Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2446 What if?

After eating, Xiao Chen didn't stay at Longteng Club any longer. He went to find Han Yifei.

Han Yifei has never been to Xiao's manor, and the police station is very busy... Therefore, Xiao Chen has not seen her until now.

Of course, Xiao Chen knew that Han Yifei definitely knew that she was back.

He thought that if he didn't go to see this violent girl, he might really have another fight with him.

Arriving at Han Yifei's residence, Xiao Chen raised his head and looked up. There was a light on, so he should be at home.

He didn't call Han Yifei, just to give her a surprise.

Xiao Chen took down the roses he just bought on the way and entered the elevator.

Although Han Yifei is not the kind of woman who can be coaxed with roses, there are not many women who don't love roses.

When he came to the door, Xiao Chen knocked on the door, and soon there were footsteps coming from inside.

Xiao Chen deliberately moved away from the cat's eye and waited quietly.


The door opened.

When Han Yifei saw Xiao Chen holding roses, she couldn't help but be startled: "Why are you here?"

"If you don't go home, I won't come to find you."

Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei, said with a smile, and handed over the rose.

"Feifei, this is for you."

"I just want to see when you plan to come to me...Why, you want to send me away with a bouquet of flowers?"

Han Yifei said so, but she still took the rose.

"Feifei, I just arrived yesterday..."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, among women, Han Yifei was definitely an anomaly.

"Then what, are you going to let me talk outside? Are you not going to let me in?"

"come in."

Han Yifei moved away from the door.


Xiao Chen smiled and walked in.

"By the way, why did you dare to open the door just now when you didn't see anyone? Aren't you afraid of bad guys?"

"I think bad people are afraid of me."

After Han Yifei finished speaking, she took out a gun from her pajamas pocket.


Xiao Chen looked at the gun in her hand and was speechless... He clearly remembered that Han Yifei's right hand had been in this pocket just now.

In other words, if there is a bad guy who wants to do something evil, she can probably shoot him down.


This woman...can't be easily provoked.

When Han Yifei saw Xiao Chen's expression, she felt funny in her heart, and her little resentment towards him disappeared.

She put the flowers on the table, and as for the gun... she put it away in her pajama pocket.

"No...you always carry a gun at home?"

Xiao Chen couldn't help but said when he saw her action.


Han Yifei nodded.

"The gun is always with me twenty-four hours a day. When I sleep, I keep it under my pillow."


What can Xiao Chen say.

"If any bad guy dares to bully me... one shot is enough."

Han Yifei seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Ahem, there are no bad guys."

Xiao Chen coughed dryly and stepped forward to hug Han Yifei.

"Yifei, I miss you."

"Then why did you come here? You came back and you didn't tell me. If I didn't have my own channels, would I still not know about it now?"

Han Yifei looked at him and asked.

"No, I just wanted to give you a surprise. I never thought you didn't live at home."

Xiao Chen hugged Han Yifei and said.

"Why don't you stay at home?"

"It's a bit far to work, and... I like living alone."

Han Yifei shook her head.

"I'm used to it too."

"All right."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Why, you don't think I bullied your women, do you?"

Han Yifei asked.

"No, no, I didn't think so."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"My Feifei is not a casual bully, right?"

After some sweet words from Xiao Chen, Han Yifei's expression softened a lot.

She was either really angry, or she was angry that Xiao Chen didn't say anything to her before he came back.

Women, if you have to make trouble occasionally, you can't be emotionless.

"Did your trip to the island country go well this time?"

During this period, Xiao Chen called Han Yifei two or three times, and she also knew a little about things there.


Xiao Chen nodded and briefly talked to her.

"The matter over there can come to an end..."

"Ah That's good."

Han Yifei nodded, but she didn't ask Xiao Chen what he was going to do next.

"Feifei, what about you? Is the police station busy lately?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"It's okay, there are a few big cases..."

Han Yifei nodded.

"Then you have to be careful."

Xiao Chen said to Han Yifei.

Although he wanted to persuade Han Yifei not to let her do such dangerous things and be so desperate again, he didn't say anything after all.

This was her favorite career, so she left the capital and came to Longhai for this purpose.

If she really wanted to be pampered, she wouldn't have come to Longhai at all.

Therefore, even if Xiao Chen is worried, he tries his best to understand.


Han Yifei nodded.

"Where is grandpa? You haven't returned to the capital recently?"

Xiao Chen hugged Han Yifei and chatted with her.

After a long time, the two went to the bedroom... They hadn't seen each other for so long, so naturally they missed each other.

An hour later, Han Yifei, who had always been extremely strong, lay on Xiao Chen's chest like a well-behaved kitten, her face rosy and her eyes full of spring.

Xiao Chen hugged Han Yifei, feeling proud that no matter how powerful a woman was, she could still conquer her!

Park Jiaren is like this, and Han Yifei is like this too!

"Feifei, just go home and live. It's not that far away."

Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei and took the opportunity to say.

"I do not want to go……"

Han Yifei shook her head.

"Can you not go forever?"

Xiao Chen hugged her and lay beside her ear.

"Even if it's for me, okay?"

Han Yifei was silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded and agreed.

Xiao Chen smiled when he saw that she agreed.

This night, Xiao Chen did not leave. After all, he should accompany him more.

Maybe she was thinking of something, Han Yifei was very enthusiastic...

After dawn, Xiao Chen and Han Yifei left together.

Han Yifei went to the police station, while Xiao Chen called Su Qing.

Today he will accompany Su Qing to Haifu Mountain to visit Su Yunfei.

After he finished calling Amelia Su, he went straight to the Su family manor.

"Xiaomeng, you didn't go to school today?"

When they arrived at the place, Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he saw Su Xiaomeng.

"No, I haven't visited my eldest brother for a while. I want to see him."

Su Xiaomeng shook her head.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Are you... not there?"

"No, you didn't go back last night, right?"

Su Xiaomeng curled her lips, not knowing how many other women this guy was hiding outside.

"Ahem, I went to Han Yifei's place last night."

Xiao Chen coughed dryly.

"let's go."

When Su Qing saw what Su Xiaomeng wanted to say, she spoke before she could say it.

Su Xiaomeng looked at her sister and said nothing in the end.

Afterwards, the three of them drove straight to Haifu Mountain.

On the way, Xiao Chen bought flowers and tributes for worship.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly as he thought of the many times someone had worshiped him before, but he couldn't find out who it was.

But this time, there was nothing new in front of the tombstone, and the Su sisters had not been here for a while.

Su Qing didn't dare to come alone, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Xiao Chen stood in front of the tombstone, looking at the yellowed photo on it, and sighed in his heart.

In a flash, it had been a long time since Lao Su left.

But what happened in Naga is still before my eyes, just like yesterday.

"Brother, we are here to see you."

Su Qing was also looking at the photo. The eldest brother on it had a sunny and warm smile.

Scenes flashed before my eyes, never to be seen again.


Su Xiaomeng squatted in front of the tombstone, her eyes red.

The three of them were all thinking about everything about Su Yunfei... Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng shed tears, and Xiao Chen felt very heavy.

"I dreamed about big brother two days ago."

Suddenly, Su Xiaomeng spoke.

"I dreamed that he was not dead..."

After hearing Su Xiaomeng's words, Xiao Chen and Su Qing looked at her and remained silent.

It is normal to have thoughts during the day and dreams at night.

Su Qing also dreamed about it several times, and she also couldn't believe that her eldest brother was dead. In the dream, he was alive and well.

A dream is just a dream after all.

"Brother, please help me find my parents..."

Su Qing looked at the photo on the tombstone and whispered in her heart.

"The old man said that my parents are fine. I will definitely find them... Then, I will bring them over to visit you."

"Lao Su... I'm with you in everything, don't worry."

Xiao Chen picked up the wine in the cup and poured it on the tribute platform in front of the tombstone.

"Xiaoqing and I are together. I think this is what you want to see, right? When you were alive, you would seduce me all day long, saying how beautiful your two sisters are... Well, Xiaomeng is still young, even if Whatever ideas she has, I will restrain them."

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but chuckle, thinking of what Su Yunfei said to him.

At first he was joking, saying don't tempt me all day long, or I'll take in both of your sisters.

Su Yunfei said at that time, as long as you have the strength, just go and collect...

Unexpectedly, now, it is really right.

"Old Su, if you were alive, you might be able to fight for me, right?"

Xiao Chen said to himself, but there are no ifs in life!

Later, he shared his trip to the island country with Su Yunfei.

"How about it, buddy, am I awesome or not?"

Xiao Chen was proud, then thought of something and frowned.

"It's a pity... If your soul can exist, I can send you to the island country and live in another way... As long as you transform, you can exist in the world! Although it takes a long time, you are almost immortal. "

This is also what Xiao Chen thinks of every time he encounters an incarnation in the island country.

If Lao Su's soul exists, then no matter how high the price he pays, he will make it transform!

When the time comes, he can turn Old Soda into a 'god' and let him enjoy the power of faith and exist forever!

But at that time... death was death.

Death is like a lamp going out.

Su Yunfei's soul power is not that strong and can temporarily remain between heaven and earth.

As soon as he dies, he will be torn apart by the power of heaven and earth!

While he was thinking about this, deep in the bone ring space, gray chaotic energy rolled... and trembled slightly.

However, the bone ring still had no reaction after all, and Xiao Chen didn't notice it.

( = )

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