Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2193 Try something different

After hanging up the phone, Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen: "The Red Army, let us transfer the money as soon as possible, and then give them the task... Within three days, they will complete the task!"

"Fifty million for one mission, or what?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Not one, but three... For example, if you want to bomb somewhere, you can ask them to bomb three."

Qin Jianwen shook his head and said.

"Three? That's not bad. The price is not high."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"With the help of the Red Army, the island country's pond... will definitely become muddy!"

"What do you want them to do?"

Qin Jianwen lit a cigarette and asked.

"First find a branch of the Flying Bird Organization... The Red Army and the Flying Bird Organization should have nothing to do with each other, right?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"It's not related. The Red Army's performance in the island country is quite bad. The emperor ordered the attack, the government also attacked, and the Asuka organization also participated... Anyway, everyone shouted for a beating."

Qin Jianwen smiled.

"As far as I know, the Flying Birds organization caused the Red Army to suffer a lot."

"Oh? The Flying Bird Organization is not a good bird in the first place, but it still has the nerve to deal with the Red Army?"

Xiao Chen said mockingly.

"There is nothing we can do. The Red Army is on the wrong side and is an enemy of the Emperor. Will it end well?"

Qin Jianwen smoked a cigarette.

"No matter whether you are an individual or a force, the consequences of being on the wrong team will not be good."

"Since it really has nothing to do with the Asuka organization, let them destroy an Asuka branch first!"

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"tell them,

As long as the work is done well, there is no shortage of money! "


Qin Jianwen nodded.

Just as they were talking, Xiao Chen's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Li Zhensheng calling.

"Hey, Brother Li."

Xiao Chen answered the phone.

"Well, brother Xiao, it's okay. I just wanted to tell you that I am leaving the island country."

Li Zhensheng's voice came from the receiver.

"Leave? Aren't you going to leave a few days ago?"

Xiao Chen was startled, this guy never left?

"The blockade was very severe in the past two days. Even I... couldn't leave."

Li Zhensheng smiled bitterly.

"So, after waiting for a few more days, I finally found a reliable channel..."

"Well, as long as there are reliable channels."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Brother Xiao, what about you? Do you want to go together?"

Li Zhensheng asked.

"Haha, no, things haven't been done yet, how can we leave."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Brother Li, please leave first."

"Um...where is Mr. Qin? Isn't he leaving?"

Li Zhensheng asked again.

"He's not leaving either."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"He's not leaving either? Okay, then I'll leave first."

Li Zhensheng said nothing more.

"Well, are you going back to China directly? See you later in China."

"I won't go back to China directly, but when you go back, I will definitely be in China."

After the two chatted for a few more words, Xiao Chen hung up the phone.

"Li Zhensheng...is it credible?"

Suddenly, Qin Jianwen, who was sitting next to him, asked.

Hearing Qin Jianwen's words, Xiao Chen smiled: "Why are you so suspicious? We have known Brother Li for a day or two, so why can't we trust him? His relationship with the Bai family is also irreversible..."


Seeing Xiao Chen say this, Qin Jianwen nodded.

After resting for a while, Xiao Chen and others left the villa and found a place to eat.

It's not as prosperous as Gaoqi County, but it's pretty good.

After eating, the sky also darkened.

Xiao Chen was not in a hurry. He took a knife and others and strolled around casually.

"Huh? What is this place? Why are the lights pink? What does the sign say?"

Suddenly, Li Hanhou looked at the many stores in front of him and asked.

"Haha, Dahan, I call you stupid, but you are really stupid...even if you don't know the words, you can still understand the pictures, right? It's obviously a red light district...it's full of pretty girls."

Xiaodao said with a smile.

"Pretty girl?"

After hearing this, Li Hanhou was not very interested.

"It's boring."

"Damn it, tell you this, it's just playing the piano to a cow...boring!"

Xiaodao rolled his eyes and started to murmur to Sun Wugong.

"What, you want to try it?"

Xiao Chen asked when he saw them muttering.

"Well... let's forget it. It's not very convenient now, and there are also communication problems."

Xiao Dao shook his head.

"If you want to try, just go in and give it a try... As for the inability to communicate, let Heiyi be your translator!"

Xiao Chen didn't intend to stop them. Men, who doesn't need anything anymore?

"Haha, even if you don't need an interpreter, most of them can understand Chinese... because there are many Chinese people who come here to take care of business."

Hei Yi smiled.

"I think... you can give it a try. It's still very different from China."

"Then... give it a try?"

Xiao Dao and others were a little excited.

"Go on, be careful, and just go back to the villa when you're done."

Regarding their strength, Xiao Chen was relieved. When something happened, they could not defeat them... but they could also run away.


Xiao Dao and others nodded, with smiles on their faces.

"Heiyi, take them there."

Xiao Chen said to Hei Yi.


Heiyi agreed.

Later, under the leadership of Hei Yi, Xiaodao, Sun Wugong and Hao Jian all went.

As for Qin Jianwen, he did not follow.

In his words, in the past few years in the island country, he has never played with girls from the island country... Naturally, he doesn't like the ones in these stores.

And Li Hanhou...he doesn't have much interest in women.

"Master, don't you go and experience it?"

Hongyi looked at Xiao Chen and asked with a smile.

"Me? I'll forget it."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I'm afraid you'll be jealous if I go."

"No way."

Hong shook his head, feeling quite happy.

Although she won't be jealous or anything, Xiao Chen's ability to say this shows that he cares about her.

"Even if it doesn't happen, I won't go."

Xiao Chen shook his head and lowered his voice.

"They... are not as good as you."

Hearing this, Hongyi pursed his lips and smiled, blinking his eyes: "Then... I will serve the master well tonight."


Xiao Chen looked at Hong Yi. With just such a sentence, he... actually felt something!

Ten minutes later, they returned to the villa.

After some discussion, Xiao Chen and Qin Jianwen decided on a Feiniao branch.

Later, while Qin Jianwen notified the Red Army, he also transferred 50 million US dollars.

When the Red Army learned that it was a branch of the Flying Bird Organization, instead of being afraid, they were... very excited!

In their words, they have never been able to find the Asuka Organization, and they have no place to take revenge if they want!

Well now, the opportunity has come!

"They should take action soon. Once they do...the Bird Organization should guess that it is related to me!"

Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Haha, we've already been torn apart. Just know it."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Now that you have decided to stay, don't be afraid..."

"I'm not afraid, and if I was, I wouldn't do it."

Qin Jianwen shook his head.


Xiao Chen nodded. Although Qin Jianwen was timid and cherished his life, he was not timid except when it came to life and death.

Just look at the things he did, even a timid person wouldn't be able to do them.

After chatting for a few words, Qin Jianwen and Li Hanhou went back to the room.

Xiao Chen also returned to the room and made a few calls to China.

He wanted to call the old fortune teller again, but... he couldn't get through.

This made him a little strange. Could it be to hide from him?

Two hours later, Xiaodao and the others came back.

Seeing the satisfied looks on their faces, Xiao Chen knew... it should be pretty good.

"Brother Chen, you didn't go...what a loss."

Xiao Dao looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"It doesn't have a certain style... it's completely different from the style of the big sword in China."


Xiao Chen smiled, you were still a virgin when I was playing!

However, he didn't say it out loud to avoid hitting Xiao Dao.

"Now that we're done enjoying ourselves, Hao Jian, it's time for us to set off."

Xiao Chen looked at Hao Jian and said.

"You don't have weak legs, do you?"

"Not really."

Hao Jian shook his head.

"When to set off?"



There was no trace of ink on the two of them, so they left immediately... Just like last time, Heiyi drove.

Arriving around the shrine, Kuroichi's car stopped.

Xiao Chen and Hao Jian got out of the car and went straight to the shrine.

Because I had already gone through some places, I was already familiar with the road. I dodged a few hidden whistles and came to an area that was not open to the public.

Xiao Chen felt it carefully, and he should be a master of energy transformation.

But...as long as you don't encounter them, it's no problem!

With the strength of the two of them, they can restrain their auras without letting the energy transformation master notice it.

Soon, the two found a temple. Except for patrols, there was no one guarding outside.

"You're out there letting loose... try to stay out of the way and don't kill anyone."

Xiao Chen said to Hao Jian.


Hao Jian nodded, swayed, and jumped onto the beam above his head.

As long as no one looks up, even if you walk from below, you won't find anyone hiding above.

"She's pretty good at finding places."

Xiao Chen muttered, opened the door of the temple, and stepped in.

Inside, Xiao Chen saw the same statue of the god as in the previous temple.

Because he had been through it a few times and was experienced, he stepped directly onto the altar and put his hands on it without any ink marks.

Immediately afterwards, he ran the 'Chaos Art' and began to absorb it crazily.

Sure enough, the bone ring burst into light and enveloped the statue.

In order to prevent the illusion like Patriarch Morishan from appearing again, Xiao Chen deliberately did not look into the eyes of the statue... What if he was tricked again?

Soon, a wave of energy spread from the statue... What made Xiao Chen raise his eyebrows slightly was that he didn't find self-awareness, just a spiritual imprint.

"Erase consciousness?"

Xiao Chen had a thought and didn't pay much attention to it. It would be better if he was unconscious!

A few minutes later, Xiao Chen moved his hand away, and the light of the bone ring disappeared.

"Just keep a little bit, so as not to... break."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself, stopped running the 'Chaos Technique', looked at the statue of the god with a human body and a snake tail, turned around and left the temple.


As soon as he left the temple, Hao Jian jumped down from the beam.

"nailed it?"

"Well, let's go."

Xiao Chen nodded, and the two of them left quickly and quickly disappeared into the night. The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

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