Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3019 Xiaobai is serious

"First love? Pull him down quickly."

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye and curled his lips, why did he keep talking more and more exaggeratedly.

"Why didn't you say you were a virgin?"

"Didn't you tell me something for me?"

Bai Ye asked back.

"That's bullshit... Yes, your first love is also bullshit, it's just a bit shameless."

Xiao Chen said.

"Really, I mean the feeling of first love."

Bai Ye said seriously.

"I remember you said the same thing when you saw Silver Fox before, right?"

Xiao Chen mocked.

"Well, it's not the same. Let's not talk about her. She and I have become buddies."

Bai Ye shook his head.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled. No wonder he kept saying before that he wanted to be friends with the mayor's daughter. This was because he had experience.

"Brother Chen, you have to help me."

Bai Ye whispered.

"Young Master Bai, you want me to help you pick up girls?"

Xiao Chen despised it.

"How did you get along?"

"It's different. I'm serious this time... If you weren't here, I might have taken care of it myself, but with you here, I still have to deal with you as a 'love rival'."

Bai Ye is helpless.

"Get out of here, don't be a love rival or a love rival... How about I tell Tan Muyao directly that tonight is your blind date."

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"No, Brother Chen, can we not mention the 'blind date' thing? Even if this fact exists, Mu Yao doesn't know about it! We are here to make friends and fall in love freely."

Bai Ye said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"How do you want me to help you? Tell me?"

"Praise me more, and I will also ask the Faun to help me."

Bai Ye said, looking towards Mu Xiyu and the others.

"Look, how good the conversation is. I think one compliment from the goddess of fauns to me is worth ten of yours."


Xiao Chen also took a look, and sure enough, he had become very familiar. A goddess is no longer a goddess, and a daughter is no longer a daughter.

"Just to praise you?"

"Well, besides...please talk more about your relationship with Lao Tan."

Bai Ye thought of something and said.

"My relationship with Lao Tan? What do you mean?"

Xiao Chen was startled.

"Friendship, please mention the fact that you two are of the same generation. You call Lao Tan 'Brother Tan', and he calls you 'Brother Xiao'. In this case, wouldn't you and Mu Yao be different in terms of seniority? What if it really happened from Lao Tan said she had to call you 'uncle'."

Bai Ye said seriously.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you say that, we are brothers, and she has to call you 'uncle'."

Xiao Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could see that this boy was serious.

"This is different. You have a friendship, but we are separate."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Call me uncle? Haha, don't girls nowadays just like uncles?"

Xiao Chen grinned.

"Those are all superficial. The rich are called uncles, and the poor are called uncles... How could Mu Yao, as the mayor's daughter, be so superficial."

Bai Ye said.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Yes, I will cooperate with you well. I will risk my life to pick up girls for you... Even if you ask me to call you 'Brother Xiaobai', I will call you 'Brother Xiaobai'."


Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen with gratitude on his face.

"Really, as brothers, you have nothing to say."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Hmm, then you shout first and I'll listen. I've wanted to hear it for a long time."

Bai Ye said.

"Believe it or not, I will whip you?"

Xiao Chen stared, he was so excited!


Bai Ye smiled and went to tell the manager that he couldn't just talk and not eat.

Soon, the waiter came in from outside.

"Come, let's order something first and chat while we eat."

Bai Ye greeted.

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Mu Xiyu and the others stopped and sat down one after another.

"Beauty please go first."

Bai Ye smiled, like a gentleman.

Although the waiter had been handed over by the manager, she was still very excited when she saw Mu Xiyu, but she just suppressed it.

After Mu Xiyu and the others ordered their dishes, she finally couldn't hold it back: "Goddess, can you sign your name for me?"

"Haha, of course."

Mu Xiyu smiled and picked up the pen on the table.

"Come on, here are the photos we just took."

Tan Muyao also said that she and Chu Ling were fully prepared today in order to 'chasing stars'. They not only brought pens, but also Polaroids, just to take a group photo so that Mu Xiyu could sign his name.

"Mu Yao, take a group photo for us, and I'll sign my name."

Mu Xiyu saw the waiter's eyes brighten up after seeing the Polaroid and took the initiative to mention it.


Tan Muyao agreed.

The waiter was so excited: "Thank you, goddess."



Tan Muyao handed the photo to Mu Xiyu.

"How about it, is it okay?"

Mu Xiyu asked the waiter.

"Yeah, okay."

The waiter nodded hurriedly.

Mu Xiyu started signing autographs, while Bai Ye opposite him was staring at Tan Muyao who was holding a Polaroid.

"Brother Chen, I really love you... Look, my Mu Yao is so enthusiastic. Unlike those ***, he is not arrogant and domineering."

Bai Ye whispered to Xiao Chen.

"It's normal. In fact, the more powerful people are, the less arrogant and domineering they are. They are very good in both knowledge and knowledge. They will become elites in all walks of life and the mainstay of China! Big families will not cultivate There are too many brain-dead people, but they are only a minority, and they are still relative... The brain-dead people have a broader vision and more knowledge than ordinary people, but they just have personality problems."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Look at Lao Tan, his daughter is just as good."


Bai Ye nodded.

"Brother Chen, it's your turn to order."

Tan Muyao said to Xiao Chen and Bai Ye.


Xiao Chen nodded and ordered a few dishes.

After Bai Ye finished ordering, the waiter went out with the menu and signed photos.

After a few people chatted for a while, Chu Ling looked at Xiao Chen and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, I have heard of you a long time ago, but I have never seen you."

"Huh? Have you heard of me?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Am I that famous?"

"Chu Ling is from the capital."

Tan Muyao reminded.


Xiao Chen was startled and then thought of something.

"Aren't you from the Chu family in the capital?"

"haha, yes."

Chu Ling smiled.

"My fifth uncle often mentions you, and Brother Chen is in the capital... you are definitely famous."

"Fifth Uncle... Madman Chu?"

Xiao Chen was surprised. He didn't expect Chu Ling's background to be so big.

The Chu family, the top family in the capital!

He had been to Chu's house and treated Mr. Chu's health.

But when I think about it again, I feel that it is normal, people flock together... This "like" also refers to status and level.

The emperor and the beggar become good friends, not because they don't exist, but because they are too few.

Therefore, Tan Muyao's best friends are most likely to be of the same level.

Different identities, different levels, different visions... including different three views, it is difficult to become best friends, let alone best friends, just friends.

It will be tiring to get along with them.

For example, Tan Muyao may buy something that is very expensive, but for her, it is normal and just a daily purchase... But for some people, it may be just to show off or show off.

This is often the case not only among friends, but also among couples.

It makes sense that they are well-matched.

"Chu...uncle's niece?"

Bai Ye was also a little surprised. He was just about to say 'Brother Chu', but something came to his mind and he immediately stepped down and called him 'Uncle Chu'.

In this case, he and Chu Ling would be of the same generation, and Chu Ling and Tan Muyao were best friends... Then there would be no problem with their seniority.

It can be said that Mr. Bai worked very hard and risked his life to pick up girls.

"Brother Xiaobai, I also heard Uncle Wu mention you."

Chu Ling looked at Bai Ye and said.


The smile on Bai Ye's face gradually froze.

Damn it!

When he was with Lao Chu, he never did anything good.

Even if he goes to the club every three days, most of the topics are about female celebrities and models!

If Lao Chu mentioned him, he would definitely have nothing nice to say!

He glanced at Tan Muyao. He said that he had admired his name for a long time... Could it be that he had admired him for a long time from Chu Ling or Chu Kuangren?

"Uncle Wu said that he admires you very much and says that you are excellent. There are not many young people who can impress him, and you are one of them."

Chu Ling said again.

"Lao Chu really praised me like this?"

Hearing Chu Ling's words, Bai Ye was very surprised, even more surprised than winning the lottery, with a smile on his face.


Chu Ling nodded.

"Hahaha, Uncle Chu praised me so much, it makes me feel embarrassed."

Bai Ye laughed and murmured in his heart, Old Chu, Old Chu, I really didn’t go to the club with you in vain. Just because you praise me, next time I come to Longhai, I will take you with me~

Next to him, Xiao Chen glanced at Chu Ling a few times, and then at Bai Ye. Damn it, this girl doesn't like Bai Ye anymore, right?

Probably not.

If you really fall in love with it, the fun... would be so great.

"Mu Yao, you and Chu Ling are both studying in the capital now?"

Bai Ye brought the topic to Tan Muyao and asked.

"Yes, Chu Ling and I have known each other since we were young. Later, I followed my dad out and changed schools several times. Then we made an appointment to be together in college."

Tan Muyao smiled.

"which university?"

Bai Ye asked again.

"Kingjo University."

Tan Muyao replied.

"Awesome, it turns out they are two top female students."

Bai Ye gave a thumbs up.

"Brother Xiaobai, don't you know?"

Chu Ling looked at Bai Ye.

"Then if you can tell me the origin of Mu Yao's name, I thought you were already prepared."

"No way, I told you, Uncle Tan protects Mu Yao very well."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"I really like these poems and so on... Haha, I didn't expect to show my shame in front of two female top students."

"When we wait for the concert, let Bai Ye be with you...otherwise Brother Tan won't worry."

Xiao Chen looked at Tan Muyao and Chu Ling and said.


Tan Muyao nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you, Brother Xiaobai."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Bai Ye shook his head, today's meeting looked very good.

"Goddess, when are you going to the capital to hold a concert?"

Chu Ling looked at Mu Xiyu and asked.

"Well, I don't have any ideas for the moment. Long Hai is over. There are still many things to do. Mu Yu Entertainment has just been established..."

Mu Xiyu shook his head.

"I heard that it's quite troublesome in the capital..."

"Trouble? Haha, Brother Chen is out, what's the trouble?"

Chu Ling smiled.

"Brother Chen's reputation in the capital is no less than that of Long Hai... It's no exaggeration to say that almost everyone in the circle has one of his photos."


I shed tears because I didn’t save the manuscript~~~

We agreed to save the manuscript and not write any characters on New Year’s Eve, but the result~~~

Keep writing and try not to code at night~

Please vote for comfort~~

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