Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2283 I'm waiting for him here!

The power of the explosion was beyond Xiao Chen's imagination.

Xiao Chen originally thought that the current distance was enough and safe enough.

But when the explosion happened, the floor-to-ceiling glass in front of me was shattered, and the whole building was shaking...

Fortunately, they were not slow to react and quickly retreated to avoid the flying glass shards!

However, although it was a bit embarrassing, safety was still no problem and no one was injured.

Xiao Chen looked at the disgraced people and felt a little embarrassed: "What, the power estimate was wrong... it was a bit too big."


Qin Jianwen and others were speechless. How many bombs had been released!

The explosions continued and they stepped forward.

Although, without glass, it is a bit dangerous to stand outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and look outside...

No one was timid anymore. Facing the night wind, looking at the Jingguo Shrine that was still exploding and burning, it really looked like... a fireworks show!

In Jingguo Shrine, Baipao and others... lost their balance and fell to the ground at the moment of the explosion.

A strong sense of crisis erupted in Baipao's heart. He must escape...otherwise, he would not be able to escape!

But before he could stand up, a ball of flame... propelled by the explosion wave, swept over.

Several people were torn apart by the explosion wave in an instant!

Two energy-transforming masters, even with the presence of body-protecting Gang Qi, could not withstand the explosion!


The white robe let out a desperate roar, but his roar was quickly covered up by the explosion.

Although he is a master of the Dzogchen, he is still not enough in the face of the powerful explosion!

Even if I want to run, I can't!

Except for them, no one in the Jingguo Shrine escaped...either they were swallowed up by the flames, torn apart by the explosion wave, or...they were crushed to death by the collapsing buildings!

Including the main hall that is not open to the public,

The ‘War Temple’ in the Emperor’s mouth is also not immune!

The main hall collapsed, statues collapsed, and more than a dozen black flags... were also blown to pieces!

Wherever the flames passed, there was no trace of ghostly energy!

The entire Jingguo Shrine was reduced to ruins.

The burning flames illuminated most of the night sky!

Almost...the whole of Tokyo can be seen!

Including the explosion, it also shocked the whole of Tokyo!

The moment the ground shook, everyone thought it was an earthquake... After all, earthquakes are too common in this country.

But after the explosion, everyone understood that it was not an earthquake, but another accident.

In the imperial palace, the sound of explosions could also be heard faintly.

The emperor rushed out of the training ground and looked in the direction where the explosion came from, his expression... darkened.

There... is the Jingguo Shrine?

At the same time, a black shadow... floated over the Imperial Palace, also staring in the direction of Jingguo Shrine.

"Jingguo Shrine!"

The Emperor jumped up to a high tower in the Imperial Palace, and this time... he could see clearly enough.

There... it was red.

"Damn it!"

The emperor clenched his fists, his anger rising, and his whole body exuded cold murderous intent.

Jingguo Shrine... was bombed?

"Black robe, gather the people and follow the emperor... to Jingguo Shrine!"

The emperor shouted angrily and jumped down from the tower.

The black shadow also disappeared and appeared next to him.

"You stay in the Imperial Palace, I... have to go there."

The emperor tried his best to suppress the murderous intention and said to the black shadow.


The black shadow did not stop the Emperor this time. No matter what the reason was, the Jingoku Shrine was bombed, and the Emperor should go and see it!

After all... In addition to its unknown function, Jingguo Shrine is more of a symbol!

Except for the Emperor who was alerted, almost all the forces in Tokyo were alerted!

After all, the movement was really too big.

Even those who were fighting stopped and looked in the direction of Jingguo Shrine.

The night sky... was all red, which was particularly conspicuous.

Everyone is guessing, what happened?

The prime minister of the island country... and the officials in the cabinet also received rewards immediately.

The Prime Minister, in particular, jumped up from his seat in shock.

When he took office, he even visited Jingguo Shrine!

Jingguo Shrine was bombed?

There was a fire?

His face turned a little pale, he picked up the phone on his desk and kept calling.

"The martial arts chaos has spread to the entire island country..."

After finishing the phone call, the Prime Minister fell into his chair and spoke slowly to himself.

Soon, a fire truck roared and headed straight for Jingguo Shrine.

At the same time, the emperor and a dozen masters also left the imperial palace and went to Jingoku Shrine!

However, just as the Emperor's car left the Imperial Palace, a shocking murderous intention filled the air from a distance.

The emperor was shocked, what a strong murderous intention!

The next second, he opened the car door, jumped out, and headed straight to the place where the murderous intent came from.

The vehicle stopped, and Hei Pao and others got out of the car and chased after him.


A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp sword intent enveloped the emperor!

"Xue Chunqiu!"

The emperor yelled, and when he waved his hand, there was also a cold light, blocking the knife!

"Half-step innate... Emperor, I heard that you fought against the ghost Buddha, so you and I will fight too!"

Xue Chunqiu held a big knife and said coldly.

The Emperor stared at Xue Chunqiu. Could it be that... the person who blew up the Jingguo Shrine was related to the Sword God Xue Chunqiu?

They blew up Jingguo Shrine first just to lure him out?

Then...Xue Chunqiu is waiting here?

What about besides Xue Chunqiu?

Is the ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata also there?

Thoughts flashed through each other, and the emperor swept around, feeling no other breath for the time being.

"Xue Chunqiu, was it you who did the explosion at Jingguo Shrine?"

The Emperor raised his short sword. This was outside the Imperial Palace, and he had nothing to fear from anyone!

Even if the ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai is ambushing around, he is not afraid!

In the imperial palace, in addition to the masters of energy transformation, there is also a half-step innate existence, that is, the black shadow!

"I don't know, I'm just here for you!"

Xue Chunqiu shook his head, dodged, and slashed out with a knife.


The Emperor roared angrily. He had suppressed his anger and murderous intent, but now... he couldn't hold it in any longer and exploded!

Dang Dang Dang!

The two men's knives kept colliding.

Xue Chunqiu's whole body was filled with murderous intent, as if he had transformed into a big sword... Under the light of the sword, he suppressed the emperor with all his might.

The emperor's face is ugly, another half-step of innateness!

He had guessed before that the Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai and the Sword God Xue Chunqiu were both half-step innate, and that was indeed the case!

Tonight... Xue Chunqiu must be kept!

He let out a long roar, and his combat power exploded, breaking the sword light all over his body... At the same time, he also notified the others in black robe, asking them to rush over.

"The Xuanyuan Sword was really taken away by Xiao Chen?"

Suddenly, Xue Chunqiu asked.

"I have no comment!"

The Emperor replied coldly and struck Xue Chunqiu with his knife.

"Heh... your people are here. Another day... I'll kill you again!"

Xue Chunqiu sneered, drew the knife and walked away without stopping at all.

"Which way to go!"

The emperor shouted and wanted to stop Xue Chunqiu.


Xue Chunqiu returned his sword and turned it into thousands, blocking the emperor.

And he... made a few leaps and disappeared into the alley next to him.

When the emperor avoided the sword light and rushed in, Xue Chunqiu was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it!"

The emperor shouted angrily and actually let him run away!

Soon, the black robe and others appeared, and no one else was found except the emperor.

"Your Majesty the Emperor..."

The emperor looked at Heipao and the others coldly. If they had arrived earlier, how could Xue Chunqiu escape.

However, he still suppressed his anger, turned around and walked out: "Go to Jingguo Shrine!"


Heipao and the others were anxious and quickly followed.

After they got in the car, a figure walked out of the alley. It was Xue Chunqiu who had just fought with the emperor.

He looked at the red night sky and narrowed his eyes. Who did this?

Well done!

He also disliked the Jingguo Shrine.

Then, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the Imperial Palace.

Do you want to explore the Imperial Palace at this time?

But after thinking of something, he gave up the idea and decided to find Xiao Chen first!

In one day, he got two golden knives, and without exception, they were both fake.

This made him understand that the appearance of the so-called Xuanyuan Sword was just a cover created by the islanders. The real Xuanyuan Sword... should have been taken away by Xiao Chen.

"Perhaps, we should also go to Jingguo Shrine and try our luck."

Xue Chunqiu muttered to himself, looked at the imperial palace again, turned around and strode away.

In addition to the Emperor and Xue Chunqiu, a large number of people were also rushing to Jingguo Shrine.

At this juncture, the Jingguo Shrine exploded and caught fire. There must be something wrong!

No matter what the situation is, it is worth their while to find out!

Above the hotel, Xiao Chen and others were ready to leave.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and everything that needs to be appreciated has been appreciated. Why should we stay?

"Now, Tokyo is becoming more chaotic."

Qin Jianwen looked at the Jingguo Shrine that had been reduced to ruins, then looked at the mess in front of him, and said slowly.

"Haha, the more chaotic the better... Let's go, there's no excitement anymore."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"The next shrine is either Ishiki Shrine or Atsuta Shrine..."

"Why did it explode too?"

Xiaodao asked excitedly.

"Let's loot it first...but now I'm more interested in the royal family's treasure room."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and took Hong Yi's hand.

"Let's go. We've had enough wine and food, and we've finished admiring the fireworks... It's time to go back and have a good rest."

"Go back and rest? How many people can't sleep because of your explosion..."

Qin Jianwen followed.

"It has nothing to do with us anymore... Notify each team that it's time to call it a day. Work is not done in a day, and people are not killed in a day."

Xiao Chen had just taken a few steps when he thought of something and looked at Qin Jianwen.

"Old Qin, do you think...will the Emperor come?"

"Emperor? Come here?"

Qin Jianwen was stunned.

"right. "

Xiao Chen nodded, and then his eyes lit up.

"If he comes, it will be a good opportunity!"

"What a good opportunity."

Qin Jianwen couldn't keep up with Xiao Chen's pace.

"What a chance to kill him... But even if he comes, he probably won't come alone! That old devil is more cowardly than you and cherishes his life..."

Xiao Chen frowned again and said.


Qin Jianwen stared, if you use me as a metaphor again, I will be really anxious!

"If you wait a little longer, even if you can't kill him, you'll still have to scare him!"

Xiao Chen made a decision.

"Old Qin, you take them away first, I'll wait for the Emperor here!"

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