Female President’s Bodyguard

Three hundred and fifty sixth chapters in danger

\u003c\u003e "Tail, you should go back first."

Xiao Chen turned his head and said to Ding Li and others.

"Yes, Minister Xiao!"

Ding Li and the others nodded.

Ding Li is okay, he has always known that Brother Chen is not an ordinary person, and he also controls the Falcon Hall...

But the other security guards didn't know, they all looked at Xiao Chen with adoring eyes, Mahler Gobi, who said that being a security guard has no future? Look at Minister Xiao, in the blink of an eye, he became a shareholder of the company!

After the security left, there were really only three people left in the conference room!

Allure Company, the current shareholder!

Major shareholder, Su Qing!

Second shareholder, Xiao Chen!

The third shareholder, Qin Jianwen!

Xiao Chen bought the shares of six shareholders, and the shares in his hands are much more than Qin Jianwen's!

"Xiao Chen, thank you."

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and said softly.

If Xiao Chen hadn't come out suddenly, she really didn't know what to do!

Just now, she was caught in a dilemma!

And now, everything is easily solved!

"Hehe, didn't I just say that I bought these shares not for you, but for myself... If it's normal, I don't have this chance!" Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head: "Okay, now the internal worries are resolved Now, only foreign troubles are left!"


Su Qing nodded, although Xiao Chen said so, but she also knew what he was for.

"Mr. Qin, you won't be like those guys just now, who have objections to Mr. Su, right? If you have objections, you can also transfer the equity in your hand... Don't worry, we can be regarded as half friends no matter what, I promise I won't treat them like that That will definitely give you a suitable price for you, how about it?"

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Jianwen and said with a smile.

The muscles on Qin Jianwen's face trembled a few times, and even the corners of his eyes tugged.

Afterwards, he squeezed out a gentle smile: "Hehe, why do I have any objections to Xiaoqing? Didn't I also try to buy equity from them just now? I just wanted to solve the trouble for Xiaoqing!"

"Ah, that's right, I almost forgot... Just now Mr. Qin raised the price, I admire the rich man."

Xiao Chen patted his forehead, as if he just remembered.

When Qin Jianwen heard this, he gritted his molars again: "Hehe, it's nothing to pay a little money, as long as Xiaoqing is happy."

"Yeah, I don't hesitate to spend a lot of money to make a beautiful smile, I admire it!"

Xiao Chen pretended to cup his hands, but sneered in his heart, thinking that I am an idiot? Fuck!

"Okay, you two are shareholders now, let's sit down and talk about the company."

Su Qing could sense that the relationship between these two men didn't seem so...friendly.

So, she spoke.


Now I am also a shareholder of the company, and the company's affairs are my affairs, which are related to my vital interests..."

Xiao Chen smiled, and casually pulled up a chair and sat down. Yawen bar

Qin Jianwen also sat down slowly, but a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes from time to time.

"Brother Jianwen, you should have a good understanding of the company's affairs... You are a shareholder of the company, do you have any suggestions?"

The shareholders just now were gone, so Su Qing resumed her usual address.

"Xiaoqing, don't you already have a way to deal with it? If you want to do it, then do it."

After Qin Jianwen finished speaking with a smile, he looked at Xiao Chen again: "I think Mr. Xiao also meant the same thing?"

Although Xiao Chen didn't like Qin Jianwen, he still agreed with his words!

To put it bluntly, he didn't buy the shares for himself, but for Su Qing!

This amount of money is quite a lot, but in his eyes, it is not much. Since throwing it out can solve Su Qing's immediate troubles, why not do it?

As for whether it is a loss or there is nothing left in the end, he doesn't care at all!

"That's right, President Su, do whatever you want, then do it."

"The main reason is... I just have a general direction in mind, and I haven't figured out how to operate it... The most urgent thing now is to hold a press conference. The eyes of the outside world are all on Qingcheng Company. We can no longer be silent !"

Su Qingcheng looked at the men on both sides and said seriously.

"Okay, then hold a press conference and talk about the matter... At that time, we can also call the police over."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I think we should also deal with those consumers who have allergic reactions due to the use of products... If they continue to make trouble, then this matter will never end...Xiao Qing, leave this matter to me Now! Regardless of the media or the Internet, whether consumers or officials, I will shut them up!"

When Qin Jianwen said this, he was brimming with confidence.

This self-confidence comes from the inside out, not deliberately put on, it is a kind of temperament.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Qing looked at Qin Jianwen.

"First, compensate those consumers, and then pay the hush money... This matter will end here..."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Before Qin Jianwen could finish speaking, Xiao Chen interrupted him.

"Why not?"

Qin Jianwen asked with a frown.

"It's not that everything can be bought with money... Yes, you can pay compensation, you can pay hush money, but money can't buy people's hearts... Blocking is worse than opening, once we block all the openings, it's really hard to tell We can only obtain their understanding if we fully announce the matter in front of everyone."

"You mean, admit that there is a problem with the company's products?"

Qin Jianwen frowned even deeper.

"Of course, do we still have to hide it? It is indeed a problem with the company's products, although this is not our original intention."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"But have you ever thought about it, once we admit that there is a problem with the product, who will use Qingcheng's product in the future? When the seeds of doubt are planted, consumers will always have doubts when they buy..."

"Then according to what you said, won't they doubt it? Whether it's a person or a company, it's not terrible to make a mistake, but you have to have the courage to bear the mistake... If you don't even have this courage, what else are you talking about?" ?”

Xiao Chen's voice was a little cold.


Qin Jianwen was also a little angry, why is this guy against him everywhere!

"Okay, you two stop arguing."

Su Qing stopped the two of them, glanced at them, and was thinking quickly in her heart.

Xiao Chen and Qin Jianwen also looked at Su Qing, what to do still depends on her decision.

"Xiao Chen, this matter, just do as you say."

After a long time, Su Qing spoke slowly.

Hearing Su Qing's words, Xiao Chen smiled.

Then, he looked at Qin Jianwen with provocative eyes, and he almost said, boy, how about it, you should listen to me? You scum who doesn't even admit your mistakes!

"Xiaoqing, have you ever thought about it, once we admit that there is a problem with the product, there may be a lot of troubles in the future... Never underestimate the greed of human nature."

Qin Jianwen said with a frown.

"Hehe, if you lose your humanity, what's the point of being greedy?"

Before Su Qing could speak, Xiao Chen mocked.


Qin Jianwen almost slapped the table.

"Xiao Chen, you are fully responsible for this matter, how about it?"

Su Qing thought about it and said to Xiao Chen.

"Huh? I'm in charge?"

Xiao Chen was stunned, a little dumbfounded.



"From now on, you are my special assistant, fully responsible for this matter... In addition, all departments of the company will cooperate with you!"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and said seriously.


Xiao Chen was speechless, special assistant? Why do you have another identity?

He couldn't understand why Su Qing made such a decision!

She just believes that she can handle this matter?

Qin Jianwen saw that Su Qing had made up his mind, so he didn't say anything more, but he tightly clenched his right hand under the table, and then slowly loosened it.

It wasn't the meeting that ended. Qin Jianwen went to Su Qing's office, and Xiao Chen also returned to the security department.

He is still a bit confused until now, such a big problem, why did he throw it on himself?

what is this?

Resigned in danger?

"Brother Chen, congratulations!"

"Minister Xiao, congratulations!"

As soon as Xiao Chen entered, Ding Li and the others surrounded him.

"What congratulations?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback again, did they already know that he was a special assistant?

"Brother Chen, you are now a shareholder of the company. It won't be long before we have to call you Mr. Xiao!"

Ding Li was joking.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao!"

The security guards also booed and shouted loudly.

"Hey, don't shout... No matter what, I'm still the head of our security department."

Xiao Chen grinned, as if calling Mr. Xiao was more... more enjoyable than being called Minister Xiao!

After talking nonsense with the security guards for a while, Xiao Chen returned to his office and sorted out carefully.

He thinks the general direction is no problem, but he has to think about how to operate it!

Qin Jianwen's worries were not without problems, but Xiao Chen felt that he could still handle them well.

Just as he was thinking about it, the phone on the desk rang.

"Xiao Chen, come to my office."

Su Qing's voice came from the receiver.

"Huh? Oh, I'll go right away."

Xiao Chen hung up the phone, got up, and walked outside.

When he came to the president's office, Xiao Chen knocked on the door, and Su Qing's voice came from inside.

Opening the door, Xiao Chen glanced, Qin Jianwen had already left.

"Xiao Chen, sit down."

"Um. "

Xiao Chen sat opposite Su Qing and looked at her.

"Xiao Chen, thank you."

"Hehe, didn't you thank me just now? Besides, I also made it clear..."

"I know why you are."

Before Xiao Chen could finish speaking, Su Qing interrupted him.

To be honest, when Xiao Chen said that the card has 500 million dollars, she was also very surprised, but when she thought about what happened to this guy, she felt that let alone 500 million dollars, that is to say, 500 million U.S. dollars is not enough. Not impossible.

This is a mysterious guy!

"Hehe, I promise your brother that I will solve your troubles."

Xiao Chen smiled, he didn't want to talk about this anymore, and there was nothing to talk about.

Su Qing nodded and didn't talk about it, but she would keep it in her heart.

"You know why I let you take full responsibility for this matter?"

"I don't know, it's just strange."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I remember that your medical skills are very good. I want you to treat those consumers... This time, I not only want to eliminate the negative impact of this incident, but also let Qingcheng Company know it!"

When Su Qing said the last sentence, she suddenly became very energetic!

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