Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3146: Doesn’t the master like it?

"Third uncle, when we met, you were in the late stage of Huajin, and you are still in the late stage of Huajin now."

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Jing and said.

"Have you encountered a bottleneck?"


Ye Jing gritted his teeth.

"Also, I want to emphasize one thing. You and I have not known each other for long."

"Didn't it take too long? It's been a long time, and now I've transformed my energy into perfection."

Xiao Chen said.


Ye Jing regretted that he followed Ye Xian this time.

In fact, he had his own little idea when he came here. He wanted to ask Xiao Chen if he could help him break the bottleneck.

Now, he didn't even want to ask, he was so stimulated.

"Third Uncle, you are here this time. I can't let you come in vain. I must at least let you enter the Great Perfection of Energy Transformation."

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Jing's expression and smiled.

"Huh? Seriously?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ye Jing's eyes widened.

"Isn't it true that you can only make people enter Huajin? Could it be said that Huajin can also improve their strength?"

"Haha, barely okay."

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded.

"Very good."

Ye Jing was overjoyed, and the thought of regret just now disappeared all of a sudden.

If it pricks your heart, just prick your heart. As long as you can break through the realm, it won't matter no matter how pricking your heart is!

"Brother-in-law, is it true? Will that make me a master of energy transformation?"

Ye Xian's eyes lit up and he asked.

"Roughly the same."

Xiao Chen nodded, after all, he still had to help his brother-in-law.

However, he planned to wait until Uncle Qi came with Xiao Yu to talk about it together.

"That's great."

Ye Xian was also excited.

"I'm just saying, if I come, my brother-in-law will definitely not treat me badly... My sister didn't let me come yet, but luckily I came!"

"Where is Ancestor Ye? How are you doing lately?"

Xiao Chen asked Ye Jing what he thought of.

"And Mr. Ye, are they all good?"

"Well, his old man returned to the Ye family some time ago and is currently in retreat."

Ye Jing nodded.

"As for the eldest brother, he is now in charge of the Ye family again."

"Oh? Didn't Mr. Ye retreat?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Zi Yi is gone. This kid is useless. Many things will fall on the head of the family. But the head of the family is also a person and cannot take care of the ancient martial arts world at the same time, so my eldest brother can only take care of it."

Ye Jing explained.

"Fortunately, in today's ancient martial arts world, there is nothing major, so it's quite easy."

"Well, why didn't you come together this time?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Haha, he said he would come and take a look when he has time."

Ye Jing smiled.

"You and Zi Yi, when you have time, you can go back and see him! Although there is something about the Dragon Palace, my eldest brother really loves Zi Yi."

"I know."

Xiao Chen nodded. Old Man Ye also chose him later.

Of course, this has a lot to do with his excellence. Part of the reason is that he loves his granddaughter and cannot be cruel.

If he could really be cruel, he wouldn't be able to wait for him to go to Ye's house.

Therefore, Xiao Chen never really blamed Old Man Ye.

While they were chatting, Ye Ziyi came back.

"Third uncle."

Ye Ziyi first said hello to Ye Jing, and then looked at Ye Xian.

"Why did you come so soon?"

"Sister, don't I miss you, so I can't wait to come and see you."

Ye Xian said.

"Huh, really?"

Ye Ziyi sneered and said it nicely.

"Stop coaxing your sister with these words. I'm used to coaxing her. She doesn't even believe what you say."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"No way, every sentence comes from the heart."

Ye Xian said hurriedly.

"Sister, I really miss you. Since you left, I can't eat well and can't sleep. Haven't you noticed that I've lost weight?"

"Where have you lost weight? I see you have gained a lot of weight."

Ye Ziyi was not angry.

"Huh? No, this is puffiness..."

Ye Xian said seriously.


Ye Ziyi glared at him, why is this kid even poorer than before.

"Third uncle, did you come here this time? Did grandpa say anything?"

"It's nothing, just letting me see if you are doing well in Longhai...if not, you can always go back to Ye's house."

Ye Jing glanced at Xiao Chen and said.

"Hey, third uncle, did you say this to me on purpose?"

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Jing and asked.

"Why isn't it good? Then go back to Ye's house? Ask Zi Yi if she is okay here? Zi Yi will regain her strength immediately."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ye Jing was startled, then felt it carefully and showed surprise.

He didn't pay attention just now, but now he pays attention, right?

"Sister, are you almost exhausted?"

Ye Xian was also shocked.

"Holy crap, what kind of speed is this?"

"I practice every day, what about you? You don't learn and have no skills all day long. Even if you don't take care of the Ye family well, you don't practice well either."

Ye Ziyi lectured.

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Ziyi, are you practicing every day?

However, he didn't reveal it either.

"Xiao Chen, when will I reach the peak of my late-stage strength?"

Ye Jing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

He couldn't wait.

Even Ye Ziyi, who couldn't practice before, is now strong... He is really stimulated!

At the same time, I’m also looking forward to it.

He knew that Ye Ziyi's ability to gain strength so quickly must be closely related to Xiao Chen.

Since Xiao Chen can make Ye Ziyi stronger, he can definitely make him stronger as well.

"Haha, third uncle, don't worry."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"You're not leaving in the afternoon, are you? Stay a few more days. Anyway, there will be nothing wrong when you go back..."


Ye Jing agreed.

When Xiao Chen saw Ye Jing's promise, his smile became even brighter. If he really wanted to fight the Supreme Palace, there would be one more thug!

Although Ye Jing is only in the late stage of Huajin, he is still very powerful in the ancient martial arts world.

There won’t be many in the later stages of energy transformation in the Supreme Palace!

Therefore, if there is one more late-stage transformation, there will be more thugs.

Furthermore, he can let Ye Jing break another small level, which is the peak of the late stage of Huajin!

Ye Jing looked at Xiao Chen's smile and felt that something was not right. This kid was full of bad ideas. He couldn't be making plans for himself, right?

But what can he think of?

A bell rang.

Xiao Chen picked it up and took a look. Ye Jing and Ye Xian were here. He had forgotten about Hong Yi.

Hong Yi is still waiting for him.

"Zi Yi, you take Third Uncle and Xiao Xian around the manor and arrange accommodation for them. I'll go to Hong Yi's place."

Xiao Chen didn't answer the phone, hung up directly and said.

"By the way, let's arrange a table properly. We will give the third uncle and Xiaoxian a clean break, and welcome them to Longhai."


Ye Ziyi nodded.

"There will be guests coming in the afternoon. Let's have a lively time in the evening."

Xiao Chen said again.

"I understand, go and do your work."

Ye Ziyi nodded.

"Third uncle, Xiaoxian, let's go. I'll arrange a place for you first."


Ye Jing nodded.

"Brother-in-law, don't forget to make me stronger too."

Ye Xian reminded.

"Do not worry."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Xiao Yu will be here in the past two days. When he comes, you will come together."


Hearing this, Ye Xian also smiled.

Later, Ye Ziyi left with Ye Jing and Ye Xian, while Xiao Chen went to find Hong Yi.

When he arrived at Hongyi's residence, he found that she was wearing a kimono.

"Master, you are here."

Hongyi looked at Xiao Chen and smiled.

"Why are you wearing a kimono?"

Xiao Chen was surprised, don't tell me, he has a different style.

"Master, don't you like it? I remember that master said that he likes to see me wearing a kimono..."

Hongyi said.

"Yes, I like it."

Xiao Chen smiled and sat down.

"Come, sit down first, let's talk."


Hong nodded and went to make a cup of tea before sitting next to Xiao Chen.

"Everything is stable over there in Songjihui. Do you want to come to China?"

Xiao Chen asked.

Before, he asked Hong Yi to come to China, but Hong Yi refused.

She said it would be better if she was in an island country.

"This...Master, won't you go to the island country again?"

Hongyi asked.

"I will go. I have an agreement with Amaterasu. When I step into the innate world, I will go to the island country again."

Xiao Chen said.

"Then when the time comes... I will also leave the island country and come back with my master."

Hongyi looked at him and said seriously.


Seeing Hong Yi say this, Xiao Chen nodded.

"By the way, where's Heiyi?"

"Kuroichi went to Prince Asahito, and the news that Egawa Aoki got was actually from Kuroiichi, and he also told me."

Hongyi replied.

"Oh? Where is he following Prince Xuren now?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Well, Heiyi and I used to be from Asuka. Prince Xuren was the giant of Asuka. Now that Prince Xuren is short of manpower, Heiyi went and gained his trust... However, Prince Xuren should know that Heiyi First, he is the master, and trusting him should also have something to do with this."

Hongyi said.

"Originally, the gangster Egawa Aoki managed the Songji Club. Now that Songji Club has nothing to do, he will no longer stay in the Songji Club."


Xiao Chen nodded.

"It's good that he is with Prince Xuren, maybe he can be of some use... By the way, where is Qianye Xun? Didn't he show up later?"

He was definitely impressed by Qian Yexun. The first innate master he saw was very powerful.

From Xiao Chen's point of view at that time, he was invincible!

The few of them faced off against Qian Yexun, and they were barely able to fight!

"Chinohiro seems to have gone to Mount Amaterasu."

Hong Yi thought about it and was not sure. After all, that level was too far away from her.

"Went to Amaterasu Mountain?"

Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"It seems that I can see him again next time I go."

After some small talk, Xiao Chen had a thorough understanding of the situation on the island country.

Although there are many people on the island country, the one he trusts the most is naturally Hong Yi.

"If you come this time, please stay a little longer."

Xiao Chen looked at Hong Yi and said.

"Just right, it can also improve your strength."

"Okay, I will stay with the master and serve him."

Hong nodded, stood up, came behind Xiao Chen, and gently squeezed his shoulders.

She often did this when she was in the island country.

Later, Xiao Chen got used to it.

Xiao Chen smiled, took her hand, and squeezed it gently: "You know, after I came back, I wasn't used to being without you for a while..."

"Haha, I will always serve my master."

Hongyi bent down, lay next to Xiao Chen's ear, and whispered softly.


What I owe, I will make up for it first. I hope I won’t owe you any more on Monday~~~

Good night.

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