Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2628 Su, is the code name

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Alfonso's expression changed drastically.

Obisco was arrested?

In his eyes, Obisco is very strong, very strong!

Was such a strong person defeated by this young man in front of him?

"Remember what happened before, right? Everyone in the laboratory, except for you two, is dead... So, don't even think about negotiating terms with me. You are not worthy, and I will really kill people."

Xiao Chen looked at Alfonso and said lightly.

"I think Obisco should know more than you. If you dare to lie to me, I guarantee that it will be difficult for you to die. I will make you unable to survive and unable to die!"


Alfonso trembled, this man is a devil!

"Go on, tell me everything you know."

Xiao Chen put down his gun, lit a cigarette and said.

"I don't know Su... very well. After all, I'm just the person in charge of a base."

Alfonso hesitated and said.


Hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned, didn't he understand very well?

This can be understood as... Su's status is very high, but his status is too low, so he doesn't understand him very well, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart sank, and things were getting worse and worse. The possibility of Su Qing's parents working for the Holy See of Light was already over 90%.

"Su came here once before. I didn't know he was here at the time. I only found out about it afterward..."

Alfonso looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"It seems that your status is really not good."

Xiao Chen's tone was mocking. He thought that this guy was also a responsible person and knew more than Paul, but now it seems that he doesn't know much more.

"So, what's the point of keeping you?"

"I...I know that Su is not one person, but two people! In fact, this is just a code name.


Alfonso was a little anxious, he was afraid that Xiao Chen would kill him.

"Two people?"

Xiao Chen was stunned, and Paul next to him also widened his eyes.

"What? Su is two people? How is that possible!"

Paul couldn't accept it. A living idol turned into a code name?

"Why is it impossible!"

Alfonso glared at Paul. He was afraid of Xiao Chen, but not afraid of Paul.


Paul slapped him: "Stop lying to me, Su is just a person!"


This slap stunned Alfonso. This guy... dared to hit himself?

Although he had been beaten just now, he still couldn't accept or believe it at this moment.

"Quickly tell me, Su is one person, not two people, let alone a code name!"

Paul stared at Alfonso, his eyes turning red.

Xiao Chen looked at Paul. It seemed that this guy was really a big fan of Su. No, not just a big fan, he was a steel fan!

He could understand that Paul, a living idol, had become a codename and no one could accept it.

"What I said is true. Su is two people, one male and one female... Sometimes the male appears, sometimes the female appears, and their voices are also specially processed."

Alfonso said loudly, fearing that Xiao Chen wouldn't believe it.

"I also found out about this incident by chance. I once went to Su's laboratory..."

"Where is his laboratory!"

Xiao Chen perked up and asked.

"I...I don't know where we were. We fainted at that time."

Alfonso shook his head.

"That's when we assigned the research title and then formed the scientific research team."

Xiao Chen frowned, is it so mysterious? Did they even go there unconscious?

He looked at Paul, who nodded. He had heard of this, and their scientific research group was also established at that time.

"Does Obisco know?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and asked.

"He probably doesn't know either. Not many people in Asia know."

Alfonso shook his head.

"Does Archbishop Meadow know?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"Archbishop Meadow must know."

Alfonso was sure.

"If you want to find Su, you can go to Archbishop Mei first..."

"If I could find him, why would I arrest you?"

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Go on, what did you do in that laboratory."

"Su held a meeting for us and mentioned many of his scientific research directions, and then assigned them to us to study..."

Alfonso replied.

"Are there many scientific research directions?"

Xiao Chen looked at Alfonso and asked.

"Yes, there are many... some scientific research directions that we have never even heard of. No, we have never thought about it. Su is a genius."

Alfonso also showed his adoration.

"Of course, Su is definitely a genius... No, is what you just said true? A man and a woman? So who is the real Su?"

Paul's eyes also shone, but he soon frowned.

"They are both Su, a boy and a girl. Their relationship is very close..."

Alfonso glanced at Paul and said.

"I think they should be a couple."


Paul was stunned.

Xiao Chen was excited, that's right, they were Su Qing's parents!

Now he is not only sure that Su Qing's father is alive, but also his mother!

"You can call Amelia Su and tell her the news first. She will be very happy."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself.

"Alfonso, what else do you know?"

"I don't know anything else."

Alfonso shook his head.

"You can ask Obisco...but I think he may not know as much as I do, or in other words, he may not know that Su is a boy and a girl."

"Is Su's laboratory abroad? I mean, isn't it in China? You should know which country it is in, right?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and asked.

"It's definitely not in China, but in which country, I really don't know, because we are in a coma."

Alfonso shook his head.

"You don't even know which country he was in coma in?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"We were unconscious for about ten hours. I can confirm that we had left Obiland at that time. It should be a coastal country, because the air seemed to be very humid and a bit cold."

Alfonso smiled bitterly, he figured this out later.

"You were unconscious in Obilan? Then you were sent to another country? A coastal country?"

Xiao Chen secretly smacked his tongue, is it so mysterious?

However, the more mysterious it is, the more it proves the importance of Su Qing’s parents!

Maybe... their status in the Holy See of Light is very high!

"It's getting more and more troublesome."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself, what should we do?

Then, he thought about the incident when Su Qing's parents disappeared and the things they left behind aroused many prying eyes... Who spread the news at that time?

If Su Qing's parents were not being controlled, but were high-level officials of the Holy See, why didn't they react?

As parents, they can't care less about their daughter's life or death!

Xiao Chen felt that he must have overlooked something at the beginning.

But so much time has passed, and it’s hard for him to think about it now.

Then, he thought about the sacrifices at Haifushan Cemetery. If his parents already knew about Su Yunfei's death, they should have reacted.

Alfonso didn't dare to say anything when he saw Xiao Chen frowning. He just hoped to be alive now.

"It seems that we still have to find them."

Xiao Chen looked at Alfonso and ignored him, got up and walked out.

"Hey...won't you let me go?"

Alfonso looked at Xiao Chen's back, hesitated, and shouted.

"What are you thinking about? It would be nice if I don't kill you. Just stay here for now."

Xiao Chen was not angry and left without looking back.


While Alfonso breathed a sigh of relief, his heart was also worried. If he didn't let himself go or kill himself, what would Xiao Chen do?

"Alfonso, you were really wrong before."

Paul looked at Alfonso and said.

"Am I wrong? Where did I go wrong? You traitor, you devil, who have the right to say that I..."

Alfonso cursed and then fell silent because Paul raised his hand.

"Speak nicely and I won't hit you."

Paul lowered his hand again.

"We want to benefit all mankind, which is great, but we should not do it at the expense of killing other people's lives... This is unfair and despicable to them."


Alfonso was stunned, he did not expect that this was what Paul said.

"Just stay here."

Paul was also ready to leave.

"Wait...did he arrange for you to come here? Or what?"

Alfonso stopped Paul and asked.

"No, he went to the base before, and I was controlled by him with poison... Oh, remember you asked me to deliver the potion? That was that time."

After Paul finished speaking, he left.

Alfonso was stunned, then thought of something and his eyes widened.

There was an extra person in the laboratory at that time. They found out later, but they just thought it was from another group... Unexpectedly, it was Xiao Chen.

But how did he get in?

After Xiao Chen left the house, he went to find Obisco, who was still unconscious.

A few minutes later, he came out and tried, but couldn't wake him up.

But there's no rush, since we already know that Su Qing's parents are alive, that's all.

First deal with the Duanmu family, and then press Obisco about the whereabouts of Archbishop Med.

Furthermore, even if I knew it now, I still wouldn’t be able to defeat him.

He lit a cigarette, thought about it, and called Su Qing.

There are some things that you can tell Amelia Su.

As for her parents possibly working for the Holy See of Light, he decided to keep it a secret for now.

"This father-in-law and mother-in-law really don't let me worry...it seems like I don't have anything to worry about."

Xiao Chen mumbled and the call was connected.

After a few chats, Xiao Chen revealed the news that confirmed that her parents were alive.


The phone fell to the ground over there.

"Su Qing? Are you okay? Don't get excited. This is a good thing. You should be happy."

Xiao Chen shouted.

"Um...it's confirmed, right?"

Su Qing's voice was trembling.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Someone has seen them, but they don't know their whereabouts. We will definitely find them..."

After a long time, Amelia Su calmed down.

"Are they... working for the Holy See of Light? They are not trapped or coerced, are they?"

Suddenly, Su Qing asked.


Chapter One

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