Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2234 My Principles

Listening to Qin Jianwen's words, Xiao Chen was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head slowly: "In life, a man has things he should do and things he should not do... You can't use your relatives to coerce others."


Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen and said nothing.

He was not surprised when Xiao Chen refused.

He only talks about the results, regardless of the process...that is, "to achieve the goal, use any means".

"Do you know his whereabouts? Kameda Ranren didn't send any experts to protect him? Or, at this time...he didn't hide and dared to show up?"

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Jianwen and asked.

"There are masters of energy transformation beside him, and there are two of them."

Qin Jianwen said slowly.

"This guy's own strength is not weak either. His secret strength is perfect, and he is just one step away from transforming into strength... His strength makes him arrogant and arrogant!"

"An Jin Dzogchen? How old is he?"

Xiao Chen was curious.


Qin Jianwen replied.

"You are in your twenties, and you have perfected your secret energy? That is indeed not weak anymore... But, as for arrogance and arrogance? I have already used up my energy, and I am not arrogant either..."

Xiao Chen curled his lips and said.

"Have you ever seen me act arrogant or arrogant?"


No one said anything. When the martial arts geniuses were fighting, you just pointed at everyone and said, you are all rubbish.

"Young people nowadays don't know how to keep a low profile at all..."

Xiao Chen shook his head again and sighed.


Everyone looked at him again,

You seem to be...in your twenties too! Why do you say this as if you are an old man?

"Old Qin, where is he, hurry up...find him."

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Jianwen and said.

"Now that the situation is getting more and more serious, this guy can't be a fool... Kameda Kamerun probably knows that he will not let his grandson show up again... So, we have to find him before then."

"Aren't you going to use him to threaten Kameda Ranren?"

Qin Jianwen asked.

"Well, no threat...but we can let him lead us to Kameda Ranren! This does not violate my principles."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I still don't believe it. My grandson doesn't know where his grandfather is!"

"It's okay, but... I'm afraid this will be a bit troublesome. There must be experts at Kameda Erun's side."

Qin Jianwen thought for a while and said.

"We have almost three levels of energy here, are we still afraid of him?"

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"Where is this kid and when can I catch him?"

"Let me make sure tonight... Let's take action tonight."

Qin Jianwen looked at the time and said.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Kuroichi, then there is no need to check Kameda Ranren anymore. Just keep an eye on the Asuka Organization and the Imperial Palace to see if they will make any moves."


Heiyi agreed.

"Old Qin, you said you would take me to visit the Imperial Palace, right? There is nothing to do this morning. Let's go to the Imperial Palace to have a look? In the afternoon, I made an appointment with Lao Chu and Lao Ma."

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Jianwen again and said.

"Chu Xun and the others have also arrived in Tokyo?"

Qin Jianwen asked.

"Well, we have arrived. There are many Chinese warriors gathered there, including Hua Jin... However, there is no Hua Jin Dzogchen. Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai and the others have not shown up!"

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I think... they should all be in Tokyo too!"

"Gather in Tokyo...ah, Tokyo is really going to be in chaos."

Qin Jianwen chuckled.

"By the way, there are also shrines in Tokyo. Find time to go there..."

Xiao Chen thought of something again and said.

"Are you sure... nothing will happen?"

Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"What could happen? Don't worry, I will keep a low profile...at this time, I won't attract anyone's attention."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Qin Jianwen shook his head.

"Huh? Why?"

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Because...Kingoku Shrine is in Tokyo."

Qin Jianwen said slowly.

Hearing Qin Jianwen's words, Xiao Chen was startled again, and then he remembered... He would have forgotten about this thing if Qin Jianwen hadn't said it!

Now he is only thinking about the 'Ishiki Shrine', 'Atsuta Shigu Shrine', 'Akechi Shrine', etc., because in these shrines, there are either 'gods' or good things...

As for Jingguo Shrine, he really left it behind, just taking the ruined thing with him.

If it weren't for the meaning of its existence, Xiao Chen wouldn't be in the mood to go there.

However, now that Qin Jianwen mentioned it, Xiao Chen felt that... he really had to go there.

In China, the most famous shrine is not Ishiki Shrine, Atsuta Shigu Shrine or the like, but... Jingkuni Shrine!

Even children know that there is such a shrine in the island country, and they visit it all day long...it's very annoying!

When he came, Xiao Chen thought that since he was here, he would go there... Later, after he discovered that he could absorb the power of the soul to strengthen his own strength, he forgot about Jingguo Shrine.

Jingguo Shrine was established relatively recently, so there should be no 'gods'. He was too lazy to pay attention to such existences that were not even mosquito legs.

"Go, but I don't have time today, let's do it tomorrow!"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Really? What are you going to do?"

Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Of course I'm going to visit it. After all, it's such a famous shrine, right? I... just like visiting shrines."

Xiao Chen showed a harmless smile.


Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen, I believe you are a ghost!

"Let's go, let's go to the Imperial Palace first... Didn't Heiichi say that the Emperor has summoned many Huajin masters? I guess we can meet a few more when we go to the Imperial Palace."

Xiao Chen said to Qin Jianwen.

"Even if we meet, you can't take action... Now is not the time to take action near the Imperial Palace. If we draw out the Emperor, that would be bad."

Qin Jianwen said slowly.

"I know it well."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Others... don't go out for the time being and stay here to rest. After all, they are all tired from the whole night."

When Xiao Chen said this, he looked at Xiao Dao and others... They must have worked hard last night!

Afterwards, Xiao Chen and Qin Jianwen left their residence and went to the imperial residence.

On the way, he called Chu Xun.

"Okay, Lao Ma and I will enter Tokyo in the afternoon."

Chu Xun agreed.

"Are you hiding in the suburbs?"

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and asked.

"Well, there are many informants in Tokyo, and it's better here in the suburbs...Brother Xiao, thank you for coming. If you hadn't come, our side would probably be divided."

Chu Xun smiled bitterly.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"Although it is said that the three of us came together, with the strength of the three of us, it is simply difficult to convince the crowd..."

Chu Xun smiled even harder.

"Especially after a few transformations came, the three of us became even more insignificant... If there weren't a group of people supporting us, I don't know what would be happening here now!"

"Did they seize power?"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows.

"It's not a power grab. After all, it's not a group, and the three of us are not leaders... Our original intention is to unite everyone, and then wait for Brother Xiao to come over, deal with the little devil, take back the Xuanyuan Sword, and leave the island country!"

Speaking of this, Chu Xun sighed.

"Well, for example, this time we suggest stopping outside Tokyo and not entering Tokyo... Some people think that since we have arrived in Tokyo, we should enter Tokyo as quickly as possible, find Kameda Ranren and seize the sword, and then... let the little devil You know how powerful Chinese warriors are!"


Xiao Chen nodded and understood what Chu Xun meant.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes... When there are more people, there are more opinions, and the strength of the three of them is not enough to convince the crowd, nor can they make others listen to them!

At this time, either a highly respected person will appear and be recognized by everyone... or someone will appear who is very powerful and can overpower everyone and make them obey orders!

Otherwise, it will definitely be a mess, everyone has his own ideas, thoughts and purposes!

"Okay, Lao Chu, you and Lao Ma don't come to Tokyo. I'll be there in the afternoon."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said to Chu Xun.

"come here?"

Chu Xun was surprised.

"Yes, I'll go over and check the situation..."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"At this time, it's impossible to say who has the right idea and whose idea is wrong... I'll go over and talk about the situation."

"Okay, then I'll send you an address."

Chu Xun thought for a while and said.


After Xiao Chen chatted with Chu Xun for a few more words, he hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

Xiao Chen briefly explained what Chu Xun said.

"Haha, it's normal. The strength of the three of them is just like that. They have a lot of energy. Why should you listen to them?"

After Qin Jianwen listened, he smiled.

"Xiao Chen, although I don't know what your other purpose is, I can guess a bit... You want these Chinese warriors to recognize you, right?"

"So be it."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"That's very simple...you go in the afternoon, and if anyone refuses to accept it, beat him or her!"

Qin Jianwen smiled.


Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, is it possible that you are still prepared to convince others with your virtue? Why? You are too young, why should you convince others? In a word, those who obey me will live, and those who go against me will die!"

Qin Jianwen nodded and said slowly.

"Only by showing your strength can you make them surrender... and at this time, this is also the most direct and simple way! We don't have that much time for you to convince them with your charm."

"We'll see what happens in the afternoon. After all, they gathered together spontaneously... Anyone who disagrees with us can just leave!"

Xiao Chen threw away the cigarette and said lightly.

"Xiao Chen, I think you are sometimes too kind... Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, those who succeed are kings and those who lose are bandits. History is also written by the victors."

Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen.

"As long as you reach the top, no one will care how you get to the top... Once you reach the top, you will have ten thousand bones. No one will care how you got those ten thousand bones!"

"But I don't care."

Xiao Chen also looked at Qin Jianwen with a calm tone.

"I can climb to the top with ten thousand bones, but... I also have my own principles." The female CEO's all-powerful soldier

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