Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2586: Breaking the Queen!

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Li Hanhou held Bai Ye in one hand and the knife in the other, and continued to run forward.

After Bai Ye struggled for a while, he gave up.

Forget it, just be ashamed!

Survival is important!

If he really couldn't escape, he wouldn't implicate Lian Hou.

Ning Kejun also noticed what was going on, and his face changed slightly. Was Bai Ye injured?

The masters of the Duanmu family are always chasing after him, and there are more and more of them.

It's not easy for them to escape!

Although there were not many Huajin masters chasing them, it was enough to entangle them.

As long as it's entangled, you won't be able to leave at all!

"Ling'er, you lead Xixi and go first...Sun Wugong, you all go first too! Hua Youque, Hao Jian, you guys are going to break up with me!"

Ning Kejun has made a decision. After three transformations, he may be able to fight out!


Hua Youque and Hao Jian nodded.

"Sister Ning, and me, why are you looking down on me? I'm also a power player!"

Big Fatty said to Ning Kejun.

"Okay, let's break up the queen together!"

Ning Kejun nodded, holding Fengming Sword in hand, ready to fight back.

"Dahan, are you afraid of death?"

Behind him, Bai Ye lay on Li Hanhou's shoulder and asked.

"Not afraid."

Li Hanhou shook his head and slashed away a guy who was handing him a claw.

"The current situation is that someone must stay behind... How about we stay? We may not necessarily die... The Duanmu Family's target is Brother Chen. If Brother Chen doesn't die, they won't dare to kill us!"

Regardless of the situation at hand,

Or anything else, Bai Ye can see clearly.

"Then if they arrest us, will they threaten Brother Chen?"

Li Hanhou thought for a while, tilted his head and asked.

At this moment, Li Hanhou seemed to have a lot of ideas in his head.

He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of hurting Xiao Chen.

"Of course I will, but who is Brother Chen? Will he be threatened by them? Anyway, I know that people who threaten Brother Chen will end badly... Since someone has to stay, let's stay together. How about that? ? Of course, I just guessed that he would not die, and the possibility of dying in battle also exists."

Bai Ye looked at the people of the Duanmu family and sneered, they must be in bad luck!

"Then leave Duan behind."

After Li Hanhou finished speaking, he stopped and stopped running.


Bai Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Damn it, even if you want to keep Duan Hou, you don't have to do it so simply, right?

However, he still took a deep breath and shouted to Ning Kejun and the others: "You go first, Dahan and I will stay here to break up the relationship... Don't stay together, there's no need!"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ning Kejun and others' expressions changed. Are they going to cut off the queen?

"Nonsense, if you want to break up the queen, it's me who will break it off."

Ning Kejun drank lightly.

"Sister Ning, don't come back... They don't dare to kill us. Just wait until Brother Chen comes back and let him save us."

Bai Ye shook his head and patted Li Hanhou on the shoulder.

"Put me down. Now that you are divorced, don't carry me."


Li Hanhou nodded, put Bai Ye down, and handed him the knife.

"Let's break up the queenship!"

"Stop messing around, you two leave quickly!"

As soon as Ning Kejun finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw seven or eight powerful auras erupting in the distance, and they were getting closer!

Seven or eight masters of energy transformation!

If these seven or eight Huajin masters arrive, it will be almost impossible for them to leave again!

"A master is coming, let's go!"

Bai Ye also noticed it, and his expression became serious. Could he and Li Hanhou alone stop so many masters?


Before he could finish his thoughts, an even more astonishing aura came from far to near!

"Half step to innateness!"

Ning Kejun's face looked ugly. The half-step Xiantian who had been led away finally came back?

It's dangerous!

"Sister Ning, this is your last chance. There's no point in staying here...otherwise, you won't be able to leave!"

Bai Ye shouted to Ning Kejun.

"They don't dare to kill anyone. Tell Brother Chen not to be impulsive and find a way to save us!"

"I stay, you go!"

Ning Kejun said in a deep voice.

"It's the same for anyone who stays. I'm injured, so I can't leave... I can't stop him by myself, so I have to drag this guy along!"

Bai Ye said and looked at Li Hanhou.

Li Hanhou grinned with an honest smile, showing no fear at all!

"Xiao Bai, I'll stay with you too!"

Sun Wugong was with Bai Ye and the others all day long, so his feelings for them were naturally very deep. How could he leave them behind?

"Go away, if you are caught, I will definitely not give you a drink... Do you dare to imagine a life without alcohol? We have agreed that Dahan and I will stay, and the others will leave quickly!"

Bai Ye said, tore open his clothes, tied up the wound that had stopped bleeding, tightened the knife, turned around and killed him.


Li Hanhou also roared, following Bai Ye.

He regretted throwing away the mace just now!

Now, there is no weapon at hand!

His eyes flashed and he noticed the guardrail next to him. He stepped forward to pull it up, rounded it and threw it at the master of the Duanmu Family.

The seven or eight powerful auras, including the half-step innate aura, were getting closer and closer.


Ning Kejun looked at Bai Ye and Li Hanhou who had already entered the crowd, gritted his teeth, and made a decision.

It's useless to have a few more people stay at this moment. On the contrary, they will become even more passive!

She is a decisive person, so she will not procrastinate. She has the mentality of a little girl. She has to stay and die together.

That... doesn't make any sense!

"Save your life and wait!"

After Ning Kejun finished speaking, he chopped off the two masters with one sword and went out to kill them.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Bai Ye was covered in blood and roared loudly.

"I've already left my heir, so don't leave any traces!"

"Xiaobai, wait for us!"

Sun Wugong's eyes turned red and he gritted his teeth.


Zhuge Qingxi also held back tears, took out a few formation talismans, and quickly threw them on the ground, forming a large formation to block the masters of the Duanmu family.

Even if a master of energy transformation comes after him, he can still stop him for a while!


Hua Youque and others also made a decision and worked together to kill the blood.

"Keep them!"

When the masters of the Duanmu Family saw that Ning Kejun and others were leaving, they became anxious and rushed forward one after another.

But soon, their expressions changed.

They ran headlong into the illusory formation and saw a vast expanse of white. They couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

Seven or eight energy transformation masters also chased after them. Seeing the Duanmu family members milling around in circles, their expressions sank and they stepped forward to break the formation.

"Dahan, kill them!"

Bai Ye was stabbed again, but the look on his face became more severe.

Just now, he killed three more people!


Li Hanhou nodded and basically kept killing without any protection.

In order to prevent Ning Hejun and the others from being caught up, he looked at the seven or eight energy transformation masters, grinned, and rushed forward with the deformed guardrail in hand.

"Be careful!"

Bai Ye's eyelids twitched. He wanted to stop him, but he didn't have to be so fierce!


The guardrail slammed down hard, and a master who was at the peak of his early stage of energy transformation was directly knocked away by the guardrail.

Although he had body-protecting Qi, he still spurted out a large mouthful of blood, with a look of horror on his face.

One blow, breaking his protective aura?

too strong!

"A master of energy transformation, nothing more than that!"

Li Hanhou imitated Xiao Chen's tone and said lightly, then rounded it up and patted it down again!

"court death!"

Several Huajin shouted angrily, their posture was too ugly, what did they think of them, were they flies?

"Kill them both and go after those people!"

There was an old man who shouted coldly.

"Old man, come and fight me for three hundred rounds!"

Hearing his words, Bai Ye pulled out a gun from his waist, pointed it at him, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots ring out!

The old man frowned, his body swayed, and all the bullets missed!

He is a master at the peak of the late stage of Huajin, how can an ordinary pistol hurt him!

"Are you here to deal with Xiao Chen tonight? Oh, let me tell you, Xiao Chen is not here!"

Bai Ye was not surprised that the bullet missed. Anyway, he didn't expect that a few shots could kill a powerful master!

He fired to attract everyone's attention!

Ning Kejun and others, who had already escaped for some distance, paused when they heard the gunfire.


Sun Wugong gritted his teeth. Is the situation critical? Otherwise, how could Bai Ye shoot!


Hao Jian's eyes were also red, but he also knew that they couldn't change anything now.

With people like them, even if they fight to the death, it won't work!

"They'll be fine...for sure!"

Ning Kejun's hand holding Fengming Sword also had blue veins popping out!

She looked back and continued running forward without stopping.

However, she has decided that if the half-step innate catches up, as the strongest one, she will stay and stop him!

Zhuge Qingxi kept throwing down the formation talismans. Although he might not be able to use them, if someone really caught up with him, he could still stop him.

Even if it is half a step to innateness!

In fact, this is also true. The sixth ancestor of the Duanmu family is extremely fast.

He didn't stop at Bai Ye and Li Hanhou's side, but quickly caught up with them.

Then... without warning, he ran headlong into the formation.

However, in just a few breaths, he broke through the formation and looked ugly!


The old man's eyes flashed and he continued to chase forward.

Soon, he saw Ning Kejun and his party from a distance, showing a bit of a sneer.

Almost let them run away.

However, now that I have seen it, I definitely can’t run away!

"You go first, I'll stay to stop him!"

Ning Kejun also saw the old man with a stern look on his face.

"Sister Fairy, don't stop. I have left a big formation. Even if he is half-step innate, it is not that easy to break through!"

Zhuge Qingxi said to Ning Kejun.


Ning Kejun frowned.

"Yeah, let's go!"

Zhuge Qingxi nodded.

"This formation is very powerful!"


Ning Kejun and others did not stop and fled quickly.

Behind him...a roar came out!

The old man entered the formation and wanted to break through all the magic, but he couldn't do it at all!

He was stopped!

On the other side, Duan Muhai also came to the scene and saw Bai Ye and Li Hanhou covered in blood, with extremely gloomy expressions.


"The real master has appeared."

Bai Ye looked at Duanmu Hai, grinned, and smiled.

"Mr. Duanmu, we meet again."


Chapter 3, I’m missing a chapter ~ I’ll definitely make up for it!

Good night.

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