Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2559 The master has arrived!

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The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier Chapter 2559 The master has arrived!

Xiao Chen in the hotel did not know what happened to the Duanmu family.

If he knew that Duanmu Ci vomited blood because he was stimulated, he would probably laugh out loud.

He originally wanted to call Huang Xing and ask Huang Xing to mobilize a group of people to develop his power in Mingyang's underground world.

But thinking of Duanmu Qing, he gave up the idea.

Now that Duanmu Qing is under control, there is no need to go to such trouble.

Once the Duanmu family is wiped out, just take over the Shanhai Gang from Duanmu Qing.

When the time comes, we will be able to control the underground world of Yangming City without losing any blood!

"Have you called Amelia Su to ask?"

Ning Kejun came out of the room and asked.

"Well, I've asked, it might have something to do with her parents."

Xiao Chen nodded and lit a cigarette.

"What, are you worried?"

Ning Kejun looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Sister Fairy, tell me... what if Su Qing's parents are not controlled by the Holy See of Light, but work for the Holy See of Light?"

Xiao Chen raised his head and said slowly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ning Kejun was startled.

She also knew about Su Qing's parents.

Later, Xiao Chen also told her something.

It has to be said that the possibility of them serving for the Holy See of Light still exists.

And, it’s not too small!

"If they really work for the Holy See of Light, they are enemies."

Xiao Chen took a long drag on the cigarette.

"I can spare their lives, but if they are loyal believers of the Holy See of Light, they will definitely cause trouble again..."

"I think you shouldn't think about it so much for the time being. Find the person first and then... If we can't find him, it's useless for us to make any guesses, what do you think?"

Ning Kejun thought for a while and said.

"When we find them, if they really work for the Holy See of Light, then it's not you who should make this decision, but Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng."

"I'm afraid they won't be able to accept it."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly.

"Xiao Chen, they are all adults. No matter what they face, they can accept it...Don't always think about protecting them and preventing them from getting hurt. This is not a good thing for them."

Ning Kejun looked at Xiao Chen and said seriously.

"They can even accept Su Yunfei's death, let alone anything else? At that time, no matter what happens, let the two sisters decide... Of course, for the sake of their sisters, even if they work for the Holy See of Light, then you Can’t kill them!”


Xiao Chen thought about it and nodded slowly. Ning Kejun's words made sense.

He hasn't been found yet, so it's useless to think about it so much.

Perhaps... they did not work for the Holy See of Light at all, but were only controlled by the Holy See of Light.

Furthermore, if they really worked for the Holy See of Light, they probably wouldn't have left any notebooks behind.

Thinking about it so much now is just asking for trouble.

"Does this Obisco know their whereabouts?"

Ning Kejun asked.

"I don't know, but Archbishop Meadow must know... If Obisco doesn't know, then find Archbishop Meadow through him."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Didn't you say that Archbishop Mei is an innate master? With your current strength, you are still far behind against an innate master."

Ning Kejun said to Xiao Chen.

"Well, we still need strength..."

Xiao Chen nodded, not only did he want to deal with Archbishop Mei, he also wanted to become stronger and fight alongside the old fortune teller.

And on the island country, Amaterasu Goddess said that when he is born, he will be allowed to go to Amaterasu Mountain.

He was somewhat looking forward to this trip.

"Secret Realm..."

Xiao Chen thought of that secret realm and his eyes flashed.

Since it is a secret realm, there must be many opportunities... Even if his combat power cannot be improved, it is still possible to improve his realm!

Just as he was thinking about it, his phone rang.


Xiao Chen looked at the number on the screen and was a little surprised.

"Hey, big fat guy."

"Brother Chen, I've arrived in Yangming, where are you?"

A fat voice came from the receiver.


Xiao Chen looked strange when he heard what Big Fatty said. He asked Long Lai to send experts over, and then... Mr. Long sent Big Fatty here?

Is Big Fat a master?

Among the younger generation, Big Fatty is considered a master, but... this is the Duanmu family, what use can he do?

"Brother Chen, where are you? I'll go over now."

Big Fat shouted.

"Well, I'm at the hotel. Come on."

Xiao Chen gave the address and was about to hang up the phone when he couldn't help but ask again.

"Then what, who did you come with?"

"Of course they are the seven top thugs of our Dragon Gate!"

Big Fatty said with a smile.


Xiao Chen was silent. The seven top thugs of Longmen were invincible in Longhai City, but against the Duanmu Family, they were just cannon fodder!

"Brother Chen, we'll see you later. I'll hang up now."

After finishing speaking, Big Fat hung up the phone.


Xiao Chen put down his cell phone. He was wondering if Mr. Long was trying to trick him!

"What's wrong?"

Ning Kejun looked at Xiao Chen and asked.


Xiao Chen smiled bitterly.

"The master is here."

"Master? What kind of master?"

Ning Kejun is curious. There are not many people in the ancient martial arts world who can be called a 'master' by Xiao Chen.

"The late peak of An Jin? Or the Dzogchen of An Jin?"

Xiao Chen didn't know what kind of strength Big Fatty had now. Maybe he had achieved a breakthrough and had become more powerful?

But even if you use energy, it's of no use!


I would rather you be speechless, An Jin? What kind of master is this?

Half an hour later, Big Fatty and others arrived.

"Brother Chen, we all miss you so much."

Although Xiao Chen felt that Mr. Long had tricked him, he was still very happy to see Big Fat and others.

"Haha, why do you have time to come to Yang Ming?"

"Brother Chen has something to do, and we brothers must come."

Big fat grin.

"Brother Chen is awesome. Are you taking care of the Duanmu family now?"

"So-so... Now that you know that I am taking care of the Duanmu family, you still dare to come. I'm really touched."

Xiao Chen's face was filled with emotion.

"No matter what we are afraid of, a large number of experts from our Dragon King will come soon. We are just here to watch the excitement and gain experience, but we have no intention of playing in person."

Erpang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes lit up. Are you here to see the fun? Are there a lot of experts?

Then he would be relieved!

"Brother Chen, a master will be here soon."

The waiter said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen was curious.

"You'll find out later."

The waiter smiled mysteriously.

"I've given them the address. They should be on the way."


Just as they were talking, Bai Ye and the others also came over, and naturally a few pleasantries were inevitable.

"Big Fatty, have you regained your strength?"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen noticed something and asked.

"Yeah, you've got better strength, but you can't compare with Brother Chen. Rumor has it that you can achieve even half a step of innateness..."

The fat man nodded, still a little proud.

At his age, there isn’t much left in the ancient martial arts world when he steps into Huajin!

"Haha, what about you?"

Xiao Chen looked at Er Pang again and asked with a smile.

"The Dzogchen of Dark Strength, I guess the Transformation of Strength is not far away."

Er Pang replied.

"I came here this time to find an opportunity for a breakthrough. Maybe a life-and-death battle will allow me to break through."

After hearing this, Xiao Chen didn't understand what they were here for.

Not just to watch the fun, but to experience and find opportunities for breakthrough!

As they were talking, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

After the waiter finished speaking, he went to open the door.

"Haha, are you all here?"

A voice came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, two figures came in.

When Xiao Chen saw these two people, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise.

"Senior Jiu Xian? Brother Hua?"

The visitors were none other than Jiuxian and Hua Youque.

"Haha, Xiao Xiao, we meet again."

The wine master with a red nose looked at Xiao Chen and said with a smile.

"Brother Xiao!"

Hua Youque also had a smile on his face and cupped his hands.

"Senior Jiu Xian, Brother Hua... I never thought you would come."

Xiao Chen was very happy to see an acquaintance.

"Quick, Senior Jiuxian, please sit down."


The wine master smiled, feeling very comfortable.

Although Xiao Xiao is very strong now and can even fight half-step innate, his attitude... is pretty good!

"Boy Xiao, my old man has only heard about you recently, and it's really shocking."

"Senior Jiu Xian, please stop flattering me."

Xiao Chen waved his hand.

After a few pleasantries, the serious business came up.

"This time, I brought a large number of masters from Badi. Together with me, there are twelve masters of transformation!"

The wine master looked at Xiao Chen, took the wine gourd, and took a sip of wine.

Next to him, Sun Wugong saw that he was addicted to alcohol, so he also picked up the wine gourd and took a sip.

"You kid... being a drunkard at a young age is not a good thing. You can't learn from your master."

Jiuxian saw Sun Wugong's movements and said to him.

"Senior Jiu Xian, haven't you been drinking for your whole life? That's right. I have a question to ask you."

Sun Wugong looked at Jiuxian and said.

"what is the problem?"

The Brewmaster is strange.

"Did your nose... come from drinking?"

After Sun Wugong finished asking, he shrank back.


The wine master glared and touched his red nose.

"You think so. This is my old man's exclusive symbol. Do you still want it?"

"No, no, I don't want to at all. If you say it's your exclusive mark, then I'll be relieved."

Sun Wugong waved his hands hurriedly.

"I won't talk nonsense to you, Mr. Xiao, what I have here is just like this, twelve energy masters."

Jiuxian was too lazy to talk to Sun Wugong and said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded, he is indeed the Dragon King, there are twelve energy masters in one Badi branch!

"Senior Jiu Xian, where is the other branch?"

"I don't know, Lao Long didn't tell me, but Nangong and Lao Chen should be coming too."

The wine master shook his head and said.

"You kid, I haven't seen you for a while. Each thing you do is bigger than the last... If you really destroy the Duanmu family, it will definitely shock the ancient martial arts world!"

"Haha, don't I have to rely on my seniors for this? I can't do it on my own."

Xiao Chen smiled.

The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

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