Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3714 Learn more

Three days passed by in a flash.

In these three days, Xiao Chen basically did nothing else but recover from his injuries and heal Lao Xiao and the others.

Especially Lao Xiao and the others, although they are all innately strong, they are still old after all. If they are not treated properly, they can easily develop hidden diseases.

Xiao Chen not only treated their injuries, but also used the 'qi-inducing method' to clear their meridians and enhance their vitality.

Lao Xiao and others already understood the 'method of entraining qi', but Zhuge Qingtian and others were shocked when they saw the 'method of entraining qi' for the first time.

This 'method of entraining qi' can be said to be against the heavens, and it allows them to live against the heavens!

In the past, if they wanted to enhance their vitality, they only had a few methods, such as using spiritual liquid, etc., which was very difficult.

But now... directly absorb the spiritual energy from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and transform it into life force.

Following Xiao Chen's 'method of entraining qi', a group of veteran innates are obviously much younger than before.

The most exaggerated one is the old ghost Heifeng... His originally gray hair turned half black.

This change made Xiao Chen speechless. Does it have the effect of baking oil?

Today, Xiao Chen no longer needs to hide and tuck in like he did before. After all, his own strength has reached the pinnacle of the ancient martial arts world.

Before, Lao Xiao asked him to show less of himself because he was afraid that he would be remembered.

This is definitely a way to change one's fate. If the innate experts knew about it, they would definitely tie Xiao Chen up and ask him to extend their lives.

And now...even if this matter spreads, I'm afraid not many people would dare to take Xiao Chen's advice.

If you want to take advantage of Xiao Chen, you must first consider whether he is stronger than Ancestor Qingming!

In the ancient martial arts world, there are some who are stronger than Ancestor Qing Ming, but they are very few.

People like Prime Minister Wu, after being shocked, immediately realized... what Xiao Chen could bring to them.

So... one by one, they felt that they had made an extremely correct decision to join Longmen and become a Longmen elder.

As long as they are Longmen elders,

Then their life...not to mention immortality, will at least be much longer than before.

ten years?

Twenty years?

Possibly longer.

Who wants to die if he can live?

Especially these veteran innates, all of whom are at the top of the pyramid, cherish their lives very much.

Regardless of life, in the past, everyone would not be like an old tortoise, sitting in seclusion all day, unable to come out, reducing the consumption of vitality.

In addition to healing his injuries, Xiao Chen would often go to Longshan to talk nonsense and brag with the masters of Longmen.

By the way... I want to instill in Xu Songshan and others the idea of ​​'I trust you very much, just go ahead and do it, I will support you in everything'.

In this case, he can happily be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Xu Songshan and others were also moved by Xiao Chen's 'trust', saying that they would definitely make Longmen better... These old casual cultivators felt a sense of responsibility and mission, one by one, as if they had a second spring. of.

"Brother Chen, are you using the method of opening a company to establish the ancient martial arts force?"

Coming down from Longshan, Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen with a strange expression.

"Is there any difference? No difference."

Xiao Chen was a little proud.

"Anyway, as long as it can be done well."


Bai Ye nodded.

"If Lin Yue and the others come, will anything happen?"

"I don't know. After the battle at Cangxia Cliff, I think some of their ideas should have changed."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and said slowly.

"At least, in their eyes, I have the capital to talk to them on an equal footing."

"Sure enough, strength is the most important thing...it's useless to say anything else."

Bai Ye sighed.

"The ancient martial arts world relies on force, while the secular world relies on power, financial resources, etc... It doesn't matter whether it's the ancient martial arts world or the secular world, it's the same."

"Haha, that's how it is."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Not to mention the ancient martial arts world and the secular world, this is the same principle at home and abroad in ancient and modern times."

"Qingyun Tower is very ambitious. What about Xingxiu Island? I guess they are also ambitious, right? Otherwise, they wouldn't come out so soon."

Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"You must be asking for something if you take the risk."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"However, as long as it doesn't go too far, I don't bother to antagonize them...if it goes too far, I'll just fall out."

About half an hour later, Xiao Chen returned to Xiao's manor and met Lin Yue and others.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, Wu Cheng and others were chatting with Lin Yue and the others.

"Master Xiao."

Lin Yue saw Xiao Chen coming back and stood up to say hello.

"Haha, Senior Lin, please sit down."

Xiao Chen smiled. He could feel that Lin Yue's attitude had changed since he was on Cangxia Cliff.

However, this is also human nature.

Although he had shown strong combat power before, he was not so exaggerated.

The battle at Cangxia Cliff brought his status to a new level.

"I didn't know that Senior Lin was coming today, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to Longshan and would have welcomed you here."

Xiao Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"You're welcome, Master Xiao. I don't have anything to do when I come today. I just want to have a chat."

Lin Yue also smiled.

"I thought that Master Xiao was injured before, so I didn't bother him."

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

When Xiao Chen said this, he paused.

"I still want to thank Senior Lin. If you had taken action that day, we would have been seriously injured."

"Master Xiao is so polite. If we had taken action that day, we wouldn't be sitting here drinking tea and chatting with Master Xiao today."

Lin Yue smiled.

"I won't talk about what happened that day, but there is something I would like to remind Master Xiao."

"Senior Lin, please speak."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Brother Xiao and I mentioned just now that the clone that day had quite a history."

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Three sons of Qingyun?"

Xiao Chen chuckled.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Lin Yue was surprised: "You know?"

"I just heard that."

Xiao Chenyou took a sip of tea.

"Senior Lin, please tell me carefully. Since you have killed his clone, you will have to face him sooner or later... Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle."

"The Third Son of Qingyun is the three giants of Qingyun Tower, and the Third Son of Qingyun is what the outside world calls them... That clone is Qiu Jing's, and he ranks second among the Three Sons of Qingyun."

Lin Yue nodded and introduced.

"The eldest of the three Qingyun sons is named Qi Mian, and the third is Qingdi..."

"Qing Emperor?"

Hearing this name, a strange color flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"If I become the Qing Emperor in another year, will my retribution be like peach blossoms?"

"Yes, that's the Qing Emperor."

Lin Yue nodded.

"The people who usually control the Qingyun Tower are Qi Mian and Qiu Jing, but the strongest one is the Qing Emperor..."

"Qing Emperor... one of the Five Heavenly Emperors, what a great name."

Xiao Yi also raised his eyebrows.

"This Qing Emperor... is still Qing Yunzi's master."

When Lin Yue said this, he looked at Xiao Chen.

"It's the Qingyunzi I talked about last time."


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. The last time Lin Yue talked about Qingyunzi, it still brought him a lot of pressure.

Now it seems that not only Qingyunzi is strong, but his master Qingdi is even stronger.

"What is the strength of this Qing Emperor?"

Wu Laoguai asked.

"Not sure."

Lin Yue shook his head.

"I can only say... unfathomable."


After hearing Lin Yue's words, Xiao Chen and others' expressions changed slightly.

Lin Yue is already very strong. How powerful can he be if he can let such a strong man say 'unfathomable' words?

Not to mention Qing Emperor, Qiu Jing's clone is comparable to a strong man from the Seventh Heavenly Foundation... And Qiu Jing is not the strongest among the three Qing Yun sons.

It can be seen how strong Qing Emperor is.

"The Qing Emperor's strength is also top-notch in the entire Tianwaitian."

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Chen and said.


The atmosphere became a little dull.

Xiao Chen and others all felt depressed. With such a powerful enemy, no one could relax.

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't get out now... It's useless even if he can go to heaven."

Suddenly, Bai Ye muttered.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Xiao Chen suddenly smiled, a little suppressed, and disappeared in an instant.

"That's right, no matter how powerful he is, he won't come out now... What will happen to Qingdi when he comes out?"

Xiao Chen chuckled lightly, but there was a bit of confidence and domineering in his words.

As long as he builds his divine foundation, his combat power will definitely reach another level, or even leap forward.

When the time comes, it is not impossible for him to punch Qingdi and kick Qingyunzi...


Lin Yue and others looked at Xiao Chen, surprised by the change in his mentality, and a little speechless at the same time.

Qing Emperor, the top powerhouse in Tianwaitian, is so ignored?

"Senior Lin, do you think this senior man will escape back to Tianwaitian?"

Xiao Chen looked at Lin Yue and asked.

Hearing this, Lin Yue's heart moved. Does he still want to kill Gao Nian?

"Probably not. It's not that easy to go back."

Lin Yue shook his head.

"Then... one more question, after you come out, can you contact Tianwaitian?"

Xiao Chen poured Lin Yue a cup of tea and asked.

"This is okay."

Lin Yue nodded.

"This world now has mobile phones and the like, which can be used for long-distance communication... and Tianwaitian also has many means, such as message stones."


Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, that is, what happened on Cangxia Cliff has been known to Qingyun Tower?

Next, will Qingyun Tower send out more experts?

"However, after all, there are space restrictions, and the message stone is basically useless... It's not that simple for Senior to contact Qingyun Tower."

Lin Yue knew Xiao Chen's thoughts and said again.

"Speaking of this, I think Gao Nian will return to Qingyan Sect... Since Qingyun Tower has arrangements in Qingyan Sect, there may be other arrangements."

"Going back to Qingyan Sect?"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes. It seemed that he had to remind Wan Tu that it would be fine if he didn't go back in Gaonian. If he did, he couldn't be allowed to leave alive.

"We were also surprised that Qiu Jing's clone came out..."

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Chen.

"You know, the rules of this world are different from those of the outer world. Even the clones will be killed when they come out... We haven't figured this out yet."

"Haha, maybe there is some special method."

Xiao Chen smiled, but he was a little wary in his heart. Since Qingyun Tower has such means, what about other forces?

It’s better to be careful!

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