When Bai Ye and others saw Xiao Chen coming back, they all looked over.

"No call came in, right?"

Xiao Chen asked.


Bai Ye shook his head.

"Brother Chen, what should we do next?"

"What should I do? They are going to kill me. What can I do?"

Xiao Chen sneered.

"Didn't I just say that since you are coming to kill me, you should stay in China."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Bai Ye and others were a little excited. A war was about to break out!

They have fought with the Holy See of Light many times, but this seems to be their first time with the Holy See of Darkness.

"Xiao Bai, you will leave later."

Xiao Chen said to Bai Ye and the others.


Bai Ye and others' eyes widened and they left?

What's the meaning?

"Hao Jian, Dahan, you two can go."

Xiao Chen looked at Hao Jian and Li Hanhou again and said.

"Damn it, why can they go?"

Bai Ye has an opinion.

"Is this the Huajin Bureau again? If you're not from Huajin, you can't go?"


Xiao Chen nodded and smiled.

"That's right, it's another battle tonight."


Bai Ye, Sun Wugong, Xiao Dao and others were speechless. Are they being disliked again?

"Brother Chen, do all the people from the Dark Holy See use their energy? It can't be possible for them all, right? Just like them, right?"

Bai Ye pointed at the two people on the ground and said.

"Come on, tell me, how many masters does the great elder bring?"

Xiao Chen looked at the flamboyant man and asked.

"We don't know, we are responsible for our own affairs, but... there seems to be no one weaker than us."

The flamboyant man thought for a moment and replied.

"You are good at gambling, which is somewhat useful, but what about him?"

Bai Ye asked, pointing to the man who was still being stepped on by Li Hanhou.

"He...he is a relative of the great elder."

The flamboyant man looked at his companion and whispered.


Hearing this, not to mention Bai Ye and the others, even Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment.

A relative of the great elder?

"Is the Great Elder from China?"

Xiao Chen frowned, a little surprised.

"Not Chinese, but one of the great elder's daughter-in-law is Chinese, and he is the younger brother of the great elder's daughter-in-law."

The exaggerated man said hurriedly.

"Because we are coming to China this time, we took him with us."


Xiao Chen was a little speechless, so that was it.

While they were talking, the cell phone on the table rang.

Xiao Chen and others looked over, was it the Great Elder calling?

"Uh huh..."

The man under Li Hanhou's feet struggled vigorously again, trying to spit out the dice cup in his mouth.

"Keep him quiet."

Xiao Chen said to Li Hanhou.


Li Hanhou nodded and knocked the man beneath his feet unconscious with a slap.

"When you answer the phone, tell me that you have confirmed my identity... and ask about the next step."

Xiao Chen looked at the flamboyant man and said coldly.

"Remember, don't play tricks, otherwise you will die miserably."

"Huh? I...I don't dare."

The flamboyant man shuddered.

"Hurry up and answer the phone!"

Xiao Chen picked up the phone and handed it over.

"If they don't fall for it,

Then you die. "

"Huh? Oh, okay."

How dare the flamboyant man say anything else? He nodded and answered the phone.

"How's it going over there? Why haven't you called me for so long?"

After the call was connected, a man's voice came, not in Chinese, but in English.

The flamboyant man took a deep breath and calmed down a little: "Mr. Power, we have a small situation here, but it has been resolved..."

"Where's Eugene?"

Asked again over there.

"He went to the bathroom and hasn't come back yet."

The flamboyant man replied.

"Have you confirmed your identity? Is Xiao Chen here?"

"It's confirmed."

The exaggerated man said hurriedly.

"I swept through the casino, and then Xiao Chen showed up..."

"Are you still in the casino now?"

The person over there asked again.

"Yeah, we're still in the casino."

replied the flamboyant man.

"Okay, keep an eye on him and notify us after he leaves..."

As he said that, he was about to hang up the phone.

"Mr. Ball, what's your plan?"

The flamboyant man thought about what Xiao Chen said just now and asked quickly.

"Plan? What plan?"

The people over there didn't understand what it meant.

"You just want to kill Xiao Chen, you have to have a plan. Eugene and I don't know what if we did something wrong."

The exaggerated man said hurriedly.

"Haha, if the Great Elder wants to kill people, do you need a plan? There is no plan. As long as they leave the casino, then kill them... half an hour. If he doesn't leave the casino after half an hour, we will go directly to the casino!"

The other side sneered and said.

"The Great Elder said that it is not suitable to stay in China for too long. He must be dealt with as soon as possible and then leave."


The flamboyant man nodded.


Xiao Chen next to him showed a mocking smile. Is he so awesome?

The great elder kills people without a plan?

Oh, this is the best!

If there was a plan, he had to cooperate.

Now, no need at all, just leave the casino!

After hanging up the phone, the flamboyant man looked at Xiao Chen: "I have done what you said, can you...can you let me go?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Come with us to see the Great Elder later. If he dies tonight, you can live."


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the exaggerated man's eyes widened. Only if the great elder dies can he live?

Doesn't this mean that he is dead?

In his opinion, the Great Elder is very powerful and there is no way he can die!

"This great elder is very awesome. Do you think you are very powerful?"

Bai Ye also laughed a few times.

"I wonder if he would regret it before he died."

"Regret is certain."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Brother Chen, I really want to watch the excitement and see his face before he died."

Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Well...then when I finish him off, you can go back. I'll try to save his life as much as possible, and then kill him after you go there."

Xiao Chen seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


Bai Ye was speechless. He said that he wanted to see the great elder's regret before he died, so he just wanted to join in... Otherwise, what's the point of watching an old guy die!

"Brother Chen, you really can't go? How about we stay far away and follow your car?"

Sun Wugong also wanted to join in the fun.

"That's right, we won't step forward."

Bai Ye said hurriedly.

Xiao Chen looked at them, thought about it, and finally agreed.

Since the great elder is so arrogant, he shouldn't bring too many masters with him.

It is estimated that in the eyes of the great elder, he alone is enough.

So with him here, the Great Elder wouldn't have the chance to hurt Bai Ye and the others.

When Bai Ye and others saw Xiao Chen agreeing, they cheered.

"Then what, can we go too?"

He Shuheng asked.

"Brother He, please stop following me."

Xiao Chen looked at He Shuheng and said.

"very dangerous."


Seeing Xiao Chen say this, He Shuheng nodded.

"Brother Chen, what about me?"

The bald snake came closer, obviously he also wanted to follow.

"You go with Brother He, don't follow."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said.

"With your strength, you probably won't be able to withstand even one move. If anything happens, you will die if you go."


The bald snake felt like it had been hit hard, and it was still 10,000 points.

"That's right, with your strength, you can kill in one move."

Bai Ye finally found someone to attack, and followed up with a finishing blow.


The bald snake gritted his teeth. Normally, he felt that he was very powerful. It was not like he had never done anything like breaking into a fierce battle team of hundreds of people with one person and one knife.

But with these people, why are you so weak!

He decided that he must become stronger and stronger!

"Brother Chen, what about him?"

Li Hanhou asked, pointing to the man who had fainted.

"Get rid of it."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"Since you are so loyal, let's satisfy him."


Li Hanhou nodded and stepped down.


The neck was broken.

He Shuheng's eyelids twitched wildly, he was going to kill him now?

Chen Hui's expression changed even more. Although he was responsible for the business of the casino, it was normal to see blood, but when it came to murder, it was still a minority.

So happy and straightforward, less!

The exaggerated man was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, and even his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Xiao...Mr. Xiao, you said you wanted to let me go."

"Well, I said, if the great elder dies, you will live."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"You won't die before you see him, don't worry."


The flamboyant man did not dare to speak.

"Let's go, split into two cars!"

Xiao Chen got up and without further ado, the guy on the phone just now also said that if he didn't leave for half an hour, he would come directly to the casino.

Compared to killing the He family, killing the casino was not a big deal.


Bai Ye and others nodded and quickly followed out.

Xiao Chen, Hao Jian, Li Hanhou and a car together with a flamboyant man.

Baiye and the others were in the second car, far away.

The two cars, one behind the other, roared away from the casino.

The flamboyant man took out his mobile phone and made another call.

"Mr. Power, Xiao Chen has left the casino and is driving east along Chunyang Road..."

The flamboyant man reported the location.

"Okay, don't lose me. If you lose me, it will kill you!"

After that, he hung up the phone.

"They should be here soon, they're also near the casino."

The flamboyant man put down his cell phone and said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded, and with a thought, he took out the Xuanyuan knife from the bone ring.

The exaggerated man looked at the Xuanyuan Dao that appeared out of thin air and was stunned. What kind of magic is this?

It was clearly not there just now!

Xiao Chen ignored him and gently stroked the Xuanyuan knife a few times, his fighting spirit rising.

An innate master!

Speaking of which, he was facing an innate master alone!

Both Duanmuyu and Old Dragon King fought together with others!

Although the news has spread, the outside world still has some doubts about his strength.

But this time is different. The great elder of the Dark Church has his peak strength in the innate world.

As long as he kills, it means that he truly has the strength to fight the innate, and he is also the strongest among innates!

"You...are there just a few of you?"

The exaggerated man looked at Xiao Chen and couldn't help but ask.

"Don't you need to call someone else?"

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