Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3128: One cent stumps the heroic man

"This old devil...is shameless."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chen cursed and smiled again.

Speaking of which, he and Old Demon Zhao are quite compatible.

Otherwise, he would not have cured Lao Mo Zhao's hidden illness and allowed him to enter the Great Perfection of Energy Transformation.

"Take advantage of me and wait until you come back to see how I beat you."

Xiao Chen muttered, thought of something, and made another call.


The phone was answered, and a woman's voice came from the receiver.

"Well, Hongyi, how are you doing?"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked.

He hasn't contacted Hong Yi for a while, and now Hong Yi is guarding the island country for him.

What Zhao Lao Mo said just now is more appropriate when applied to Hong Yi.

It was Hong Yi who guarded the country he had conquered, not Mr. Zhao.

"Master, the island country is very good..."

Hongyi replied.

"I'm not asking about the island country, I'm asking about you."

Xiao Chen smiled and lit a cigarette.

"I am fine too."

Hong Yi was surprised, hesitated, and said.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Xiao Chen asked after hearing Hong's tone.

"No, I just didn't expect the master to ask me..."

Hongyi said.


Hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled.

"If nothing happens, please contact Mr. Zhao and come to China with him."

"Going to China? Okay, Master."

Hong Yi was a little excited.

"Well, come here as soon as possible."

Xiao Chen nodded. Hong Yi was loyal to him, so naturally he would not treat Hong Yi badly.

"Yes, Master."

Hongyi responded.

After Xiao Chen chatted with Hongyi for a few more words, he hung up the phone and accelerated the car.

After returning to Xiao's manor, he went to tidy up the place where the medicinal materials were stored.

There are so many people taking medicinal baths, and the medicinal materials obtained last time are basically empty.

After finishing the cleaning, he went to find Qiu Shangxi and Park Jiaren and told them to continue giving them medicinal baths.

"Aren't we running out of medicinal materials?"

Qiu Shangxi asked.

"Yao Lao has obtained another batch of medicinal materials. I'm not worried about you returning to Bang Country, so your strength must be stronger."

Xiao Chen said to Qiu Shangxi.

"Oh, Brother Chen, then write me a list. When you return to Bang Country, I will see if Bang Country has the medicinal materials you need..."

Qiu Shangxi thought of something and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was startled. Not to mention, there were also a lot of medicinal materials in Bang Country.

Not just stick countries, but island countries as well.

After all, they are surrounding China, and Chinese civilization has always had a great influence on them, including traditional Chinese medicine.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Wait until I write to you."


Qiu Shangxi nodded, she was very happy to do something for Xiao Chen.

In the evening, the medicine was delivered, and it was the same person as last time.

"Mr. Xiao, please check and accept it."


Xiao Chen smiled and checked it, it was considered acceptance.

The amount of medicinal materials this time is not as large as last time, but it is normal. The Yao Lao brought a lot of medicinal materials last time, so these are considered to be 'fish that slipped through the net'.

Last time, Yao Lao called his old friends frequently and asked about them.

Now we can transport so much more,

It was beyond Xiao Chen's expectation.

After he accepted it, he wrote a list, took a photo, and sent it to Hong Yi.

He asked Hong Yi to look around the island country and see if he could find some.

"Master, let me ask Jiang Chuan Aoki."

Hongyi replied with a message.


After Xiao Chen replied to the message, he put down the phone.

Now, taking advantage of the rare calm period, try to improve your strength.

Not just himself, but also the people around him.

In this way, you will have more options when changes occur.

The strong can control everything, while the weak... often don't even have the right to choose.

Xiao Chen doesn't want to be such a weak person, so he can only become stronger and continue to become stronger.

Just when he was about to enter the Bone Ring again and read the books in Guiyuan Pavilion, his cell phone rang.

It's an unfamiliar number.


Xiao Chen answered the phone.


A voice came from the receiver.

"Old fortune teller?"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Chen was startled, and then he looked happy. This old guy had contacted him.

"Where did you go? I haven't been able to contact you..."

"Ahem, we went to the far west..."

The old fortune teller coughed dryly and said.

"This old bastard lost his cell phone, his money, everything..."

Another voice came from the other side of the phone.


Xiao Chen was startled again, this was Nie Jingfeng's voice.

"Don't talk nonsense, just use your ears..."

The old fortune teller said angrily.

"Then I'm telling the truth."

Nie Jingfeng replied.

Then...the two people started arguing over there.


Listening to the two people arguing, Xiao Chen looked strange. The old fortune teller lost his phone and money?

No wonder I can’t be contacted!

No, all the money is lost, then whose phone is this?

"Nie Jingfeng, am I starving you?"

Over there, the old fortune teller said angrily.

"Just throw it away, I won't starve you!"


Nie Jingfeng was silent, but he was not hungry.

"What about that, old fortune teller, please stop arguing..."

Xiao Chen spoke.

"What's going on? My phone is lost, my money is lost? What about my bank card?"

"Ahem, it's all gone."

The old fortune teller was a little embarrassed. He didn't want Xiao Chen to know about this, but he didn't expect Nie Jingfeng to tell it.

"Ah? Your bank card is gone too?"

Xiao Chen was speechless.

"What are you doing here? Why did you leave it so cleanly?"

"I just wasn't paying attention..."

"Had someone steal it?"

Xiao Chen was surprised. With the strength of the old fortune teller, could someone steal it? This has to be a master thief, right?

"Of course not. Anyone who comes close to my old man will lose him accidentally..."

said the old fortune teller.

"Then you didn't do the math. Where did you throw it?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"Boy, do you think I'm a god?"

The old fortune teller was angry.

"Well, then your money is gone and your bank card is gone. I can't transfer money to you... By the way, do you have an ID card? Go get another bank card and I'll transfer the money to you."

Xiao Chen thought of something and said.


The old fortune teller replied.


Xiao Chen was helpless, so there was nothing he could do.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about us. Is my old fortune teller still short of money? I just bought this phone."

said the old fortune teller.

"It's true that I just bought it and took me to set up a stall to tell fortunes, but it was quite fun..."

Nie Jingfeng answered again.


Xiao Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was really a penny that could stump a heroic man.

The old fortune teller has no money, so he goes to set up a stall to tell fortunes?

I don’t know who has such a good fortune that an old fortune teller can tell his fortune!

"By the way, you can download WeChat and I can transfer money to you via WeChat..."

Xiao Chen thought of something and said hurriedly.

“Can’t this mobile phone for the elderly, which costs more than 100 yuan, use WeChat?”

The old fortune teller fiddled with it and said.


Xiao Chen was speechless. It seemed that the stall business was not so good, otherwise he would have bought a mobile phone for the elderly.

"Okay, I am an old fortune teller, so I still need money from you? Two days ago, I watched the sky at night and found that the collapse of a world seemed to be related to you... Where have you been? What's going on? "

The old fortune teller mentioned business.


Xiao Chen was surprised. Did the old fortune teller figure it out?

"Did you really figure it out by observing the sky at night? Or did you get the news?"

"It only took more than a day to get out of that far west place. Who am I to listen to... Could it be that your boy has done something big again?"

asked the old fortune teller.

"The land in the far west? What is that place? Is there a secret place?"

Xiao Chen was curious.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm asking you something, what's going on?"

The old fortune teller was angry.

"Oh, I went to Guiyuan Realm..."

Xiao Chen talked about the matter of Guiyuan Realm. The old fortune teller brought it up on his own initiative, so he had to ask carefully.

"In the end, the Guiyuan Realm collapsed, and then the Black Wind Ancestor came to snatch the inheritance of cultivating the gods..."

"Let him take it away? With your strength, that's not possible, right?"

asked the old fortune teller.

"Old fortune teller, do you have any misunderstanding about my strength? How could I take it away? I beat him half to death. If it weren't for Lao Xiao and the others, I would have killed this old ghost."

Xiao Chen said.

"You won't step into the innate realm, will you?"

The old fortune teller was startled when he thought of something.


Xiao Chen replied.

"What happened when we stepped into the innate realm?"

"It's fine if you don't."

The old fortune teller breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiantian realm, there is another way of saying it, is also the foundation building realm. Don't build the foundation casually. Foundation building is different from foundation building... In short, you can't build the foundation before I go back. Even if you feel this way, you have to suppress it. ,understand?"

"Huh? What if I can't suppress it?"

Xiao Chen was curious, it was rare for an old fortune teller to be so serious.

"Can't suppress it? Then even if your account is useless, I will practice another account again..."

The old fortune teller was angry.


Xiao Chen was startled, then realized what he was doing, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"I told you before that innateness is not the pinnacle, but the cornerstone, the starting point. If the cornerstone is not laid well, then how can it be done?"

The old fortune teller said again.

"Okay, I get it."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Old fortune teller, I know everything about Tianwaitian. I also told you what Patriarch Guiyuan left just now. You don't have anything to say to me? Do you want to continue to hide it from me?"

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, the old fortune teller fell silent.

"It's been like this, you won't still hide it from me, right? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been passive..."

Xiao Chen frowned.

"There's no need to hide it from you, but I can't explain it in a few words. I'll tell you when I get back."

The old fortune teller said slowly.

"Recently, I went back."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come back... By the way, let me ask first, is Tianwaitian an enemy or a friend?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"It's not as simple as you think, nor is it as absolute. I'll tell you when I get back."

The old fortune teller replied.

"Okay, what kind of masters will Chu Zhuo's sect send?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"I heard that there are limits in the outer world, and the strongest one is an innate master?"

"Don't be too optimistic. The situation you mentioned was in the past. It may be possible in the future, but it may not be certain."

The old fortune teller was silent for a moment and said slowly.

"The Age of Dharma Ending...is coming to an end."

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