Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2588 The bet was won

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The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier Chapter 2588 The Bet Won

Just when the old man was about to squeeze Bai Ye's neck with force, Duanmuhai said, "Sixth Patriarch, wait a moment, I still have something to ask them."

After hearing Duanmu Hai's words, Bai Ye was obviously relieved. It seemed that... his life was saved.

"You just said that you are prepared. What preparations are you making?"

Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye and asked.

"Why should I tell you? I told you to prepare you, and then kill me? Am I stupid?"

Bai Ye said angrily.

"As long as you say so, I won't kill you!"

Duanmuhai said slowly.

"You're right, you are still useful if you are alive!"

"Haha, do you understand?"

Bai Ye felt more relieved and could be alive.

"Speaking of which, we have no grievances against you. If you kill us, it will be just to vent your anger at most... But if we want to live, the effect will be great."

"If you can betray Xiao Chen and do things for me, I will not only let you live, but I will also let you live well."

Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye and said.

"Betray Brother Chen and do things for you? Haha."

Bai Ye smiled.

"How about you kill me now?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Duanmu Hai frowned slightly, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Afraid of death, but a gentleman has certain things to do and things not to do."

Bai Ye said seriously.

"Your request has touched my bottom line."

"Okay, then I won't embarrass you. Let's talk about what kind of preparations you have made.

How do you plan to deal with the Duanmu family? "

Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye, and finally gave up on letting him betray Xiao Chen, and asked in a deep voice.

"As one of the twelve aristocratic families, the Duanmu family is very powerful... Can you say that you want to destroy it and you can destroy it?"

"Is it difficult? Brother Chen can compete with half-step innates, and even... under innates, he is invincible! I didn't exaggerate just now. Two half-step innates from your Duanmu family are tied together, and they are not necessarily Brother Chen. opponent."

Bai Ye said and glanced at the old man.

"Old man, don't be angry, I'm just telling the truth."


The old man clenched his fist and made a crisp sound.

"My Duanmu family has more than two and a half steps of innate talent... Xiao Chen's growth rate is beyond my expectation, but he is not innate after all."

Duanmuhai said in a deep voice.

"Well, Brother Chen is not innate, but don't forget, Brother Chen has returned to the Xiao family."

Bai Ye said slowly.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Duanmu Hai was startled for a moment, then his expression changed.

Not only him, but the old man next to him also thought of something and frowned.

"You mean, Xiao Yi from the Xiao family is here too?"

Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye and asked.

"Is it possible that the Xiao family wants to go to war with my Duanmu family?"

"Start a war? Haha, that won't happen, but the ancestor of the Xiao family... did come to Yangming."

Bai Ye chuckled.

"I heard that the innate master of your Duanmu family is a weak innate? Can't beat the ancestor of the Xiao family? With the ancestor of the Xiao family around, your innate master had better not make any moves, otherwise, he may not be able to protect himself."

"Even if the ancestor is slightly weaker, it won't be too different... Xiao Yi is not as powerful as you think!"

Duanmuhai had a sullen face.

"Okay, even if this is the case, then you Duanmu family's innate masters will be entangled by the ancestors of the Xiao family. When the time comes... Brother Chen will still be very easy to deal with the two and a half-step innate masters of the Duanmu family! In other words, if he finds an opportunity, Defeat each one, who in your Duanmu family can stop Brother Chen? By whom? Mr. Duanmu, is it you? Can you... okay?"

When Bai Ye said this, he smiled contemptuously.


Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye's contemptuous smile and kicked him hard in the stomach, sending him flying out and hitting the ground hard.

He hates Bai Ye's contemptuous smile!


Bai Ye lay on the ground, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

"Xiaobai, how are you?"

Li Hanhou stepped forward and helped Bai Ye up.

"Ahem, I'm fine."

Bai Ye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Duanmu, remember, this is the second kick."

"If you want to come back with revenge, it depends on whether you have the chance!"

Duanmuhai said coldly.

"There will be!"

Bai Ye said seriously.

"Other than Xiao Yi coming, what other preparations does Xiao Chen have?"

Duanmuhai was too lazy to answer Bai Ye's question and asked again.

He wanted to know whether Xiao Chen and the others knew about the existence of the Holy See of Light, or if they were simply looking for trouble for the Duanmu Family.

If they don’t know, then they still have a chance. After all, the Holy See of Light has many masters in Yangming!

If you knew it, you would be in trouble!

If Xiao Chen knew about it, would he still deal with the Duanmu family on his own?

By then, everyone from the Dragon King will probably come!

Duanmuhai's expression changed a few times when he thought of the Dragon King's large number of experts coming to Yangming. It would be really dangerous then.

Even if there are many masters from the Holy See of Light, they will definitely not be able to stop the masters from the Dragon King!

"Isn't this enough? We have analyzed that as long as the ancestor of the Xiao family blocks the innate masters of your Duanmu family, Brother Chen can sweep across your Duanmu family!"

Bai Ye said mockingly.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Duanmuhai felt a little relieved. It seemed that Xiao Chen didn't know about the existence of the Holy See of Light.

Otherwise, there would be no such thought.

Fortunately, things are not as bad as imagined!

"Where is Xiao Yi?"

Suddenly, the old man asked, he was more concerned about this matter.

If Xiao Yi really comes, then he will have to meet Duanmuyu after he returns!

They had to prepare early to avoid being caught off guard by Xiao Yi!

"I don't know. The ancestor of the Xiao family is not with us, and for a master like him, we don't know whether the dragon has begun or not...but he must be here."

Bai Ye looked serious and murmured in his heart, I don't know if he's coming or not. Anyway, I scared you to death first!

He said that Xiao Yi would come because he wanted to give them more chips... The bigger the chips here, the more jealous Duanmuhai and the others would be, and the less they would dare to kill them!

As for the Dragon King and the Dark Holy See, Bai Ye did not mention it.

This bargaining chip is too heavy. If I say it out loud, I am afraid Duanmu Hai will despair!

When that time comes, the fate of the Duanmu family is almost certain!

In this case, it doesn't matter whether he and Li Hanhou are killed or not!

Regarding these, Bai Ye still sees clearly, saying what should be said and not saying what should not be said!

He must win this bet!

He doesn't want to lose, let alone die!

"Where did Xiao Chen go?"

Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye and asked.

"I don't know, I seem to be going to meet some friends."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Don't even think about setting up an ambush in the hotel. I've warned Brother Chen. If he still sneaks into the ambush, then he is stupid... It's not like you don't know him. Do you think Brother Chen is stupid?"


Duanmuhai remained silent. Of course Xiao Chen was not stupid!

However, if we fail tonight, will we take Bai Ye and Li Hanhou back?

Although it is said that catching them will make Xiao Chen a little afraid, but what if Xiao Chen doesn't care about their life or death?

At that time, catching them seems to be of little use!

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Duanmu Hai decided to keep Bai Ye and the two alive.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is better to keep it than not keep it.

If Xiao Chen really couldn't be coerced, then it would be too late to kill him!

Thinking of this, Duanmuhai looked at Bai Ye, "I can keep your lives temporarily, but it's best... don't play any tricks, otherwise you will all die!"

"Don't worry, there are so many masters in the Duanmu family, how dare I play tricks."

Bai Ye smiled.

"Good food and good drinks. Our brothers play a big role... Oh, it would be better if we arrange a girl for the evening."

"Arrange a girl? Are you willing to do it?"

Duanmuhai said coldly.

"I won't bother you to worry about it... I think I'm okay."

Bai Ye said, coughing up another mouthful of blood. He was seriously injured.

However, he didn't care, this revenge would be avenged sooner or later.

Just when Duanmuhai was thinking about where to lock Bai Ye and Li Hanhou, a man walked over quickly.

"Second brother."

The person coming is Duanmu Qing.

Bai Ye and Li Hanhou were arrested, and he got the news, so he couldn't sit still.

He wanted to come over and see if there was any chance he could rescue these two people.

"Lao Jiu, why are you here?"

Duanmuhai looked at Duanmuqing and asked.

"I got the news when there was chaos here...who are they?"

Duanmu Qing said, looking at Bai Ye and Li Hanhou, pretending not to recognize them.

Bai Ye looked at Duanmu Qing, his heart moved, and he sneered, "Are you from the Duanmu family too? Don't you even know us?"

"Bai Ye and Li Hanhou, the people around Xiao Chen."

Duanmuhai introduced.

"What about Xiao Chen? Have you killed him?"

Duanmu Qing asked hurriedly.

"No, he didn't show up at all. He only caught the two of them."

Duanmuhai said in a deep voice.

"Huh? So tonight is considered a failure? But catching two people is not a failure. Since they are people around Xiao Chen, they can be used to coerce Xiao Chen... If Xiao Chen doesn't care about them, the people around him, Everyone is so heartbroken! When the time comes, who will still sacrifice their lives for him, right?"

Duanmu Qing said to Duanmu Hai.

"That's right."

Duanmuhai nodded.

"That's what I thought too. Keep both of them alive."

Hearing Duanmu Hai's words, Duanmu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he couldn't save Bai Ye and Li Hanhou when he came here, he would still have to find a way to save their lives.

Since Duanmuhai said so, the lives of the two people were saved.

"However, I haven't thought about where to imprison them for the time being... I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to bring them back to the Duanmu Family. What if they are rescued by Xiao Chen? Moreover... there should be a ghost inside the Duanmu Family. .”

Duanmuhai said slowly.

Duanmuqing's eyelids twitched, a mole? Isn't that what you're talking about? Isn't it him?

"Second brother, if not, give him to me...I will find a hidden place and lock them up!"

Duanmu Qing said to Duanmu Hai.

"here you are?"

Duanmuhai was a little moved, it seemed possible.

Bai Ye was also a little excited. If he really handed them over to Duanmu Qing, they would be free soon!

This Duanmu Qing... is also a talented person, and he actually dares to come over and ask for someone!


Good night.

The Female CEO’s Almighty Soldier

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