Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2391 Big brother is protecting you!

After Xiao Chen treated the injuries of Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai and others, he finally had time to chat with Nie Jingfeng.

"Brother, it's all thanks to you tonight."

Xiao Chen made tea himself and said to Nie Jingfeng.

"Why are we brothers talking about this?"

Nie Jingfeng waved his hand and took a sip of tea.

"When I was in no man's land, I wanted to come out and find you as soon as possible. When I returned to Longhai, the old fortune teller said that you had come to the island country and that you might be in trouble and asked me to help you."


Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard Nie Jingfeng's words.

"Did the old fortune teller say that?"

"Well, that old guy kept talking so much that I didn't really believe it at first, but after he said that, I still came."

Nie Jingfeng nodded.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I just happened to meet you. If someone really bullies you, I can protect you, brother, right?"


Xiao Chen chuckled, feeling a little warm in his heart.

Perhaps, he didn't believe the old fortune teller, but when he heard that he was in danger, he came anyway.

"By the way, brother, have you found the Star Stone in the no-man's land?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

The most fundamental reason why Nie Jingfeng wanted to go to the no-man's land in the first place was to find the Star Stone.

"So be it."

Nie Jingfeng replied.


Xiao Chen was stunned, what kind of answer was this?

If you find it, you have found it. If you have not found it, you have not found it. How can it still be considered.

"I found a star stone, but it was half broken."

Nie Jingfeng said slowly.

"However, even a half-broken star stone is of great use, allowing me to compete with innate instead of innate... Of course, I can't fly.

When it came to 'flying', Nie Jingfeng was a little embarrassed. If he could fly just now, it wouldn't be so easy for Qian Yexun to run away.

"Half broken?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"Can the star stone allow people to enter the innate world?"

"Yes, the star stone... can enhance the power of the soul."

Nie Jingfeng nodded and waved his hand when Xiao Chen seemed to want to speak.

"Brother knows what you are going to say. Keep your star stone for yourself, and use it when you want to enter the innate world one day... and the star stone is not only for strengthening the soul."

"Brother, I don't think it's so difficult to be born."

Xiao Chen looked at Nie Jingfeng and said.


Even Nie Jingfeng was a little speechless when he heard Xiao Chen's words.

But when he thought of something, he nodded again: "That's right, my second son is such a monster, so what does he have innateness?"

"No, eldest brother, you should call me second brother."

Xiao Chen twitched the corner of his mouth. It's easy for people to think wrongly when they are old.


Nie Jingfeng nodded.

"Then the second brother."

"Brother, if I give you the Star Stone, will you become a congenital person immediately?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"it should be OK."

Nie Jingfeng thought for a while and said.

"But I really don't want it. If I want it, what will you use it for in the future... Besides, if I want it, won't I go to no man's land in vain?"

Xiao Chen looked at Nie Jingfeng and didn't mention the star stone again.

However, he felt that if Nie Jingfeng was born congenital immediately, then the problems at hand would not be a problem.

Now Nie Jingfeng can beat Qian Yexun hard. If he is a congenital queen, why shouldn't he beat Qian Yexun?

But he also knew that since Nie Jingfeng said he wouldn't want it, he definitely wouldn't want it.

So take another look.

"What's that old devil's background? He's very strong."

Nie Jingfeng asked what he thought of.

"Qianye Xun, the innate master of the island country... I heard that there are only two or three innates in the island country, and he is one of them."

Xiao Chen introduced.

"At the beginning, he was not that strong. Later, he said that he had lost ten years of cultivation. There must be some secret method that gave him that invincible state..."

After listening to Xiao Chen's introduction, Nie Jingfeng thought for a while and finally came to a conclusion: "In other words, he can't beat me under normal circumstances."

"Really? Brother is awesome!"

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up.

"Then this time, we must kill him before leaving the island country!"


Nie Jingfeng didn't think much about it. Since Xiao Chen said he wanted to kill Qian Yexun, then just kill him!

Although he was injured in the duel just now, it was not serious.

"Brother, apart from asking you to come, did the old fortune teller say anything else?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"No, he just said that if you are in trouble, let me come."

Nie Jingfeng shook his head.

"Then he gave me the address. I don't speak the island language, and it was my first time to come to the island country. I got lost when I got nearby."

"Okay, brother, I'm really in trouble for you."

Xiao Chen looked at Nie Jingfeng, his eldest brother really had nothing to say to him.

When he first became acquainted, he never thought that one day they, the old and the young, would have such a deep relationship.

Of course, most of the credit goes to Nie Jingfeng.

Nie Jingfeng treated him as his own brother, guarding him and not allowing anyone to bully him!

Even though Nie Jingfeng was not as strong as he is now, he was still fearless.

"It's nothing, just be fine."

Nie Jingfeng shook his head.

"Brother, you have been in the no-man's land for so long and there is no news... If there is no news again, I will go to the no-man's land to find you after I return to China."

Xiao Chen said to Nie Jingfeng.

"Haha, the no-man's land is so big, even if you go in, you can't find me."

Nie Jingfeng smiled.

"Brother, what does no man's land look like and what's in it?"

Xiao Chen was very curious about the no man's land.

"Is there really no one there?"


To Xiao Chen's surprise, Nie Jingfeng shook his head.

"There are people in no man's land."

"Is there anyone?"

Xiao Chen was startled.

"Then why is it called no man's land?"

"have no idea."

Nie Jingfeng shook his head.

"Um...okay, what's it like in there?"

Xiao Chen was a little helpless. Nie Jingfeng was not a good candidate to answer questions. He probably had never considered this.

"Can't say."

Nie Jingfeng shook his head again.

"Can't tell?"

Xiao Chen frowned, why can't he tell me that his eldest brother also has a fortune-telling habit?

Before he could speak, Nie Jingfeng said: "The old fortune teller told me that I can't tell you about the no-man's land... He said that you are too weak and will die if you enter the no-man's land."


Xiao Chen was speechless, holy shit, am I still weak? I'm already strong, okay?

"I think what the old fortune teller said is right, so I can't tell you."

Nie Jingfeng said seriously.


Xiao Chen was even more speechless, how could it make sense?

"No, brother, do you really think I'm weak? Even though I'm only at the peak of the early stages of transformation, my combat power is even half-step to transformation. Even Xue Chunqiu was defeated by me!"

"That's also weak."

Nie Jingfeng nodded.


Xiao Chen opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Half step innate?


He felt that Nie Jingfeng was the most flamboyant one!

"The old fortune teller said that when the time comes, he will tell you everything in no man's land himself."

Nie Jingfeng said to Xiao Chen.

"Wait until he tells you."


Xiao Chen had no choice but to nod.

After the two chatted for a few more words, Xiao Chen asked Nie Jingfeng to rest, and he was also ready to take a rest.

He didn't sleep for long before Qianye Xun killed him. He was still naked at the time!

Fortunately, Qian Yexun felt that he could kill them safely and didn't bother to hide. If he suddenly killed them in the room, it would be embarrassing!

Although it was already dawn, Xiao Chen still felt sleepy and tired.


When Hong saw Xiao Chen back, she stepped forward and massaged him.


Xiao Chen nodded and looked at Hong Yi.

"Are you scared just now? We almost died tonight."

"As long as the master is here, I'm not afraid."

Hongyi shook his head.


Xiao Chen smiled.

"Next time we encounter such a crisis, I said leave, leave immediately, do you hear me? Staying is of no use, it is just one more person dying! But living, one day, you can get revenge! If you die, then everything is over ”

"I see."

Hongyi shook his head and hesitated.

"Does the master suspect that there is a mole among us?"

Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard Hong Yi's words. Did she even notice it?

When Hong saw Xiao Chen's eyes, she curled her lips: "Master, I'm not stupid. Don't forget, I used to be a killer. My strength may be weaker than Heiyi's, but my IQ is no weaker than his."

"Uh, okay."

Xiao Chen nodded, he had really forgotten about this problem.

He has always felt... big-breasted and brainless.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen glanced at Hong Yi's chest. Well, it's really big.

Hongyi noticed Xiao Chen's gaze, his expression was charming, and he gave her a wink.


Xiao Chen coughed dryly, "Look, I don't blame him for forgetting. The main reason is that this girl plays the role of a maid all day long!"

"Who does the master suspect?"

Hongyi came closer to Xiao Chen and exhaled like a blue breath.

"No one doubts anyone, and I don't want to doubt anyone."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"We have all experienced life and death together, and I believe in everyone."

Hong Yiyi was startled, then nodded.

"Okay, let's take a rest, I'm quite tired."

Xiao Chen patted Hong Yi's butt and fell on the bed.

Hongyi sat next to him and helped Xiao Chen massage and knead gently.

While Xiao Chen was enjoying Hong Yi's massage, in the imperial palace, the emperor was listening to the report in black robe.

"A master suddenly appeared? Rescued Xiao Chen and others?"

The Emperor frowned.

"Yes, this person is very strong."

The black robe nodded.

"An innate master?"

The Emperor's frown deepened.

"Qianye Xun is not a match either?"

"The details are not clear. In the end Qianye Xun retreated."

The black robe replied.

"Then have you contacted Qian Yexun?"

the Emperor asked.

"I haven't been contacted yet, so I don't know the situation at that time."

The black robe shook his head.

"Trash, a majestic innate master, he didn't even kill Xiao Chen!"

The emperor cursed angrily, but fear arose in his heart.

Who on earth saved Xiao Chen and the others?

Could it be that the old fortune teller really came to the island country?

But later he found out that the old fortune teller had appeared in China again!

If it's not an old fortune teller, then who is it?

The person who ransacked the royal treasure room with Xiao Chen last time?

Is he an innate master?

If it was an innate master, it would make sense. The battle ended without any reaction from the transformed ancestor!

"Where are the chess pieces?"

The Emperor calmed down and asked.

"I don't know, I haven't contacted him yet."

The black robe shook his head.


The emperor slapped the arm of the chair into pieces.

"Keep in touch!"


The black robe nodded quickly and retreated.

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