Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3181 A powerful camp

In the Supreme Palace, cold murderous intent spreads.

A white-haired old man looked at the head in the box, his murderous intent getting stronger and stronger.

"Who killed him!"

The old man spoke coldly and looked at the old palace master Chu Li.

"Xiao Chen."

Chu Li said in a deep voice.

"Not only Chu Zhuo, Elder He also died in his hands."

"Xiao Chen!"

The old man's face was filled with murderous intent, and his white hair stood out, full of murderous intent.

"Master, our junior brother was killed, and we must avenge him."

A man in his forties, with a bit of sadness.

"Yes, Master, we cannot let our junior brother die like this."

Another man also answered.

They are brothers with Chu Zhuo, and both are disciples of the white-haired old man.

Moreover, the relationship with Chu Zhuo is very good.

They are all people from Tianwaitian and grew up in Tianwaitian.

This world is unfamiliar to them.

As for their understanding of this world, Chu Zhuo told them more.

When leaving Tianwaitian, Chu Zhuo also said that he would invite them to the Supreme Palace as guests.

Unexpectedly, when they met again, Chu Zhuo was dead, with only one head left!

"Who is this Xiao Chen? He first ruined the affairs of Guiyuan Realm, and then killed Junior Brother He and Junior Brother Chu..."

Next to him, a thin old man looked at the old palace master Chu Li and asked.

"A monstrous genius emerged from nowhere. He is less than thirty years old, but he has innate fighting power..."

Chu Li said slowly.


Hearing Chu Li's words, the older generation were fine. They had already heard Chu Zhuo's report, so they were not surprised.

But a few relatively young ones had their eyes widened.

Less than thirty years old, but with innate fighting ability?

How can this be!

Even if he is placed in the outer world, he is still considered a top genius!

The most important thing is that this is not a paradise!

They have never been to this world, and they feel unfamiliar to this world, let alone have any sense of belonging.

In their perception, this world is inferior and far inferior to the existence of Tianwaitian!

And after they came out, they also felt that the spiritual energy here was almost exhausted, which was completely different from the sky outside the sky.

Some of the desolate places in Tianwaitian may be better than here.

In such an environment, how could it be possible to enter the innate realm before the age of thirty!

"Less than thirty years old, possesses innate combat power..."

The thin old man narrowed his eyes and flashed his eyes.

After He Dingshan died and Guiyuanjie failed, Chu Zhuo used special means to report the matter back to Tianwaitian.

When they learned about it, they were really surprised.

They couldn't believe that such a genius would emerge in the outside world.

They even thought that Chu Zhuo wanted to shirk responsibility, so he said this.

Now that I heard Chu Li say the same thing, it was true.

"No matter what his strength is, he must die."

The white-haired old man's voice was cold.

"Killing my disciple, this revenge must be avenged."

"Everyone, please take a seat first, let's sit down and talk."

Chu Li spoke, then looked at Chu Zhong and winked.

Chu Zhong nodded and asked someone to take down the box with the head.

The reason why he was not buried was because he wanted Xiao Chen's head to pay homage to his son!

In addition, he also wanted to get Chu Zhuo's body back, and he couldn't let him die like this and be buried without a complete body.

Everyone in Tianwaitian took their seats one after another.

The younger generation, except for Chu Zhuo's two senior brothers, didn't have much grief.

After all, the Tianji Sect is very big, and if they don’t share the same master, they might not be too familiar with each other.

Furthermore, there is competition among their disciples.

They were more interested in Xiao Chen, who was less than thirty years old but had innate fighting ability.

Their Tianji sect also has Xiantian who is less than thirty years old, but there are only three of them.

Three people may sound like a lot, but among the younger generation of Tianji Sect, there are thousands of them.

Picking one out of a thousand is no exaggeration.

What's more, that is the environment of Tianwaitian, not this world that is not even as good as the desolate land of Tianwaitian!

In their opinion, given this environment, if you want to step into the innate realm before the age of thirty, you have to at least... be one in a million, right?

Such a comparison is a bit scary.

Perhaps among the younger generation of their Tianji Sect, there is only one person who can compare with Xiao Chen!

The strongest monster of the younger generation, at the age of twenty-five, entered the Xiantian realm, defeated two Xiantian brothers in a row, and was known as the 'number one'.

"This Xiao Chen is from the Xiao family, one of the twelve aristocratic families..."

After everyone was seated, Chu Li started to introduce.

He didn't know much about Xiao Chen before, and he had never even heard of the name.

Xiao Chen really came into Xiantian's sight, not to destroy the Duanmu family, but to destroy the Dragon Palace.

As an innate powerhouse, Chu Li spends most of his time practicing.

He doesn't care about the affairs of the Supreme Palace.

Therefore, he doesn't care whether the Duanmu family is destroyed or not.

But the Dragon Palace is different. The old Dragon King is a more powerful being than him, and the overall strength of the Dragon Palace is also higher than that of the Supreme Palace.

Chu Zhong told him about the destruction of the Dragon Palace.

He naturally knew about the death of the old Dragon King.

However, Xiao Chen at this time only surprised Chu Li. He did not believe that Xiao Chen killed the old Dragon King alone.

impossible things.

Some things happened later that made him pay attention to Xiao Chen.

Especially after returning to the Yuan Realm this time, Xiao Chen fought with the Black Wind Ancestor. The innate strong men no longer regarded Xiao Chen as a younger generation, but treated him as an equal!

After the Supreme Elder came back, he also told him in detail about Xiao Chen's combat prowess.

Xiao Chen is very strong.

He also knew everything about Xiao Chen's origins, including that Xiao Chen was the grandson of an old fortune teller.

If he wasn't already an enemy, he wouldn't want to provoke the old fortune teller.

But now, the "Gui Yuan Shen Jue" and the possible existence of the Xuanyuan Sword inherited by Emperor Xuanyuan made him willing to take risks.

The most important thing is that there is something happening in the sky, and he must do something.

He knows very well that it is not just him, as there is movement in the sky, more and more innates will appear and make various responses.

"Old fortune teller?"

After listening to Chu Li's introduction to Xiao Chen, the thin old man frowned.

"He's actually still alive?"

"Lao Liu, do you know him?"

The white-haired old man looked at the thin old man and asked.


The thin old man nodded.

"When I was traveling in this world when I was out of the sky, I heard about... No, if he is still alive, how old is he?"

"Not sure."

Chu Li shook his head. When he was walking around the world, his reputation as the "Old God" who told fortunes was as high as the sun.

So, this is an old monster.

After many years, they have grown old, but the old fortune teller is still as old as ever.

They even suspect that after many years, when they die, the old fortune teller will still look the same.

"In other words, Xiao Chen was trained by an old fortune teller?"

The thin old man frowned.

"If it's really him, then it seems... makes sense."

"No matter who trained him, he should die if he kills my disciple."

The white-haired old man's voice was cold.

"What's more, he also broke the rules and robbed things in the Guiyuan Realm... If this matter is not settled, what will the many forces in Tianwaitian think of our Tianji Sect?"

Hearing what the white-haired old man said, the lean old man nodded: "That's true."

"Even if he doesn't rob the things in Guiyuan Realm or kill Chu Zhuo, he will still die."

Suddenly, an old man with triangular eyes said coldly next to him.

His triangular eyes exuded a cold light.

Chu Li glanced at the old man with triangular eyes. He didn't recognize him either, but... it gave him a very dangerous feeling.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you to Brother Chu. This is Elder Wu of our Tianji Sect and the deputy leader of our Law Enforcement Hall."

The thin old man introduced.

"Chu has met Elder Wu."

Chu Li arched his hands.


Elder Wu nodded and said hello.

"If such a monster appears in this world, even if he doesn't do anything, he will still die... If he really has to wait for it to grow up, it will eventually become a big problem!"

Hearing what Elder Wu said, the white-haired old man nodded, and he agreed with it.

The thin old man remained silent, while a fat old man next to him grinned: "Old Wu, it's not that serious, is it? What kind of evildoers can come out of this world... The Age of Dharma End is not over yet, and it is impossible to be innate."

"This is Elder Lu."

The thin old man introduced another sentence.

"Chu has met Elder Lu."

Chu Li looked at the old fat man and cupped his hands.

Then, he looked at a man who looked to be in his fifties.

This one is also an innate powerhouse!

This time the Tianji Sect dispatched five innate experts!

More than he imagined.

He originally thought there would only be about three, four at most.

Unexpectedly, it was five.

Even though there is only one more person, one innate strong person can change too many things.

Except for these five innate experts, four of the remaining eight people are half-step innate!

Four half-step innates are barely worth two innates.

Therefore, the camp that Tianji sent out this time is not unpowerful.

Not to mention that it can sweep through any force in the ancient martial arts world, it can also sweep through most forces.

At least, he can easily destroy his supreme palace!

This is the strength of Tianji Sect.

Anyone who goes out casually can destroy his supreme palace.

Seeing the whole thing at a glance shows how powerful Tianji Sect and Tianwaitian are.

The gap between the ancient martial arts world and Tianwai Tian is not even a little bit.

There's no comparison at all.

"It is precisely because he has not stepped into the innate realm that it is even more terrifying! He is not innate, but he has innate combat power. How evil is this? Furthermore, as far as I know, a new innate has been born in the ancient martial arts world. "

The thin old man said slowly.

"Is there a new innate?"

Hearing the words of the thin old man, the fat old man was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

"Can you enter Xiantian without cultivating the gods? It's impossible. This world hasn't recovered to that point yet, right?"

"it is true."

Chu Li spoke, the news that Nie Jingfeng entered the Xiantian realm had spread throughout the ancient martial arts world.

It was even more sensational than Xiao Chen's killing of the innate strong man.

Xiao Chen's killing of Xiantian was at best his business, but Nie Jingfeng's entry into Xiantian was the whole ancient martial arts world's business.

Half a step of innate talent in the ancient martial arts world is not a rare thing, but they are all in disappointment, even despair.

And Nie Jingfeng entered Xiantian, giving everyone hope!

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