Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2568: Fight to the death

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The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier Chapter 2568: Fight to the death

"Then what should we do?" Duanmu Yun asked slowly. "If it is true as the rumors say, Xiao Chen can now fight half-step innate. It will not be easy for our Duanmu family to kill him!" Hearing this, Duanmu Hai smiled bitterly, "Yes, if we want to kill him, we can't." It's easy...either ask the ancestor to do it, or let the third ancestor and the sixth ancestor do it!" "Ancestor...the third ancestor and the sixth ancestor." Duanmu Yun looked at Duanmu Hai and sighed softly. This is to deal with a young man! Either the innate ancestor, or the two half-step innates... When did it become so difficult to deal with a young man! "Brother, will the ancestor take action?" Duanmuhai looked at Duanmuyun and asked. "Probably not." Duanmu Yun shook his head. "As for the third ancestor and the sixth ancestor, they can take action. After all, this is related to the future of my Duanmu family." "The third ancestor and the sixth ancestor...if they two take action, I am worried whether they can kill Xiao Chen." Duanmuhai took out a cigar, lit it, and took a few puffs. "Two half-step innates may not be able to kill Xiao Chen?" Duanmu Yun frowned. "Brother, you have never been in contact with Xiao Chen. This guy... is too evil!" Duan Muhai nodded and narrowed his eyes. "Since they are here, the Holy See of Light cannot watch the fun... I will let them take action. If they fail, let the Third Patriarch and the Sixth Patriarch take action!" "Give me a cigar." Duanmu Yun stretched out his hand, said. "Brother, haven't you stopped smoking?" Duanmuhai was surprised. "I'm sorry... my noble Duanmu family is in chaos because of a young man. It's really beyond my imagination!" Duanmu Yun said in a deep voice. "Yes, our Duanmu family has suffered too much because of him... This time is the perfect opportunity to kill him!" Duanmuhai said, took out a cigar and handed it over. "However, since he is here, he probably didn't come alone..." "I have asked people to check, and there should be news soon... I dare not say it in other places. In Yangming, there is no me. Something that can’t be compared to the Duanmu Family." Duanmu Yun lit his cigar and said. "Yeah." Duanmuhai nodded and then thought of something. "By the way, tell Azi to let him retreat." "Retreat?" Duanmu Yun was startled for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, with his temper, he will definitely not give up when he learns that Xiao Chen has come to Yangming... Let him retreat tomorrow. As for the news of Xiao Chen coming to Yangming, don't let it out for the time being. I'm worried about the Duanmu family. , there are people from Xiao Chen." "Yes." Duanmuhai nodded, he also had such worries. If they pretend not to know, then Xiao Chen will not be wary. As long as they find it, they can give them a fatal blow! Otherwise, it would be even harder to kill Xiao Chen if he was prepared! "Let's make arrangements first, and then we'll talk about it after we find Xiao Chen." Duan Muyun looked at Duanmu Hai and said in a deep voice. "On your side, please also communicate with Obisco... This is indeed the best opportunity to kill Xiao Chen. If we can't kill him and let him grow, not only us, but also the Holy See of Light will be in trouble." "Well. "Have you made a decision?" Duanmuhai nodded and asked. "So what if we don't decide? Like you said, do we have a way out? No more." Duanmu Yun smiled bitterly. "To be indecisive at this time is to dig your own grave... Now I hope that the experiment of the Holy See of Light can be successful, so that the strength of the Duanmu family can be raised to a higher level, and then a large number of warriors can be gathered to serve us..." "I will definitely do it. Yes!" Duanmuhai said seriously. "Let's make arrangements as soon as possible. We can't afford to lose this round." Duanmu Yun patted Duanmu Hai on the shoulder. "Second brother, I hope we won't be the sinners of the Duanmu family!" "No, we will definitely lead the Duanmu family to rise and stand at the top of the world!" Duanmuhai shook his head and said seriously. "Well, I hope so." Duanmu Yun nodded. Later, Duanmuhai left, and Duanmuyun also began to make various arrangements.

Although Xiao Chen's whereabouts have not been found for the time being, preparations must still be made. Once found, it could be a thunderous strike, a sure-killing blow! To deal with Xiao Chen, he must be killed with one blow! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles! For Duanmu Yun and Duanmu Hai, the two giants of the Duanmu family, this night was sleepless. As for Xiao Chen, this night was also sleepless! He and Ning Kejun... practiced together all night! It wasn't until light shone through the cracks in the curtains that the room became quiet. The advantage of dual cultivation is...even if you don't sleep all night, you will not be tired, but will be full of energy. Speaking of which, in addition to Su Qing's dual cultivation of physique, Xiao Chen and Ning Kejun's dual cultivation have the best effect. This may also have something to do with Ning Kejun being the strongest. As for Su Qing... She hasn't succeeded yet, and Xiao Chen doesn't know what will happen. He thought it was possible to break through overnight! "If there are not enough manpower, let's call in a group of masters from Feiyunfang." Ning Kejun leaned on Xiao Chen's chest. The most beautiful woman in the ancient martial arts world was extremely beautiful at this moment. "No, that's enough." Xiao Chen hugged Ning Kejun and shook his head. "The two major branches of the Dragon King have come to have many masters of energy transformation, plus the Dark Holy See...that's enough." "Aren't the Dragon King's people not going to be directly involved? They are just blocking it." Ning Kejun said to Xiao Chen said. "I don't want you to face the Duanmu Family alone. That would be very stressful." "Haha, there's no pressure. Don't forget, Lao Xiao is here too." Xiao Chen smiled. "As long as Lao Xiao keeps an eye on the innate masters of the Duanmu family, then I won't have any pressure!" "The Duanmu family still has two and a half steps of innate talent." Ning Kejun reminded. "Well, two half-step innates are indeed a bit troublesome. With my current strength, it is quite difficult to face two half-step innates." Xiao Chen nodded. "We have to think of a way to defeat each of them...or let Duanmu Qing lead one out and kill him first!" "That's okay." Ning Kejun nodded. "The Duanmu Family didn't put too much pressure on me. In fact, the one who really put pressure on me was the Holy See of Light." Xiao Chen said slowly. "The Holy See of Light? Are they still Su Qing's parents?" Ning Kejun asked. "No." Xiao Chen shook his head. "You said, since the Holy See of Light can cooperate with the Duanmu Family, will it also cooperate with other forces? The forces we don't know about...how many forces are colluding with external forces in the ancient martial arts world? Today's The world of ancient martial arts is a mess, and just pointing at the Dragon King will hardly have any effect." "This is something that can't be helped." Ning Kejun looked at Xiao Chen. "Don't worry too much. It's not something you should worry about. Just do the things in front of you." "Haha, that's right. I'm not the leader of the martial arts alliance yet." Xiao Chen smiled. "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." "Yeah." Ning Kejun nodded. "Then tell me about Xixi?" "Huh? Xixi?" Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment after hearing Ning Kejun's words, Zhuge Qingxi? "What happened to her?" "They came with you, but you didn't do anything?" Ning Kejun asked. "No, Sister Fairy, this is not like you." Xiao Chen looked at Ning Kejun in surprise. In the past, she would never have said this. Ning Xianzi, the most beautiful woman in the ancient martial arts world, is not that kind of iceberg, but she also exudes coldness and repels people from thousands of miles away! It can be said that she is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks from the world! But now... what is she focusing on? Zhuge Qingxi? A little action? "People change, not to mention... I quite like that girl Xi Xi." Ning Kejun said to Xiao Chen. "Sister Fairy, what action do you want me to take?" Xiao Chen was helpless. "I really think of her as my sister." "But she doesn't think like that." "Sister Fairy, don't worry about this. I suddenly felt... is Sister Lan in front of me." Xiao Chen looked weird. . "Xiaolan? Yes, she will take care of these things." Ning Kejun nodded. "Wait until I talk to her and let her take care of it." "..." Xiao Chen was speechless, this is the fairy falling into the mortal world! The two hugged and talked for a while before getting up and washing up. "Brother Chen, what are your plans for today?" Bai Ye asked after Xiao Chen came out. "Today... let's go to the Duanmu Family." Xiao Chen thought for a while and said. "Hit the Duanmu Family?" After Li Hanhou asked, he was about to go back to the room to get his mace. "Dahan, wait a minute, we're not going to fight against the Duanmu Family, but we're going to explore the way first...by the way, make some preparations." Xiao Chen called out to Li Hanhou, this guy was even more anxious than him! "Oh." Li Hanhou stopped. If he didn't hit him, he wouldn't take him. "Sister Fairy, take Ling'er and Xixi out for a walk. Yangming is pretty good." Xiao Chen looked at Ning Kejun and said. "Okay." Although Ning Kejun doesn't like shopping, she thinks it would be a good thing for Nangong Ling and Zhuge Qingxi to have more contact. After finishing breakfast, the group left the hotel. Ning Kejun and the others went shopping, while Xiao Chen, Bai Ye and others, drove out of Yangming City and headed straight to the Zhuge Family. The two cars roared and quickly entered the mountains. "Why do sects and aristocratic families in the ancient martial arts world like to hide in deep mountains and old forests?" Bai Ye looked around and asked. "Relatively speaking, the spiritual energy in the deep mountains and old forests will be richer and more suitable for cultivation." Sun Wugong replied. "What exactly is aura? I don't know if the aura is strong or not, but the air is indeed a lot fresher. This is a natural oxygen bar." Bai Ye opened the car window and took a deep breath. "Many sects and aristocratic families occupy very good positions. The Duanmu family is a paradise." Xiao Chen also spoke. "It's a pity that this place has been targeted by the higher-ups. Otherwise, we could keep it, build a resort, and take a vacation occasionally. That would be wonderful.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Hua Youque was a little speechless. "Anyway, the Duanmu family is also one of the twelve aristocratic families. If you let them know that you want to turn their place into a resort, they probably have the intention of killing you." "Haha, aren't you killing me now?" If they knew I was coming, they would want to kill me in a minute. "Xiao Chen said with a smile. "That's right. "Hua Youwei nodded. "You are already fighting to the death. "

The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

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