Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3000 Follow-up

()In the stadium, the fans left.

The Internet... also exploded.

A video has appeared online.

At the beginning, Mu Xiyu was singing, and Xiao Chen was photographed holding a sign... Mainly because he was sitting not far from the stage, basically Cheng appeared in the video.

The video is quite clear, including Mu Xiyu looking at Xiao Chen and making eye contact.

Then... after Mu Xiyu finished singing, the man shouted, "Goddess, I love you" and rushed onto the stage.

At this point in the video, everything is fine.

Just as the man rushed onto the stage, approached Mu Xiyu, and took out a small bottle from his pocket, Xiao Chen, who was sitting below, suddenly stood up, smashed the sign in his hand, and at the same time... flew onto the stage.

The sign knocked the man to the ground, and then Xiao Chen stepped on the man and controlled him.

The video started shaking at this point. Apparently the person who shot the video was also frightened by this scene.

Mu Xiyu in the video was so frightened that his face turned pale.

At the same time...the same cry sounded.

The place was in chaos.

In the first half, netizens eagerly waiting for live resources were asking who Xiao Chen was.

How could he interact with the goddess and sit so close!

In the second half, netizens became angry after being stunned.

What happened?

When the camera switched to the big screen, netizens saw the corroded stage and became even more angry. This person wanted to hurt the goddess of fauns!

There was a cry of crusade.

Many people have called the Longhai City Police Department, etc., and this person must be punished severely.

Many people scolded Xiao Chen just now, but now... they are all thankful that Xiao Chen is so close.

If Xiao Chen hadn't been here, something big would have happened!

The Internet is in chaos.

Weibo and multiple forums exploded!

Especially the fans outside the stadium also saw the situation from the Internet and rushed to the stadium one after another, shouting to protect the goddess.

A large number of police and security guards blocked the entrance to the angry fans.

"It's not good, it's still posted online."

Sister Zhang's expression changed a bit as she looked at the news on the Internet.

She just asked the police to delete photos, videos, etc., just because she didn't want this matter to be posted online.

As long as there are no videos or photos, even if people in the gym go out and talk about it, there will be no evidence, so it is within control.

But now...the video is all there, how can we deny it or publicize it?

The middle-aged policeman also got the news and quickly contacted the police to dispatch manpower here.

If the angry fans lose their minds and do something, it will be a bigger trouble.

"I want to go out and meet them."

Suddenly, Mu Xiyu said to Xiao Chen.


Hearing Mu Xiyu's words, Xiao Chen frowned and went out to take a look?

"There are many people who are worried about me. I want to show my face publicly and let them not worry..."

Mu Xiyu said.

"That's fine."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and nodded.

"Sister Zhang, this incident won't have any negative impact, right?"

"There is no negative impact. After all, we are the victim... It's just that it's too bad! This is no longer a fan meeting an idol and wanting to forcefully hug him or something, but deliberately hurting someone!"

Sister Zhang said and looked at the middle-aged policeman.

"Captain Luo, we have to cooperate to minimize the negative impact."


The middle-aged policemen nodded hurriedly. Naturally, they did not want the influence to expand.

"Sister Zhang, go make some arrangements and go out to show your face later."

Mu Xiyu looked at Sister Zhang and said.


Sister Zhang nodded and went to make arrangements.

"Xiao Wen, find me a room, as long as it's useless."

Xiao Chen looked at Xiaowen and said.

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Xiaowen was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"There are many rooms backstage."


Xiao Chen nodded and pointed at the people on the ground.

"Big Fatty, take him over and keep an eye on him."


The fat man responded and picked up the man on the ground with one hand.

The man seemed to have noticed something and struggled hard, "No, what are you going to do, police...police, take me back to the police station."

Obviously, he knew very well that falling into Xiao Chen's hands would be more dangerous than falling into the hands of the police.

Even...will die.

The middle-aged policeman ignored him and pretended not to hear.

The woman who dared to touch Xiao Chen still wanted to go to the police station?

Beautiful thought!

Why didn't you consider the police when you wanted to hurt Mu Xiyu before?

Now, are you coming to the police again?


The big fat man carried this man and went with the second fat man to the backstage room.

At the same time, the waiter and several policemen came in with several people.

These people are all people who have a way.

Xiao Chen took a quick look and smiled. Those who asked them just now and those who used them to fool others were all inside.

"Mr. Police, we...we just make some money. Isn't this illegal?"

One of them asked anxiously.

"Who said it's not illegal? If I don't pursue it, I don't want to pay attention to you, but if I pursue it, hehe..."

The middle-aged policeman sneered.

The person who was talking to Xiao Chen and the others before also saw Xiao Chen and was stunned for a moment.

He hasn't recognized the waiter just yet. After all, there are many people in the gym, so it's not easy to recognize him.

But when he saw Xiao Chen now, he recognized him. Isn't this the person he was talking to just now?

When he thought of something, his expression changed. It turns out that this is the person who has a way.

Sister Zhang also came back and said that the arrangements had been made.

"Brother Chen, please accompany me."

Mu Xiyu looked at Xiao Chen and said.


Xiao Chen nodded, he was not worried about Mu Xiyu going out alone.

What if that guy just now has accomplices outside to help him?

So, it’s better to be careful.

"Let them stay here for now and come back later and ask them again."

Xiao Chen said something to the middle-aged policeman and walked out with Mu Xiyu.

Word has spread outside that Mu Xiyu will come out to meet everyone.

Everyone is waiting eagerly.

When Mu Xiyu appeared, there was a brief silence before various sounds rang out.

Some people pushed forward, but were stopped by police and security guards.

"Hello friends, hello..."

Mu Xiyu stepped onto the makeshift stage so that people behind could see clearly without having to squeeze forward.

Xiao Chen looked at Sister Zhang, she was quite thoughtful.

Sister Zhang noticed Xiao Chen's gaze and her heart trembled: "Mr. Xiao, what happened today..."

She wanted to explain a few words, but at the same time she was thankful that Xiao Chen was here.

Otherwise...how could she explain to Xiao Chen?

If that bottle of sulfuric acid had been poured on Mu Xiyu, something big would have happened.

"Nothing happened to Xiyu. I don't want to worry about who is responsible. What happened today must not happen again... People in the gym must be strictly controlled, safety first."

Before Sister Zhang could say anything, Xiao Chen said in a deep voice.

"Yes, please rest assured, Mr. Xiao."

Sister Zhang said hurriedly.

"This will never happen again, I promise."


Xiao Chen nodded and was wondering whether he should arrange a personal bodyguard for Mu Xiyu.

Soon, he thought of one person, and Alice seemed to be suitable.

Strong enough.

The most important thing is that she is a woman who can protect Mu Xiyu personally.

He had spared Alice's life before because he wanted her to protect these women.

Rather than what Qin Lan and the others thought...he was lustful!

He's not that horny!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen felt aggrieved and had misunderstood me!

"Oh, it's so difficult for me. I only think about you, but you miss me so much."

Xiao Chen sighed and thought of Hong Yi and Black Widow. Their strength should be improved as soon as possible.

Next to him, Mu Xiyu said a few words to the fans present, and naturally mentioned what happened just now, and also told the fans to be careful.

In addition, she also mentioned the matter of spending money to get in, and she didn't shy away from it, because she didn't arrange it in the first place.

When she was finished, she apologized.

Sister Zhang originally wanted to stop it, but almost everyone at the scene was taking pictures of Mu Xiyu with their mobile phones. If word got out, even if she didn't arrange it, the impact would probably be bad.

But she thought about it and gave up the idea.

Xiao Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It would be good if he could explain it clearly.

While listening to Mu Xiyu's words, he looked at the scene. What if there was any danger again?

The people at the scene also noticed Xiao Chen. Isn't this the person who saved the Goddess of Shepherd?

Who is he?

Flower protector?

"Hey, goddess, who is that handsome guy next to you?"

Suddenly, a young lady in the front row asked loudly.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled and looked at it, the young lady has very good taste.

Mu Xiyu looked at Xiao Chen and smiled, ignoring the question.

Their relationship is not ready to be made public just yet.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Another young lady shouted.

"You're so handsome. If you're not your boyfriend, then be my boyfriend!"


Xiao Chen's smile became even stronger. Look, how popular my brother is.

A few minutes later, Xiao Chen and others returned to the stadium, but the fans at the scene did not disperse and were still there.

Mu Xiyu is gone, but the police are here.

They clamored for the police to take the guy out and punish him severely.

The middle-aged policeman smiled bitterly, "I can't take him out at all, okay?"

But...severe punishment is certain, and you may even have to feed the fish.

After returning home, Mu Xiyu posted on Weibo again and took a selfie.

When Mu Xiyu spoke just now, many people took videos or even live broadcasted it.

Therefore, netizens on the Internet were relieved after seeing that Mu Xiyu was fine.

Then... they were also shouting that the guy must be severely punished.

"Captain Luo, Sister Zhang, check out these 'knowledgeable' people. I'll go meet that guy and see if there's anyone behind the scenes."

Xiao Chen said to the middle-aged policeman and Sister Zhang.


The two nodded.

"And me?"

Mu Xiyu asked.

"You? You go to the lounge to rest."

Xiao Chen said to Mu Xiyu.

"All right. "

Mu Xiyu nodded.

After the arrangements were made, Xiao Chen came to the room where the man was detained.

His face was already red and swollen.

It seems... I was entertained a lot by Big Fat and the others just now.

"Brother Chen, let's go straight to the execution."

Big Fatty saw Xiao Chen coming in and said.

"When the torture comes, I guarantee he will tell you everything."


The latest situation is that there is a difference of 15,000 from the second place and 7,000 more than the fourth place~~

In a short period of time, we have run out of ammunition and food. It’s so miserable~

Please vote for comfort~

Good night~ (To be continued)

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