Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2979 Who is it?

"Who? Come out!"

Xiao Chen looked into the distance and shouted coldly.

There was a jungle there, with a low slope, and... someone behind the trees.

If he hadn't discovered the sacrifice in front of the tombstone and his keen senses, he really wouldn't have discovered it.

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Su Qing also looked over quickly.

Can I see my parents again?

In her opinion, no one would come to pay homage to her eldest brother except her parents.

What's more, Xiao Chen also said before that his parents had been to Haifu Mountain.

Su Qing was so excited that her body even trembled.

"You wait here, I'll go take a look."

Xiao Chen said to Su Qing that he was not sure now, it was Su Qing's parents or something.

And...it seems to be a person.

If there is any master, he will be passive if Su Qing is around.

Although Su Qing was very excited and wanted to follow her, she knew Xiao Chen's concerns and nodded.

Anyway, you can see it here too.


Su Qing nodded.

"You...go and have a look."

Xiao Chen put down what he was holding and stepped forward quickly: "I've seen you, come out!"

Before Xiao Chen could get closer, he saw a person coming out from behind the big tree.

When Xiao Chen saw this person's dress, he was stunned for a moment. This is...

I saw that this man was wearing tattered clothes and was holding a snakeskin bag in his hand, which was dirty.

It was completely different from what he imagined.


Su Qing was also stunned when she saw this person.

Immediately, deep disappointment appeared on his face.

Not the parents.

"who are you?"

Xiao Chen looked at this man and asked.

"I...I am a rag picker."

The man spoke, revealed his identity, and confirmed Xiao Chen's guess.

He is a scavenger.

"Scavenging? Come to the cemetery to pick up rags?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"Why were you hiding behind just now?"

"I...I saw you guys coming, so I hid behind the tree."

The scavenger said cautiously.

"Why hide when you see us?"

Xiao Chen took a closer look at the scavenger. He was not pretending to be a scavenger, nor did he feel the aura of a master. He was a real scavenger.


The scavenger hesitated, not wanting to say anything.


Xiao Chen's voice turned cold.

"Because... I want to pick up those tributes."

The scavenger trembled, not daring to say anything, and pointed at the tribute in front of Su Yunfei's tombstone.

"So when I saw you guys coming, I got scared, so I ran over here and hid."

After listening to his words, Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, a little disappointed, it turned out to be like this.

He believed what the scavenger said and there was no need to lie.

As for why you come to the cemetery...life is not easy, and their shadow is everywhere.

The cemetery, for them, also has many good things.

For example, wine bottles or something, or sacrifices.

"Have you always been here?"

Suddenly, Su Qing stepped forward quickly and asked.


The scavenger looked at Su Qing, what a beautiful girl.

"Yes, have you always been here?"

After being reminded by Su Qing, Xiao Chen also thought of something and asked hurriedly.

Although I didn't see anyone coming to worship, if the scavengers were there, they would probably see them.

At least it can be described.

In this way, we can know whether they are Su Qing's parents.

"I haven't been here all the time. I came here just now when I heard the sound of a car, and saw a car leaving... I was just about to pick up something, and you guys came."

The scavenger shook his head and said.

"What kind of car?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"I don't know either, I didn't see clearly."

The scavenger shook his head.

Su Qing looked disappointed when she heard the scavenger's words.

Who is it?

Xiao Chen was equally disappointed. He thought for a while, there were several roads in Haifu Mountain, so it would be useless to chase them out now.

However, when you leave later, you can check the surveillance system and you should be able to find out.

If it is not a festival, there are not many people coming to worship, so there are not so many cars.

He told Su Qing, who was a little excited.

"Let's check now, maybe we can still find it."

Su Qing couldn't wait.

"Okay, let's go check first and then come back to see your brother."

Xiao Chen looked at the photo on the tombstone. Su Yunfei on it still smiled so brightly.

"Don't touch the sacrifices on this tomb... give them."

Xiao Chen took out some money and gave it to the scavenger.

"Let's go."

"Thank you, sir."

The scavenger's eyes lit up, he took it and thanked him.

"You want to check that car? I'm here to watch it for you?"

"No need, there should be no one else but you."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"There are indeed no rag pickers, but there are still some wild cats and dogs."

The scavenger said, looking at the things in front of the tombstone.

"I'd better show it to you."

"Okay, thank you very much."

Xiao Chen nodded and hurriedly left with Su Qing, heading to the Haifushan Cemetery Management Office.

When he got there, Xiao Chen asked the staff to retrieve the surveillance video.

Although there was no surveillance in front of the tombstone and no one could be seen coming, two cars were still found.

"Which one is it?"

Su Qing looked at the two cars and asked.

"Check them all."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"How to check?"

Su Qing looked forward to it, maybe... she could find her parents?

"Forgot Yifei? Let her find someone to check."

Xiao Chen said, called Han Yifei and told her the license plate number.

Hearing that it was about Su Qing's parents, Han Yifei was also very concerned: "Okay, I'll call the traffic police now to get the surrounding surveillance and check the identity of the car owner."


Xiao Chen nodded and hung up the phone.

"Let's go, let's go back first and wait for news from Yifei."


Su Qing nodded, and the two left the management office and returned to the tombstone.

The scavengers are still there.

"Thank you very much."

Xiao Chen said to the scavenger.

"It's nothing. You are here, then I will leave. Goodbye."

The scavenger shook his head and left.

"I thought he would take all our stuff. He seems like a nice guy."

Xiao Chen looked at the scavenger's back and said.

"Is that so? You've already given him money."

Su Qing asked.

"Never underestimate people's greed. Although I gave him money, if I meet a greedy person, I will take it all away...Fortunately, he is not."

Xiao Chen said, putting things away.

"Brother... who came just now? Are they my parents?"

Su Qing squatted in front of the tombstone and gently touched the photo on the tombstone.

"It's them, right?

Su Yunfei in the photo was smiling, but naturally did not respond.

Su Qing's eyes turned red as she spoke.

If they were really parents, they would just be one step away.

"Brother, if it's really my parents, you have souls in heaven and will protect me and find them, okay?"

Su Qing said again.

"Lao Su will bless you."

Xiao Chen looked at the photo and said to Su Qing.

"Come on, Lao Su, let's have a drink? Do you think I should still call you Lao Su? Or should I change my name and call you uncle?"


Listening to Xiao Chen's words, Su Qing, who was originally sad, felt a little dumbfounded.

"Okay, don't be sad. My uncle doesn't want to see you sad either."

Xiao Chen said to Su Qing.


Su Qing nodded.

"Old Su, you should go and worry less, leaving me with the trouble."

Xiao Chen looked at the photo and said again.

"Who's the trouble?"

Su Qing turned around and asked.

"Well, I didn't say that you and Xiaomeng are troublesome, I was talking about your parents' matters..."

Xiao Chen was helpless.

"I hope I can get some clues this time, otherwise I will have to wait for Archbishop Mei."


Su Qing nodded.

The two were talking in front of the tombstone.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Chen's cell phone rang.

Han Yifei called.

"Hey, Yifei."

Xiao Chen answered the phone.

"How about it?"

"The identity of the owner of one of the cars was found, and he is a local from Longhai... The other car was not found to have a fake license plate."

Han Yifei said.

"Fake license plate?"

Hearing Han Yifei's words, Xiao Chen frowned and immediately determined that this was the car he was looking for.

How can a normal person use a fake license plate if there is nothing wrong with him?

"Can't you find anything?"

"Well, there's no way to find out... I asked people to retrieve the surveillance videos along the way, but no trace of it was found."

Han Yifei said.


Xiao Chen frowned deeper.

"Yes, disappeared."

Han Yifei said in a deep voice.

"I'm asking people to continue checking, but I feel like... they can't find it."

"What about the driver? Did you catch it on the surveillance video?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"The visor was on, and he was wearing sunglasses... There was no way to find him, but he should be a middle-aged man."

Han Yifei said.

"Okay, I get it."

Xiao Chen nodded, are you so careful?

After chatting with Han Yifei for a few more words, he hung up the phone.

"How about it?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen, and from his words, she felt... that he probably hadn't found it.

"The fake license plate disappeared from the surveillance sight, and even the driver's face was not photographed."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Su Qing looked disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed yet. I think...it's abnormal for the other person to be so cautious. Maybe they really are your parents."

Xiao Chen looked at Amelia Su and comforted her.

"At least...if it's really them, then they are in Longhai."

"But if they don't come to see me, what can I do?"

Su Qing smiled bitterly.

"We know they are in Longhai, so if we check slowly, there should be clues..."

Xiao Chen comforted Su Qing. In fact, he had no hope.

Su Qing's parents had been to Longhai before, but they didn't notice it at all.

If you are so careful this time, can they find out?


"Then how to check?"

Su Qing raised some hope and asked.

"Well... when I get back, I'll call Obisco and see if there's any news from him."

Xiao Chen felt that there should be no such thing, otherwise Obisco would not have said it.


Su Qing nodded.

"Xiaoqing, let's go back first."

While Xiao Chen was talking, he sent another message to Han Yifei.

Soon, Han Yifei sent back some photos.

They all belong to that car.

One of the photos captured half of the driver's face.

Xiao Chen took a look and found that he was indeed a middle-aged man.

He identified Amelia Su and made sure he was not her father.

As a daughter, she can still recognize her even if she has half of her face, even if she hasn't seen her for many years.

"let's go."

Xiao Chen and Su Qing left.

Just after they left, a figure came out of the jungle on the other side.

He looked at the car going away and calmed down a little. Then he shook his head: "It's not time yet..."


Sorry, it's even later. It's snowing heavily and the traffic is very slow. I didn't get home until evening.

This is the first chapter, keep coding and keep updating.

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