Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 304 Returning the Bracelet

\u003c\u003e City Bureau, Criminal Investigation Building, Office.

Han Yifei played with the bracelet in her hand, as if waiting for someone.

In about five or six minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The office door opened, and Du Junru came in from the outside.

At a glance, she saw the bracelet in Han Yifei's hand. She was taken aback for a moment, and then her eyes widened.

An hour ago, Han Yifei called her and said that she had a clue about the bracelet and asked her to come to the city bureau!

She pushed away an important meeting and hurried over!

Although she had doubts about Han Yifei before and thought she knew something, but this time she also felt that there might be some clues!

However, even if there is a clue, she has to pay attention to it. One is that her daughter Youyou keeps talking about it all day, and the other is that this bracelet is one of the family heirlooms of the Tang family.

But what she didn't expect was that the bracelet appeared, and it was in Han Yifei's hand.

Han Yifei noticed Du Junru's reaction, put the bracelet on the table, and pushed it over: "Madam Tang, can you see if this is the bracelet that Yoyo lost?"

Although Han Yifei knew for a long time, this bracelet must be right, because Xiao Chen gave it to her!

However, what should be done is still done. After all, Xiao Chen doesn't want to be exposed, nor does he want to have any entanglements with the Tang family.

Du Junru stepped forward quickly, picked up the bracelet on the table, and looked carefully.

Immediately afterwards, her expression became excited, that's right, it's the Tang family's family heirloom bracelet!

It took a full five minutes for Du Junru to calm down. He sat opposite Han Yifei and looked up at her: "Captain Han, where did you get this bracelet?"

"The bracelet is okay? Is it your Tang family's?"

Han Yifei asked.

"no problem."

Du Junru shook her head. In fact, as soon as she got started, she knew that this bracelet belonged to the Tang family.

"Ah That's good."

"Captain Han, can you tell me, where did you get this bracelet?"

Du Junru looked at Han Yifei and asked.

"Is it important?"

Han Yifei also looked at Du Junru.

"Well, it's very important. In addition to finding the bracelet, we also want to find Yoyo's savior...Captain Han, who did you get this bracelet from? I hope to meet him."

Du Junru said seriously.

Han Yifei shook her head: "I can't see you anymore."

"What? Can't see it? Why?"

Du Junru was stunned.

"Speaking of luck, I got this bracelet from a thief, so it can be regarded as stolen goods...According to him, he stole this bracelet and sold it, but it didn't sell, and then I wore it myself Got it... Hehe, there are too few people who know the heirlooms of your Tang family."

Han Yifei spoke the words she had thought up long ago,

There was a joke at the end.

"Thief? Stolen goods?"

Du Junru was stunned, she didn't believe Han Yifei's words!

The person who can save the two of you and kill Lao Hei and many other masters will let the thief get close? And also stole the bracelet?

how can that be!

"Yes, it was stolen by a thief. Yawen's romance"

Han Yifei didn't expect Du Junru to believe it, anyway, she said, believe it or not.

"Captain Han, can I meet this thief?"

Du Junru thought for a while and said.



"Yes, that thief has been released...Longhai City is so big, it's too difficult to find him again."

Han Yifei had an expression that there was nothing I could do.


"Madam Tang, since the bracelet has been found, let's call it a day!"

"No, the savior must be found."

Hearing Du Junru's words, Han Yifei frowned slightly. Could it be that Xiao Chen's joke at that time would come true?

Is it false that the Tang family is looking for the so-called savior, and is it true to kill people?

As long as the savior is killed, no one will know what happened at that time!

Although, judging from the scene, Yoyo didn't suffer any persecution, but for her who is a direct descendant of the Tang family, it is disgraceful!

Therefore, it is normal for the Tang family to want to suppress this matter and make everyone forget about it!

"Captain Han, I hope you can think of another way. Our Tang family must find this savior and thank him deeply."

Du Junru didn't believe what Han Yifei said, but there was nothing he could do now, and he could only rely on Han Yifei.

In addition, she suspected that Han Yifei knew the savior, and wanted to convey a kind of kindness through her.

"Ms. Tang, I really can't find it... Your Tang family's intelligence network is also very powerful, why don't you go find the thief? Our public security department can't spend a lot of manpower and energy to find it with taxpayers' money. A thief?"

Han Yifei shook his head and said.


Du Junru was speechless, the thieves in Longhai City had eight thousand if not ten thousand, how to find them? Besides, whether the thief did it or not is another story!

"Mrs. Tang, since this bracelet is so precious, it's better not to wear it on a child..."

Han Yifei looked at the bracelet in Du Junru's hand and reminded her.


Du Junru nodded, hesitating in his heart, how about hypnotizing Han Yifei again?

Last time I was disturbed by that young man, this time, it should be successful, right?

Before she could make a decision, the phone on the desk rang.

Han Yifei picked it up, and soon became serious: "I see, control the scene, I'll be right there!"

Afterwards, she hung up the phone, got up, and looked at Du Junru: "Mrs. Tang, I have a case to deal with, so I won't chat with you..."

Du Junru had no choice but to stand up: "Okay, Captain Han will go to work first... Thank you for helping to find the bracelet. The Tang family will not forget this matter."

"No, I'm just doing what a policeman should do."

Han Yifei took out the gun from the drawer and acted vigorously.

Du Junru wrapped the bracelet around her wrist, nodded, and left the office.


Go downstairs, come to the door, the car door opens, and a burly woman comes down from above.

When she saw the bracelet on Du Junru's wrist, she was overjoyed, found it?

"go home!"


The Mercedes-Benz RV slowly drove away from the city bureau, while on the other side, in a police off-road vehicle, Han Yifei glanced at it.

"Anyway, as I said, believe it or not, it's up to you!"

After Han Yifei finished speaking, her expression became serious, she started the car and rushed out of the city bureau.

The Mercedes-Benz Touring Car is fast, but it doesn't feel the slightest bit inside!

Du Junru touched the bracelet, but his mind was not idle.

A bell rang, she took out her phone, and when she saw the name on the screen, she smiled.

"Hello, Yoyo."

"Mommy, did you find the bracelet?"

Tang Youyou's crisp voice sounded, full of expectation.

"Well, Mommy has found the bracelet."


Tang Youyou was overjoyed.

"Well, really, Mommy is on her way back, and you'll see the bracelet soon."

"Then... the big brother who saved me, did Mommy see it?"

Tang Youyou asked in a more expectant tone.

"This... Mummy hasn't seen him yet, but don't worry, Yoyo, you will see him soon."


Tang Youyou was a little disappointed, but if he could find the bracelet, he would definitely be able to find his big brother.

After Du Junru hung up the phone, he said to the burly woman driving: "Speed ​​up."


The Mercedes-Benz car accelerated and sped towards the Tang family.

Half an hour later, the Tang Family Manor appeared in sight.

The Mercedes-Benz saloon car slowed down, and the windows slowly fell.


A whistle sounded, and a black Land Rover drove over.

When passing the Mercedes-Benz RV, he slowed down and showed a young face.

"Fifth Aunt, are you out?"

"Well, you just came back too?"

The rear window fell down, revealing Du Junru's pretty face.

"Yeah, I went out for a walk... Fifth Aunt, do you have any clues for the bracelet?"

asked the youth.

"not yet."

Du Junru didn't tell the truth and shook his head.

"Oh, it's a family heirloom of our Tang family. Although the old man didn't say anything, he was very worried."

The young man sighed deliberately.

"I know, I will find it."

"That's fine, I won't bother Fifth Aunt, now looking for the bracelet is the business of the whole Tang family... I will also help to keep an eye on it."

"it is good."

"Goodbye, Fifth Aunt."

After the young man finished speaking, the glass went up, and with a roar, he drove into Tang's house first.

A few minutes later, Land Rover stopped in front of a villa.

"Master, you are back."

A middle-aged man stepped forward to help open the car door.

"I asked you to check the information, did you find it?"

"It has been found."

"Show it to me!"

After the young man finished speaking, he hurried in.

Soon, a document was placed in front of him.

"Xiao Chen, the head of the security department of Qingcheng Company..."

The young man looked at the information in his hand and frowned. The bracelet is in this guy's hand?

"Where's the girl's information?"


The young man nodded, continued to read, and soon saw Su Xiaomeng's information.

"Su Xiaomeng, a direct member of the Su family, but left the Su family with her sister Su Qing a few years ago... After her sister returned from studying abroad, she founded Qingcheng Company..."

"The Su family?"

The young man was taken aback, why did he get involved with the Su family again?

"Yes, Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng are members of the Su family. For some unknown reason, Su Qing took her sister and left the Su family in a rage... Now it seems that the relationship between the two sisters and the Su family is not the same. Not fixed."

"Where did this Xiao Chen come from?"

The young man thought for a while and asked.

"I don't know for the time being, I haven't found out... However, after he returned to Longhai City, he also did some things."

"What's up?"

"I heard that he is the new backer of the Falcon Church, and he is now fighting against the Flying Eagle Gang."

"Falcon Hall? What is this for?"

The young man was puzzled. As a direct descendant of the Tang family, he had a high vision, so naturally he would not pay attention to a small society.

The middle-aged man told the story from beginning to end.

"Hehe, focusing on the underworld, it's nothing more than that... How about it, at noon tomorrow, you send someone over to make an appointment for me, and say that I will treat him to dinner and make a deal with him."

The young man said mockingly.


The middle-aged man nodded, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the young man's actions. After all, one is a direct descendant of the Tang family, and the other is just a guy who came out of nowhere!


Two chapters today.

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