Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3049 Their Purpose

In about twenty minutes, Amelia Su came back.

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and smiled bitterly. He even told her to drive slowly, but it didn't work at all.

Normally, it would take at least half an hour, but she came back in twenty minutes, which shows her mood.

But thinking about it again, the biggest obsession in her heart now is probably her parents.

Guan Duan Shan is coming, how can she stay calm when her parents are involved.

"Old Guan."

Su Qing first said hello to Guan Duanshan, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

"what happened?"

"Lao Guan, please tell me."

Xiao Chen looked at Guanduan Mountain and said.


Guan Duanshan nodded, took out a folder from the black bag next to him, and handed it to Su Qing.

"You take a look first."


Su Qing took it and looked through it.

"What's this?"

Xiao Chen was curious.

"About those scientific research topics."

Guan Duanshan drank tea and said casually.

"Huh? Then why didn't you show it to me just now?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"Let me show you, do you understand?"

Guan Duanshan pouted.

"If you don't understand, isn't it a waste of time?"


Xiao Chen was speechless, but...it seemed to be the same thing.

"Where did you get this?"

Before she finished reading, Su Qing lost her composure and suddenly raised her head and looked at Guanduan Mountain.

"These were given to me in secret."

Guan Duanshan was very satisfied with Su Qing's reaction and said slowly.

"Someone gave it to you secretly?"

Su Qing's eyes widened when she heard Guan Duanshan's words. This was recorded in her notebook.

Then, she thought of something and opened her eyes wide.

"Are they my parents? Have you met my parents?"

"No, I don't know who it is, but... I guess it's them."

Guan Duanshan looked at Su Qing and said.

"If you hadn't contributed part of the notebook, I wouldn't have been connected."

"Are you sure?"

Xiao Chen also looked at Amelia Su and asked.

"That's for sure."

Su Qing nodded.

"Both of these are recorded in the notebook. One of them... I have also verified it over there, and you have seen it."

"It can't be...the blue potion, right?"

Xiao Chen thought of something.

"Yes, it's the blue potion."

Su Qing nodded.

"Exactly the same."

"You already have the finished product?"

Guan Duanshan was also surprised.

"Here, this is it."

Xiao Chen took out the blue potion from the bone ring and handed it to Guan Duan Shan.

Last time he planned to show off to Guanduanshan, but this old guy was unreasonable and put the latest generation of powerful potion in his pocket.

When he saw this, he stopped taking it out. When he took it out, it was also put in his pocket.

"It says it has a good effect on trauma?"

Guan Duanshan took it and subconsciously put it in his pocket. But when he thought of something, he smiled awkwardly and asked.

"Lao Guan, you are also a giant after all, don't be like this, okay?"

Xiao Chen scorned, then took out the dagger and gently cut his finger open, and blood flowed out.

"Hey, Lao Guan, give me the blue potion."

"You don't have that anymore? I want to take this back."

Guan Guanshan held the blue potion and said.


Xiao Chen was speechless and could only take out another bottle from the bone ring and pour it on the wound.

Soon, the bleeding stopped and scabs became visible to the naked eye.


Guan Duanshan's eyes widened with shock on his face.

"Is the effect okay?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Isn't it much stronger than the medicine we have now?"

"How is it done?"

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen's hand and asked.

"I didn't see clearly, please demonstrate again..."

"What? I'll show you again? Is that right?"

Xiao Chen was even more speechless. What was this old guy thinking?

"Yeah, I didn't see it clearly just now. It's so amazing."

Guan Duan Shan nodded.

"Here, I'll give you the knife. You can cut yourself. Take your time to look and feel...you will find more magic."

Xiao Chen said and handed the dagger to Guan Duanshan.

"If it doesn't work once, just come a few more times. Don't worry about not having enough medicine. I have plenty here. Just take a large amount and manage it!"

"Ahem, let's forget it. This has to be left to professionals. I can feel whatever I want."

Guan Duanshan coughed dryly and looked at Su Qing.

"What's the principle?"

"This... involves a lot of professional knowledge. Let me tell you, I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly."

Su Qing looked at Guanduan Mountain and said.

"You give this to the laboratory, and the researchers can figure it out. But this is the first generation, and mine is the third generation."

"You are already the third generation? You are awesome."

Guan Duanshan gave a compliment.

"You look at other things, and then we'll talk."


Su Qing nodded, suppressed many questions, and continued reading.

"Boy, give me a few more bottles."

Next to him, Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Why don't I give you a bottle? If you don't cut yourself, why should I give it to you?"

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I found out why you have become so stingy! I ask you for some tea, but you are still fussing over it. I ask you for some potion, but you are still fussing over it."

Guan Duanshan glared.

"Still not a man anymore?"

"You are also verifying it, aren't you? It's not like you can't figure it out. I don't care if I need wool."

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Didn't Su Qing just say that it was the first generation, and you are already the third generation? Give me a few bottles of the third generation, and if I go back and let people study it, can't I just go to the third generation?"

Guan Duanshan said seriously.

"What good things are you thinking about, the third generation? Do you know how much energy Su Qing spent on this third generation? How many days and nights, she stayed in the laboratory without sleep!"

Xiao Chen curled his lips.

"How about you? Just say a few words and you want to go?"

"I find that your consciousness is really low, much worse than that of your father-in-law."

Guan Duanshan glared.

"My father-in-law?"

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Yes, isn't Su Shiming your father-in-law? He is willing to take huge risks and send me these scientific research topics. How about you?"

Guanduanshan is heartbroken.

"You still grew up under the red flag. I really despise you."


Xiao Chen couldn't laugh or cry, I still despise you!

"Forget it, why should I bother you? As long as Su Qing agrees, I can get as much as I want..."

Guan Duanshan thought of something and glared at Xiao Chen again.

"Just keep it all."

"No, you allocate so much money to the laboratory every year, and they are just doing it for free? Can't they do anything? If they can't do it, just find someone else to do it."

Xiao Chen pouted.

"Yeah, isn't this why I want to change people? As long as Su Qing agrees, I can make her the general person in charge."

Guan Duan Shan nodded.


What else could Xiao Chen say? He looked at Amelia Su, maybe she would really agree.

Especially Lao Guan... This guy knows how to speak loudly, and he can talk about life and death!

"Old Guan, what else did my father say?"

At this time, Su Qing also finished reading the document, looked up at Guanduan Mountain, and asked.


Guan Duanshan wanted to say something, but noticed Xiao Chen's gaze and coughed again.

Xiao Chen just stared at Guan Duan Shan. If this old guy was so shameless and said, 'Your father said that you should serve the country,' he would immediately turn against him.

"Well, he didn't say anything about that. He just informed me that he went to a place to pick up these things, and said he would contact me later."

After all, Guan Duan Shan didn't dare to say it. He really wanted to say it.

He felt that his words could make Su Qing serve the country.

"He...can you contact him?"

Su Qing's eyes turned red. She was almost certain that the person who had contact with Guanduanshan was her father Su Shiming.

Otherwise, there would be no such scientific research topics in Guanduan Mountain.

There are two or three, and there are none in the notebook.

"Can't reach you, it's a satellite phone."

Guan Duan Shan shook his head.

"But Su Qing, don't worry, next time he contacts me, I will let him contact you."


Su Qing couldn't stop crying. She thought of something.

These days, although she didn't say it, she was worried day and night.

I am worried about my parents’ safety, and even more worried about my parents’ position!

More and more clues are proving that they have not lost their freedom, they are working for the Holy See of Light, and their status seems to be very high.

She didn't dare to tell Xiao Chen for fear of bringing pressure to Xiao Chen.

Even she herself felt unable to face it.

She really wanted to see her parents and ask questions.

But now...she felt a lot more relaxed.

She didn't know why her father handed over these scientific research topics to Guanduanshan, but if he handed them over, that would explain something.

"Xiao Qing, your parents may not be who we guessed. At least in their hearts, they are not with the Holy See of Light."

Xiao Chen looked at Amelia Su and said.


Su Qing nodded vigorously, tears falling down.

"I know, I know, how can they harm people? They won't harm people."

"Maybe they...are in Cao's camp and in Han's heart."

Xiao Chen wiped away Su Qing's tears and said.

"Maybe they... have their own secrets."

"You kid, you really know a lot."

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen and muttered.

"Still hiding it from me."

"Make it seem like you have nothing to hide from me."

Xiao Chen curled his lips.

"Lao Guan, do you think there is a possibility?"

"What's possible?"

Guan Duanshan asked.

"Are Su Qing's parents... borrowing chickens to lay eggs?"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he looked at Su Qing.

"Maybe this statement is not accurate. On the surface, they work for the Holy See of Light, but in fact they have their own purposes."

"I know what you mean, it's possible."

Guan Duan Shan nodded.

"They were very famous when they were abroad. We also contacted them and hoped that they would serve the country... Later, they were willing to return to the country, and that was their intention, but then they suddenly disappeared."

"Lao Guan, tell me the truth. Are you hiding anything from me about Su Qing's parents?"

Xiao Chen looked at Guanduan Mountain and asked.

"The military also had contact with them back then. That person... I also know. Su Qing's parents also mentioned it in their notebook."

"There was contact, but they disappeared later. I can guarantee that we didn't know about this matter."

Guan Duanshan said seriously.

"We also searched for them after they disappeared, but there was still no news."

There will be an update for Monday at 12pm.

Brothers, it’s the weekend and the recommendation tickets will be cleared soon. Why don’t you take a walk?

Ever since I got the extra update on Monday, I feel like time flies by so fast. Whoosh, whoosh, it’s always Monday~

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