Female President’s Bodyguard

Three hundred and sixtieth chapters still alive

\u003c\u003e Fuck her?

Xiao Chen threw the phone on the bed, looked at the roof, and pondered what the old fortune-teller said.

Although the old fortune-teller is a bit unscrupulous, you still have to listen to his words!

Especially after he had been talking about it for a long time, and finally popped out these two words, it was definitely not a casual talk!

Therefore, Xiao Chen, who still knows the old fortune teller, can't ignore his words!

Originally, he was so thoughtful, even when Su Yunfei was alive, he made such a joke.

What joke?

Of course it's a brother-in-law's joke!

It's just that it wasn't said at the time whether it was Su Qing or Su Xiaomeng.

But if it is said that because it is good for him, he went to see Su Qing, what would it be?

Shouldn't feelings be pure and not mixed with anything else?

Otherwise, this is a kind of desecration of feelings!

The most important thing is that Xiao Chen hasn't thought about developing a relationship... especially, the other party is Su Yunfei's younger sister!

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette, took a few deep breaths, and continued to struggle.

Until he finished smoking a cigarette, he turned over and sat up, forget it, what happened before, what is going on now, just let nature take its course!

Besides, after helping her solve the trouble, he has to go to Naga himself, and he doesn't even know if he can come back alive!

Therefore, it is useless to think too much!

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Chen felt at ease, thinking about today's affairs today and tomorrow's affairs, let's leave it to tomorrow to worry about!

Plans can never keep up with changes, this is not a joke!

Xiao Chen put out the cigarette in his hand and stepped out of the room. He had to tell Su Qing the good news.

The Su family sisters are sitting on the sofa chatting, and there is Korean Oppa on the TV!

Because Xiao Chen reminded her several times, Su Xiaomeng did not deliberately pursue the speed of cultivation.

Haste makes waste, if you really go crazy, it will be too late to regret!

Therefore, Su Xiaomeng resumed her previous life rhythm, watching two episodes of TV series at night, eating some snacks, and practicing ancient martial arts while sleeping!

The company's affairs are developing in a good direction, and Su Qing didn't go back to her room to work anymore, so it was rare for her to chat with her younger sister.

Seeing Xiao Chen coming out, the two sisters looked over.

"Brother Chen, come and watch TV."

Su Xiaomeng greeted.

"dont see."


"The leading actor is not as handsome as me."


Su Xiaomeng was speechless, and this guy was even more shameless.

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen with questioning eyes, who nodded slightly.

"Xiaomeng, it's almost time, why don't you go back to practice and sleep?"

Su Qing saw Xiao Chen nodded,

Knowing that he has something to say to himself, and it is inconvenient for the younger sister to know.

"Huh? What time is it? I'll watch another episode."

"Don't look, it's getting late, hurry up."


Su Xiaomeng looked at her sister, then at Xiao Chen, what are they going to do?

Otherwise, why rush yourself so much?

"Okay, then I'm going to sleep... Sis, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Me? I'll sleep right away too."

Su Qing nodded.

"Well, then I went upstairs to practice, good night brother Chen, good night sister."

Su Xiaomeng stood up, and after she finished speaking, she jumped up the stairs.

"What's up?"

Seeing the little girl went upstairs, Su Qing asked in a low voice.

"About your parents."


Su Qing trembled and her eyes widened.


"I... let's go to your room and talk."

Su Qing said, looked up upstairs, and whispered to Xiao Chen.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded, turned around and walked towards the room.

Su Qing followed closely, and then half-closed the door.

"What's going on? Is there any news?"

As soon as she came in, Su Qing couldn't wait to ask.

"No news, but I know they are still alive."

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and said.


Su Qing's body trembled again, and her eyes even turned red.

These years, she has been looking for clues to her parents, she gritted her teeth, not daring to think about the worst outcome!

She kept telling herself that her parents must still be alive, and that the whole family could be reunited...

Even, on how many nights, when she woke up from her dream, her pillow would be wet with tears!

As time went by, she felt that she couldn't even lie to herself. If her parents were fine, why didn't they contact her?

Could it be that something happened to them?

But even if something happened, she didn't intend to give up, even...she was prepared for the worst!

Now, when Xiao Chen suddenly told her that her parents were still alive, how could she not be excited?

"You, how do you know? Didn't you say that there is no news from them?"

Su Qing stared at Xiao Chen without blinking.

"Well, although I don't have any news about them, there are other ways... Do you believe in Feng Shui? Do you believe in Yi Xue? Do you believe in fortune-telling? Do you believe in physiognomy?"

Xiao Chen asked softly.

If she doesn't believe it, then Xiao Chen doesn't know how to explain it to her. I'm afraid she won't believe it if she explains it!

In the eyes of too many people, these things are superstitions and cannot be trusted!

Especially those with higher education, even threatened to only believe in science, not these crooked ways!

As everyone knows, real masters believe in these things very much!

Including those in the imperial court!

How many Feng Shui masters are there in Zhongnanhai? How many Yixue masters have you raised?

It is said that when Boss Mao and Lao Jiang fought back then, they both used Qimen Dunjia...Of course, Xiao Chen doesn't know whether this is true or not.

"I believe."

To Xiao Chen's surprise, Su Qing nodded.

"you believe?"

"Yes." Su Qing nodded: "But, what does this have to do with my parents?"

"A while ago, I took a photo of you and Xiaomeng, and then passed it on to a fortune teller... He is very powerful, very powerful! Just now, he called me and said that through the faces of the two of you, you can I see that your parents are still alive."


Su Qing was a little excited again.

"Well, really."

Xiao Chen nodded, but felt a little guilty. Fortunately, at this moment, Su Qing only had the news of her parents in her eyes, and didn't care about when he would take pictures at all!

Because, that photo was secretly taken by him!

"What else did the fortune teller say? Did he say where my parents are? Are they doing well? When can I find them?"

The strong woman in the vertical and horizontal shopping mall is just an ordinary girl who wants to find her parents at this time, she asked impatiently.


Xiao Chen smiled wryly when he heard Su Qing's questioning like a machine gun, but he was also a little moved in his heart!

This is the love of children for their parents!

"Xiao Chen, tell me quickly!"

Seeing that Xiao Chen was silent, Su Qing urged her to ask.

"This... Su Qing, he is just a fortune teller, not a god."

Xiao Chen smiled wryly, and used the words that the old fortune teller blocked him just now to block Su Qing.


Su Qing opened her mouth, yes, what happened to her?

Thinking about it, she burst into tears, when will she find them?

Xiao Chen watched Su Qing cry, and comforted him: "Su Qing, I believe the old fortune teller, he said that your parents are alive, so they must be alive... Although there is no other news for now, it is the best news that they are still alive Is it?"

"Yeah, they're still alive, that's the best news..."

Su Qing nodded slightly, tears streaming down her face.


Suddenly, the half-hidden door burst open, and a figure rushed in from the outside.

Both Xiao Chen and Su Qing were startled, and turned their heads to look over.

"Little Meng?"

Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he saw the person coming.

Because it was in the villa, and Su Qing was crying, so he comforted her with all his heart, and didn't pay attention to the surroundings.

Therefore, Su Xiaomeng's appearance still surprised him. Didn't this chick go upstairs to sleep?

Su Qing was also surprised. She looked at the little girl without even bothering to wipe the tears on her face: "Xiaomeng, why are you here?"

"Sister, is what you just said true?"

Su Xiaomeng's eyes were also a little red, staring at her sister.


"Mom and Dad are still alive."

"Well, it's true."

Su Qing nodded slightly. She rarely talked with her younger sister about her parents, because she didn't want to increase her burden!

In her opinion, the little girl should not think about anything, just study hard and be happy!

As for the parents' affairs, it's good for the elder brother and myself to worry about them!

However, since she bumped into it, there is no need to hide it.

"Where is that fortune teller? I want to see him."

Su Xiaomeng's eyes turned redder, and she turned to look at Xiao Chen.

"This... I can't see it."

Xiao Chen shook his head, the old fortune-teller was always on the lookout, if he didn't call, he wouldn't be able to find him.

Moreover, he also knew that the old fortune teller would definitely not meet the two sisters.

"Sister, are parents really still alive?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at Su Qing again, tears finally couldn't stop.

"Be good, Xiaomeng, don't cry, parents must still be alive, and we will definitely find them."

Su Qing stretched out her arms and hugged the little girl, comforting her, and also comforting herself.

She also needs to encourage herself to believe that her parents are really alive...one day, they will be reunited!

Xiao Chen looked at the two sisters who were hugging each other, and sighed in his heart, old guy, you must not make a mistake, or... this face will be beaten into a pig's head!


In a villa, the environment is dark.

"Tomorrow afternoon, Qingcheng Company will hold a press conference. You should find a way to create some trouble."

A cold voice sounded.


"What a scene, it's all ruined... I didn't get what I wanted, damn it!"


"What I asked you to check, did you find it?"

"It has been found."

"Bring it to me tomorrow."

"Yes." The voice paused, and continued: "Now it is destroyed, what should we do next?"

"I know it in my heart, so I don't need to ask more."


"By the way, go and do something for me."

"Please say."

"Break the legs of those six guys and let them know that if they make a wrong choice, there will be a price to pay!"




A figure on the opposite side stood up and left.

After he left, the remaining people picked up the desk phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the other side answered, but there was no sound, and the silence was a little weird.

However, the people here still spoke coldly.

"Temporarily cancel all operations, wait for my order!"


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