Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2926 The enemy is coming

"News about 'Su'..."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and waited quietly.

At this moment, it was him and Obisco who were playing games.

Obisco is afraid of death, and he... also wants to know the news about 'Su', so it depends on who can keep his composure.

Before he finished smoking a cigarette, Xiao Chen's cell phone rang again.


Xiao Chen smiled and won.

He didn't answer the phone right away, but took another puff of cigarette and answered the phone with a bit of pride.

It was like winning a game, and his inner thought was - little brat, fight with me?

"Xiao Chen, do you really don't want to know the news about 'Su'?"

The phone answered and Obisco's voice came.

"I want to know, but this is not your bargaining chip... You have to understand one thing. I can get information about Su without you. If you mess with me, you will be dead! I promise, No one in this world can let you live except me!"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Obisco over there fell silent.

Xiao Chen was not in a hurry, smoking a cigarette and waiting quietly.

"alright, you win."

Obisco spoke slowly.

"However, I am not making this call about the news about Su."


Hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned.

"Obisco, are you looking for death? I told you, don't joke with me about this matter!"

"Not anymore. I just want to test whether this chip is enough."

Obisco replied.

“Now it seems... it’s not enough.


"Next time, just die."

Xiao Chen was very annoyed. Thinking of knowing the news about Su Qing's parents right away, his heart beat faster.

Now tell him, just try to see if the chips are enough?

That is to say, Obisco was not in front of him, otherwise he could have slapped him.


"Xiao Chen, is the black blood wand in your hand?"

Obisco asked without dwelling on the topic.


Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Why, are you also interested in the Black Blood Wand?"

"Of course, it is said that we can get the inheritance of darkness... and the idea of ​​​​the Holy See of Light is that even if we don't get the inheritance, we have to destroy the Black Blood Wand so that the Dark Holy See cannot get the inheritance."

Obisco replied.

"Haha, your Holy See of Light is indeed not a good bird."

Xiao Chen laughed mockingly.

"This is the Dark Holy See. If you believe in the God of Light, how can you get the inheritance of darkness."

"No, in fact, light and darkness are not so absolute...just like black and white, right?"

Obisco said slowly.

"Indeed, it's not that decisive. You, the Holy See, are not so bright in your work, and you do a lot of dirty things."

Xiao Chen said sarcastically.


Obisco didn't say anything, probably because he was thinking of how to retort.

"Obisco, have you left Longhai?"

Xiao Chen lit another cigarette and asked.

"I have left China."

Obisco replied.

"Oh? It's pretty fast."

Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"Then you met Archbishop Meadow?"

"Not yet, but he already knows that I am alive, and I have contacted the Holy See of Light... So, I know that the Black Blood Wand is in your hand, and the Holy See of Light is eyeing you."

Obisco said.

"In just one or two days, people from the Holy See of Light will come to find you... and take away the Black Blood Wand."

"Are you sure?"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows. It would be good if there was a nail in the Holy See of Light. Every move would be known in advance.

"Sure, I don't want you to die. If you die, I will die too."

Obisco said solemnly.

"So, let me inform you in advance... The ones dispatched this time are the Light Knights, the most powerful group of the Holy See of Light, and the Great Priest of Light. They are very strong."

"Knights of Light? Great Priest of Light?"

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes.

"The Knights of Light are not a force in Asia, but belong to the Holy See of Light. They are the most powerful knights among the three major knights... The Knights of Light in the Knights of Light are the weakest but also the most powerful! Great Priest of Light, In terms of your Chinese state, that is half a step of innate strength!"

Obisco explained.

"The weakest is all about transforming energy? The Great Priest of Guangming...Half-step innate?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"However, if you are only half-innate and want to come to China to cause trouble, then you are looking down on China and me, right?"

"Don't be careless. One Great Priest of Light leads twenty-four Knights of Light. This time, there are three Great Priests of Light and seventy-two Knights of Light... equivalent to three half-step innates and seventy-two Knights of Light." A master of transforming energy."

Obisco said slowly.

"This power is enough to run rampant in the Western world. Even if China... wants to stop it, it's not that easy."

Hearing Obisco's words, Xiao Chen's eyelids jumped. Three and a half steps of innateness, seventy-two energy masters?

This camp... is enough to sweep through the Twelve Aristocratic Families who have no innate talent, right?

You know, even the Twelve Aristocratic Families don’t have more than seventy energy transformation masters!

"when will you arrive?"

Xiao Chen frowned, looking more serious.

"I don't know. I just got this news and wanted to remind you..."

When Obisco said this, he paused.

"I don't want you to die, because if you die, I will die too."

"Haha, you are very aware. If anything happens in the future, please tell me in time... If you help me, I will also help you. If you have any enemies and you can't handle it, you can also tell me and I will help. Kill you."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"The higher your status in the Holy See of Light, the better it is for me."

"Like your collaboration with Serro?"

Obisco asked.

"It's different. He and I are friends, and you... are my partner."

Xiao Chen wanted to say, 'You are a dog,' but after thinking about it, someone just came to inform him, and it would be a bit uncomfortable to say that again, so he changed his mind.

However, this guy has to hit the spot from time to time to let him know who is the master!

"Partner? Ha... Xiao Chen, I hope I won't die because of your death."

Obisco sneered and hung up the phone.

"Fuck...I can't even die if you die."

Xiao Chen curled his lips and put the phone aside.

Thinking of the Knights of Light and the High Priest of Light mentioned by Obisco, he frowned again.

He didn't care too much about the three and a half steps of innateness.

But there are more than seventy Huajin... Even if they are all in the early stage of Huajin, it is still a big trouble.

Anyway, Longmen definitely doesn’t have the seventy transformation energy now.

Not even any of the twelve aristocratic families.

Was there a previous Dragon Palace?


In other words, the Holy See of Light has dispatched a formation like the 'Nine Palaces' this time, and the goal is to snatch the black blood wand.

Of course, if you can kill him, you must kill him. After all, they are already enemies.

"Let's go to war. It seems that the Holy See of Light is bound to win the Black Blood Wand."

Xiao Chen frowned and had to ask Serro to take the black blood wand and leave quickly.

Dark Holy See, Light Holy See, who knows if there will be other forces eyeing the Black Blood Wand?

The Black Blood Wand, in the Western world, is already equivalent to the Xuanyuan Sword in the ancient Chinese martial arts world.

So, it's still very tempting.

"We have to remind Mr. Long about this matter. After all, the [Dragon Emperor] is in charge of this."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and called Mr. Long.

"Xiao Chen, what's wrong?"

After receiving Xiao Chen's call, Mr. Long exchanged a few words and asked.

Xiao Chen recounted what Obisco told him, including the strength of the Knights of Light and the Great Priest of Light.

"Three high priests of light, seventy-two knights of light?"

Mr. Long was also a little surprised. In order to seize the black blood wand, the Holy See of Light made a big move this time.

"Mr. Long, why don't we let them enter the Dragon Sea and surround them and kill them?"

Xiao Chen asked with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"You cannot enter the dragon sea, and you cannot let them enter the country."

Mr. Long said in a deep voice.

"I'll check first. With so many experts dispatched, there's no way there won't be any movement at all. Then I'll tell you what to do."


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Mr. Long, if you need me, just ask... They are also coming for me. If there is a fight, I can be their sword and I am obligated."

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Mr. Long smiled and was quite pleased.

"Okay, if necessary, I won't be polite to you."

After the two chatted for a few more words, Mr. Long hung up the phone.

Xiao Chen put away his phone, thought for a while, and went to find Serro.

Cerro needs to be reminded about this matter.

He didn't bother to care about what the Dark Pope planned. Whether he wanted to raise a Gu King or see which son was the most ruthless and awesome, it was all the Dark Pope's business.

But there was one thing he believed the Dark Pope would not accept, and that was losing the Black Blood Wand.

So, if the Holy See of Light acts like this, the Holy See of Darkness is not prepared?

Aren't you afraid that you will really lose the black blood wand?

"What? Three great priests of light?"

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, Serro became a little uneasy.

"Damn it!"

"So, call your father and ask him if he will cry if the Black Blood Wand is really lost."

Xiao Chen smoked a cigarette and said lightly.

"Anyway, I've already given you the Black Blood Wand. If you lose it... don't worry about me asking for it."

"Have they arrived in China?"

Serro asked.

"Probably not, just for the past few days."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"It's only a matter of a day or two. They also want to seize it as soon as possible or destroy the black blood wand."

"I'll leave early tomorrow morning."

Serro made a decision.

"In addition, I also informed my people that they have entered China, but they are attracting other people's attention and making others think that I am still in Longhai..."

"Haha, you're building a plank road openly, but secretly building a warehouse?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"You really don't want to call me for help?"

"No, I believe...I will bring the black blood wand back."

Serro shook his head.

"Okay, here at the Holy See of Light, you don't have to worry. Anyone who dares to enter China will be killed without mercy."

Xiao Chen looked at the black blood wand in Cerro's hand and said slowly.

"Beware of those from the Dark Holy See."


Zero nodded and tightened his grip on the black blood wand.


Chapter One

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