Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2821 Current Situation

Xiao Chen first arranged for Xue Chunqiu and others to rest, and then began to talk about the trip.

There was no need for him to talk about the Xiao family's affairs. Ning Jun and the others would have already told them when they came back.

Including destroying the Duanmu family and going to the Ye family, the same thing happened.

What the women don't know is that the only battle left is the Dragon Island battle.

They were really worried after hearing that Xiao Chen drove back all those who were not Huajin.

This battle will definitely be dangerous.

Otherwise, why would he do this.

Fortunately, he came back fine and seemed uninjured.

"Come on, sit down."

Xiao Chen pulled Su Xiaomeng off him and began to tell.

From their arrival at Shanyuan to Longdao, he tried to make it as plain and less dangerous as possible.

Of course, you still have to brag about your awesomeness.

For example, after the Dragon God was summoned, he naturally had to do well to become the first person to ride a dragon.

The women's eyes widened at the sound of such a big dragon, finding it unimaginable.

Su Xiaomeng looked admiring, Brother Chen was so awesome, he could even ride a dragon, so the dragon... was female, right?

As for Bai Ye and the others, they kept patting their thighs and regretted not following along. They missed the big show!

Riding a dragon, this kind of drama is rare to see.

Even if you don't ride a dragon, if you can see a dragon, it will be a great experience.

Bai Ye and the others looked at Xiao Chen and secretly vowed to become stronger.

Things like this delay cannot happen again in the future!

Xiao Dao also gritted his teeth and went to find the master later. Why not challenge the sword master?

have what!

As long as you don't die, you will eventually become stronger!


He really didn't believe it. Master could just watch... well, he could really watch him die!

He was almost killed once. If he hadn't become stronger during the battle, he would have died in that battle.

Xue Chunqiu was watching from the side, showing no intention of saving him.

After that battle, Xue Chunqiu asked him if he hated him?

He replied, "I don't hate it."

This was what he said in his heart. From then on, he no longer took chances and thought that the master would save him. He risked his life in every battle.

Now, he understood his master's words more and more. If he wanted to become stronger, he would have to go through a series of deadly battles.

He had told Xiao Chen before that his knife, which could kill countless people, would accompany him in all directions.

But now...he is no longer qualified.

This was unacceptable to him!

"Later, I killed Long Feihong and the others..."

Xiao Chen continued and mentioned Qingyan Sect again.

Except for Ning Kejun, Qin Lan and other people who knew the status of Qingyan Sect, their expressions changed, but others didn't realize anything.

However, I was a little worried when I learned that Xiao Chen was going to bet with someone on the war in two months.

"Brother Chen, you must take me with you during the gambling battle. I am very strong now."

Su Xiaomeng said to Xiao Chen.

"I have been looking forward to this world for a long time. I want to be famous in the world like Sister Fairy!"

Hearing Su Xiaomeng's words, Ning Kejun and others couldn't help laughing.

Su Qing glared at her, "Go on, what a world!"


Su Xiaomeng shrank her neck and ignored her sister. She had made up her mind to go see it anyway.

"Are you about to take the exam?"

Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng and asked.

"Yeah, that's it anyway, the important point is easy... you don't let me go abroad."

Su Xiaomeng nodded.

After hearing Su Xiaomeng's words, Xiao Chen glanced at Su Qing and had to have a good chat with her later.

He did not answer Su Xiaomeng's words, but continued his trip to Dragon Island, and also mentioned the establishment of the 'Dragon Gate'.

"So, you became the hands-off shopkeeper and left Old Ancestor Xiao behind?"

Qin Lan looked at Xiao Chen, a little speechless.

"Well, I didn't ask him to stay, Lao Xiao did it himself... He is still happy to take care of Longmen's affairs. After all, Longmen is much more powerful than the Xiao family. Old Xiao has probably never taken care of such a powerful family in his life. He might be enjoying it."

Xiao Chen argued.

"Is it?"

Qin Lan curled his lips, didn't he have to take care of it because he saw that you didn't care?

"If you establish a Longmen in the ancient martial arts world, will it have any direct connection with the Longmen Group in Longhai, including the Longmen in the underground world?"


Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Longmen in the ancient martial arts world has nothing to do with the Longmen Group in the secular world... By the way, has Longmen in the underground world been merged into the Longmen Group now?"

"It has not been completely merged. The Dragon Gate of the underground world is also divided into two parts, and one part is bleaching... Isn't this the idea when we first established the Dragon Gate Group? Now the time is ripe."

Qin Lan replied.

"Zi Yi is responsible for this matter."

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Ziyi, who smiled and said, "Why, you can't believe in my ability, right?"

"Of course not. Your ability is obvious to all."

Xiao Chen also laughed.

"I left Tian Kun in Shanyuan and asked him to take charge of things there temporarily."

"Well, we'll do that later."

Ye Ziyi nodded.

After some small talk, Xiao Chen also got an understanding of the current situation in Longhai.

Su Qing rarely cares about the Su family's affairs anymore. She has also trained a group of people in the Su family to help her manage the Su family.

She manages the Su family's group in a modern group manner, rather than the previous family business.

Even without Mr. Su's support, no one in the Su family would dare to object.

In this case, she took it out completely and stayed in the laboratory on weekdays, doing various experiments.

Unless there are special circumstances, she rarely takes care of the Su family.

Originally, she wanted to manage the Su family well, and then wait for her eldest brother to come back and hand over the more powerful Su family to him.

But now... her eldest brother is destined to be impossible to come back, so she is also making plans for the future.

The Su family cannot always be in her hands.

Compared with the Su family, she is more concerned about the news about her parents.

She kept doing experiments, hoping to get more clues from that notebook.

In addition...she also wanted to help Xiao Chen in her own way.

As for Qingcheng Company, she gave up and left it completely to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan became the president of Qingcheng Company. On the basis of new products, he also expanded overseas markets, including cooperation with Bangguo.

Yes, in a short period of time, Qingcheng Company has become an internationally renowned brand, basically carrying the banner of Chinese cosmeceuticals.

For Longmen Group, the framework has been set up long ago, and now it is on the right track, involving many fields, and its influence is not small.

Longmen Group has also established many branches, responsible for different fields. Xie Yiling also became the president of the branch, completing the transformation from a small assistant to a president.

After Ye Ziyi arrived, he and Qin Lan jointly managed the Longmen Group.

Coupled with the 'spare money' given by Xiao Chen last time, Longmen Group has been able to develop vigorously and reach a higher level.

Xiao Chen also asked about Han Yifei, and she indeed went to work.

recently, I am busy.

So even though I knew he was back, I didn't ask for leave to wait for him.

This made Xiao Chen feel helpless, but thinking about it, didn't he appreciate her hatred of evil?

There is also Hua Yixuan. Her research is constantly making breakthroughs. With Su Qing's help, it has basically reached the clinical stage.

Coupled with the cooperation with Longmen Group, everything becomes simple.

In a short period of time, Hua Yixuan has been nominated for multiple international awards and won two international awards, both of which are very influential.

Even in the medical field, she has entered the top twenty in the global rankings.

Even Qiu Sangxi and Park Jiaren were not idle in China, but were seeking.

Although it was hard for Xiao Chen to imagine Pu Jiaren sitting in the classroom begging, it was a good thing after all.

Xiao Chen was very happy, this was the same as he imagined.

They all have their own things they like, and they all have their own careers... They all live out their lives.

After lunch, the women were not idle either, but went about their business.

After all, they are all busy people. They were waiting specifically because Xiao Chen came back.

Even Su Xiaomeng asked Amelia Su to rush back to school.

Xiao Chen was also not idle, and the news of his return had already spread.

So, the calls kept coming in, one after the other.

Then the people who made an appointment with him were queued up. If they all went to the appointment, they would be queued up to half a month later.

In the end, he really had a headache and turned off the phone to take some quiet time.

"My grandpa, let you have time to go back and eat."

Su Qing came over and said to Xiao Chen.

Hearing Su Qing's words, Xiao Chen couldn't laugh or cry. He must have called Su Qing just now, but failed to get through. Then he called Su Qing.


Xiao Chen nodded. He really couldn't refuse Mr. Su's dinner.

"I'm already analyzing Xiaobai's blood."

After a few chats, Su Qing thought of something and said.

"Oh? Is there anything wrong?"

How serious is Xiao Chen? This is related to the safety of Bai Ye and Li Hanhou. He can't be careless.

"I heard that Li Hanhou was also injected with medicine. I will give his blood for analysis later... Xiaobai's blood analysis shows that it is beneficial."

Su Qing said to Xiao Chen.

"And...this is also mentioned in the notebook."

Hearing Su Qing's words, Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, but it wasn't actually a surprise.

Su Qing had doubts before, but now she is convinced.

Besides, Paul and Alfonso also came from Sue.

Su is Su Qing's parents, so the notebooks they left behind will naturally have such records.

"That person is not awake yet."

Without waiting for Xiao Chen to say anything, Su Qing said slowly.

"Obisco? Wait until tomorrow. I'll go take a look."

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and said.

"I will definitely make him wake up."


Su Qing nodded, now she was able to calm down when mentioning these.

"if they……"

"Haha, don't think about it so much first, just find them."

Xiao Chen knew what Su Qing wanted and smiled at her.

"Maybe it's different from what we imagined?"


Su Qing nodded, no more.

This is one more chapter promised last week, not Monday’s update.

Good night.


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