Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3398 I heard you are very strong

In the middle of the morning, many people came to the Fire Temple.

Although the major forces from all parties have not yet arrived, the second-, third-rate, and inferior forces have arrived long ago.

Today's Fire Temple seems to be in decline, but everyone knows that the rise of the Fire Temple is unstoppable.

Not to mention that there is a God of Fire in the Fire Temple, but just to talk about Xiao Chen, who dares to ignore it?

Even though Xiao Chen has no direct relationship with the Fire God Temple, his relationship with the new Fire God Allen is extraordinary.

For several consecutive battles, Xiao Chen fought for Allen!

These few battles established Xiao Chen's status as the strongest person in the supernatural world.

Among the five major temples, no one is Xiao Chen's opponent.

The same cannot be said for the helmsmen of great forces such as the Holy War Heaven!

In addition, after the death of the God of Thunder, the new God of Thunder, the Chinese thunder power user, was also found by Xiao Chen.

Then the relationship between the Thunder Temple and the Fire Temple, including the Wind Temple, must be very close.

In just two days, there were already rumors that the God of Wind was planning to retire and let the Son of the Wind become the new God of Wind.

As a result, the three major temples are closely connected, and with the addition of the God of Electricity and the God of Rain, the relationship between the five major temples is more stable than before.

Therefore, today the Fire Temple holds a ceremony, Allen takes over, and no one in the supernatural world will deny him face.

Even the Holy War Heaven, which competes with the five major temples, will come to support him.

Carbone is already here, and the bosses of the other two parts are said to have also arrived at Vulcan Island, but they haven't come to the Fire Temple yet.

Li Yang and Hong Wei came over to help. They couldn't get involved in big battles or anything like that, but they could still be of some help in today's matter.

Furthermore, there are several Chinese fire power users who also plan to join the Fire Temple.

In the past, they were not qualified to join. After all, not everyone can enter the Fire Temple. This is considered the highest palace of fire powers.

Now that they are qualified, Allen personally agreed to let them join the Fire Temple and focus on training!

Allen does this,

The first is to help Chinese superpowers, and the second is to build his own team.

After all, to the original people of the Fire Temple, he was also an outsider.

Even if he becomes the God of Fire, it will not be that easy to completely control the Fire God Temple.

There may be many people who are dissatisfied. Even if they dare not say anything openly, they can't say anything secretly.

In this case, it is necessary to add fresh blood to the Fire Temple, kill some 'dogs', and then build your own team!

"Brother Chen."

Li Yang, Hong Wei and others greeted Xiao Chen one after another.

"Haha, you're here so early."

Xiao Chen smiled and looked behind them. There were many Chinese faces.

Some of them have been drunk before and some have been seen before, while some are unfamiliar and have never been seen before.

"Brother Chen, these are all Chinese superpowers."

Li Yang introduced.

"Hurry up and say hello."

"Hello, Mr. Xiao."

The Chinese superpowers spoke one after another. Most of them had seen how powerful Xiao Chen was, and they all treated him respectfully.


Xiao Chen nodded and said hello.

"Brother Chen, is there anything I can do to help you? Don't be polite to us."

Hong Wei asked.

"Haha, you have to ask Allen about this."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Didn't you see him when you came in just now?"


Hong Wei shook his head.

"I haven't seen him yet, and I don't know where he went."

As soon as Xiao Chen finished speaking, he saw Allen appear with Ali.

"Damn it, Allen, are you on top or on a blind date today?"

Bai Ye looked at Allen coming over and couldn't help shouting.

"Ahem, of course I'm on top."

Allen coughed dryly, then smiled broadly.

"How is it? Isn't it handsome?"

"Yeah, very handsome."

Xiao Chen nodded and saw Allen in front of him, wearing a red robe, with a cluster of embroidered flames on his chest, which was very lifelike.

On the back of his red robe, there is a large embroidered flame, burning brightly.

"After all, today is a formal occasion, so of course it has to be formal."

Allen laughed.

"What about you? Do you want to get one for you too? It's very cool."

"No, you are the God of Fire, not us."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

After chatting for a while, Hong Wei asked if there was anything they needed help with.

Allen was not polite, asking them to help would also deepen their friendship with each other. If they were not allowed to help, they might feel a sense of distance.

It's fine on weekdays, but for today's scene, the manpower of the Fire Temple is a bit short.

With Li Yang and the others helping, that would be just right.

In about ten minutes, the Wind God and the Rain God came together, bringing many people with them.

The five major temples are integrated into one. In today's scene, they are naturally here to help Allen and the Fire Temple.

Xiao Chen glanced around and didn't find Adolphus.

Soon, the Electric God also brought people.

The God of Electricity nodded with the God of Wind and God of Rain, but did not communicate much.

The death of Thor made them feel a little separated.

After all, the God of Lightning is considered to be on the side of the God of Thunder, but he suddenly switched sides, making the God of Wind and God of Rain even more wary of him.

Who dares to get too close to such a person?

You might turn around and sell the person.

They didn't show it openly, but that didn't mean they didn't have some ideas in their hearts.

The people from the Thunder Temple finally arrived, led by Boris.

They have now accepted their fate, the God of Thunder is dead, and a new God of Thunder will take over.

At least, these people recognized the new Thor and did not dare to think otherwise.

As the five major temples gathered together, people from some big forces also arrived one after another.

In addition to Allen greeting some people, Xiao Chen was also surrounded by many people.

"Is this young Chinese man really that strong?"

"Of course, even if the God of Thunder and the God of Electricity attack together, they can't do anything to him. None of those mysterious guys are weaker than the God of Thunder or the God of Electricity. Even if there are three or four of them, he can still hold on."

"I really can't tell, is he a space superpower?"

"I don't know, whether he is or not, he is the strongest."


Various discussions also sounded from the surroundings.

Even if he didn't come forward, he would still look at Xiao Chen from a distance.

Soon, Xiao Chen became the focus of the audience, and the glances made him feel a little awkward.

"The Holy War has arrived!"

Outside, there was an announcement.

"Lao Huo, let's go greet him."

Xiao Chen said to Allen, after all, Carbone helped before.

Although it is said that Carbone has his own purpose, it is also true that he is helping.


Allen nodded. Any one of the three Holy Wars is now more powerful than the Fire Temple.

When they reached the door, they saw a group of people coming in.

The first person was none other than Carbone.

Next to him, there are two foreign men.

One of them is not tall and looks quite thin.

The other person is tall and tall. Although he is not as good as Li Hanhou, he is not much different.

Even among foreigners, he stands out.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao."

When Carbon saw Xiao Chen coming out, he smiled and took two quick steps.

Xiao Chen smiled, shook hands with Carbone, and exchanged a few words.

"Come on, Mr. Xiao, Allen, let me introduce to you, David from the war department, and Moore from the sky department."

"Congratulations, Alan."

The thin man first said hello to Allen, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

"Mr. Xiao's name is like thunder."


Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard that More spoke fluent Chinese.

"Haha, Mr. Moore speaks Chinese so well?"

"I like the ancient country of China very much and have been there several times."

Maul nodded.

"I heard you are very strong."

Suddenly, the burly man next to him spoke.

"Haha, not bad."

Xiao Chen was startled, then smiled.

"I want to try to see how strong you are."

The burly man said.

"Xiao, David has a nickname, 'God of War'. He likes to fight with people the most."

Allen whispered.

After hearing Allen's words, Xiao Chen looked at the burly man and smiled. He turned out to be a fighting maniac. No wonder he didn't feel any hostility.

"Okay, how about waiting until the afternoon?"

Xiao Chen nodded and agreed.

"No, right now."

The burly man shook his head and said.


Carbone spoke, wanting to stop him.

"Haha, it's nothing."

Xiao Chen waved his hand and looked at the burly man.

"Since you want to fight, then I'll play with you."


The burly man burst out with strong fighting spirit, and his body instantly became stronger.

If he was not as tall as Li Hanhou just now, now he is half a head taller than Li Hanhou.

The huge muscles burst his clothes in an instant.

"Is it another strengthening power?"

Xiao Chen took a few steps back, running the 'Chaos Art', shaking his Dantian slightly, and gathering the power of heaven and earth on his fists.

The actions of the two people also made the scene boiling.

David, the god of war from the Holy War Heaven, wants to fight Xiao Chen?

This is definitely a strong showdown.

You know, David, the God of War, is stronger than Isaiah of the Sea of ​​Glory!

"Today is Allen's big day. It wouldn't be nice for you and me to fight."

Xiao Chen looked at David and said.

"How about you take a punch from me. If you can catch it, I'll have a good fight with you. If you can't catch it, we'll give up. How about that?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, David frowned slightly, what do you mean?

Who do you look down on?

Could it be that David, the God of War, couldn't even catch a punch?

How can it be!

There were also discussions around him. Although Xiao Chen had already shown his strong combat power, he was a bit crazy to say so.

After all, David, the god of war, is one of the strongest people in the supernatural world...

"David, Mr. Xiao's idea is good, accept it."

Carbon also raised his eyebrows and said to David.


David clenched his fist and looked down at Xiao Chen.

"I hope your punch will not disappoint me...otherwise, I will beat you up."

"Haha, okay, then get ready."

Xiao Chen smiled and slowly raised his right fist.

"Just this punch."

David frowned. Although he felt unhappy, he didn't care. After all, Xiao Chen's record was there.

However, he could accept his defeat at the hands of Xiao Chen, but he couldn't accept that he couldn't even catch Xiao Chen's punch.

"bring it on!"

David said coldly that he had already made up his mind to beat Xiao Chen violently after this punch!


Xiao Chen, who was originally motionless, exerted force under his feet, and the ground cracked instantly.

He jumped up, and then punched out. Latest website:

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