Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2275 The storm is rising

Under night, a large number of Chinese warriors left the hot spring resort.

The leader of each group has an address and travels to a new residence.

"Mr. Zheng, do we really want to obey Xiao Chen's orders?"

Xu Songshan looked at Zheng Yichang and asked slowly.

"if not?"

Zheng Yichang glanced at Xu Songshan.

"I know what you are thinking, but at this moment... I really have no intention of competing with Xiao Chen for anything! Didn't you see that even Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai said that?"

Hearing Zheng Yichang's words, Xu Songshan nodded, yes, Xiao Chen alone is scary enough, and with the addition of Zhao Rulai, the ghost Buddha, who would dare to have other ideas.

Xuanyuan Dao... they are destined to not get it!

"There is a saying, Xiao Chen is right, we must not be lambs! If we lose this battle, we will not die in the island country, and we will not have the dignity to return to China... Therefore, this battle cannot be defeated!"

After Zheng Yichang finished speaking, he patted Xu Songshan.

"Lao Xu, let go of what you should put down. At this time, you have to carry it clearly!"

Xu Songshan looked at Zheng Yichang, nodded, and said no more.

Afterwards, Zheng Yichang and others left and went to their respective residences.

"This place... might be abandoned."

Yamazaki Mori stood on a building in the hot spring resort, looked at the leaving vehicles, and muttered.

"what should we do?"

A person next to me asked.

"Let's transfer this place. If we sell it before the emperor knows everything, our losses will be smaller."

After Yamazaki Mori finished speaking, he turned around and went downstairs.

"Well, yes, it has to be transferred... I just didn't know that unlucky guy took over."

The people next to him also nodded.

After many Chinese warriors moved to different places,

Another piece of breaking news shocked Tokyo Martial Arts and even the island country Martial Arts!

Someone went to the Imperial Palace to provoke and carved words on the high wall of the Imperial Palace with a knife!

‘Let’s take a walk today, and behead the dog another day.’ These words... were no longer a provocation, but a hard slap on the emperor’s face!

The emperor was also furious and smashed the wall with one palm!

Although the emperor ordered the news to be blocked, no one dared to spread it... but the news still spread.

Not only is there news, there are photos to prove it!

Because...this news spread not only in martial arts, but on the Internet!

The older generation of warriors may not use the Internet, but how can young people not use the Internet?

So... the news spread all of a sudden.

In addition to the island country's network, photos also appeared on the Chinese network.

Even late at night, it still set off the Internet.

Has the Imperial Palace been engraved?

And... it was carved by Chinese people?

Many netizens said that the shame has been thrown to the island country, so how can we engrave words on the scenic spot?

But soon... public opinion changed.

This scenic spot is the imperial residence, and the emperor of the island country... is targeting the Chinese people.

This is something some Chinese people deliberately left behind!

Although ordinary people don't know about warriors and have no access to this circle, it is enough to say that the emperor of the island country is targeting the Chinese people.

Public opinion changed, with all kinds of people calling him a little devil, and some people said that he should burn down the Imperial Palace!

When the emperor learned that the photo was circulated on the Internet, he became furious in the place where he practiced... He couldn't suppress his murderous intention for a long time!

But in the second half of the night, this news was covered by other news...!

Xuanyuan Dao appears!

In the outskirts of Tokyo, someone is fighting for the Xuanyuan Sword!

At the same time, news also came out that Xiao Chen had recaptured the Xuanyuan Blade... and killed Kameda Luanlun!

All of a sudden, all kinds of news were flying all over the place, true or false!

In Rinichi, Tokyo, a man strolled down the street carrying a rectangular box.

After he answered the phone, he narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Tokyo.

Xuanyuan Dao...appeared?

Although it was not certain whether the Xuanyuan Sword was taken back by Xiao Chen or whether it was still in Tokyo, but... it was time for him to go to Tokyo.

"Leave a message from the Imperial Palace? Xiao Chen...has become very strong? Haha."

The man muttered to himself and stopped a taxi.

"Sir, where are you going?"

The taxi driver looked at the man, curious about his appearance.


The man slowly said two words.


The driver was stunned and did not drive.

"I won't send Chinese people away..."

Listening to the driver's words, the man frowned slightly, and then...a cold light erupted from the long box.

By the time the driver reacted, a big knife... was already on his neck.

"Now...send it?"


The driver felt the cold on the blade, his body trembled, and he stammered.


The man withdrew the knife, but a cold murderous intent enveloped the driver.

The driver trembled and stepped on the accelerator... He didn't dare to jump out of the car and escape.

He had a feeling that even if he jumped out of the car... he wouldn't be able to escape the knife!

If you don't listen to this man, he will definitely die!

When the man took a taxi to Tokyo, he was in a valley in the outer suburbs of Tokyo.


In the middle of the night, thunder rolled in the valley and electric snakes swam.

Where thunder and lightning gathered, an old man... was practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and the thunder and lightning dissipated, and the night sky returned to normal.

"Finally... I have touched the power of heaven and earth. Although it is not half a step innate, it only takes an opportunity!"

The old man looked happy, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in his eyes.

Then, he stood up and walked out of the valley, turned into a black light, and went straight to the bright light in the distance!

One night passed.

The whole of Tokyo is enveloped in a special atmosphere.

It seems...the storm is about to come.

After Xiao Chen woke up, he washed briefly and came downstairs.

Heiyi was already waiting for him to report the latest news to him.

"Huh? On the Internet? That should have been uploaded by Xiaodao, right?"

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Originally, the emperor had issued a hush-hush order, and no one was allowed to tell the truth... Now, the entire island country's martial arts already knows about it."

Heiyi also chuckled.

"I heard that the emperor was furious... and killed two patrol teams."

"Kill, just kill all his people."

Xiao Chen laughed mockingly.

"Other than the Imperial Palace?"

"The Xuanyuan knife has appeared, and...it doesn't seem to be one."

Hei thought of something and said in a deep voice.

"Not a handful?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"Have you spread the news I asked you to spread?"

"It's already spread."

Black nodded.

"The Xuanyuan Saber appears. Even if there is news that you have obtained the Xuanyuan Saber, most people... won't believe it."

Qin Jianwen also came down and said slowly.

"Not to mention other Chinese warriors, even among those gathered, some may not believe it... After all, they have not seen the Xuanyuan Sword!"

Hearing Qin Jianwen's words, Xiao Chen frowned slightly. This problem did exist!

"If they want to die, then I can't control them so much... As you said, I'm not their parents, let alone their nanny, so I can't always watch over them."

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Jianwen and said in a deep voice.

"Haha, as long as you think so."

Qin Jianwen smiled.

“The game has begun, when do we get involved?”

"Have you found the genius?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Four or five have been found, and the others are still being collected..."

Qin Jianwen said, took a document bag and handed it to Xiao Chen.

"Do you think it's a bit too much for us to bully Tianjiao?"

Xiao Chen took it over and opened it.

"I always feel like bullying them is like bullying a child."

"Child? Some geniuses are much older than you..."

Qin Jianwen curled his lips.

"Besides, most of them are surrounded by energy transformation masters, so it's not that easy to kill them."

"Okay, let's go today...to meet the real martial arts geniuses of the island country."

Xiao Chen nodded and his eyes fell on the information in his hand.

"Little Honjiro, twenty-eight years old, perfect dark power...too weak."

"Abe Sansan, thirty years old, at the peak of the early stage of energy transformation...this is just okay."

"Little dog, twenty-seven years old, in the early stage of energy transformation... This puppy is not weak at all. He is in the early stage of energy transformation at the age of twenty-seven."

Xiao Chen was watching and commenting, but he never found a genius worthy of his action.

"Send a copy of the information to Xiang Nan and the others, and let them take action! On the first day... it will be more secure to act in two groups."


Qin Jianwen nodded.

"Except for these few, when can we find the others? There are too many wolves but not enough meat, so there are obviously not enough to kill."

Xiao Chen asked Qin Jianwen again.

"It will be quick...but they are also very careful. Even if they enter Tokyo, they will try to hide in some hidden place as much as possible."

Qin Jianwen replied.

"Find as many pictures of them as possible...I'll have people search for them through the Eyes of the Sky."

Xiao Chen said to Qin Jianwen.

"This is a lot easier. After all, there are only so many talented people, so it's easy to take photos of them."

Qin Jianwen nodded.

As they were talking, a big war was breaking out somewhere in Tokyo.

The three Chinese warriors were surrounded by seven or eight island warriors.

"Chinese warriors are nothing more than that."

The person who spoke was a young man with a blood-stained knife... If Xiao Chen were here, he would definitely recognize this person as the 'little dog' he just mentioned, Xiao Quanzi.

"Stop resisting, or else...I'll kill you all!"

The little dog glanced at the two corpses not far away. He had just personally killed two Chinese warriors.

Although he really wanted not to kill anyone and let them torture them and force them to practice their skills, but... how could he shock these Chinese warriors if he didn't kill anyone?


The three Chinese warriors looked at each other, shouted angrily, and killed the little dog.

"Try to stay alive!"

The little dog said coldly, and instantly approached a Chinese warrior and struck out with his sword.


The Chinese warrior screamed and one of his arms was cut off.

"Too weak...I am turning my strength into strength, how can you fight with me!"

The little dog kicked the Chinese warrior to the ground and stepped on his chest.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die...at least, not now!"

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