Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2574: Blending in

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"Does Mr. Su have a good relationship with Xiao Chen?"

Duanmu Qing looked at Su Yun, wanting to find out more.

He knew that Xiao Chen was difficult to deal with, and he didn't let him take any advantage during the two meetings.

Therefore, he wanted to see if he could find out anything from Su Yun, such as what Xiao Chen's plans were.

If he knew that the person sitting in front of him was Xiao Chen, I don't know how he would react.

"Of course, Xiao Chen and I have a very good relationship."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"It's so good that we don't distinguish between you and me."

Hearing Su Yun's words, Duanmu Qing was a little surprised. Is it so good?

"Why have I never heard of Mr. Su's name? Our Duanmu family is quite concerned about Xiao Chen. Most of the people around him know something about him, such as Bai Ye, who is the young master of the Bai family in Longhai, and Sun Wugong, Li Hanhou and others all know something about it."

"Haha, your Duanmu family is quite fond of Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen smiled, but a cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

Sure enough, after the Duanmu family withdrew from Longhai, they had been watching him, ready to retaliate at any time.

Otherwise, why do you know so much?

So this time, we must get rid of the scourge of the Duanmu family!

It is still very dangerous to be cared about by the Duanmu family.


Duanmu Qing nodded.

"I have heard of most of the people around Xiao Chen, but Mr. Su's name is very unfamiliar."

"It's normal. I just came back from abroad some time ago and I haven't been in China before."

Xiao Chen started talking nonsense, there was no need to draft it.

"Just came back from abroad? That's it."

Duanmu Qing suddenly realized.

"The Bright Holy See has great ambitions. They frequently make moves abroad, and the Duanmu family's daring to cooperate with the Bright Holy See is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger."

Xiao Chen looked at Duanmu Qing and said slowly.

"Do you think the Holy See of Light will really cooperate with the Duanmu Family? Maybe it won't be long before the Duanmu Family will be controlled by the Holy See of Light. By then... your ambitions will be in vain."

"These are all decided by Duanmu Yun and Duanmu Hai. They are not matters that I can decide... I am only responsible for Yangming's underground world."

Duanmuqing said slowly.

"Mr. Su, I heard that Dragon Emperor's people have arrived in Yangming City?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Not only did the Dragon Emperor send a large number of Huajin masters, Xiao Chen also found foreign aid. There are no less than fifty Huajin masters in total... Think about how much Huajin your Duanmu family has. Even if you add the Holy See of Light, it won't be enough. Possibly an opponent."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Duanmu Qing's face changed wildly. There are more than fifty masters of energy transformation?

This number scared him.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. You know the current affairs very well and have taken refuge in Xiao Chen. Otherwise, do you think you will survive? You and your son will become cannon fodder and victims... If you want to survive, then treat us well Cooperate, and when the Duanmu family is destroyed, no one will touch you as long as Xiao Chen is here."

Xiao Chen took it along and scared Duanmu Qing again.

"Ok, I know."

Duanmu Qing nodded. He originally wanted to find out Xiao Chen's side, but he was frightened and broke into cold sweat on his back.

Just as the two were talking, a bell rang.

"Fifth brother."

"Lao Jiu, my people will be there in ten minutes."

A man's voice came from the receiver.

"I understand, Fifth Brother."

Duanmu Qing agreed.

Then, he put away his phone and looked at Xiao Chen, "They will be here in ten minutes."

"Does that mean I have to go to the basement and pretend to be unconscious?"

Xiao Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile.


Duanmu Qing nodded.

"Mr. Su, I'll take you down... I want to see your disguise. If even I can spot something unusual, I'm afraid I can't hide it from them!"

"Okay, let you take a look first."

Xiao Chen smiled and returned to the basement with Duan Muqing.

The five warriors were still lying there, motionless, as if they were dead.

"This is the drug I injected into them, which can put them into a deep coma. It's also from the base..."

Duanmuqing took a box from the side and took out the syringe.

"Well, I don't need this thing."

Xiao Chen nodded. He couldn't let Duanmuqing give him a blow. Who knew what the consequences would be.

Although he is immune to all poisons, what if the medicine is overpowering and works?

At that time, it will really be "people are the cutting board and I am the fish and meat", and I leave my life to them.

Xiao Chen would rather not go than let this happen.

Then, he looked at the appearance of the five warriors and fell to the ground.

"I'll be unconscious for a while, just go up."

Xiao Chen said to Duanmu Qing.


Duanmu Qing nodded.

"By the way, you don't carry any weapons, do you? This is not allowed."


Xiao Chen shook his head. The Xuanyuan knife and other items were all in the bone ring, and it was impossible for others to discover them.

"Okay then, let's get started."

Duanmu Qing looked at Xiao Chen and said.

Xiao Chen stopped talking and started running the 'Chaos Art' to block several major meridians, and his heartbeat quickly slowed down.

Even the body temperature has dropped a bit.

After doing this, he used a method like 'turtle breath', and his breathing became longer and less breathy.

However, his consciousness still exists, and if there is any abnormality, he can react instantly.

Duanmu Qing was a little surprised when he saw Xiao Chen's breath disappeared.

Then, he stepped forward to look at Xiao Chen, and his breathing became slower.

He held Xiao Chen's wrist, his face changed slightly, and his pulse beat very slowly!


Duanmu Qing was surprised. What kind of method was this? It was exactly the same as that of a comatose person.

"Okay, you can go out."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen spoke.


Duanmu Qing was startled when he heard Xiao Chen's voice. He thought Xiao Chen was unconscious.

When he looked up, he saw Xiao Chen looking at him.


"How's it going? It's pretty similar, right?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Get out."

"Very much like, I'm out."

Duanmu Qing felt relieved, put away the box, and left the basement.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes and entered a 'coma' state, and the basement was quiet.

After Duanmuqing came out of the basement, he sat on the sofa in the living room and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, the roar of a car could be heard outside.


Duanmu Qing muttered to himself, and then took a deep breath. He had already taken a step and could not look back!

He didn't know whether the Duanmu family would still be around, and he couldn't do anything.

All he can do is try his best to save his own life and his son's life!

"Master Jiu."

Four people got out of the car and greeted Duanmu Qing respectfully.

"Well, come with me."

Duanmu Qing nodded and led them to the basement.

"That's it for these six, you can take them away."


The four people nodded and said nothing. They started to carry people out together.

Xiao Chen lay there without any movement.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the four people.

Soon, it was Xiao Chen's turn, and two people lifted him up.

Xiao Chen felt a little awkward. He hadn't been carried like this for a long, long time.

Duanmu Qing, who was next to him, also held his breath, fearing that they would find something.

Fortunately, they didn't notice.

A few minutes later, together with Xiao Chen, the six people were carried to the living room and placed on the ground.

They wanted to check to see if he was in a deep coma.

In this way, we can avoid any accidents.

"That's okay, carry it into the car."

Two of them were doing inspections and then said to their companions.


The two agreed and carried the person up.

"So careful."

Xiao Chen muttered in his heart and tried his best to enter a state of 'deep coma' to avoid being discovered.

Then, he felt his eyelids being opened and even his mouth being pinched open.

Xiao Chen wanted to kick him away, but thinking of the serious matter, he held back.

Someone put a hand on his wrist and checked for a pulse.

"Okay, carry it into the car."

After seeing Xiao Chen being carried into the car, Duanmu Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief. This hurdle was over.

As for whether there are any inspections at the base, he doesn't know.

Because he has never been to the base, he really doesn't know what procedures are there.

"Master Jiu, let's go first."

After Xiao Chen and the other six were carried into the car, one of them said to Duan Muqing.

"Okay, let's go."

Duanmu Qing nodded.

"I'll tell the fifth master later."

Then, the four people got in the car and left.


After they left, Duanmu Qing took a deep breath and returned to the living room.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Fifth brother, I have been picked up."

"Well, come back now. I have something important... that I need your cooperation with."

The person on the phone said to Duan Muqing.

Hearing this, Duanmu Qing was a little surprised. Do you want him to go back to the Duanmu Family in the middle of the night?

Do you have something important to cooperate with?

What happened again?

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

Duanmu Qing didn't ask and agreed.

Afterwards, he hung up the phone, left the villa, and went straight to the Duanmu Family.

In the car, the light was very dim, Xiao Chen squinted his eyes and looked around.

Four people, all sitting in front, no one guarding them.

Come to think of it, it's just four 'living dead', there's no need to guard them at all.

However, they didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the car was a bit dull.

"What the hell, don't drag me to the crematorium."

Xiao Chen muttered in his heart, there were five lying next to him, plus him... This scene would really scare the faint of heart.

He thought for a while, then suddenly realized, he took out a micro locator from the bone ring and threw it into the gap in the carriage.

In order to prevent being discovered, he made no extra moves and did not even take out his cell phone from the bone ring.

"Listen to what Duanmu Qing means, he is not the only one who captured the warriors, there are many others... there are probably dozens of warriors."

Xiao Chen thought of Duanmu Qing's words, and murderous intent arose in his heart.

Then, he looked at the five warriors next to him and tried his best to ensure their safety and prevent them from dying in the test base.

The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

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