Afterwards, the three of them left the messy hall.

"Amos, tell Leon to ask Xiaobai to come back...I'll go back and take a shower and change clothes."

Xiao Chen said to Amos.


Amos nodded and then apologized.

"Then I'll leave first. I'll inform the clan elder... Xiao Chen, I'm sorry."

"Haha, we are all brothers, why are you talking about this?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Besides, it was the old patriarch who had my mind set, not you."

"No matter what, you are here for me."

Amos said seriously.

"No, I came here for the opportunity of my ancestral land."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Amos was stunned.

"Hahaha, go and do your business."

Xiao Chen laughed and walked towards his residence.

Amos looked at Xiao Chen's back and smiled. He knew that Xiao Chen said that on purpose.

Thinking of something, his smile disappeared again. Next, he was busy!

The old patriarch is a demon wolf, and the wolf god wants to destroy the werewolf clan...

Amos sighed and turned to leave.

Soon, Xiao Chen returned to the room and found that the two female werewolves were not there.

But think about it, if he wants to stay in the ancestral land for a few days, why are they here.

Xiao Chen took off his clothes, entered the bathroom, and started taking a shower.

Not to mention, I'm used to being served by others, but it's a bit uncomfortable to not have anyone to serve me for a while.

"Sure enough, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality."

Xiao Chen muttered, and after a brief shower, he left the room.

Then, he took out the blue potion and poured it on the wound.

After fighting continuously, he also suffered from external injuries.

Not only were there external injuries, but he also had several broken ribs.

"You broke my ribs, and I'll wait until I break your wolf legs."

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth, then took out another bottle of pills, poured out a few pills, and swallowed them.

Just when he was about to heal his wounds, he suddenly thought of something, widened his eyes, and forgot about it.

"You have to go and see."

Xiao Chen hurriedly put on his clothes, hurriedly left the room and walked outside the Wolf King's palace.

When he came out and found that the dinosaur was still lying there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't run away, or he didn't show his bestiality, so he did something.

When Dinosaur saw Xiao Chen, his big eyes lit up and he stood up.


Xiao Chen smiled when he saw the dinosaur's movements. This guy was really familiar with him!

Was your previous surrender serious?


The dinosaur roared and moved its big head closer to Xiao Chen.

"Little Fear, how is the world outside?"

Xiao Chen smiled and patted the dinosaur's big head.

Although he knew that the dinosaur couldn't understand, it didn't matter, just take your time.

This guy can be so powerful and his IQ is not low.

It's just that I have been in the woods before and haven't communicated with anyone.

After a while, you will be able to communicate easily.

Dogs can be trained, let alone this smarter and more powerful dinosaur!

"I'll call you Xiaofear from now on... But you're really a bit troublesome for your size."

Xiao Chen had a headache looking at the dinosaur, which was about the same size as an elephant. How could he take it back?

And he knows that this is just the normal state of this guy. Once the battle becomes violent, his body will grow even bigger.

Just like the werewolf's werewolf transformation, it also has some changes.

"Um, can you be smaller?"

Xiao Chen asked.


The dinosaur lowered its head and did not respond. It looked very docile and no longer as ferocious as before.


Xiao Chen smiled, this guy didn't understand at all!

It's rare to be so docile now.

He has seen this guy's violent appearance!

Even if he didn't need the Wolf King's Order, it would be a bit difficult to deal with this guy.

"It's a pity that we didn't tame the flying pig, otherwise it would be quite cool to fly on that guy... Well, just riding a pig seems a bit unimpressive.


Xiao Chen thought of the flying pig and muttered.


From a distance, a 'fuck' came.

Xiao Chen didn't even need to look back. Just by hearing this 'f*ck', he knew that Bai Ye was back.

"Brother Chen, what kind of monster is this? A dinosaur?"

Bai Ye came over, looking at the dinosaur with wide eyes.

"Well, almost."

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye and felt completely relieved.


David said hello to Xiao Chen, his eyes fell on the dinosaur, and he was a little shocked.

He is a strong man, so he can naturally feel the pressure this dinosaur brings to him.

This dinosaur can definitely threaten him, it is very strong!

"Isn't this the end of the forest?"

Leon also came and looked at the dinosaur and recognized it.

When he went to practice before, he saw it from a distance, and then ran away.

He was well aware of the horror of this monster, so he was most shocked.

Especially seeing how docile this monster looked at this time, his eyes almost popped out.

"Well, that's it."

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded.


The dinosaur roared, and it looked at the three Davids... very warily, with a bit of aggression.

If Xiao Chen hadn't been there, it might have attacked.

In the past, not many people could get close to it in the forest.

"Little Fear, don't scream. Come, let me introduce you to some new friends."

Xiao Chen noticed the change in the dinosaur's aura, patted its head and said.

Following Xiao Chen's movements, the dinosaur lowered its head and became less aggressive.


Another 'fuck', but this time it was not Bai Ye who said it, but Leon.

He also learned it.

He feels that these two words are very good and perfect, especially sometimes, they can perfectly express what he wants to express...

Leon looked at the dinosaur that had become docile again and was very surprised.

"Xiao Chen, you... have you conquered it?"

Leon asked, thinking of something.

"Haha, that's right. It surrendered on its own initiative."

Xiao Chen smiled, he didn't do anything at that time, he just made the dinosaur strong and weak... he probably scared the big guy.


Leon was stunned, and then squeezed out these two words.

"Holy crap, isn't this just a pet?"

Bai Ye said, reaching out to touch the dinosaur's head.

As his hand came closer, the dinosaur suddenly raised its head, its big eyes filled with ferocious light, and its mouth opened wide.

"Hey...don't touch it."

Xiao Chen hurriedly stopped Bai Ye. Is such a ferocious beast really a cat or dog at home? Can you masturbate casually?

There was no need for Xiao Chen to stop him. As the dinosaur opened its mouth, Bai Ye retracted his hand with a whoosh, and even took a step back, looking shocked.

He felt that if he took this bite, his little arms would be gone.

"Little fear, calm down, I told you, these are friends."

Xiao Chen patted the dinosaur's big head again.

"They are not enemies and cannot be eaten."

" also eats people?"

Bai Ye stuttered a bit after hearing Xiao Chen's words.

"Nonsense, I've seen it eat people with my own eyes."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Don't touch it yet, wait until you get familiar with it."


Bai Ye took another step back. It was scary. It was better to stay away.

However, when he looked at the dinosaur again, his eyes shone.

"Damn, I've been to a dinosaur exhibition before, but I didn't expect that one day I'd be able to see a living one..."

"It's not necessarily a dinosaur, it just looks like it."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Brother Chen, do you want to take it back to China?"

Bai Ye asked hurriedly.

"Well, I'm having a headache. How can I get it back?"

Xiao Chen nodded.

"He's a bit big, and with his appearance, it can easily cause trouble..."

"Just disguise it and transport it back."

Bai Ye's eyes brightened even more.

"Keep it in Longshan. Damn it, everyone raises dogs and cats. If you are more awesome, you can raise lions or tigers. You are the best. Raising dinosaurs... this is too high."

"Haha, it's really good."

Xiao Chen laughed, he thought so too.

"No, the beast in the forest cannot come out of the forest. How did it come out?"

Leon asked, thinking of something.

"Also, didn't you have three days of training? Why are you coming out now? There was movement at Wolang Mountain before. What happened?"

"Amos didn't say that?"

Xiao Chen looked at Leon and asked.

"No, he just said you were back and asked me to send Xiaobai back."

Leon shook his head.

"Something happened... I can't explain it in a few words. Let's go and talk inside."

Xiao Chen said something and patted the dinosaur on the head.

"By the way, Leon, is there a place here for it to move around?"

"This... yes, there is. There are many uninhabited valleys outside the city, where we can let it pass temporarily."

Leon thought for a while and said.

"But are you sure he won't attack others?"

"Can not be sure."

Xiao Chen has another headache. What should he do with the dinosaurs?

Just when he was in trouble, Amos came over in a hurry.

"Are you done?"

Xiao Chen asked when he saw Amos.

"No, I'm here for it."

Amos pointed at the dinosaur and said.

"Putting it outside the Wolf King's Palace is not an option."

"Hmm, do you have a good place to go?"

Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"Yes, I have already arranged it. Let it follow me."

Amos nodded.

"Okay... let's go, I'll go too."

Xiao Chen said, looking at the dinosaur.

"Xiao Ding, come with me. I'll find you a place to stay first."

I don’t know if the dinosaur understood what he heard. Anyway, when it saw Xiao Chen leaving, it followed him.

"Brother Chen, it won't be able to live without you, right? In this case, it will be a lot of fun."

Bai Ye looked strange and asked in a low voice.

"It won't happen."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I just left my ancestral land. I am a familiar person. It will be good if we can communicate with each other in the future."

"Male or female?"

Suddenly, Bai Ye asked again.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Ye.

"Mom, what else are you planning to do?"

"Well, no, no, I don't have such strong taste..."

Bai Ye shook his head hastily. Although he had seen humans and beasts before...but the beast was too exaggerated.

Along the way, the dinosaurs attracted a lot of attention and caused a little panic.

Ten minutes later, Amos led them to a valley, where someone was already waiting.

"Let it go in, it's very big inside...I'll have people put chains on it to prevent it from wandering out."

Amos said to Xiao Chen.

"Although it doesn't have much effect, it's better than nothing... Talk to it carefully and don't let it come out."

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