xiao Chen came to the island country!"

Xiao Chen said with a smile, muttering in his heart, after so much foreshadowing, this is enough!

"My idol is here? When did he come? Where are they? Mr. Su, please take me to meet my idol."

Xiang Nan was even more excited and couldn't wait, but he still looked as tough as before.


Xiao Chen was also a little speechless. Damn it, it would be better if she was a beautiful female fan. A big man...

However, regardless of gender, the feeling of being admired is still very good.

"I came with Xiao Chen and the others, and then dispersed... They didn't come to Gaoqi, and my mission is to keep an eye on the best people in the world!"

Xiao Chen was talking nonsense.

"Mr. Su, does my idol come to the island country to seize the sword?"

Xiang Nan asked.

"That's right."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Now Xiao Chen's strength has reached the Great Perfection of Energy Transformation... no worse than that Tianhuang Tuoyi, he can sweep the island country's martial arts! This time he came to the island country, firstly to seize the sword, and secondly because he heard about the island country's plunder plan. Very angry... He said, if the little devils regard us Chinese warriors as prey, then I will also treat the island warriors as prey... If they plunder, then we will start counter-plundering!"

"Is my idol that strong? So domineering!"

Xiang Nan was very excited.

"This is how you should deal with little devils!"

"So, when I saw you being arrested, I rescued you...I'll give you a number. After you leave Gaoqi County, call this number. Then be careful and go find him! If you're with him, use It won’t be long before we meet Xiao Chen!”

Xiao Chen said to Xiang Nan.


Xiang Nan kept nodding, as long as he could see his idol.

"I want to leave the island country now, is that okay?"

someone asked.

"It probably won't work. The island country has completely sealed off... At this time, we Chinese warriors should unite as one and fight the little devil to the end!"

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Yes, follow your idol and fight the little devil to the end!"

Xiang Nan stared.

"Damn it, those little devils from Moriyama Road beat me all the time... Sooner or later I will pay you back!"

Xiao Chen looked at Xiang Nan. With this guy here... the later stage should be easy, right?

He is very suitable to be a caretaker! The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

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