Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2918 The real Serro

Zero came over and looked at John with a somewhat complicated look.

John fell to the ground, his face pale. Is it time to die?

Bang, bang, bang.

The black-robed Death God also staggered down from upstairs.

"Come give me a ride?"

John turned his head, looked at the black-robed Death God, and chuckled.

When he was about to die, he didn't have much fear, he just...had an ambition that he couldn't put into practice.


The hoarse voice of the black-robed Death God sounded coldly.

"John, am I really not as good as Marcus?"

Zero spoke.

"Not as good as that."

John looked at Zero and said.

"What's wrong with it?"

Serro frowned.

"You're not cruel enough."

John said slowly.

"If you want to be in power, how can you be kind to a woman? You failed to seize the two opportunities, so I was disappointed with you and switched to Marcus."

"Besides this?"

Zero asked again.

"In the past year, you have actually performed well and have ambitions...but in the end it is too late."

John looked at Zero and said in a deep voice.

"Among the top ten [Sons of Darkness], your supporters are not the least, but they are not the most either... But Marcus is different. He has been the most popular and famous one from the beginning to the end."


Is it because of this? "

Suddenly, Zero smiled.

Seeing Serlo smiling, John was stunned for a moment and nodded subconsciously.

"You think I'm not ruthless enough, that I'm not as well-known as him, and that I don't have as many supporters as him, so you switched to him, right? Just like what you just said, 'People choose wise rulers and serve as ministers, and birds choose good trees to roost in.'" Right?"

Zero looked at John and asked with a smile.


John had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

"John, you are one of the people I trust most. I thought you would understand me, but now I realize that you don't understand me."

Serro shook his head.

"You said I didn't have ambition before, but now that I can...do I dare to be ambitious?"

John was startled when he heard Cero's words.

"Among the top ten [Sons of Darkness], I can be said to have the weakest backer. My mother's side is just a small family. How can I compare with Marcus? His mother and the backers behind her are in the Dark Holy See. They are all one of the strongest.”

Zero said slowly.

"If I had ambitions, I might be dead a long time ago, right?"

John's eyes narrowed and he looked at Serro without speaking.

Xiao Chen also glanced at Ser Luo. Did everyone ignore him?

At the same time, he also vaguely understood what was going on. The battle between the [Son of Darkness] was also a battle between various forces.

Even the sons of the Dark Pope are equally strong and weak.

In addition to their own strength, more support comes from their mothers.

If their mother's family is very powerful, then it will naturally be strong.

Isn't this also the case when princes compete for the throne in ancient times?

The father-in-law and the uncle-in-law take turns to fight, all wanting their nephew to be the emperor, so that they will be very awesome.

Princes whose mothers have no background often have to rely on themselves.

The same should be true for the Dark Holy See.

Cerro's mother came from a small family. They wanted to help, but they couldn't.

Serro wanted to borrow power, but he couldn't.

Therefore, he kept a low profile and did not dare to show his ambition, otherwise he would be killed.

"The same is true for the two opportunities you mentioned. If I had done what you thought, I might be dead now."

Serro continued.

"You have studied China quite a lot and know that 'people choose wise rulers and serve as ministers, and birds choose good trees to live in'. Have you heard of another saying?"


John asked subconsciously.

"A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind."

Zero looked at John and said slowly.


Xiao Chen next to him smiled.

"Also called 'shooting the first bird'."

"A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind..."

John repeated, his face growing paler.

Not only John, but Marcus next to him also stared at Serro with wide eyes... Cerro at this moment seemed very strange to him.

Zero seemed to notice his gaze and turned to look at him: "My brother, tell me, am I right?"

"You...you've been pretending?"

Marcus couldn't help but ask.

"This is not about pretending, but about protecting yourself."

Serro shook his head.

"I admit that you are better than me, but I don't admit... that you are better than me."

"What about tonight?"

Marcus gritted his teeth. He had always had a sense of superiority, but now, what was going on?


Zero smiled bitterly.

"Tonight is really an accident. I never thought that John would betray me... I didn't expect that after years of being cautious and walking on thin ice, I almost fell into trouble!"

Xiao Chen can also understand the situation tonight.

If it were him, he would probably be in trouble.

Who would have thought that the person you trust the most would betray you?

Take Xiaobai for example. If you tell him where to go, he won't think much about it.

When the time comes, if there is an ambush, even with his strength, he may fall into trouble.

"Fortunately... Xiao Chen, my friend, he has not given up on me. He cherishes our friendship."

Serro looked at Xiao Chen and said movedly.

"Stop, stop, stop..."

Xiao Chen couldn't stand this. Why did he feel that Serlo's eyes were so "affectionate"?

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly, how to deal with them? Oh, there is a beautiful girl Alice over there..."

"How to deal with..."

Zero looked at John, who looked pale.

Although John didn't have any fear just now, at this moment... he felt a little unwilling.

Has he never understood Serro?

Did he make the wrong choice?

"Sero, can you... give me another chance?"

John thought for a while and finally asked.

It wasn't because he was afraid of death, but because he was unwilling to die like this.

"Sorry, can't."

Serro shook his head.

"Didn't you say that I'm not as ruthless as Marcus? If I let you go, wouldn't it make you look down on me?"


Xiao Chen was happy after hearing Serlo's words. Is this John shooting himself in the foot?

John was also stunned, then smiled bitterly and nodded.

"I have only one request. Can you let me commit suicide?"


Serro thought for a moment and nodded.

"Thank you...Sero, maybe I was really wrong."

John stood up and straightened his dress. Although it was a little tattered, he tried to make it tidy and not so messy.


The black-robed Death God threw something, and John caught it.

John was stunned when he saw something clearly, his top hat.

"If you don't commit suicide, I will kill you too."

The black-robed Death God said coldly.

"Oh, thank you."

John smiled at the black-robed Death God, put on his hat, and adjusted it again.

"Oh, by the way, I want to ask, Zero, what will you do with Marcus?"


Zero looked at Marcus and hesitated.


Deserve to kill.

But he is his brother after all.

"Sero, if you kill me, my father will not let you go, my mother will not let you go, and the people behind me will not let you go..."

At this moment, Marcus had the desire to live again and said loudly.

"As long as you let me go, I can pretend that nothing happened..."

"But... it's already happened, hasn't it?"

Serro shook his head.

"You can act like nothing happened, but I can't act like nothing happened."

Hearing Cero's words, Marcus' heart trembled.

"Do you know how Thors died?"

Suddenly, Zero asked.


Marcus was startled, and then his eyelids twitched wildly.

"He was killed by you?"

There were such rumors before, but they quickly disappeared.

Rumor has it that Zero teamed up with Xiao Chen to kill Thors, the great elder's grandson.

It is precisely because Cerro is 'weak' that not many people believe him.

Even the great elder doesn't believe it without evidence.

Because Thors is also a strong person in [Son of Darkness], even if he is worse than Marcus, he is not much worse.

There are even more masters around him.

Zero...can he kill Thors?

It was precisely because Zero was weak that the search for the Black Blood Wand fell on him.

Because the Black Blood Wand at that time was just a weapon, and most of the other [Sons of Darkness] were unwilling to come.

Even if you find the [Black Blood Wand], you can't keep it for yourself, so the credit... is meaningless.

And Serro came... and then met Xiao Chen.

He began to rise.

At least, that's what Serro himself thinks.

Meeting Xiao Chen made him feel that the time had come.

"So be it."

Serro nodded.

"Do you know why my father agreed? Because it was Xiao Chen who killed the great elder, and I communicated with my father... He only agreed after I eliminated this great enemy for my father."


Marcus' eyes widened, he understood, he understood everything.

"My father said that you have to fight for everything by yourself. If you don't fight, no one will give you anything."

Zero looked at Marcus and said slowly.

"So, I also want to fight..."


Marcus trembled slightly. Was he going to kill him?

"You are my brother after all, unlike Thors..."

Cero's voice was low.

"Yes, I am your brother. If father finds out, even if he doesn't punish you...how will the outside world view you? You even killed your own brother!"

Marcus thought of something and said loudly.

"I can kill you for Thors."

Suddenly, the black-robed Death God spoke coldly, his Death Scimitar always in his hand.

"You...if you kill me, you won't survive!"

Marcus stared at the black-robed god of death and said loudly.

"After all, I am the [Son of Darkness], and even more so the son of the Dark Pope. If you kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!"

The black-robed Death God frowned, but showed no fear: "I don't want to worry so much. I'll kill you first."

"No, you can't kill him."

Zero shook his head. He knew that Marcus was telling the truth. If the black-robed Death God killed Marcus, he wouldn't be able to survive.

Not to mention others, his father would not let the black-robed Death God live.

"Let me do it."

Just when Xiao Chen was thinking about how to kill Marcus, a voice sounded.

Good night

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