Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2738 The other side of Ziyi

"Yes, you can practice."

Xiao Chen nodded and took out the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle.

He has always ignored Ye Ziyi's cultivation problem. Although it is serious, it is nothing to him.

Since he can practice by himself, it doesn't matter if he lets Ye Ziyi practice.

What's more... he has the Star Stone in hand!

One of the known functions of the mysterious Star Stone is to repair the Dantian!


Of course Ye Ziyi wanted to practice, but he couldn't practice and had to give up.

Now when I heard Xiao Chen say this, I was naturally very excited and very happy.


Xiao Chen smiled and took out the star stone from the bone ring.

"Star Stone..."

Ye Ziyi looked at the Star Stone and his face changed slightly.

"Do I need to use star stones?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Of course, you can do it without the star stone, but I think the effect is not as good as the star stone... maybe the star stone will also enhance your talent and make you practice faster."

"But the star stone is too precious..."

Ye Ziyi frowned, "Whoever gets the star stone will win the world."

"Haha, no matter how precious it is, it is just a thing... In my eyes, you are even more precious."

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Ziyi and said seriously.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ye Ziyi felt warm in his heart and wanted to say something else.

"Okay, no need to say more, I'm just treating your Dantian injuries... Dantian injuries are also injuries from the Great Dao. The effect of the Star Stone should be the best."

Xiao Chen said, pointing to the sofa.

"Go sit down,

I will now start repairing your damaged Dantian. "


Ye Ziyi no longer had any friendship, nodded and agreed.

"Take off your shirt...? I'm very pure. I don't mean anything else. Don't get me wrong."

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Ziyi and said with a smirk.

Ye Ziyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She really thought wrong just now.

Then, she took off her top. She had already had an intimate relationship, so naturally she didn't feel embarrassed.

When she was injured, Xiao Chen saved her and healed her. He had already seen everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen.

Xiao Chen came forward with the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle and the Star Stone. His Dao injury was so good that it was a bit inexplicable... In fact, the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle should have played a role.

However, he felt that it would be safer to use the Star Stone.

"The process may be a little painful, please bear with it."

Xiao Chen said to Ye Ziyi.


Ye Ziyi nodded.

Swish, swish, swish.

The Nine Flames Mysterious Needle fell, trembling slightly, as heat poured in and began to travel along the meridians.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen used the 'Chaos Art' to absorb the mysterious energy on the star stone.

However, he did not absorb it himself, but used himself as a conductor to let this mysterious energy flow into Ye Ziyi's body. In conjunction with the heat of the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle, it traveled along the meridians and finally reached the Dantian.

Ye Ziyi's body couldn't help but tremble slightly. She felt warm and comfortable all over.

But soon, there was pain.


Ye Ziyi couldn't help but scream.

"Be patient."

Xiao Chen looked serious and increased his absorption of the Star Stone.

At the same time, he was also observing the star stone. It looked like a starry sky, and the stars seemed to be rotating...it looked mysterious and unpredictable!

"What the hell is this thing...?"

A thought came to Xiao Chen's mind, why is it only in no man's land?

Star stone?

Did it really come from outside?

If that's the case, what's going on with the energy above?

Just as thoughts flashed through Xiao Chen's mind, the mysterious energy of the Star Stone and the heat of the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle were constantly repairing Ye Ziyi's injuries.

Sweat broke out on Ye Ziyi's forehead, and his face was extremely rosy. He looked... very attractive.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen was behind Ye Ziyi, otherwise he would have had some ideas.

"How does it feel?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"It seems...a little angry."

Ye Ziyi endured the pain, felt it, and said.

"Well, it means it works, let's continue..."

Xiao Chen smiled, besides him, who else in this world can do it?

should not.

When he was unable to practice, the old fortune teller also took him to find many people, including many miraculous doctors, but they were unable to do anything.

You know, with the old fortune teller’s connections and abilities, he still can’t find anyone to repair his Dantian, which shows that it’s really difficult to repair injuries from the Great Dao!

After about half an hour, Ye Ziyi's momentum began to rise.

Xiao Chen's spirit was slightly shaken, has he stepped into the threshold of ancient martial arts? It's very fast!

It seems that Ye Ziyi's talent is still very good, but he can't practice because of his injuries.

At the same time, he also discovered that the Star Stone... seemed to be smaller than before.

"When the mysterious energy above is absorbed, its size will shrink? Could it be that it is an energy body?"

Xiao Chen looked at the star stone and made a guess.

Since Xiao Lin gave him the Star Stone, he really hasn't done much research on it.

Because he was already able to practice at that time, he naturally didn't need the star stone.

In addition, the old fortune teller said that the star stone was very useful, so he kept it, thinking that one day it could be used for other purposes.

After a few more minutes, Xiao Chen let go of the Star Stone and pulled out the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle.


Suddenly, Ye Ziyi screamed.

"Haha, don't be afraid, it's just cutting off the bones and cleaning the marrow."

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Ziyi and saw some dirt outside her body, which were all toxins expelled from her body.

"I...I'm going to take a shower first."

Although Ye Ziyi didn't care much about some details, she was a girl after all, so she couldn't bear this, so she got up and hurried to the bathroom.

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Ziyi's back and smiled, as for that?

Almost ten minutes later, Ye Ziyi came out of the bathroom with wet hair.

"I...can practice."

Ye Ziyi couldn't hide her excitement and said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen smiled and nodded.

"Come here, let me check."


Ye Ziyi stepped forward and handed his wrist to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen clasped his wrist, and the inner energy poured in, traveling along the meridians and going straight into the Dantian.

The Dantian and meridians are no longer damaged, and any obstacles are gone.

"Haha, Ziyi, congratulations."

Xiao Chen took back his right hand and said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Ye Ziyi looked at Xiao Chen and said gratefully.

"I always thought... I couldn't practice! Sometimes, I'm actually quite scared."

"Huh? What are you afraid of?"

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment.

"I'm afraid...I won't be able to spend more time with you."

Ye Ziyi's expression was a little sad. This was another side of her, a side she never showed in front of anyone.

"There is still a big difference between the life spans of ancient warriors and ordinary people... You are getting stronger and stronger, but how long can I live if I can't practice? I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that I will not be able to stay with you longer..."

Xiao Chen was startled when he heard Ye Ziyi's words. He didn't expect that Ye Ziyi had such thoughts.

"Okay, don't be sad, can't you practice now? Haha, you will stay with me..."

Xiao Chen hugged Ye Ziyi and said softly.


Ye Ziyi nodded.

"I will practice hard... and stay with you all the time."

"haha okay."

Xiao Chen smiled, and the two hugged each other, leaning forward...

After a long time, Xiao Chen thought of something, let go of Ye Ziyi, and with a thought, took out a lot of cultivation techniques from the bone ring, and they were all the top-notch ones.

"Zi Yi, see if there is anything suitable for you... You don't have to practice the Ye family, right?"

Xiao Chen said to Ye Ziyi.


Ye Ziyi nodded, because she couldn't practice before, so now she can choose to practice.

But for those who have already practiced, it is difficult to change. If you want to change, you will most likely have to start over.

Therefore, practicing the exercises... is very important.

For top-notch skills, the starting point is higher than others!

"Besides these, I also have...these printed ones, which were collected by an old fortune teller. I printed them out when I had time, and threw them into the bone ring!"

Xiao Chen pointed to several printed books.

"Don't look down on it, the old fortune teller's collection is the best...ordinary things, he doesn't look down on it."

"Let me consider."

Ye Ziyi nodded and started to look through it.

Xiao Chen also looked through it and helped with the search.

After half an hour, Ye Ziyi found a top skill: "This is it."

"Purple Moon Jue, haha, it matches you quite well."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Then let's take this. It's the top technique. If you practice it, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort."


Ye Ziyi nodded, looked at the 'Purple Moon Jue' carefully, and began to practice it.

She just couldn't practice before, but when it comes to practice, she is not a rookie, but is very proficient.

Therefore, she quickly entered the state without Xiao Chen's guidance.

Xiao Chen put away the top skills all over the floor and watched from the side while studying the star stone.

He discovered that... the star stone had become smaller, but the starry sky above it had not changed at all.

"How about I try to absorb some too?"

Xiao Chen muttered and began to absorb it.

Soon, the star stone shrank again.

And his cultivation level...has obviously improved!

The mysterious energy on the star stone is more powerful than spiritual liquid for cultivation.

"The effect is so good?"

Xiao Chen was surprised, hesitated, and did not continue to absorb it.

"It should be a breakthrough soon... Maybe we can't try to break through tonight."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, then took out many things from the bone ring and began to absorb them.

There are really a lot of good things in his bone ring.

Not only the collection of the island country's imperial palace, but also the Duanmu family.

In front of outsiders, the Duanmu family's collection is not suitable for exposure. Now that he is alone, it naturally doesn't matter.

He looked at Ye Ziyi and felt relieved when he saw that Ye Ziyi was still practicing and there was nothing abnormal.

Afterwards, he also began to operate the Chaos Art and began to absorb a large amount of energy.

It would be best if he absorbed the Star Stone, but he was afraid that the Star Stone would be useful in the future and did not dare to use it again.

You can also try other things.

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