Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2626 A blessing in disguise

"What happened here has almost spread throughout the ancient martial arts world. All the 'three sects, four sects, nine palaces and twelve aristocratic families' have received the news..."

Hua Youque said to Xiao Chen.

"In addition, more than a hundred people, big and small, have spoken out... In fact, this thing is of no use. It's just like shouting a few words and condemning a few words on the Internet, because everyone has condemned it, and I don't condemn it, so that's okay not good."

"Haha, your metaphor is not bad."

Xiao Chen smiled when he heard Hua Youque's words.

"What about those keyboard warriors on the Internet? They just mess around all day long?"

Sun Wugong interjected.

"Those are cowards in real life. They don't have much presence on weekdays, so they look for presence online."

Hua Youque looked at Sun Wugong and said.

"All right."

Sun Wugong nodded.

"So, the Duanmu family has become the target of public criticism, but there are not many big forces ready to attack. It should also be related to the Xuantian faction's appearance."

When Hua Youque said this, he looked at Xiao Chen.

"The Xiao family, the Zhuge family, the Nangong family...many forces are also supporting you. Now Brother Xiao is definitely the embodiment of justice in the ancient martial arts world."

"The incarnation of justice? Haha."

Xiao Chen smiled, but he felt something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong specifically, as he seemed to have overlooked something.

"Now some surrounding forces, who are usually oppressed by the Duanmu family, have come to Yangming, ready to take revenge... They also want to meet with you to discuss the plan of conquest."

Hua Youque thought of something and said to Xiao Chen again.

"How strong are these forces?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and asked.

"In total, there are about a dozen Huajin masters, so he is not too weak... Usually he is suppressed by the Duanmu family and dare not make any move, but this time he is willing to risk it all."

Hua Youque smiled.


Do you want to meet them? "

"Ten or so Huajings can meet each other."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"We have to recruit a group of talents in advance, otherwise when Xuantian is sent, they will all go to him."

"Even if you win over him and Xuantian is sent, most people will side with him."

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly.

"So even if I try to win over you now, it's useless?"

Xiao Chen was helpless.

"No matter what I do, when the Xuantian Sect arrives, I have to stand aside?"


Xiao Yi nodded and said sadly.


Xiao Chen was speechless, this Xuantian Sect was really annoying!

"If you are willing to give up practical benefits, you will actually gain something this time."

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said to Xiao Chen.

"After all, this matter was initiated by you with the 'Order of the Alliance Leader'. By then, your status in the ancient martial arts world will naturally be higher than before, and your seniority will be deeper!"

"In other words, if I don't fight, I can still make a name for myself?"

Xiao Chen curled his lips.

"Yes, but if you don't fight, the Xuantian Sect may not let you go. The plan to kill two birds with one stone will of course be successful only if you are killed."

Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Old Xiao, I was almost beaten to death, how can you still laugh?"

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes.

"Since it's dangerous not to fight, then why don't I fight? I want the reputation, and the benefits...I want it too!"

"Well, so you have to rely on yourself. I believe you... put down your unrealistic ideas about blowing up planes and killing everyone in the Xuantian Sect as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yi reminded.

"There's no other way. If they really piss me off, even if they don't explode when I come, I can still kill them when I go back."

Xiao Chen has not completely given up this idea. If everyone fights openly and loses, then he will be convinced. But if it is some dirty trick, then don't blame him for making them unable to come back!

"I heard that many forces have already set out to come to the Duanmu Family... Of course, most of them are from nearby, and those who are far away will only give a few words of condemnation at most."

Hua Youque said to Xiao Chen.

"The news about the [Dragon Emperor] has been temporarily blocked. Not many people know that the [Dragon Emperor] is also here, but Senior Jiuxian said that the [Dragon Emperor] is not a monolithic entity, and is divided into multiple factions internally, so it cannot be guaranteed. The news must have leaked out."


Xiao Chen nodded, it seemed that the situation was still not good.

Fortunately, they took action tonight and destroyed the base first.

In fact, he was so anxious to destroy the base just because he wanted to be ahead of everyone else and get the visible benefits... It would be safe to take the bag.

Just like now, who can take things out of his hands?

Unless he is willing, it is simply impossible!

After chatting for a while, Xiao Chen didn't care anymore after he understood a little more about the outside world.

In the final analysis, most of those who can come are motivated by interests.

Either they are like the Xuantian Sect, who want to devour the Duanmu Family, or they are like the surrounding forces, who are looking for revenge on the Duanmu Family.

In other words, they also want to share the cake... For example, the Xiao family and others are here purely for Xiao Chen.

As for doing things for the Duanmu family, for justice... not one of them!

After the chat, Xiao Chen took Paul to meet Bai Ye and Li Hanhou.

When Bai Ye and Li Hanhou saw Paul, they couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't this the white coat from that base?

They were quite impressed with Paul, one because he had a beard and the other because Paul had spoken for them.

When Paul saw Bai Ye and Li Hanhou, his eyes were a little complicated.

At that time, he really never thought that the two of them would be Xiao Chen's people.

"Have they come back to talk? The base has been destroyed, and the person in charge of the base, Alfonso, also asked me to capture him. When I ask him something, after I finish asking him, I can let you vent your anger."

Xiao Chen looked at the two people and said.

"As for Paul... he is one of our own. He also helped me when I went in."

"Hello you all."

Paul said hello.

"One of our own? No wonder they help us..."

Bai Ye nodded, his attitude was quite friendly.

"I...I didn't want to help you. I didn't know you were Xiao Chen's people at that time."

Paul said bluntly.

"I just think Xiao Chen is right. No matter what great dreams we have, we should not pursue them against the wishes of others... Later, seeing that you were in pain, I thought about killing you and giving you a happy ending. , luckily I didn’t do that.”


Bai Ye's eyes narrowed, has this guy ever had such an idea?

Xiao Chen also glanced at Paul, a little scared. If Paul really killed the two of them, then he would be somewhat responsible.

"What's their status now?"

Paul looked at Bai Ye and Li Hanhou and asked.

Xiao Chen introduced it carefully. He brought Paul here because he wanted to see if Paul had any ideas. After all, they had researched these things.

"Are the meridians severely damaged?"

Paul thought carefully and looked at Xiao Chen.

"Among the potions you took away, there is a pink one with a 'C' on the bottle. That potion will have some effect..."

"Pink potion? C? Let me look for it."

Xiao Chen's spirits were slightly lifted. Is there really a way?

His consciousness entered the bone ring, and he quickly found the pink potion Paul mentioned and took it out.

"You...how did you do it?"

Paul looked at the pink potion that appeared out of thin air, and finally couldn't hold back this time and asked.

"Xumi Jiezi, have you heard of it? To put it bluntly, it is the use of space."

Xiao Chen said a few words briefly.

Paul vaguely understood, so he took the pink potion without asking any more questions.

"This medicine has a restorative effect. There was an experimental subject who overdosed on the medicine before... Well, the warrior was about to die, but after giving him this medicine, he lived for three more days."

Paul introduced the pink potion he was holding.

"Later on, I neglected research in this area because we needed to first research the potion that can help people become more powerful...but this is indeed useful."

"Does this have any side effects?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"We haven't found it yet, and there should be none. It may have an effect on them, but it won't, and it won't get worse."

Paul shook his head.

"Want to try?"

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye and Li Hanhou, wanting them to make their own decisions.

"Just give it a try, it won't do much harm anyway."

Bai Ye nodded, he didn't want to lie down anymore... If he could practice, he would recover much faster! Otherwise, he might have to lie down for a while.

"Okay, let's try it."

Xiao Chen said and took out a few more bottles of pink potion.

"I'll come first, I'll take the trouble."

Li Hanhou said, took the pink potion and poured it into his mouth.

Xiao Chen stared at Li Hanhou, feeling a little nervous. There shouldn't be anything going on, right?

Soon, Li Hanhou's body trembled, and he frowned, showing a look of pain.

"How about it?"

Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"I feel pain in my meridians and Dantian..."

Li Hanhou endured the pain and gritted his teeth.

Xiao Chen grabbed Li Hanhou's wrist and diagnosed it carefully.

Soon, he looked happy. It really had a repairing effect. The pain was caused by the repair.

"has an effect."

Li Hanhou also felt that there was movement in his Dantian.

He picked up two more bottles and poured them into his mouth.

As the potion is absorbed, his aura is slowly rising...

He was running the ancient martial art, and his whole body made a crackling sound.


Xiao Chen was a little excited. If they could really practice again, then Xiaobai and Dahan would be a blessing in disguise this time!

"Very good."

Bai Ye is also very excited. Who wants to be an ordinary person if he can be a strong man?

He couldn't wait any longer, so he took two bottles of pink potion and poured them into his mouth.


His patience was not as good as Li Hanhou's and he screamed in pain.

"I... my realm has become stronger!"

Li Hanhou clenched his fists. His meridians were still damaged, but that was not important anymore. His Dantian had reacted, and the rest could be repaired slowly.

Next to him, as Gu Wu's mental skills were circulating, Bai Ye's aura was also rising...

"Hahaha, I can practice again!"

Bai Ye laughed excitedly.

“Not only can I practice, I’ve also become stronger!”

"If you break two realms in a row, does this mean you can't break it or establish it?"

While Xiao Chen was happy for the two of them, he was also quite shocked.

"Is the effect so great?"

Paul next to him was a little confused, but actually this was beyond his expectation.

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