Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3569: No price at all!

"Of course, I will always wear the things you gave me."

Xiao Chen nodded without even thinking about it.


Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen and secretly admired how Brother Chen did it... He spoke this nonsense so smoothly and naturally without even blinking.

If he had three-thirds of Brother Chen's skills, he would already have a group of wives and concubines, right?


Listening to Xiao Chen's words, Qiong smiled happily.

"It never responded. I thought you weren't wearing it."

"How is it possible? It's because I haven't been in danger before... If it wasn't in danger, it would have reacted."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Not only do I wear it, I often take it off and look at it, recalling everything we did on Kresna Island..."


Bai Ye got up and walked out.

He felt that he couldn't stay. He really couldn't stand listening anymore. He was afraid that he would laugh out loud.

"Xiaobai, why are you going?"

Xiao Chen asked strangely.

"Ah... well, I'm going to the bathroom, and you guys are chatting, haha, you guys are chatting."

Bai Ye waved his hand and left in a hurry without looking back.

Roald looked at Bai Ye's back, then at Xiao Chen... He actually didn't believe what he said.

But he didn't know what happened on Kresna Island, so it was difficult to judge.

"Um... Xiao Chen, before you, I never thought that young people from China could be so powerful."

Roald changed the subject. He was afraid that if Xiao Chen continued talking, Qiong would be so moved that she would throw herself into her arms.

"Haha, it's not worth mentioning... There are many young people in China who are better than me."

Xiao Chen started bragging for China again.

"I'm just one of them."


Roald was stunned. Are all young people in China so strong?

He had been to China before and had contact with ancient warriors in the ancient Chinese martial arts world. There were not many powerful people.

Could it be that the ancient Chinese martial arts world has undergone earth-shaking changes in recent years?

"Mr. Roald, welcome to China as a guest..."

Xiao Chen looked at Roald's reaction and smiled secretly in his heart, "Believe it or not, I'll blow it first and then talk about it."


Roald nodded, feeling a little prouder in his heart.

"Xiao Chen, your damaged soul should not recover in a short time... Otherwise, you can follow me to West Asia Island, where your soul can be repaired faster."

Qiong looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"When the time comes, I can also ask my father to help..."

Hearing Qiong's words, Roald's expression changed slightly, and asked Xiao Chen to go to West Asia Island?

You know, outsiders are not allowed in there!

Although Xiao Chen and Qiong are friends, they can't go!

He wanted to stop, but noticed Joan's gaze and held back.

Whether to go or not is not decided by him, nor by Joan, but... by the Elf King.

"Haha, I appreciate your kindness...but recently, I have to go back to China."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"I'm in China and have some things to do."

"Is it an emergency? At this time, you should recuperate first..."

Joan frowned and said worriedly.

"It's okay. I heard from the old patriarch that the werewolf clan also has some opportunities that can help me recover as soon as possible..."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Qiong, don't worry... But you, didn't you say before that you were going to China? You never contacted me."

"I contacted you, but I didn't get in touch..."

Qiong looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Later, something happened..."

"Oh okay."

Xiao Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Although they had kissed each other, in fact, the two of them were not too familiar.

"Then you can go to China with me this time, and I will be your guide..."

"No, Joan needs to go back as soon as possible."

Before Joan could speak, Roald spoke.

Xiao Chen looked at Roald, this guy... is quite annoying!

Joan looked at Roald, a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes: "Well,

Xiao Chen, I have to go back as soon as possible...I came out this time, just because I don't trust you, so come and have a look. "

Xiao Chen's heart moved. Is there something going on?

However, in front of Roald, he didn't ask any more questions.

Soon, Bai Ye and Amos came back.

"I have made arrangements and will send them here."

Amos said to Xiao Chen.

"I have also arranged a dinner to welcome friends from the elves and China to the Ouse Mountains."


Xiao Chen smiled and nodded. Lao Xue and the others are here. It should be very lively tonight.

Speaking of which, I haven't had Vulcan BBQ in a while. I haven't eaten in several days. I need to eat more tonight.

"Joan, let me introduce you to some new friends tonight."

Xiao Chen turned his head and said to Qiong.


Joan smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, everyone chatted, and the atmosphere was quite good.

Because the topic did not involve Xiao Chen and Qiong, Roald did not interfere much... He came this time not only to protect Qiong's personal safety, but also had other tasks.

"Then what, Mr. Roald, since you have come to the Ouse Mountains, you should take a walk here."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen spoke.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Roald was stunned for a moment, wandering around here?

He had no interest at first, but when Xiao Chen said so, he agreed.

"Okay, this is my first time coming to the Ouse Mountains. I really should have a good time."

"Well, Amos, you take Mr. Roald for a walk... you must have a good time."

Xiao Chen turned his head and said to Amos.

Amos was also startled, asking him to take Roald around?

But soon, he came to his senses and nodded with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Roald, let's go then."

"Xiao Chen, aren't you going?"

Roald looked at Xiao Chen and realized something was wrong.

"Me? Haha, Mr. Roald, I am seriously injured, so I won't take you around myself... Let Amos take you. He knows the Ouse Mountains better than I do."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.


Roald was stunned and subconsciously looked at Joan.

"Qiong, you paid a big price to save me, so you should rest more... Don't go either, take a good rest first, and when you're done, I'll take you around tomorrow."

Before Qiong could speak, Xiao Chen spoke again.


Joan responded and nodded.

She also wanted to stay alone with Xiao Chen for a while. Although the atmosphere of chatting like this was not bad, it was not good after all.

In front of Roald, there are some things that cannot be said.

Just now she was thinking about how to find an opportunity to get rid of Roald.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen dug a hole and let Roald jump in.

"Well...since Qiong won't go, I won't go either. She's resting, and I have to stay outside the door to protect her."

Roald said hurriedly.

"Why, Mr. Roald can't trust the werewolves, or can't he trust me?"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's voice dropped slightly.

"I, the werewolf clan, will be responsible for Joan's safety in the Ouse Mountains... Why, Mr. Roald, do you think anyone will hurt Joan here?"

As Xiao Chen's voice sank, Roald's heart also sank.

If anyone else said this, even if it was Amos, he wouldn't care at all.

You can even fall out on the spot.

After all, he was used to being strong.

But when these words came out of Xiao Chen's mouth, he couldn't help but care.

Even...he felt a little pressure.

Even though Xiao Chen was seriously injured now and was no match for him, he still felt the pressure.

"Of course not..."

Roald spoke subconsciously.

"I'm just worried..."

"As long as I'm here, don't worry... I will protect her safety with my life."

Xiao Chen looked at Roald and asked slowly.

"Is this promise enough?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Qiong's eyes flashed and she was moved in her heart.

Although Xiao Chen said this to Roald, she also believed it.

He did the same thing when he took her to escape on Kresna Island.

But Roald couldn't say anything. Xiao Chen had already said so. If he said anything more, he would really offend Xiao Chen.

He was still wary of the young man who killed the Blood Emperor.

Furthermore... he didn't understand their king's thoughts. If anything happened to Xiao Chen and their princess, he would not be offended.

"In that case, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Roald looked at Qiong, then at Xiao Chen, and said.

"Haha, no trouble, Joan and I are good friends."

Xiao Chen smiled again.

"I don't want Mr. Roald to work too hard. Now that we're here, let's relax..."


Roald smiled bitterly, Xiao Chen had already said so, what else could he say.

"Mr. Roald, let's go."

Amos stood up and said.


Roald nodded, stood up, and looked at Joan again.

"I'm going out for a walk, I'll be back soon..."

"Haha, Roald, you have worked hard to protect me all the way... Go around more, I am safe with Xiao Chen here."

Joan smiled.


Roald's wry smile became even thicker. Hey, Her Royal Highness the Princess also thought he was getting in the way.

He shook his head and followed Amos outside.

"It's okay to leave...without paying any attention to it."

Xiao Chen looked at Roald's back and muttered.

"Haha, he also wanted to protect me."

Qiong smiled and looked at Xiao Chen with light in her eyes.

Just now, she had been restraining her excitement and excitement.

Now that Roald is gone, she doesn't have to restrain herself anymore.

"Well, I know. I just said that he has no discernment and no price. I didn't say anything else."

Xiao Chen's voice was a little louder.

"Got...understood, we have to be discerning and pay more."

Bai Ye stood up.

"Stop sitting still, let's go?"

"Don't you want to rest?"

Leon was surprised that at this moment, he was in Erha state again.

"Yes, rest, but how can I rest when you are here? Hurry up!"

Bai Ye gave Leon a hand.

"Let's go."

Soon, Bai Ye and others left, leaving only Xiao Chen and Qiong.

"Finally everyone left..."

Xiao Chen breathed out a sigh of relief. It's time for his discernment to be worth a long time, okay?


Hearing what Xiao Chen said, Qiong laughed.

"Do you feel better now?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.


Qiong nodded and looked at Xiao Chen with tenderness.

"Xiao Chen, I miss you..."

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